Forbidden Fake Fiance (Forbidden Small Town Bad Boys #1)

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Forbidden Fake Fiance (Forbidden Small Town Bad Boys #1) Page 7

by Holly Jaymes

  “I want to taste you,” he said as he licked my inner thigh. “All of you.”

  I laced my fingers through his hair. “Yes.” My hips lifted, offering myself to him.

  He groaned as he settled his shoulders between my thighs. His hands slid under my buttocks, and he lifted me to his mouth. The first touch of his tongue on my pussy had me crying out. I clapped my hand over my mouth, not wanting my family to know what was going on.

  He was thorough and relentless as his mouth and tongue worked me up and up until I perched on the edge of utter oblivion.

  “I’m going to come…oh, God.” I tried to make him stop because I wanted to find my pleasure with him inside me. But he was immovable as he continued his onslaught. He pressed a finger inside me and sucked my clit, and my world shattered. Pleasure powered through me like a tsunami. My body shuddered and convulsed as my orgasm radiated through me.

  Josh hauled himself over me, kissing me hard. I could taste myself, an experience I’d never had before.

  “You taste divine, Allie.” He grabbed a condom, tearing open the packet and sheathing himself, before rolling over me again. “I want to fuck you so bad.”

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing?”

  He nodded. “I need to hold back. I want to feel you come on me.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’m not like that.”

  He looked at me funny. “Like what? You can’t come again?”

  “No. I’ve never been able to do that.”

  His eyes narrowed. “A challenge. One that I’m going to meet.” He kissed me, and started all over again, touching and kissing me, and I could feel the pressure building again. Maybe he was right. Maybe there were two orgasms in me.

  He rolled us until I was on top of him. “Fuck me, Allie.”

  I levered up, rising over his beautiful thick cock. I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me. I lowered down, loving the feel of him moving inside of my body, taking him in, accommodating his size. I swore I could feel every inch of him.

  He groaned, and his head rocked back. “So tight…God, that’s good.” His fingers gripped my thighs as his hips lifted up.

  Once he was seeped inside me, he opened his eyes. “Make yourself come, Allie. I want to watch you.”

  I was self-conscious about him watching me, but his thumb flicked over my clit, and nature took over. I rocked back and forth and then began to ride him. I leaned forward, gripping his pecs and tilting my pelvis, so his dick massaged my clit each time I slid down on him.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said each time I took him deep. He widened his legs, bending his knees slightly, giving him the purchase he needed to move underneath me, our bodies coming together fast and hard with a slap. “Shit…I can’t wait…I’m gonna come…Tell me you’re there, Allie.” His breath was harsh as his thumb found my clit again and pressed.

  My thighs burned. My own breath was heaving as bliss hovered at the edge. “Yes…I’m there…oh, God….”

  He levered up and sucked my nipple hard into his mouth, and stars burst behind my eyes. I let out a long moan as pleasure spiked and shot out to every neuron in my body. I gripped his chest harder as my body rode him hard and fast.

  He fell back. “Yes, baby…ah, fuck.” He bucked up and held there for a moment as he let out a groan. He did it again and then again.

  I collapsed on him, his arms banding around me.


  “I hope that’s good,” I said, barely able to speak because I couldn’t catch my breath.

  “You rocked my world…” He took in a long breath. “Sorry, I couldn’t last longer. It’s been a long time.”

  I lifted my head, giving him my skeptical expression.

  He laughed. “Honest to God, Allie. You’re the first in a long time.”

  The first, which suggested that there would be a second and third…and…I shook my head to rid myself of that. Be in the moment I reminded myself.

  “If my parents knew what we were doing…” God, I couldn’t even imagine. My mother’s head would probably explode.

  “It seems to me it would help support our story of the fake engagement.”

  Fake. That’s right. This wasn’t real. Not that Josh hadn't just given me the most spectacular orgasm…two spectacular orgasms actually, as a cover story for our fake engagement. But this wasn’t real either. It was convenient. I was the woman-du-jour.

  I lowered my head to his chest, not wanting him to see how sad that made me. Then I inwardly kicked myself for letting my emotions get away from me. How dumb was I? I’d fallen in love with my fake fiancé.

  Head Over Heels


  It was no secret that I’d had my share of orgasms with women. I’d enjoyed all of them. The physical pop of pleasure was always satisfying. But what just happened with Allie was beyond what I’d ever remembered having with another woman.

  At first, I’d brushed off the intensity of the experience to a sexual dry spell. The first orgasm…or at least one involving a partner, was often more intense if time had lapsed from the last one.

  But no, that wasn’t it. Yes, there was the physical pleasure, but it went beyond that. It was more than just an enjoyable physical release. My dick didn’t just reach its pressure point and let loose. I felt this experience well beyond the physical. It was as if it permeated my soul. The pleasure wasn’t just felt in my dick, but in my heart as well.

  I wasn’t falling for Allie. I’d fallen, head-over-fucking-heels. It was terrifying as much as it was thrilling.

  The problem, of course, was that all this was fake. The sex was real, but that’s all it was, just sex. It was two friends, pretending to be engaged, having sex. It wasn’t love, at least from her standpoint.

  The question was, could I change that? Could I convince her that we weren’t a fake couple? If I told her I was in love with her, would she look at me in annoyance or pity? Would she say, “Oh no, Josh. I’m sorry. This was all fake.” Or would she continue to appease her parents and dismiss me as unsuitable because I was too poor? Pain pierced my heart just at the thought of that.

  “I guess I should sneak back to my room,” she said.

  I gripped her tighter. “Not yet.” It occurred to me that this night might be all I had with her like this. I was stripped down not just physically, but emotionally as well. Right now, we were about as real as we’d ever been together. I wanted to hold on to it a little longer.

  She rested her head on my chest, and it felt so right. So perfect.

  “Did you mean it? It’s been a while?” she asked.

  Inwardly I got annoyed. Why did she always have to allude to my past? “Yes.”

  She lifted her head. “You’re mad.”

  Shit. My tone must have tipped her off. “I’m not mad. I just…” I rolled to my side to face her, my hand caressing her arm because I couldn’t not touch her. “I’m not the man you make me out to be.”

  “It bothers you to have a playboy reputation? I thought men liked that sort of thing.”

  “When they’re eighteen, sure. Look, I don’t deny I’ve enjoyed time with women, but the playboy reputation suggests that I’m callous or use women. That title suggests that there are a trail of broken hearts behind me, and that’s not the case.”

  “I don’t think you’re callous or use women.”

  I quirked a brow to let her know that I didn’t buy her comment.

  She smiled sheepishly, and her gaze drifted down for a moment. “Maybe I thought that once.”

  “And now?”

  She looked at me. “Now, I know you’re not like that.”

  I would have preferred hearing her say that now she was in love with me. I suppose I needed to take what I could get. I bided my time, and we had become friends. Maybe with patience, I’d convince her that we could have more.

  “You probably think I’m a wuss.”

  “Why would I think that?” I asked, confused.

  “I told you I came to Eden Lake
to find myself. To be my own person. But here I am home, trying to be what my parents expect. I hate that I’m not strong enough to stand up to them.”

  I caressed her face, not liking that she felt so down on herself. “Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do to change people’s minds. You’re trying to keep the peace. There’s nothing wrong with that per se.”

  “Per se?”

  “It doesn’t seem right that by keeping the peace, you seem to lose yourself. I like you, Allie. A lot. The real Allie. Not the walking on eggshells worried about upsetting her parents, Allie.”

  Her eyes registered surprise.

  “If you wanted to be yourself with your parents or whoever, I’d support you in that.” I cocked my head. “You are yourself around me, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “You’re one of the few people I am myself around. That’s why I like being with you.”

  She likes being with me, and she feels like herself around me? We could build something together on that.

  “I like being around you too.”

  “I noticed.” She pressed her hips forward against my dick, which immediately took notice.

  “It’s more than that.” I didn’t want her to make this about sex alone. “But being like this isn’t so bad.”

  “Not so bad, huh?”

  I pushed her over onto her back and reached for a condom. “It’s fucking awesome.”

  She smiled, apparently pleased by my assessment. I wondered if perhaps the men before hadn’t shown her the reverence she deserved. Maybe they hadn’t taken the time to adequately please her.

  I decided to be the man who showed her not just how good it could be physically between a man and a woman, but emotionally as well. I didn’t have a ton of experience in that realm, but I was ready to get it.

  I slipped on a new condom and settled my body over hers.

  “Tell me what you like, Allie.” When I’d asked before, she said to touch her, which I did. But I wanted to know what turned her on specifically.

  Her cheeks blushed. “Just the regular.”

  “There is no regular, sweetheart.” I sat back on my heels between her thighs. I leaned forward, running my hands from her shoulders down over her tits, and lower. “Do you like your tits played with? Sucked?”


  I leaned over her, licking one nipple and gently blowing on it, watching it as it distended. She arched, offering it up, so I sucked it. I focused on her tits; sucking, licking, nipping until she was writhing under me.

  “Did you like riding me?” I asked, sitting back on my heels and looking down at her pussy glistening from her arousal.


  “Do you like being on the bottom?” I pushed her thighs wider, studying her pretty pink clit.


  “How about from behind?” I ran my fingers through her pussy lips. She moaned, and her hips lifted off the bed.

  “You’re teasing me.”

  “Do you like it hard and fast?” I swirled a finger inside her.

  “Oh, god…yes.”

  “How about slow and sweet.”

  She groaned.

  I lay over her, settling my dick at her entrance. “Slow and sweet it is.”

  This wasn’t going to be sex. Not a quick ride to pleasureville. I was going to make love to her. I would arouse her slowly and get her to feel my love for her in my touch, my kiss, and the way I joined my body with hers.

  “Yes.” Her fingers gripped my back.

  “Look at me, Allie.”

  Her eyes opened.

  “Watch me.” I wanted her to see everything I was feeling in my eyes as I slowly pressed inside her. “Do you feel that? Do you feel me?”

  “Yes. You feel so good.”

  “I’m a part of you now. Do you feel it?”

  Her pussy contracted around my dick. “Yes.”

  I watched her for a moment wishing she understood that I wasn’t talking about our physical joining. I wanted her to know I was talking about an emotional joining. My heart to hers.

  Patience, I reminded myself, as I began to move, slow, steady, building the pleasure slowly.

  When she came apart in my arms, I kissed her, wanting to taste her pleasure. I loved knowing that it was me who was giving it to her and me who was loving her.

  The Jig is Up


  I woke in Josh’s arms. For a moment, I lay there and pretended that all this was real. That Josh and I were a couple. That he loved me as I loved him.

  But this wasn’t love. As sweet and tender as Josh touched me last night, I knew it was a skill honed from his vast and varied experience, not an expression of his feelings for me. Did he care about me? I think so, but he wasn’t in love with me.

  Chances were when this weekend was over, we’d go back to being neighbors. As much as I enjoyed being with him, in and out of bed, I wasn’t interested in being a hookup.

  Even so, we still had a brunch today and dinner tonight. That gave us one more night to indulge, and then tomorrow, we’d be going home and back to our regular lives.

  I studied him in his sleep. He was relaxed and restful and still incredibly sexy. I wanted to run my lips over his chest and maybe even have one more ride before starting the day. But looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, I saw it was late enough that people would be waking shortly.

  Not wanting to make the walk of shame, I slipped from the bed, taking one last look at Josh’s incredibly sexy body before exiting. I walked through the sliding door to the balcony and re-entered my room through my sliding door. I showered and dressed and headed downstairs to see who was up.

  The house was mostly quiet, but I could hear my parents in my father’s office. Wanting coffee before I had to deal with them, I tried to sneak past the door.

  “Allison.” My mother’s curt voice called me from my father’s study. I stopped short. She and my father were standing there, looking grim.

  “Yes?” I guess coffee would have to wait.

  “Come in and shut the door,” my father said from behind his desk. My father was nearly always serious, so it was hard to tell if I was in trouble or not. My mother, on the other hand, there was no having to guess at her thoughts or moods. She wasn’t one to keep those things to herself.

  Looking over at my mother’s narrowed eyes, I knew I probably wasn’t going to like what they were going to tell me. Did they figure out Josh was my fake fiancé? I stepped into the room and pushed the door to close it. I wasn’t sure if it latched shut because I was too focused on the serious expressions my parents sported.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “How well do you know Josh Dalton?” my mother asked in that dour, disapproving tone she often spoke in.

  I studied them both, trying to decide whether or not I needed to continue the ruse or come clean.

  “Well enough.” That wasn’t a lie. I knew him well enough to know he was a good and decent person. He was sweet, kind, funny, and sexy. I knew him well enough to know I loved him. Because my parents' expressions were so grim, I opted to leave all that out.

  My mother cast a glance at my father.

  “He’s not who he says he is,” my father said. He pushed a paper toward me.

  I picked up the paper. Josh’s name was at the top, and below it was a list of his job, his finances, and information about his parents.

  I looked at them in shock. “You did a background check on my fiancé?” I don’t know why I was surprised. Perhaps I was just upset that I hadn’t considered that they’d do it.

  “It’s for your protection and a good thing that we did. I don’t know what he’s told you, but he’s lying to you if you think he has money. In fact, he’s maxed out his credit card.” My mother poked at the paper where Josh’s credit information was listed.

  God, his maxed card was probably my fault for making him buy expensive clothes to try and fool my parents.

  “He doesn’t even have a college degree, Alli
son. He’s a fraud.” My mother stood stiffly beside my father’s desk. “This will be an embarrassment if it gets out. If anyone finds out a fireman, of all things, duped you so he could get to your money, we’ll be the laughing—”

  “What’s wrong with being a fireman?” I supposed that was the wrong question to ask, but it wasn’t like he was a stripper or a porn star, both of which he’d be paid well for.

  “Fireman is a fine vocation, but that’s not the point,” my father said. “The point is, he lied. He doesn’t own resorts. He owns one tiny condo unit. That’s hardly a financial portfolio to brag about.”

  “Stop. Stop.” I couldn’t take it. “He’s not a fraud.”

  “Allison, he’s not who he says he is.” My father stood from behind his desk, a sign that he wanted to make a point.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Allison!” my mother said sharply.

  “He’s who he told me he was,” I insisted. “He’s not who I told you he was.” I sat down in the wingback chair by my father’s desk, feeling all the strength leaving me. I tried to be who and what they wanted, and once again, I wasn’t just going to disappoint them, I was going to embarrass them.

  “What does that even mean,” my mother hissed.

  “You’re not making sense, Allison,” my father agreed.

  I took a breath to gather my strength. “I know he’s a fireman. I know he doesn’t come from money.”

  My mother looked at my father like she wanted him to interpret what I’d said.

  “I lied. I asked him to pretend to be my fiancé.”

  My mother let out a horrified gasp and clasped the pearls hanging around her neck. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I wanted you to stop trying to hook me up with Maxwell Lassiter.”

  My mother glared at me. “Maxwell comes from a very good family that has—”

  “Yes, I know, mother, but I don’t like him. I want to make my own choices.” If I was going to make a stand, now was the time for me to do it. “This isn’t Downton Abbey or the middle ages. I don’t want to be set up by my mother. I don’t want to judge people simply based on their bank accounts or pedigree. When I fall in love, I want it to be my choice.”


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