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Winter's Fall

Page 8

by Alessandra Jay

  Entering the kitchen, a warm and comforting smell smacks me in the face. Instantly my stomach growls as I inhale deeply to take in the delightful scent.

  “What is that deliciousness I smell?” I ask, desperate to eat whatever she’s made. Her soft laugh sounds through the air as she excitedly shoves a banana crumb muffin in my hands.

  “Try it.” She pushes my hand towards my mouth, waiting for my reaction. My plan is to be over the top so I could get another laugh out of her, but there is no need. The muffin is so delicious that there is no acting required.

  “Oh, my Ava.” Is all I can moan out as I frantically search for more. She giggles, causing me to try to stop looking like a hungry caveman. All I can do is shrug my shoulders as I stuff more into my mouth, unapologetic for my theatrics.

  Falling into the stool next to the tray of muffins, Scar comes around to stand in between my legs. Even with me sitting, her head only reaches to where my chest is. As she wraps her arms around me, my head instinctively falls to rest on hers.

  “Are you okay, love?” She doesn't respond with words, only with a shake of her head. But it breaks my heart and leaves me saddened. I place soft kisses on her head and it’s enough to get her to finally say something.

  “Courage and you by my side is the only way I can get through today. Aside from the coffee I made with the beans Demi gave me, I don't feel very convinced that I'm not going to have a meltdown. And that is not an option.” My heart breaks a little more for her. Just as I am about to respond, she continues.

  “I mean, this is my third cup and I don't feel anything. She said one cup will do, but it shows no effects. Just that it's more delicious than any coffee I’ve ever made.” She shrugs her shoulders and backs away from her place in my arms.

  “Three cups?” I ask, startled by her innocence. She doesn't look impressed by the magical effect it’s supposed to have on her. But what she doesn't know is that it takes a while. One cup will have you bouncing off the walls for hours, two cups will keep you up all night, and three cups will make you feel like you've taken each and every drug there is out there to keep you alert and awake.

  “Um, that’s not entirely good, Scar. Three is way too much.” I try to convince her that it’s going to hit her all at once, but there is no swaying her.

  “I'm fine. I don't feel a thing. Maybe it’s because I'm part caster and part angel.” She says, with a strong sarcastic tone.

  “I don't think it works that way. Are you sure you still want to go on the mission?” I see her hesitate, as if she somehow gave herself a loophole and a way out of the mission. I am almost positive she is going to decide to stay home, but then the doorbell rings and our loud group lets themselves in, stumbling into the kitchen and rushing to the tray of muffins.

  “I’ll go and I’ll be fine. You'll see.” She says to me in mind speak.

  But I'm not certain whether she is saying it to me or trying to convince herself. I sadly let it go and vow to watch her back even more now that she is about to go on a caster caffeine trip. As the members of our coven get comfortable in the kitchen, I first warn them about the coffee beans, and then Scar and I inform them of our dream walk.

  “That mother-fu…”

  Victoria begins to curse her anger until Oliver cuts her off, “I think we all share your outrage, V. But that’s what they want us to do, to act on our fury without thinking things through. We cannot let that happen. We need clear heads and an effective plan.”

  Although I would have liked to hear Victoria complete her sentence, Oliver is right. They're trying to entice us into making mistakes. We can’t allow them to lure us into a trap. We won’t let them.

  “Well, what we do know is they want us to go back to the cave. What we need to figure out is why.” Chloe says, as she writes in her notebook.

  “Are you going to be okay going back there, Scar?” Oliver asks the dreadful question.

  As we all turn to look at my Anima Partem, I hear Victoria and Chloe gasp. Apparently the coffee has kicked in because Scarlet is cleaning the mess she made from the muffins, by hand, with her angel speed. We watch her as she zips from one place to another. She is so fast, it’s as if we’re watching the kitchen being cleaned instantly, as if there is a tidy tornado in the room.

  “Love?” I try to get her attention by connecting our minds. I'm thankful when she skids to a stop. Even as she huffs and puffs, she looks striking.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.” She answers Oliver.

  “As for our plan, I say we call Hunter to come with us so she can cast us a portal right into the cave. That way we can bypass the entryway. Oliver and Owen will go first, then V and Chloe, and Evan and I will be last. We’ll find whatever that creep wants us to find and we’ll jump back through the portal. I think a five-minute limit will do. In and out. Agreed?”

  She surprises us all by coming up with this plan so quickly and so deep in the coffee-induced state. She is smart to add Hunter to the mission because the use of her portal-jumping gift will indeed come in handy today.

  “It’s a good plan, but are you sure we should do this with her under a caffeine cast?” Victoria jumps into my mind. I simply nod my head in answer. I trust Scarlet no matter what condition she’s in. If she says she’s ready, then we follow our leader.

  “Ready?” Scarlet asks us all, as she claps her hands in anticipation.

  “Let’s do this! I’ll call Hunter to meet us downstairs.” Owen says, as he pulls his phone out.

  “No need, Romeo. I already mind spoke her the plan. She’s waiting for us by the elevator.” I chuckle at her enthusiasm and at the red rising in Owen’s cheeks.

  Scarlet is so muddled on caffeine she doesn't realize she called Owen out for his secret crush on Hunter. I don't think he realized any of us had noticed. But now, he obviously does. He clears his throat as Victoria and Chloe giggle. His cheeks turn even brighter as the girls file out of the door. Coming up behind him, I gently smack him on the back in comfort.

  “If it’s any consolation, I can tell Hunter is on the same page.” Owen’s eyes brighten as he looks genuinely surprised by my honesty.

  “You really think so?” He yearns for reassurance. And with a simple nod, I give it to him.

  He straightens his back with a new confidence and vows aloud, “When we return, I’m going to ask her on a date!” We watch him as his outlandish personality comes back out. He races towards the elevators in search of his Juliet.


  The moment the portal doors open, I sprint out, eager to get on with the mission. I know now it was a mistake drinking so many cups of coffee and it could possibly place me in danger, but I feel confident about today. The second the coffee beans took effect, a sense of courage washed over me. My power feels heightened, even as I conceal it inside of myself. Even Julian's invasion wasn't enough to dishearten my prowess.

  As we all make our way to a safe enclosure in the park by the cave, I close my eyes and will my power to watch over every caster in my coven, and Hunter. I coat them with protection and valor and watch as they all shiver from the intensity of my power.

  “Wow, Scar.” Evan says, as he enters my mind. If I wasn't under such a severe caffeine high, I would stop and kiss him. But I plainly can’t stay still. I want to get in and out of the cave without having an emotional crash.

  “Here should be good.” Hunter says, as she squats down on one knee in the dirt. I look around and know where we are instantly. We are by an old, eerie bridge that rarely gets used. On the other side of this bridge is the cave. I take a deep breath as Hunter commands us all to link hands in a perfect circle.

  “We will be temporarily glamored until everyone returns.” She advises. With a quick nod of her head, she casts earpieces into our ears.

  “Communication is key. When Oliver and Owen go in, Chloe and Victoria will not go through until we hear back from the guys. Are you all ready?” We all nod our response and she chants a cast to glamour us invisible to the mortal world.

  When we feel the cast is complete, we let go and wait for Hunter to use her unique gift. Albeit it isn't a very safe gift, creating portals is incredibly valuable. Having her create the portal here, so close to the cave, reduces the harm it could do to her.

  Hunter places her open palm on the dirt floor and repeats the same chant over and over, until we watch the ground crumble into a swirling black void. Oliver and Owen tap elbows as their sign of being ready and they both jump in. I hear my earpiece crackle as they go through the open portal. The mere minutes it takes for them to check the perimeter is testing my patience.

  “You're good. Come on through.” Owen’s voice sounds in all of our ears. Chloe and Victoria quickly jump into the portal and Evan takes my hand.

  “Together.” He says in my mind, as we both leap towards the darkness.

  When I feel my feet touch ground I keep my eyes squeezed shut for only a second. When the familiar scent of my sanctuary smacks me in the face, it takes everything in me to keep the sob from escaping my mouth. Evan places his hand on my shoulder in a show of comfort, but it only makes me want to give in to my emotions even more.

  I walk away slowly as I make my way around the recognizable dome. Aside from the mess from the abduction, nothing seems to be out of place. Three minutes have passed and none of us have found a thing. As I begin to get angry with our lack of answers, Owen opens the mini fridge.

  “Ooh, I didn't peg you for a scotch drinker, Scar.” He jokes, as he pulls out a vase full of the brown liquid that Julian poisoned me with when I was dream walking at his house. In a trance-like slowness, I make my way towards the tainted liquor. Only when I'm seconds away from holding it in my hands, a deep and ominous voice sounds by the entrance.

  “I knew you couldn't stay away, amor.” Julian's voice causes the hairs on my neck to stand up and, as I spin around in shock, I watch the casters in my coven react to his presence.

  Immediately, Evan attempts to capture him, but obviously Julian expects that. With a flick of his wrist, Julian casts his guitar into his hands. With a single strum I watch everyone gracefully fall to the ground. I'm the only one standing. In that exact moment, I realize something.

  I am Julian's weakness. But he doesn’t know it; he thinks I am the one who is weak and he has power over me. I want nothing more than to prove to him just how wrong he is. It was foolish of him to leave me as the only standing caster; he seems to have forgotten that the only reason their abduction was successful was because he contaminated me with his potion. But this time he hasn’t done that. I let him think I'm horrified, but only for a moment. He steps out of the shadows and into the light. As he closes the space between us, he gives me a stern warning.

  “Remember, my love, misbehave and I’ll play you a song.” But his threat doesn't scare me.

  It only takes me a second to cast my hearing away. As he takes the last few steps to me, I do exactly that. I momentarily feel dizzy as all the sounds around me abruptly cease. I can’t hear a thing. I watch Julian stop in his tracks and a sinister smirk forms on his face. I try my best to match his menace, but I can tell it only causes his affection towards me to escalate. And that, I don’t want.

  “You are so intelligent. But just because you can’t hear my music doesn't mean I don't have backup.” Julian whispers in my mind and all I can do is laugh at his stupidity. He tells me there are other casters of the Dark Coven present and, for a moment, it does frighten me. But not enough to deter my resolve.

  I watch him lift his foot off the ground to take his last step into my personal space, but I don't allow him to bring his foot back down. I know Ava wanted me to keep my power locked and hidden away in the mortal world, but at this moment I know I can't. With a single deep breath, I will my power free.

  I feel it pouring out of my pores and into the mortal world. I watch my power throw Julian off his feet and against the wall. I instantly cast my hearing back because I know he’s down and I hear footsteps coming down the entryway, like I expect.

  With my power out, my casting is easy and effortless. With a quick snap of my fingers, the doorway seals itself from the inside, on both sides of the entryway. The door is completely gone now, with no way in or out. Except for our portal.

  “Hunter, are you there?” I ask her now that I know we’re clear to talk.

  “Yes. Oh, my Ava. It’s so hard to just sit here and listen to what is happening. I almost closed the portal and went in there myself. But I knew you had it under control. I just knew it.” She rambles out her response. I have to cut her off.

  “I got Julian. There are Dark Coven casters trapped in the walkway of the cave. Julian casted the Light Coven into some trance, but I think I can wake them. Call Ava and fill her in while I try.”

  When she doesn't respond, I know it’s because she is doing exactly as I asked. With a deep breath I cast shackles onto Julian's wrists and bind them as tight as mine were the night Lenora almost killed me. Only when I'm satisfied do I turn around to assess my covens’ predicament.

  Closing my eyes, I try to find the lingering cast that has possessed my coven. When I do, as quickly as I can, I try to remove it. I fail the first two tries. When I almost fail on the third attempt, I become acutely aware of just how strong Julian really is. I know my casts are strong enough to hold him, but there’s a small part of me that worries he might still find a way out.

  The casters in my coven begin coughing as they wake up from whatever dream Julian had them in. I can tell they’re trying to get up and back into the fight without showing too much strain. Evan doesn't say a word as he towers over Julian's unconscious body. I see his fists clenching in his hands as I gently take one in my own shaking ones.

  “We did it. We got him. And whatever imbeciles he came with. Our maiden mission as a unified coven was a success.” My words become more and more real as I say them. But I can tell Evan is still livid about how easy it was for Julian to place a cast on him.

  I know for a fact, though, that if it wasn't for the years of blood magic that Julian has under his belt, he wouldn't be as strong as he is. I decide to let Evan handle Julian because if he shows the slightest sign of consciousness Evan will snap on him. As we all make it back out of the portal, Hunter crashes into us with a smothering hug.

  “Let’s drop them off in Eden and then go back to the Village. I think we all deserve to celebrate the capture of Julian Jett.” I hear everyone from the coven cheer, except for Evan. It’s enough for me to violate his privacy by entering his mind. And that is something I regret instantly.

  “I’d rather be toasting to the death of Julian Jett.” He says to himself as he drags Julian's limp body through the gloomy forest floor. With one look back, I see Owen and Oliver dragging two big bodies behind them, but neither of them has the hatred in their eyes that Evan has in his. I choose to give him his space until Julian is in his cell, maybe then the light will return to his eyes.

  Chapter 9


  The moment my feet touch the pure ground of Eden, I feel my power rise in strength. The pleasurable moan from Julian proves he feels my power, as well. I shake my head in disgust as Victoria swings her arm over my shoulder.

  “We’re almost there, then we get back to the Village and celebrate. Because, Chica, you were on fire.” Momentarily taking my mind off of our prisoners, I give a half smile to my coven crony. She smacks my butt and skips ahead, next to Chloe.

  With another moan of satisfaction from Julian, my stomach turns in discomfort. Evan refused to let anyone but himself be Julian's handler. I can tell that Julian is pushing Evan to his limits with every sound he makes. I look back with a seething sneer to show him just how appalled he makes me feel. But it only adds fuel to the fire.

  “I like it when you look at me like that, amor.” He says menacingly. Before I can respond, I hear a loud pop. Without looking back, I know it’s the sound of Evan’s fist connecting with Julian's face. His silence proves he just saw stars from Evan’s jab. />
  “Now, that is what I like.” I mind speak with Evan, but he doesn't respond. We need to drop these heathens off so I can get my Anima Partem back. The hard look in his eyes tells me he still needs his space. Until Julian’s out of our hands, at least.

  “Finally here!” Hunter cheers, as we come up to a large and dark grotto. She comes to stand by my side and hooks her arm in mine.

  “The guys will drop them off. Us gals can wait out here.” She suggests. and I know exactly why. Lenora is in this cave and I am not ready to face her yet. Without a word, they disappear into the darkness and Hunter uses that moment to catch me up to speed.

  “So we’ll go check in with Ava and the girls, then back to the Village to toast to the Light Coven. Our morning is free tomorrow. Anything you want to do?” She surprises me. I wasn't expecting to have a free day at all. Now that she mentions it, the first thing to come to mind is seeing my nieces.

  “I can give Demi a call and see if we can all stop over?” I suggest excitedly. She succeeds in taking my mind off Julian and Lenora, even if only for a moment. I bring her in for a quick embrace in thanks for the distraction.

  “Well, I’ll go, but you have to bake something.” She gives me the ultimatum and I can’t help but chuckle at her playful banter.


  Evan walks out first and already I can tell he isn't as leery and vexed.

  “Scar, would you mind adding another confinement layer to the cave? I'm uneasy leaving all the casters in Eden with so many of the Dark Coven here.” With an agreeing nod, I straighten my back in confidence.

  With my power regenerated and enhanced, I simply focus on the sole intensity of imprisonment. I add a little trap for them if they try anything wicked. With a small smirk, I clap my hands over my head to seal the cast and was thrown off of my feet from the force of my power. Evan runs over to help me and holds me for a moment while I catch my breath.


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