September 1867, reel 2; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Charles Griffi
n], April 1,
1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; Tyler, ed., New Handbook of Texas, 3:196–197; Mor-
timer H. Goddin, Livingston, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., September 25, 1867,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Mortimer H. Goddin to [Charles Griffi
n], April 1, 1867, AC,
LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; Special Orders No. 35, March 25, 1867, AC, IRB, October 1865–
April 1869, reel 19; Mortimer H. Goddin to [Charles Griffi
n], April 19, 1867, AC, LR,
1866–1867, reel 5. For examples of the actions of P. B. Johnson and William Garretson,
see James C. Devine, Inspector, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 22, 1867, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 15; William Garretson, Matagorda, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., May 18,
1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; William Garretson, Matagorda, to J. T. Kirkman,
A.A.A.G., May 21, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., to William Gar-
retson, Matagorda, May 23, 1867, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 1; William Gar-
retson, Matagorda, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., June 6, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5;
William Garretson, Matagorda, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., June 14, 1867, AC, LR,
1866–1867, reel 5; William Garretson, Matagorda, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., June 30,
1867, AC, ROC, June–August, 1867, reel 21; William Garretson, Matagorda, to J. T.
Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 31, 1867, AC, ROC, June–August, 1867, reel 21; J. T. Kirkman,
A.A.A.G., to A. P. Ketchum, A.A.A.G., District of Texas, August 24, 1867, AC, LS,
March 1867–May 1869, reel 2; and Election Registers 1838–1972: Appointments to
ce under Provisional Government, August 1866–1870 and Election and Appoint-
ment of State and County Offi
cials, 1866–1870, Texas State Archives and Library, Aus-
tin, Texas, reel 4, pg. 68 (hereaft er cited as Election Registers).
14. Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Charles Griffi
n], April 15, 1867, AC, LR,
1866–1867, reel 5; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Charles Griffi
n], June 3, 1867,
AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; Brvt. Maj. L. H. Sanger, Post of Livingston, Commander, to
A. H. M. Taylor, A.A.A.G., District of Texas, August 5, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 8;
Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 31, 1867, AC, ROC,
June–August 1867, reel 21; L. H. Sanger, Woodville, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., Sep-
tember 10, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Head-
quarters], June 22, 1867, AC, ROC, June–August, 1867, reel 21; Mortimer H. Goddin,
Livingston, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 24, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; Mor-
timer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Headquarters], September 10, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 11; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., September
9, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to [Headquarters],
August 31, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to J. T.
Kirkman, A.A.A.G., September 30, 1867, AC, ROC, September–October 1867, reel 22;
Mortimer H. Goddin, Livingston, to J. A. Potter, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1867, AC, ROC,
June–August 1867, reel 21.
15. L. H. Sanger, Woodville, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., September 10, 1867, AC,
LR, 1867–1869, reel 16; Tyler, ed., New Handbook of Texas, 3:197; Mortimer H. Goddin,
Livingston, to [Headquarters], n.d., AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Mortimer, H. Goddin,
Livingston, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 31, 1867, AC, ROC, June–August 1867, reel
21; Special Orders No. 90, September 28, 1867, AC, IRB, October 1865–April 1869, reel
19; L. H. Sanger, Livingston, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel
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Notes to pages 119–120
15; James Lowrie, Jasper, to J. J. Reynolds, October 13, 1867, AC, ULR, 1867–1869, reel 18;
James Lowrie, Jasper, to J. J. Reynolds, October 22, 1867, AC, ULR, 1867–1869, reel 18;
James P. Butler, Huntsville, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., November 30, 1867, AC,
ROC, November–December, 1867, reel 23. For the dispute with William H. Howard
fi nd William H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., December 25,
1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; and William H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A.
Vernou, A.A.A.G., February 3, 1869, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12.
16. Edward Guthridge, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Texas, to Benjamin Har-
ris Brewster, Attorney General, July 24, 1883, Crouch Collection–Victoria.
17. Cimbala, Under the Guardianship of the Nation, 67, 220; Carpenter, “Agents of
the Freedmen’s Bureau,” 280; Alfred T. Manning to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., June
26, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 13; Smallwood, “Charles E. Culver, A Reconstruction
Agent in Texas,” 358; Moneyhon, “George T. Ruby,” 368; Michael W. Fitzgerald, Th
Union League Movement in the Deep South: Politics and Agricultural Change During
Reconstruction (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), 2. For works that
fi nd Bureau political activity, but are less certain about its extent, see Lee W. Formwalt,
e Origins of African- American Politics in Southwest Georgia: A Case Study of Black
Political Organization During Presidential Reconstruction, 1865–1867,” Journal of Negro
History 77 (Autumn 1992): 211–222; Weymouth T. Jordan, “Th
e Freedmen’s Bureau in
Tennessee,” East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 11 (1939): 58; Carpenter,
Sword and Olive Branch, 143–144; Abbott, Freedmen’s Bureau in South Carolina, 29–36;
and Joel Williamson, Aft er Slavery: Th
e Negro in South Carolina During Reconstruction,
1861–1877 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965), 364–365. For works
concluding the agency as politically partisan, see James Marten, “ ‘What is to become of
the Negro?’ White Reaction to Emancipation in Texas,” Mid- America: An Historical
Review 73 (April–July 1991): 122–123; Weinfeld, “More Courage Th
an Discretion,” 491–
492; White, Freedmen’s Bureau in Louisiana, 27–30; Randolph B. Campbell, “Th
e Bur-
den of Local Black Leadership During Reconstruction: A Research Note,” Civil War
History 39 (June 1993): 148–153; Bentley, History of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 195, 214;
George R. Bentley, “Th
e Political Activity of the Freedmen’s Bureau in Georgia,” Florida
Historical Quarterly 28 (July 1948): 28–37; White, Freedmen’s Bureau in Louisiana, 39;
Staples, Reconstruction in Arkansas, 216; James G. Randall and David Donald, Th
e Civil
War and Reconstruction (Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1961), 576–577; Charles
Hubert Coleman, Election of 1868: Th
e Democratic Eff ort to Regain Control (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1933), 369–370; Nunn, Texas Under the Carpetbaggers, 246;
Claude Oubre, Forty Acres and a Mule (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
1978), 192; Paul Skeels Pierce, Th
Freedmen’s Bureau, A Chapter in the History of Recon-
struction (Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1904), 168; Philips, “Freedmen’s Bureau in Ten-
nessee,” 337; James A Baggett, “Birth of the Texas Republican Party,” Southwestern
Historical Quarterly 78 (July 1974–April 1975): 1–20; James A. Baggett, “Origins of Early
Texas Republican Party Leadership,” Journal of Southern History 40 (August 1974): 441–
454; Richard G. Lowe, “Th
e Freedmen’s Bureau and Local Black Leadership,” Journal of
American History 80 (December 1993): 989–998; Lowe, “Freedmen’s Bureau and Local
White Leaders in Virginia,” 455–472; Mugleston, ed., “Th
e Freedmen’s Bureau and
Reconstruction in Virginia,” 47; and Th
ompson, Reconstruction in Georgia, 53.
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Notes to pages 121–124
18. Mathew Young, Belton, to Dr. Powell, et al., September 9, 1867, SAC, LS, July–
December 1867, reel 13; Albert A. Metzner, San Augustine, to James C. Devine, Galves-
ton, August 14, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 7; Charles E. Culver, Cotton Gin, to [J. T.],
Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 5, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 4; F. B. Sturgis, Marlin Falls,
to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 16, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 8.
19. Joshua L. Randall, Sterling, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., May 31, 1867, AC, ROC,
December 1866–May 1867, reel 20; Joshua L. Randall, Sterling, to J. T. Kirkman,
A.A.A.G., April 30, 1867, AC, ROC, December 1866–May 1867, reel 20.
20. Charles Haughn, Waco, to C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., September 5, 1868, AC,
ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Th
omas H. Baker, Lockhart, to Charles S. Morse,
A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Charles Schmidt,
Sumpter, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 1, 1868, AC, ROC, August–Octo-
ber, 1868, reel 27; John Dix, Corpus Christi, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31,
1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Joshua L. Randall, Sterling, to Charles
A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; F. P.
Wood, Brenham, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, June–
August, 1867, reel 21; Carpenter, Sword and Olive Branch, 143–144.
21. William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., April 1, 1867, AC,
LR, 1866–1867, reel 8.
22. Anthony M. Bryant, Sherman, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., October 31,
1867, AC, ROC, September–October, 1867, reel 22; Philip Howard, Meridian, to Charles
Garretson, A.A.A.G., September 30, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 6; Alex Ferguson,
Nacogdoches, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., April 15, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11;
Alex Ferguson, Nacogdoches, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., May 1, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 11; John Hope Franklin, Reconstruction: Aft er the Civil War (Chicago: Uni-
versity of Chicago, 1961), 86.
23. Joseph A. Wright to O. O. Howard, October 3, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 16;
Excerpt of Crockett Sentinel, October 24, 1867, AC, ULR, 1867–1869 and Undated, reel
18; J. H. Bradford, Centerville, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., October 3, 1867, AC,
LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Charles Griffi
n to O. O. Howard, August 17, 1867, AC, LS, March
1867–May 1869, reel 1; Special Orders No. 87, August 19, 1867, AC, IRB, October 1865–
April 1869, reel 19; D. S. Hunsaker, Crockett, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., October
3, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 18; D. S. Hunsaker, Crockett, to AAAG, n.d., AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 18; Special Orders No. 90, September 28, 1867, AC, IRB, October 1865–
April 1869, reel 19. Men remaining as agents, despite not being able to take the required
ironclad oath, is in John H. Lippard to Charles Griffi
n, August 31, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 13; Alvin Wright to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., October 18, 1867, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 16; Edwin Finch, Milford, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., October 9,
1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Edwin Finch, Milford, to Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G.,
October 22, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; and Charles Garretson, A.A.A.G., to
Edwin Finch, Milford, October 19, 1867, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 2. For
examples being removed or not being appointed because of past activities with the
Confederacy or discovery of misdeeds, see J. J. Reynolds to O. O. Howard, June 2, 1868,
AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 2; Excerpt of Crockett Sentinel, October 23, 1867,
AC, ULR, 1867–1869 and Undated, reel 18; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to J. P. Rich-
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Notes to pages 124–126
ardson, A.A.A.G., December 13, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; James Burke to [E. M.]
Pease, May 29, 1868, Incoming Correspondence, Governor Elisha M. Pease Records
(RG 301), Archives Division–Texas State Library, Austin, Texas (hereaft er cited as Gov-
ernor Correspondences); James Burke to E. M. Pease, June 1, 1868, Pease Governor
Correspondences; J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., to H. S. Johnson, March 26, 1867, AC, LS,
September 1865–March 1867, reel 2; J. H. Bradford, Centerville, to J. P. Richardson,
A.A.A.G., November 2, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; O. A. McGinnis, November 15,
1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 13; J. H. Bradford, Centreville, to J. P. Richardson,
A.A.A.G., November 8, 1867, AC, ROC, September–October, 1867, reel 22; J. P. Rich-
ardson, A.A.A.G., to S. F. Robb, December 10, 1867, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel
1; Telegram from William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., Decem-
ber 7, 1867, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to [Post Commander],
Sumpter, December 7, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; William H. Sinclair, Inspector,
to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., January 10, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; and Special
Orders No. 3, January 11, 1869, AC, IRB, October 1865–April 1869, reel 19.
24. R. J. Denny, et al., to Charles Griffi
n, June 5, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5.
25. Anthony M. Bryant, Sherman, to [Charles Griffi
n], June 5, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–
1867, reel 4; J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., to Anthony M. Bryant, Sherman, June 14, 1867,
AC, LS, April 1866–September 1867, reel 2; Special Orders No. 35, March 25, 1867, AC,
IRB, October 1865–April 1869, reel 19; Election Registers, pp. 45, 264; Special Orders
No. 96, October 31, 1867, AC, IRB, October 1865–April 1869, reel 19.
26. Richter, Overreached on All Sides, 203; Charles Griffi
n to Philip H. Sheridan,
Commander, Fift h Military District, May 29, 1867, Papers of Philip H. Sheridan,
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., reel 3 (hereaft er cited Philip H. Sheridan
papers); Harold Hyman, Era of the Oath: Northern Loyalty Tests During the Civil War
and Reconstruction (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1954), 158; John
Pressley Carrier, “A Political History of Texas During the Reconstruction, 1865–1874”
diss., Vanderbilt University Press, 1971), 159.
27. Charles E. Culver, Cotton Gin, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., September 4, 1867,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; A. H. Mayer, Liberty, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 1,
1867, AC, ROC, June–August, 1867, reel 21; Gregory Barrett, Tyler, to [Charles] A. Ver-
nou, A.A.A.G., June 6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; Byron Porter, Bastrop, to J. T.
Kirkman, A.A.A.G., July 5, 1867, SAC, LS, February 1867–February 1868, reel 13; Dale
Baum, Counterfeit Justice: Th
e Judicial Odyssey of Texas Freedwoman Azeline Hearne
(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2009), 96; A. H. Mayer, Liberty, to
Charles Griffi
n, June 29, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 7; W. D. Ector to J. W. Th
morton, May 10, 1867, Th
rockmorton Governor Correspondences; John J. Good to [J.
W. Th
rockmorton], May 21, 1867, Th
rockmorton Governor Correspondences; John J.
Good to J. W. Th
rockmorton, May 14, 1867, Th
rockmorton Governor Correspon-
dences; Campbell, Grass- Roots Reconstruction, 73. Regarding agents’ expressing confu-
sion and resistance about Griffi
n’s are General Orders No. 13, see Mortimer H. Goddin,
Livingston, to [Charles Griffi
n], May 13, 1867, AC, LR, 1866–1867, reel 5; Byron Porter,
Bastrop, to J. T. Kirkman, A.A.A.G., June 3, 1867, SAC, LS, February 1867–February
1868, reel 13; M. S. Hunson to Andrew Johnson, April 30, 1867, Andrew Johnson Papers,
National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., Series 1, reel 27
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Notes to pages 126–127
(hereaft er cited Andrew Johnson papers); Byron Porter, Austin, to J. T. Kirkman,
A.A.A.G., February 8, 1867, AC, ROC, December 1866–May 1867, reel 20; Charles Grif-
fi n to Brig. Gen. James W. Forsythe, June 10, 1867, Philip H. Sheridan papers, reel 3;
Philip H. Sheridan, Commander, Fift h Military District, to Ulysses S. Grant, General
of the Army of the U.S., May 22, 1867, Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C., reel 24; John E. George to [Charles] Griffi
n, May 8, 1867, AC, LR,
1866–1867, reel 5; Th
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