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Winter's Fall

Page 6

by Alessandra Jay

  Her thick, dark blond hair falls down her back in natural beach waves. It cascades around her light blue, oval eyes. But what really has me gazing is her shiny caramel-colored skin. She looks like she lives on a beach. Noticing all of us gaping at her, she clears her throat and introduces herself.

  “Hello, everyone. I am Lizzie, the head healer of Salem Village.” She sounds incredibly intelligent, and the way she speaks sounds proper and old-fashioned. I quickly wonder how old she really is when Victoria snorts behind me.

  “Get out of my head.” I tell her in jest. We all respond with our names when Lizzie walks up to Mack.

  She gently takes her hand in hers and softly assures her, “You are safe here, dear Mackenzie. We will resolve this. I promise you.” Completely under her spell, Mack numbly nods her head. We decide to let Lizzie examine Mack while I bake my blondies. It’s perfect timing because as soon as the oven sings its song telling us that the brownies are done, Mack and Lizzie walk out of the room they were in and back into the kitchen.

  With a flick of my wrist, I slightly cool down the dessert so we can immediately dig in. When everyone has taken their last bite, Lizzie voices her diagnosis.

  “Thank Ava you gave this to me after the examination or I never would have gotten through it. This is divine, Scarlet. Wow.” She snaps her fingers to cast another blondie onto the plate that sits in front of her.

  “Alright. Down to business. So Mackenzie is no longer completely mortal.” It’s only now that I notice Mack is extra quiet. She’s usually more enthusiastic when it comes to eating my dessert. I’m assuming she already knows what Lizzie is about to tell us.

  “From what I learned from Mack, we have successfully come to the conclusion as to the reason why she has been granted sight into our world. That day, when the dark caster casted lightning into poor Mackenzie, he was bleeding from a fall she caused. When his blood and his casting mixed with Mack's blood, it intertwined his caster power with her mortal DNA, causing a reaction of insurmountable odds. Now that we know the cause and effect, we can confidently conclude that is the reason she can see demons and anything glamoured.

  However, she cannot cast yet and she cannot gain entry into Eden. In a few day’s time, if she agrees to come train with me, I can help her control the power she feels inside of her. There’s one last thing I want to convey. I save it until the end because of its importance to Mackenzie and it’s the most challenging part of this situation.

  The power that has entered Mackenzie is pure dark. It is up to her, and only her, whether she allows the darkness to overtake all the light that was contained within her soul before she was tainted. It won’t be easy. It will be a hard fight for Mackenzie to learn to suppress that darkness and the urges it will bring. But I am confident she can do it. I can feel her strength. We’ll get through this.”

  A single tear escapes Mack's eyes as she timidly makes eye contact with me. As I walk towards my friend to show my unending support for her, I feel nothing but sorrow. She doesn’t deserve this. But the feeling that is overpowering the sorrow is anger and hatred. I have never wanted to end someone's life as much as I do that caster from the Dark Coven right now. In this moment I make a promise to avenge my brave and innocent friend. And nothing will stop me.

  Chapter 6

  Vision from Above

  After getting the terrible news about Mack, we all decide it’s best to stay in and relax. We finished the entire two trays of blondies I had made, then we went our separate ways. Lizzie went back to her office on the 21st floor, while the rest of us went to our rooms to get ready for a movie night.

  Evan says the theater floor is something he thinks I would love to see, so my anticipation to go there is at a peak. But after we found out about Mack’s situation, I could tell she needed some time alone to process all of the things that have been thrown her way in such a short period of time.

  I suggested she take a nice long hot bath while we waited for our scheduled time to go to the theater. I can tell by her look that she really appreciated the chance to be alone for a bit. I know she is going to be blown away by the variety of options the bathrooms here have to offer. I hope that by experiencing these small transitions into our world Mack will start to get used to the caster world since it will be part of her life now, too. And it still makes me sad she has to go through any of this at all.

  “I can tell you're letting this get to you, Scar. She will get through this. She has you, me, Hunter, and the Light Coven by her side. We will all help her get through this.” Evan comes from behind me to wrap his arms around me and I instantly press back into his chest to feel his warmth. It feels safe here, like home.

  “She just doesn't deserve this.” I respond truthfully.

  “You're right, but at least she’s still here, alive.” Of course I know he’s right, but the stubborn side of me wants to continue sulking. Noticing, Evan chuckles while he rubs my shoulders, putting me into a deep and savory trance.

  “I think you might need exactly what you sent Mack to do.”

  Once again, he’s reading me like a book, because I know what he says is true. But I don't want to be separated from him. Especially when I’ve just started feeling more like myself, mostly thanks to him.

  “Only if you join me.” I respond, a lot more flirtatious than I meant it to sound. I know I caught him off guard because his hands have paused in their place. Just as I’m starting to doubt my request, he fervently accepts.

  Now it’s his turn to startle me. He lifts me up and transports us into the bathroom, where it is uncomfortably quiet and bright. As Evan gently sets me down, he brings one hand up to my face to brush away the stray curls and uses his other hand to cast the bathroom to be more soothing.

  In a moment, the lights begin to dim, lavender and vanilla bubble bath with extra bubbles appear in the tub, and a playlist of my favorite classical songs begin to play. Romance De Amor softly plays its sweet and trancing melody as he begins to take my clothes off, one by one. I feel so hypnotized by the setting I hardly even notice when Evan lifts me to place us into the tub.

  The water feels so warm and inviting that I instantly feel serene as I slowly slide under the water with my back gliding along his smooth chest. I can feel his stomach pulse with laughter. As I am about to go back above the water for some air, I realize I can't break the surface of the water.

  I’m trapped under the water, as if I’m stuck under a frozen lake. I feel the warm water begin to turn freezing cold. I begin to panic and realize Evan hasn't moved an inch. He appears to be stuck in time. As water starts to fill my lungs, my eyes begin to close and I feel myself drowning under the soapy water.

  I feel nothing. I feel like I'm nowhere. It’s like I’ve succumbed to the blackness of death. I'm in a place of which I do not know. I am sitting on the floor, soaking wet.

  There isn't anything around me. No sound, no smell, nothing. I feel a sob traveling its way out of the pit of my stomach and out of my mouth. It sounds like a heartbreaking cry for help.

  And just as I think I am doomed to this blackness, I see a single white star blink in the distance, high above me. I watch mesmerized as the star falls slowly down the dark void I am in.

  As it gets closer, I can tell that it is, in fact, not a star, but a person. A man. With wings. An angel. As he gets closer, he becomes brighter and brighter, until I need to lift my hands to block the light from my burning eyes.

  “Who. Are. You?” I slowly croak out, not sounding like myself.

  I hear the angel laugh. The sound is so sweet and bewitching that I numbly lower my hand. Not caring how bright the light is, I stare right into it. His shiny teeth gleam behind an alluring smile that is making my heart race. But I can’t see much of anything else.

  I move my eyes onto his marvelous pure white wings that beat in a spellbinding rhythm. They're massive and look so soft. They have a neon blue hue that makes them look like flowing electricity. As I reach my hand out slowly to touch one of his feathers,
his deep voice hums his repudiation.

  It breaks my heart and I begin to cry, but I don't understand why I'm feeling this way. I can tell my reaction has taken the angel by surprise as well, because his light dims and his feet slowly float to rest on the floor. I still can’t make out the features of his face, but his silhouette is enough to keep me entranced. I watch him bring his arm up to his shoulder, where he effortlessly picks out a single white feather.

  The angel bends down to my level and catches a single tear with his feather. I watch the feather glimmer as my tear mixes with its divine form. He places it in my hand, then slowly backs away. I can swear I hear Evan yelling for me in the distance, but I block it out as the angel opens his mouth to speak.

  “We will see you soon, Scarlet.” He whispers softly, as he floats back up into the dark abyss. I feel a pull in the opposite direction and I get a heavy sense of longing for the angel.

  I feel the air getting sucked out of me and I don't know what else to do but grab for my throat. I watch the angel shine its last glint and my eyes close from not being able to breathe.

  “Scarlet? Please wake up. Please answer me!” Evan’s voice sounds muffled and far away, but I can feel his nearness as I begin to get my senses back. All at once everything crashes back into me like a giant wave on the shore. I'm leaning over the bathtub coughing from choking on the water and Evan gently has his hands protectively on my back.

  “Are you okay, love? What happened?” He asks with deep concern. As I begin to tell him exactly what occurred, I realize there’s something I'm gripping tightly in my hand.

  Stunned, I look at my hand and lift the feather that is as light as air, but heavy with essence and unfortunately dripping wet. I mumble what I know now to be true.

  “I had a vision.” Evan’s eyebrows draw together as confusion envelopes his mind.

  “You were only under there for a second. It’s as if that vision made time stand still. Would you like to get out? Are you sure you're okay?”

  “I feel fine now. But the vision, it was so…weird. But beautiful at the same time.” I turn so I'm facing Evan on the other side of the tub, that way I can ascertain his reaction to the details of my vision. I couldn't imagine keeping anything from him because if the roles were reversed, it would hurt me to know he kept something this important from me. Attempting to relax me, Evan softly rubs his hands from my feet to my knees as I carefully place the feather on the side table.

  I lean my head back against the lip of the tub and I start from the beginning, where I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. I don't open my eyes until I tell him how saddened I felt when the angel was floating away from me. I notice his shoulders have sagged and his hands stopped moving, and it breaks my heart. Moving my body to rest on top of his, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me in tighter for a tender embrace.

  “I love you, Evan. No matter what. It will always be you. My Anima Partem for all of eternity.” I hope my words of reassurance help him understand that my heart belongs to him. Even if we can’t explain what took place in my vision.

  “And I love you, Scar. More than anything.” He says simply and sincerely. I look up into his eyes to give him a soft kiss and, as he moans his satisfaction, a shiver escapes my body. I feel goosebumps rise all over my skin and that only makes Evan moan more. I can’t stop the redness from hitting my cheeks and I don't want to. Even more so now. I want Evan to know I'm his, and only his. He captures my heart with his enticing smirk, then kisses each red cheek.

  “We will figure this out.”

  Now it’s his turn to do the reassuring. I easily nod my head, then rest it on his chest. As I listen to his heart beat, I close my eyes to savor the sound. Only, the first image I see is the angel’s wings beating to the rhythmic sound of Evan’s heart.


  As I knock on the door to Mack's suite, I talk myself out of obsessing over my vision. It’s Mack's first night in the Village and I want her to feel comfortable and safe. When she opens the door, for the first time in a long time she looks like the same innocent girl she was the first day I met her.

  “My lord, Scar. You were so right about takin’ a bath. There were so many options and scents. I feel like I just spent the day at one of the spas you only see in a resort. I might even take another one when we get back from the movie.”

  It makes me so happy to see she’s enjoying herself already. Her personality is beginning to show itself again and it just lifts my spirits ten-fold.

  “I'm so glad, Mack. I knew you'd enjoy it.” I tell her, as I hook my arm in hers and lead her to the elevators, where the others are waiting for us.

  We round the corner and everyone’s bright faces shine as they welcome Mack to the group. It’s quite funny when I hear Mack giggle, I realize I'm not the only one to notice. As heartbreaking as it is that she has been dragged into this world, I'm glad she’s alive to experience this side of the caster world.

  “Sorta creepy, right?” I mind speak to Mack because it’s something I do habitually with Evan. I temporarily forget how new Mack is to this world and I immediately feel sorry for it. Her expression doesn't really help, either. Her eyes are large and round and her mouth mimics the same shape.

  “I'm so sorry, Mack. I didn't mean to do that.” As my apology breaks her out of her stupor, she shakes her head and clears her throat.

  “Don't worry about it. I think this is all gonna take some gettin’ used to. For both of us.” Pulling me in for a short and sweet hug, she takes my hand and pulls me the last few feet to our friends. Derek takes her other hand and spins her in a twirl as I make my way into Evan’s arms.

  “Luke won’t be joining us, unfortunately.” He tells me sadly. Looking up into his eyes I notice the sadness reflected in them because of the pain his cousin is going through.

  “We have to help him. Help them. Help everyone.” I say, as my stress slightly begins to rise as we ride the elevator.

  “And we will. But first, a movie!”

  He tries to take my mind off of our entire situation and temporarily succeeds as he starts wiggling his eyebrows when our elevator comes to a stop. Derek and Owen are loudly showing their enthusiasm, causing us all to laugh at their theatrics. Then the doors open and Mack and I stand there in stunned silence.

  We walk out into a massive grand room that has hundreds upon hundreds of movie posters that are glowing throughout the place. The images flicker to different movie classics and blockbusters with old forgotten stars. There are also all of the newest and upcoming movies with stars you would recognize anywhere. It’s really something to behold.

  Hundreds of doors line the wall with single light bulbs placed above, some turned on, some off, reminding me of the training room. The smell of popcorn wafts through the air, making my mouth water and crave the buttery snack. Hunter stumbles forward as she races to a door on the far right.

  The lining of this one seems to be a lot more elaborate than the other doors and the light bulb above is turned off. When Hunter steps through, the light bulb shines its bright light and the members of our group begin to file inside. Mack and I, completely new to this entire scene, walk in last. As the door shuts, the room illuminates itself, presenting the beautiful decor.

  Big and comfortable chairs appear in the center of the black floor, where there is a single lit bridge of lights leading us to our seats. Owen runs and claims the chair directly in the middle, then shouts his excitement. We take our seats and I look around, but I see nothing. The walls seem to be painted black, like the floor, making it seem like there is nothing but the chairs and the gigantic screen in front of us.

  As the last person takes their seat, a hologram appears in front of each of us. First up is a seemingly infinite list of snacks and we each choose the ones we’d like. We repeat the steps for drinks and pillows, then our holograms disappear. All except for one - Owen’s. He claps his hands together and rubs them as he annoyingly takes his time.

  “What do you guys say about a ka
rate movie?” I'm grateful that he even asked our opinion because not one of us wanted to watch that genre.

  “I don't think so! Just let it randomly pick for us. Pull up the list of all the premiers happening right now at this time around the world and it'll pick one for us to watch.” Hunter exclaims simply, as she pours chocolate chips into her popcorn. Everyone agrees and Owen begrudgingly obliges.

  We are all satisfied when it chooses an action comedy for us. For an entire two hours we forget our troubles and enjoy each other’s company. It seems like ever since I received my powers, I look at things in a completely new light. Like the movie we’re watching, before I got my powers I would have simply enjoyed the flick. But now I watch it and want to memorize the fighting techniques and store them for later use. Techniques I can use on a demon, a dark caster, or even a Fallen angel.

  When the ending credits roll and we all stand up, Derek is the first to get to the door. He opens it and then immediately closes it again looking at us with wide eyes.

  “Um, there are a lot of casters out there waiting for us.” Confused, everyone stands there unsure of what to do. Evan, being that he is the Director of this Village, squares his shoulders and exits the room alone. Coming back a moment later, he has a smirk on his face.

  “They're here for you three.” He says, looking at me, Hunter, and Mack.

  “But mostly they're here for Mack.” I turn to look at my friend and she has a smug smirk on her face.

  “What for exactly?” She asks with much confidence.

  “Well, you're a mortal who got away from dark casters. And now you're one of us. I guess that has made you some kind of celebrity in our world.” He says, with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “Now that, I like. More fans, more protection.” She replies, surprising us.

  “She’s right, you know. Maybe this way she’ll feel more comfortable coming into this world. You know her and attention go together like pancakes and syrup.” Evan attempts to sound like Mack with a country accent, but he fails at it miserably and it causes me to snort. Victoria comically rolls her eyes as she unwillingly hears what he mind spoke to me.


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