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Winter's Fall

Page 2

by Alessandra Jay

  Rick has been banned from entering the cave since he declares we show her no mercy. And I agree. But that’s not how we do things in Eden.

  The Caster’s Council has always been one to keep the peace and light. We were all lucky, though. The night when Scarlet completed her ceremony to become an Elder, she gifted each Sister with a piece of her own power. And because of her gift, it’s helped re-glamour Eden. When Scarlet wakes and is ready, she will be tasked to recast a protection glamour over our hidden realm to ensure infinite safety.

  Unfortunately, she will be tasked with a lot of casting when she is up and well enough. Sister Belle always tries to remind us that there is always a silver lining in a dark cloud. And even with all of the chaos and sorrow going around, I know she’s right. In this case, it’s that both Dimitri and Scarlet are alive. Regardless of the deep coma-like slumbers they’re stuck in.

  They each had around the same amount of bodily damage, which was incredibly brutal. But Dimitri suffered intense brain trauma. Lenora drugged him so frequently that she was literally frying his brain. Ava has been working on him day and night trying to bring her beloved back to us. She comes in every day to check on Scarlet. And when she is satisfied, she returns to her wing where his condition has stabilized.

  The other Elders come to visit Scarlet every day as well. The most frequent visitor is Hunter. She’s been here with me the most. I can really see the worry in her eyes when it comes to Scarlet. She has also been spending a lot of her time with the Light Coven. Owen has taken a liking to her and, although she brushes him off, I can tell she likes his company.

  Chloe, Victoria, and Oliver have been immensely helpful in assisting the other Sisters with the tasks that have to continue amid this whole mess. Owen’s task is solely helping Hunter. And deep down I think they're perfect for each other. My task is Scarlet. Making sure I'm here for her when she wakes.

  Even if I haven't slept or eaten in days.

  Demi’s been here three times but doesn't stay long, since she has to get back to her duties as a mother to her daughters. But she is set to come today with Rick. He’s here with me every day, going from Ava's wing to Scarlet’s. I can only imagine what he has gone through almost losing his brother and his daughter on the same day. It could really break someone. Not Rick though. He’s optimistic in their return and eager to spread the same certainty to all of us who are walking around like depressed ghosts.

  He’s been helping me with things that have to get done at the Village, since I don't want to leave Scarlet’s side. When I'm done with my paperwork, he returns them. It may have worked out, though. He seems to be enjoying how the day to day operations are implemented at the Village. Maybe now he’ll consider training a few sessions there.

  Just as I was thinking about him, the door to the room Scarlet and I share swings open. I turn to see Rick walk in with Demi right behind him. As she gets a look at me, she shakes her head in disappointment.

  “You should really eat something, Evan. And maybe get some shuteye. Do you really think Scarlet wants to wake up and see you turning into a zombie?” she says. I know I'm exhausted and I'm sure I could eat, but things are still just too raw.

  “I’ll find time.” I say politely. But it doesn't look like I’m convincing enough.

  “Yea, the time is now. Let’s go.” Taking my hand and pulling me down to the kitchen, she sits me down and looks at me expectantly.

  “Thanks, Demi.” I tell her lifelessly.

  “You know, you're a lot more attractive when you're not so glum.” She says honestly. And for the first time I felt myself smile. With a shake of my head, Demi snaps her fingers and three plates of Italian food appear on the counter. “DAD!” she yells up the stairs then turns back towards me.

  “So what’s the progress?”

  “Same. She’s alive and physically well. Mentally, she’s just broken. Whenever I try to get in her head, I get thrown out. There isn't anything any of us can do but wait.” I say grimly.

  “She’ll come around. She’s tough and will fight through it. I know she will.” She says with much confidence. Rick must have cracked her out of her stupor.

  “And like you said, she’s alive. That’s all that matters. Maybe trying to get in her head the caster way isn't the only way.” With a shrug of her shoulders she begins eating her food.

  “I don't understand.” Maybe it’s the lack of sleep, but I'm not following Demi.

  “You know what she likes. Maybe if you try those things, it’ll help the process.” As she tries to explain, I begin to piece it together.

  “You mean like playing music in the room? Or reading one of her books to her?” I say, perking up. The idea is giving me the same confidence that Demi shows. Rick walks in the room just then and pats me on the back.

  “That is a great idea, Demi. A damn good one.” As he compliments his oldest daughter, she gives me a comical look of pride and I can't hold back the laughter from escaping my lips.

  We eat in comfortable silence as Demi gives me the evil eye the entire time until I finish every last bite on my plate. When I’m done, she orders me to take a nap. I'm not sure if she drugged me or if the food was just what I needed, but suddenly I'm ten times more tired than I was before I ate. Although I hate to agree, I slide in next to Scar and quickly drift off to sleep.


  Six days later and there are only a few signs that Scarlet may be coming back to us. Everything around here is exactly the same except Ava is having great success in helping Dimitri. She has pieced his mind together enough to where he is now in the same sleep state as Scarlet. Ava and I impatiently await our loves to wake, but we’re in better spirits than we were last week.

  Ever since Demi suggested familiarizing Scar to things she loves, I really think it’s working and I'm getting through to her. A few days ago was the first sign. When I was reading to her I saw her fingers twitch, which meant she must have been listening. After that day, I felt myself coming back to…well, myself.

  Today Rick wants to train with me. He believes I’ll feel better if I let off some steam. This will be the first time I’ll be leaving Scarlet’s wing. Granted, we’re only going a few feet away, but I still can’t help but feel like I’m deserting her by not keeping my vigil.

  What if she wakes and I'm not here?

  That is the biggest thing holding me back. The pride inside of me though won’t let Rick down. I’ve waited so long just to fight by his side and now he wants to train with me. It’s an opportunity I cannot pass up. If I’m being honest, I'm actually really excited. I know he’s right. Letting off some steam will definitely help.

  As I make my way down the hall to meet him, I suddenly feel all of my instincts go on high alert. Someone is following me. Just as I turned around, Rick appears directly in front of me. He’s crouched on the floor and quickly does a spin, causing me to trip and fall. Surprised, I get back on my feet, this time with my hands up, guarding my face.

  With a sinister-like smirk, Rick taunts me, “you're good. But not better than me or Dimitri.” And with that, he charges forward.

  As he throws punches, I block every single one. I like this side of Rick. But not being in control of this situation is not okay for me. Since we’re moving while fighting, my plan is to use the wall to my advantage.

  I see the door to my hidden rooftop hideaway coming up. Just as we pass it I jump and push my foot off of the wall and make a full flip over Rick’s head. Before he can act, I open the door and disappear through. I hear him chuckle on the other side and he quickly takes off towards the stairs. With a snap of my fingers, I make it pitch black.

  Now it’s my turn to catch him by surprise.

  I'm on the stairs after the first bend and can hear Rick’s footsteps as he makes his way closer. I hear him clap his hands and await the cast. But nothing happens. Then, as I look around the corner, I see him standing in the middle of a small hallway. He has his wand out and it’s lit at the tip. A small round light shines out o
f it, directly to the staircase where I’m waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

  Bending quickly to cast speed into my shoes, I turn and run straight to him. I can see that I caught him off guard with my speed, but he quickly recovers. Just not quickly enough. I crouch and slide my leg under Rick’s legs and he falls on his back. I'm ready for his counter strike, but it doesn't come. He just lays on the ground laughing.

  I walked over to give him my hand to help him up. “That was fun.” I tell my future father-in-law.

  “Never thought I could have a good time doing that with anyone other than Dimitri.” He says, honesty thick in his tone.

  “Where in all worlds are you taking me?” He says, bringing the amusement back.

  “I haven't really gone anywhere besides Scarlet’s wing and I'm beginning to miss the fresh air. So, Rick Winter, welcome to my rooftop hideaway.” I explain, just as we get to the top.

  A sense of understanding and pride glazes over Rick’s eyes as he admires the piece of this place I get to call mine. I'm not sure if it’s the mixture of the fresh air, the anger from the situation Scar and Dimitri are in, or if I’ve just missed fighting, but for the next two hours Rick and I lose ourselves in combat mode. First we battle each other, then we summon fake demons to battle together and we defeat every single one. It’s only when we stop to hydrate ourselves that we realize how long we’ve been here.

  “Let’s call it a day then pick it up again tomorrow?” he suggests.

  With a nod of my head, we retreat back to Scarlet’s wing.

  “I'm going to check on Dimitri after a shower. I’ll see you tomorrow, Evan. Thanks for a killer day of training.” He says, as he walked to his room. For the rest of the day I read to Scarlet. And with no further signs of her coming back, I let my eyes win the battle of me trying to keep them open and close them to sleep.


  Waking up, I look forward to training with Rick. So after my ‘now normal’ routine of talking to Scarlet about my previous day, I leave on the playlist I made for her and get dressed quickly. I head to the kitchen for some food, taking two steps at a time down the stairs. When I enter, I’m surprised to see Derek there in his boxers looking into the fridge. I realize he didn't hear me come in because he made no movement, so I quietly slither up closer to him to get a good scare. And I'm more than grateful when it actually works.

  “DUDE! Not cool! I could have killed you!” Derek says, regaining his composure. I can’t hold back the laughter as I pour myself a cup of coffee.

  “What are you doing here, Derek?” I ask, amused and curious.

  “Well, I can’t stay at Syracuse anymore because it’s more depressing each day that passes. Luke barely speaks and Mack wants nothing to do with me. It’s exhausting, Evan. I don't know what to do anymore. At least here, you guys are in good graces.” He says, shrugging his shoulders.

  Now that I'm really looking at my cousin, I can tell how much this has affected him. He has felt that he needs to be the glue that’s trying to hold us all together. It isn't until now that I realize the role he has been trying to take on and feel badly for the guy.

  “You're always welcome here. And maybe that’s just what they need. Space. Rick and I are training in about an hour. Wanna join?” I was looking forward to the one on one time I was going to get with Rick, but my cousin looks like he needs to let out some steam himself.

  Derek quickly jumps off of the stool and claps his hands, “Hell yes!”

  After we ate, we were about to leave to meet Rick but the phone in Scarlet’s living room began ringing. Derek and I both trade glances as we race off to the next room. Quickly I answer. But before I can say hello, Ava spoke.


  “Yes, Ava. Good morning.” I respond, still confused about the unexpected call.

  “I have good news. The members of your coven have found Julian's residence. He wasn't there when they arrived, but they have a few good leads as to where he and the Dark Coven might be. I don’t expect you to be ready to leave Scarlet yet, but I wanted to keep you updated. Dimitri is showing more and more signs of his return.” she says, lifting my spirits even more.

  “Anything new with Scarlet?” she asks.

  “Not many more signs. But I am optimistic she’ll be back soon. I'm glad Dimitri is recovering so well. And as for Julian, that’s great news. The rest of the Light Coven are doing an incredible job out there. Hopefully Scar and I will be ready to join them soon. Thank you for keeping me updated, Ava. I really appreciate it.” I tell her honestly.

  “Of course, Evan. I’ll be by in a little while to check on Scarlet. Have fun with Rick.” She says, and hangs up. After I tell Derek the news, he gets a message from Luke, telling him of a demon sighting by their dorms. So by nature, Derek leaves to help his brother. Just as Derek is walking out, Rick comes in.

  “Ready?” he says, getting right to business. “I am. I only have to put the playlist on again for Scarlet. Be right back.” I tell him, as I take off up the stairs. Quickly pressing play and kissing my love, I meet her father back downstairs. I tell him of the good news, that the Light coven made progress in finding Julian. He says it’s great to hear right before training - and he is so right.

  Again, after two hours of intense fighting, we decide to call it a day. I'm more than ready to get back to Scarlet and tell her how proud I am of our coven. Deep down I do wish I was out there with them. But if Scar woke up while I was gone, it would kill me. As I get back to her wing, I shower quickly and decide to make some food. I’ll tell her of the good news while I eat. Just as I'm walking out of our bedroom, La Vie en Rose comes on and I stop in my tracks.

  It’s one of my favorite songs. And now that I have found my Anima Partem, the words mean so much more. I start to race down the stairs to make my food and almost fall when suddenly my spine tingles. I feel warm electricity make its way down my back. It’s a feeling I haven't felt for two long weeks. A feeling I’ve craved for fourteen days. Stunned, I look down at my arms as the goosebumps rise along my skin.

  As my heart skips a beat, I run as fast as I can back up the stairs to find my beautiful warrior awake, afraid, and confused.

  Chapter 2



  The soft melody of a trumpet fills my ears as I begin to wake. I thought I was dead.The last thing I remember is being buried alive by Lenora. So how am I here? I know I'm alive because all of my senses are waking along with me. I can feel the warm sunlight on my skin coming in through windows in whatever room I'm in. I can smell the fresh scent of apple clearly. And I can hear Louis Armstrong's beautiful deep voice as he begins to sing a cover of La Vie en Rose.

  Fear of the truths that will be revealed after I fully wake is the only thing keeping me from opening my eyes. I believe Charlie was killed, but maybe someone got to her in time. And Dimitri…is he okay? Is he alive? Is Mack alright? I feel my heart crumble into thousands of pieces as I recall how heartbreaking the whole scene was. If it wasn't for the electric warmth making its way down my spine, I would have burst into tears right then and there and crawled back into the darkness. But as the goosebumps rise along my skin, my eyes slowly open on their own accord, craving to see Evan.

  The door swings open and I feel the tension in the air rise intensely. Slowly I sit up on my elbows to look my Anima Partem right in his gorgeous hazel eyes. They begin to fill with tears as he realizes I'm really awake. As I see the tears of relief and happiness escape his eyes, my own start to water.

  Evan runs quickly over to my side and gently throws himself onto the bed, takes me in his arms and holds me tightly. We stay that way until our breaths are no longer hitched from the intensity of the moment. He pulls away gently, but only to get a better look at me.

  “I knew I felt you waking up. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to see those silver eyes.” Evan whispers softly to me.

  “I love you so much, Scarlet.” He brings his soft lips down on mine and I can taste the salt
iness of our tears. I attempt to reply but no noise comes out of my mouth.

  “Why can’t I speak?” I connect my mind to Evan’s and ask as my panic begins to rise. Clearing my throat, I attempt to bring life back into my vocal cords but it doesn't work well either. He snaps his fingers and a glass of water appears in his hands.

  “Here, drink this. It’s the same elixir we drank in the Caster Matches, with a little added water. It should help.” He explains, as I begin drinking slowly, then quickly, finishing the entire glass.

  “You’ve been asleep for so long your throat is probably dry.” He says sadly.

  The ingredients from the elixir hit me all at once. I straighten my back and raise my hands high above my head in the longest and largest stretch I’ve ever done. I hear the cracks along my spine as my bones realign themselves back into place. Evan watches me intensely, causing me to suddenly feel shy. I avert my eyes and it’s now that I realize I'm in our bed in Eden. As I take a deep breath, I begin with the most dreaded question…

  “So what happened?” It’s a simple question. But it’s completely loaded. Evan knows that, and I don't think he believes I’m ready to hear the answer.

  “Are you sure you want to revisit everything right now? Would you like to eat first? Or I can run you a bath?” I can tell he’s attempting to prolong the conversation and I know he’s right. I should get myself back in order before getting thrown into whatever heartbreak is about to come my way.

  Slowly nodding my head, I get to my feet. “I am starving…but I don't want to go anywhere yet.” I answer truthfully. Evan brings his hand up to my cheek and gently places his large warm palm on it.

  “Of course, love. Anything you want can be delivered here in minutes.” With a flick of his wrist three lunch menus appear on our bed. I quickly choose pizza and jump into the shower as he orders the food.

  When I come out, I’m fully dressed and well aware that our conversation is about to take a grim turn soon. My stomach turns in knots as I make my way down to the kitchen. The smell of pizza hits me and the knots in my stomach turn into angry growls. Using my angel speed, I’m in the kitchen shoving a slice in my mouth a lot faster than I thought I could.


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