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Immortal Scars

Page 9

by A L Williams

  They studied her. “Gabriel.” They turned to me. I grabbed her, pushing her behind me. I fought the surge of flames under my skin. How was I going to defend us without Hayley finding out? Gabriel launched a ball of fire, knocking me to the ground. She landed on top of me and she remained still. I sat up, pulling her into my lap. A lump A lump formed in my throat as I shot up into a sitting position, cradling her in my arms. Her chest rose and fell under my hand. I took a deep breath, guiding her to the ground and peering up at feathers of brown and gray that burst from Gabriel’s back.

  “Leave us alone. We have nothing to do with this,” I said.

  They spread their wings wide, leaping into the air. “This has everything to do with you, abomination.” I flinched. They pistoned towards me, ivory flames swirling around their fingers.

  Red-hot fire erupted from my balled fist. “Leave her out of this.”

  Gabriel looked down at Hayley's form. “I have no interest in the human.” I ran at them while they were distracted. They dodged my attack—sending me to the ground. “You are unpracticed. I expected more from Lucifer’s spawn.”

  I glared at them, the heat wavering over my skin growing hotter. “Why are you doing this?”

  “It is my duty.” A wing connected with my arm, slicing through my flesh like a knife. I flew, slamming into a tree and stumbling to my feet. “Pitiful.” They darted towards me ,a blur against the wind. The sky roared.

  White wings wrapped in a soft glow appeared, revealing Lucifer. “Are you well?” I nodded but glanced at Hayley, who was still unconscious in the dirt.

  “Morning star,” Gabriel said, pulling our attention back to them.

  He turned to the other angel. “Let them go. Your fight is with me.” Lucifer’s much larger wings flapped around him, glowing with the heavenly light.

  Their eyes flashed. “Father should have ripped them from your back.” They shot forward and kicked up earth with the thrash of their wings. Time stood still as Lucifer flew at them, meeting them in an enormous explosion of flame.

  “Jamie?” Hayley said behind me. She struggled to stand, and I ran to her. I helped her to her feet, and she looked up with wide eyes as the two fought in a blur against the clouds. The angels whirled around each other as they sunk lower. Another explosive impact threw us hard against trees. Pushed up on my arms, I saw Hayley fall to the ground. A thick piece of jagged wood was shoved in her chest, blood spreading and mixing with the dirt under her.

  “Hayley!” I heard myself yell. Everything narrowed to Hayley’s still form. My mother’s face flashed before my eyes as I dropped to my knees. “Hayley, Hayley please,” I reached for her blood-stained hand as my own shook.

  She groaned when my fingers brushed her skin. I released a breath and looked up at the two angels flying around each other. Fury crawled along my flesh and my fingers started to tingle. Red-hot flame exploded from my body with a rush of adrenaline.

  “That’s enough,” I said, vibrating with energy wanting to be free. Fire spread and twisted into a tornado and set everything ablaze. Gabriel was knocked to the ground and Lucifer dodged the inferno, landing a few feet away. I glared at Gabriel as they dragged themselves to their knees, holding their abdomen as blood dripped from it. Their skin began to glow, and they faded into nothing.

  A wall of rain burst out of the sky, calming the inferno. Ash and burned trees, now black skeletons, littered the park. A groan rose from behind me. I ran to Hayley and pulled her to my chest, blood soaking through my shirt. Lucifer approached. “Please.” Tears gathered at my eyes. I held Hayley against me, watching Lucifer move closer and expand his wings once again. White surrounded us and I went limp as heaviness settled around me. My vision blurred, seeing a glimpse of Andrew in the distance and then everything faded to black.


  The sound of beeping echoed through my unconscious mind. The smell of sterile sheets and the hint of blood pulled me from the darkness. My eyes cleared, finding Lucifer staring down at me. I Attempted to sit up, wincing at the pain shot through my head and I flopped back down.

  “Lay back. You did not come out unscathed,” he said.

  I sat up, ignoring his words. “What happened?”

  “She needed medical attention,” he said.

  I glanced around at the pale walls, plug-ins for hospital equipment scattered about. Fluorescent lights beamed down, washing the room in bright white. Hayley was in a hospital bed, adjusted upwards, with a thin blanket over her legs. She was covered in bandages and her arm was in a splint. An IV stand stood over her, saline bags dangling from the pole, and a clear tube connected her to it. I jumped up, running to her and ignoring the ache in my body. I leaned over her, laying my head on the edge. She opened her eyes, looking down at me, and I met her gaze. She reached up and brushed my cheek with her finger. “Don’t you dare.”

  I straightened and grabbed her hand. “I am so sorry. This is all my…”

  She shook her head. “What did I just say?”

  She glanced at Lucifer and then at me. “What was that? He had wings.”

  I looked away. “I don’t know.”

  Hayley glared at me. “Why was he after you?”

  “I don’t know,” I said again, a lump forming in my throat.

  “Who is he?” She pointed at Lucifer.

  “I am called Lucifer, and they are not a he,” he said. She tilted her head in confusion and she turned to me, waiting.

  “He’s my father.” I bit my lip.

  She gawked at me. “He doesn’t look old enough. And who would name their kid Lucifer? Your parents must have hated you.” Lucifer remained silent with his usual frown across his face.

  A tall, broad man with short hair and dark eyes walked in with a clipboard at his side, wearing a white doctor’s coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He towered over all of us, built like a football player. “Am I interrupting?” he asked.

  “Oh, my. Not at all. Are you here to play Doctor?” Hayley said with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “Hayley, this isn’t the time,” I said.

  She smirked at me. “It’s always the right time for hot doctors. Isn't that right Doctor…?”

  The physician walked over to the beeping monitors. He studied them. “I’m Dr. Adam Colton.”

  “Adam?” Lucifer said. I glanced at Lucifer, seeing him gazing at Dr. Colton who met his gaze. The room grew silent and thick with tension. “How ironic.”

  I almost laughed. Realizing that he was referring to Adam and Eve. They continued to stare at each other. Hayley and I glanced at each other. Dr. Colton cleared his throat and turned to Hayley. “How are you feeling, Ms. McDonald?”

  She smiled. “Much better, now that you’re here.”

  Dr. Colton chuckled. “Well, you seem to be alright. Your vitals are steady.”

  He placed his hand on her abdomen. “Do you feel any pain?”

  “A little.” She winced when he touched her bandaged wound.

  He lifted his clipboard, looking at each page. “Okay, I will tell the nurse to give you more painkillers. I want to keep you for a few nights to make sure you heal.”

  Hayley groaned. “I hate hospitals.”

  Dr. Colton scribbled something. “Don’t we all? What happened?”

  Hayley glanced at me and I met her eyes, hoping she understood my pleading. "I don't remember."

  My shoulders relaxed. “We found her unconscious." Dr. Colton frowned and looked back at Hayley.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Hmmm.” He started to take her vitals once again.

  As he examined her, I walked over to Lucifer who was staring at the doctor. “Are you okay?”

  His head jerked. “Yes.”

  Hayley laughed from across the room. I gazed at her as she smiled up at Dr. Colton. Gabriel had almost killed her. Because of me. It was one thing to come after me, but she didn’t deserve this. I sighed. “I have to protect her.”

  Lucifer nodded. “You are powerful, but you have
to learn control.” I looked down. I had spent so much time running from my powers that, at this point, I wasn't able to fight.

  "Let's go," I said.

  We walked over to Hayley and the doctor. I smiled down at her. “Are you okay if we leave for a bit?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine with Dr. Sexy,” she waved me off. I rolled my eyes and turned to Lucifer, catching him watching Dr. Colton.

  "You ready?" I asked. He frowned and nodded. I wasn't sure if I could do this, but I had to try.

  Chapter Twelve


  A week later, I stood in my apartment with Lucifer across from me. After what happened to Hayley, I needed to be prepared. Gabriel was determined to end me by any means necessary and that included hurting those close to me. I couldn't let that happen.

  "Focus and call the fire. Take hold of it," Lucifer said. I closed my eyes, and I focused, breathing in and out slowly. A small flame flickered in my mind. I envisioned myself reaching out for it.

  Can I do this?

  The images faded and I slumped my shoulders, peering at him, a deep frown across his face. "You need to have confidence. It is a part of you."

  I looked away. "I'm trying."

  "You hold the control. Again,” he said. I groaned but closed my eyes once again, focusing on the flickering flame inside myself, and reached out with my mind and grabbed it. My eyes opened as heat shot through my me, my body igniting with fire twisting around me. It spread, and I dashed towards Lucifer. He held up his hand and a gust of wind hit the flames, blocking them. My chest swelled and I grinned, watching the flames flicker around my fingers.

  He stepped forward. “Now control it,” he said. My body shook as I tried to keep ahold of the flame, tension vibrating through me. I slowed my breath, focusing on calming my nerves and keeping the fire from spreading.

  The door swung open. “Jamie, I'm back. They released— ” I turned, wrapped in spinning flames. Hayley gawked at me from the doorway, her mouth wide. What was she doing here? When did she get out of the hospital? My stomach twisted.





  The fire flared into a wild inferno, curling and crackling. An orange and red veil of flame obstructed my vision. Adrenaline shot threw me.

  Not her…

  “Hayley, run! Please!” I shouted, as the fire spread, the walls bubbling and dripping. My furniture burst in flames, filling the room with scorching heat. The inferno rose to the ceiling, blackening the drywall.

  She moved closer. “Jamie?” She shielded her face with her good arm as she approached.

  Lucifer dashed forward and pulled her behind him. "Stay back."

  She glared up at him, struggling to get around him. "Don't tell me what to do."

  "Control it," he said, ignoring her.

  Closing my eyes, I focused on the chaos swirling inside me. I couldn't lose her, too. I needed to control this. This was my power, and I refused to let it continue to dominate my life. I took measured breaths. In and out. My body shook as I pulled the fire back, imagining it absorbing it into my skin. I glanced around the room and the flames shrank, disappearing in puffs of smoke. I did it. Exhaustion settled over as I looked up. “James!” Andrew ran through the door, gaping at me.

  My vision blurred. “I’m sorry.” Everything went black.


  Muffled voices pulled me from unconsciousness.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Hayley asked.

  My eyes snapped open, my vision cleared, finding myself in bed with a blanket thrown over me. I sat up, my head throbbing. I scanned the room, wrinkling my forehead, seeing no sign of the fire’s damage.

  “I took care of it.” Lucifer walked over to me.

  Hayley and Andrew followed behind, their eyes shining with concern. She jumped on the bed, wrapping her arms around me. My stomach fluttered as she pulled away. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Her eyes roamed over my body like a concerned parent. She looked up at me and tugged me against her.

  I stared down at her. "You— " I started, my voice breaking.

  “Shut up!” she trembled against me. “How could you do that?” Her head snapped up, brows furrowing. “You could have killed yourself!”

  I could have killed you.

  Pushing her away, I stood. “I’m sorry. I am not safe.”

  Hayley pulled me backward. “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry! You must have been so scared.”

  I blinked. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does.” She held me against her, stroking my back as she hugged me. “I love you.” My throat grew dry as she clung to me. My mother’s voice drifted into my mind.

  I love you.

  I noticed Andrew smiling and Lucifer looking as indifferent as always.

  “Why didn’t you tell me he was the devil?” Hayley said.

  I glanced at Lucifer. "She would not cease her chattering until I told her." That sounded about right.

  She crossed her arms in front of her. “And you’ve been spending time with the hot guy from the bar?”

  I peered at Andrew and caught him smirking. My face warmed.

  “We’re besties. Besties don’t keep secrets!” She glared.

  “I— ” A lump formed in my throat.

  “No! I don’t want to hear your bullshit. Dammit! You’re so frustrating.” She jumped to her feet and paced back and forth.

  She stopped by the table and turned to Lucifer. “Tell him he's an idiot.” He started with a strange look on his face and his lips twitched.

  “I failed.” I stared down and chewed my lip.

  “Your powers are tied to your emotions,” Lucifer said.

  Haley scoffed. “Stating the obvious much.” He glared at her and then turned to me.

  I stared down at my hands and I nodded. Andrew came over, handing me a glass of water. I chugged it down, the cold liquid drawing a sigh from my lips.

  “He is right.” She sat next to me. I opened my mouth to respond, but a loud yawn came out instead. Her expression softened. “This was an intense day. Why don’t you take a nap? I gotta check on my cat, anyway. You know how he gets when I’m gone too long. I’ll be back.” She whirled around, pointing at me. “Sleep.” She was out the door moments later.

  “I will step out as well,” Lucifer said, vanishing into his wings.

  I watched Andrew move across the room. He stopped in front of my easel that was tucked in the corner, covered with a white sheet stained with paint. “You’re an artist?” he asked. I chewed my lip. He turned to me. “Can I look?” Tension traveled through my body. I didn't want anyone to see my work. It was personal. He studied me, but he did not ask again. I was thankful.

  “Well, I should go,” Andrew started. I wanted him to stay, but I wished to be alone as well. I remained silent, unable to find the words. “Unless you want me to stay?” he said. I gripped the comforter below, looking down at the floor. The mattress moved and his strong arms wrapped around me. He pulled me down against him and I closed my eyes, a sigh falling from my lips as my body grew light, and I drifted away.


  May 20, 1792

  Lucifer has so many secrets.. He carries the world on his shoulders. He has wounds that run deep. I pray that I can support and help him as he heals. I hope he can find worth in this life for his son.


  I woke up with my head pressed against a soft pillow, birds singing outside the window. The sun shimmered low in the sky through the blinds as I rolled to my back, flopping my hand to the other side of the bed; my hand landing on the warm sheets. I searched and found Andrew not there. The sound of the shower caught my attention. My face warmed as I sat up and I smiled. I had never fallen asleep with anyone. He was so warm and safe. I searched the apartment as the light cast streaks across the walls. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and I froze when realization hit me.

  The blade.

  When the water stopped, anxiet
y washed over me.

  Would he see it?

  What would he say?

  Would he judge me?

  All these thoughts ran through my mind. I couldn't remember if I had tucked it far enough behind the shampoo bottle.

  The bathroom door opened, and I watched Andrew walked over with a towel wrapped low around his waist. “How long?” he said. The blade shimmered in his hand. I looked away. Fingers brushed across my cheek, forcing me to look up. "I won't judge you. I promise." My heart slowed as he continued to gaze down at me with soft eyes. I nuzzled his palm, wanting to wrap myself around him and never let go.

  “I was born in seventeen-sixty-eight and was a slave until that day.” My voice broke, my mother’s charred, lifeless body flashing in my mind. “I wasn’t paying attention and ran right into Master’s—” I tensed.

  You’re not a slave anymore.

  I shook my head. “Thomas Miller, the plantation owner's son.” I looked down, remembering it like it was yesterday. “My mother came after me and apologized to him, but he was already angry.” Andrew remained silent, only placing his hand on top of mine, stroking my clammy skin. I took deep breaths. “He was trying to save face in front of his friends. I didn’t care what happened to me, but my mom did nothing wrong. That was all that was going through my mind. And when he grabbed her by the hair, fire burst out from me, setting the whole plantation ablaze. Including my mother.” My body shook.

  He pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around me. Tears rushed out, falling down my face. I promised myself I would not break down like this again, but he did things to me that made me feel vulnerable. And it scared me to death.

  He caressed my skin, kissing the side of my head as I melted into him. When the sobbing subsided, I peered up at him and his eyes sparkled with affection, warming my cold heart. “It wasn’t your fault,” he said. I looked away, pulling my lip between my teeth. “It’s not your fault," he repeated, guiding my chin back to him. He pulled my lip free, stroking it as he gazed deep into my eyes. “When I lost my —” he paused, “my mother, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t think I had a purpose anymore, but I knew she would have wanted me to keep going. I pulled away, wrapping my arms around myself. "She wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself.” He held out the blade. “She wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.” He moved closer. “Never again.” My stomach twisted. He smiled. “You’re too good for this.” My throat tightened as anger spread through me.


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