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World Domination

Page 26

by Steve Beaulieu

  As a pastor, I often get the chance to present things. “I present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Happily-Married.” Weekly, I do something called presenting the gospel. I present high school and college graduates with Bibles, and new mothers with clothing and diapers for their beautiful new additions. Presenting is a part of my everyday life and I would have it no other way.

  There are two things I love to do in (well, there surely are more than that), pastor people and write books. Pastoring is the art of doing life with people. Getting to know and love people, despite their faults, personality differences and idiosyncrasies. When I think about melding those together, the result is short story anthologies. What better way to experience camaraderie with other authors than to work intimately together to create something beautiful to present to the world?

  To be able to give something to humanity is an honor and a privilege. And this collection is no different. It was with great joy and excitement that I have presented to you, the reader, this collection of short stories. I hope that it has enriched your life, made you smile, and made you think.

  If you enjoyed your reading experience, you might also enjoy volume one, It’s A Bird!: It’s A Plane! A Superhero Anthology. While you’re there, I would encourage you to take a moment and review this book on Amazon. If everyone who loved our books and stories left reviews we would find ourselves in a much different boat. Reviews are the lifeblood of a book—they can make or break an author’s career. Even if you didn’t love the stories found within, we still want you to share an honest review.

  Thank you for your time. We all know how valuable it is. May the God of the Universe bless you.

  With Abounding Love,

  Steve Beaulieu

  Would you consider reviewing our collection on Amazon?

  Reviews are vital to the life of a book. A book without reviews is a dead book. The more honest reviews a book earns, the better the chances of it being successful. Even if your review is…less than savory, leave it! We don’t expect that this book will appeal to everyone, just be honest when you write your review and, if you write a critical review, please make it helpful to other readers who might be interested in the collection. This book represents food on the table for authors. It represents artistry and the expression of ideas and ideals. It is our lifeblood and we share it, willingly and excitedly, and we want to know what you think.

  So please, write a review.

  If you loved the book, please spread it around to your friends and on Facebook. Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising and we hope to put a thousand words in your mouth about World Domination.

  You may also want to pick up Book 1 of the series It’s A Bird!: It’s A Plane! A Superhero Anthology




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