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Winter's Fall

Page 13

by Alessandra Jay

  “I don't know, Ava. That seems dangerous.” Demi says numbly, clearly still under Ava's relaxation spell but ready to fight for what she thinks is right.

  “Can’t we just wait until we hear back from your friend? Mr….?” Scarlet begins to say his name but doesn't finish because Ava never told us.

  “Mr. Nikolai Sandovsky is the name of our friend.” A nostalgic smile spreads across Ava's face as she remembers the times she had with her old friend.

  “And yes, we can wait if that is what you would like to do. But the longer we wait the harder it will be when we do begin to train. Also, as I said, last I heard of him, he was no longer alive. The choice is yours, hon.” Ava raises her fingers to tuck the hair on Scarlet’s face behind her ear but, like a hurt puppy, Scar jerks back, away from Ava's touch.

  “I, I'm sorry. I forgot -” She tries to apologize, and I can tell how much this is hurting her, hurting everyone. Scarlet cuts her off, not allowing her to finish her apology.

  “It’s okay. I think you're right. Let’s try to get this under control so we can go back to dedicating our time to defeating the Dark Coven.”

  Her mood went from somber and shameful to more of a bothered temper. She seems drained and I can’t blame her. Accepting her decision, Ava nods her head and leads the group into the closest training room. Thankfully it is one that has foam mats in the center, because I have a feeling that when she practices with my gift or Rick’s, we’re both going to need a soft landing.

  I follow behind Scarlet, a bit dazed, thinking about just how special of a caster she is. And special isn't always good. I feel disheartened that so much has happened to her in so little time, she barely has a moment to process what is thrown her way when something else arises. All we can do is keep moving forward and tackle these obstacles because, once we do that, we can go back to a more normal existence. That is something she desperately yearns.

  Taking our seats on the furniture and the floor, we all await direction, ready to help Scar as much as we can.

  “Alright, I have summoned your coven to join us, since they are in the vicinity anyway. The more casters, the more we can try to control the touch effect.” As if they were waiting for an introduction, the four other members of our coven enter the room and make their way over to where we all sit.

  “Great. We will begin with the least lethal and move on to the more dangerous gifts as you progress. Victoria, you're up first.” Slightly annoyed at being considered the safest, Victoria hops up and gently stands in front of her coven leader. Straightening her back and saluting both Ava and Scar, she giggles, trying to lighten up the mood.

  “Don't worry, Chica. You can already mind read on your own, so this’ll be a piece of cake.”

  With a wink, she holds her open palm in the air, Ava nods her head in encouragement and Scar slowly raises her hand to touch Victoria's. Both of them jump back as Scar’s gift takes effect. Worried, I watch her. When nothing happens, I breathe a sigh of relief. Only, it was too soon.

  Scarlet screams and brings her hands to cover her ears. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” Stunned, Victoria runs to stand in front of her.

  “Scarlet, look at me. Block them out. Like you're turning down the volume, lower them to mute. Trust me.”

  I can see the tears running down her face from where I'm sitting and it’s taking everything inside of me to stay seated. Shaking, Scar nods her head and follows the direction. Minutes go by until finally we hear her gasp with success.

  “Si, Si! Now just look at me and focus on me only. Turn up the volume. Not on everyone else, just mine.” A smile spreads on Scarlet’s face as she masters the gift.

  “Great! Now turn mine down and move on to someone else.” Scarlet turns and looks straight at me and I think to say something I know will brighten her day.

  “Always and forever, my love.” A blush spreads on her cheeks and it grows as Chloe and Hunter giggle.

  “Alright, that was incredible, Scar. I think you know how to control that one now. We can move on. I’ll be next, since you’ve done so well with the first mental gift.” Ava announces, gracefully moving forward.

  “Earlier, our gifts returned to our bodies when someone else touched you. Let’s see if it works by touching it back to return this time.” Before she replaces Victoria, she awaits them to complete her direction.

  Victoria raises her palm, awaiting Scarlet to touch her again. When we see them zap away from each other, we know it has returned. Ava, ready to continue, lifts her palm in the air for Scar. But before they touch, Victoria stops them.

  “Wait. Before we continue, I have to tell you… when she took in my gift, she took it completely. I didn't have it at all. It was…amazing and silent for once. But I can’t imagine how dangerous that can be for us.” Although she is correct, I can hardly refute her sentiments fast enough.

  “Or how beneficial when dealing with the wrong people.” The first thought that comes to my mind is Scar taking Julian's gift away from him. What would happen if we were to kill him while she has his gift?

  “That is not a question you want to ask right now, lover boy. I would keep that thought to yourself.” Victoria, in my mind, saw exactly what I hoped for. And for a moment only, I am ashamed for thinking so menacingly.

  For now, she’s right. I’ll keep that to myself. But I'm not sure how much I'm willing to hesitate if the opportunity presents itself. Victoria shakes her head, disagreeing with my thoughts and, thankfully, there is no time to dissect them. We move on.


  My head is spinning out of control and everyone just wants me to hold it together. Everyone thinks it’s easy because of my powers. But if it wasn't for the cast Ava conjured in the room, I'm sure my mind would be as scrambled as Dimitri's when Lenora placed that wicked curse on him. This “gift” is not a blessing. This “gift” is a curse.

  How can I go on living, knowing that if I touch anyone that I love, I can render them powerless and unprotected by taking their natural-born gift away from them? Am I going to have to walk around wearing gloves? Would that even stop it from happening? Am I going to ever be able to touch my nieces when they obtain their gifts? Am I ever going to be able to touch Evan again without wanting to pin him down?

  I have so many questions, but not enough answers. If I had any more tears left, they would be falling down my face. But I feel as if I have cried every tear in my soul, not only for myself but for the family I love.

  I thought I was at my capacity, then I get a curveball thrown at me and I have to just deal with it. I feel like I'm a shell that keeps getting stuffed and stuffed, but how long until the shell cracks or explodes? I know Ava is right; if we move on, I can better control this disaster of a gift. But how many more abilities can I seriously take?

  “That is valuable information, Victoria. Thank you. We will put a pin in that and further discuss it after we train.” Ava gracefully falls into a sitting position on the floor and motions for me to do the same. Coming down to her eye level, she graces me with the most comforting smile.

  “I know this is a lot, honey. But this gift wouldn't have been given to you if you weren't right for it. You'll know when it's time to use it. Right now it might feel like you have no control over turning it off and on, but in time we will do our best to figure out how.” I feel calmer now that she talked me off the ledge, but I can’t help but wonder how dangerous my gift can actually be.

  “Now, Victoria is correct. In certain situations I don't see how beneficial it would be for us to not have our gift. But being that it is you harnessing it, I have no worries.

  I give you my complete trust and I know you will always do the right thing. Evan is also correct; if you have control over one of the casters of the Dark Coven, it will make them much weaker and we can catch them by surprise, which would be to our advantage.

  But the fact remains that you have to get close enough to touch them in order to obtain their gift. I'm not sure that is worth putting you in harm’s way. Do you feel co
mfortable enough to continue the exercise?” She always knows what to say to put things into a different perspective and it’s something I’ll always admire.

  “Yes.” I say with confidence, as I take a deep breath and bring my hand up to cover Ava's open palm. Instantly, I can feel her gift coursing through my brain.

  “What you did with Victoria's gift is exactly what I'm asking you to do with mine. Close everyone off aside from the person you're focusing on.”

  With a push of support, Ava encourages me to choose someone and, as I look around the room, I find Hunter’s playful grin. Like an old movie reel in my head, I see a flashback of the first time Hunter received her power. She looked much younger than she does now, which doesn't say much since she’s permanently in a twenty-year-old’s body. She looks like she is brave, even then. The flashback ends and another begins.

  She’s a few years older and she’s connected to the style that makes Hunter who she is today. Her all-black outfit matches the dark makeup expertly placed on her face as I watch her open up a portal to the closest Village. Trouble oozes off her in waves, but it is safe. Mischievous teenage trouble, if that makes any sense. She knew what lines not to cross, but she definitely pushed the limits.

  Again, the flashback fades and another memory takes its place. A recollection of the day I was abducted by the Dark Coven plays in my mind. Hunter uses her gift to summon a portal with Demi as an anchor to make the cast more powerful.

  Before Evan runs through the portal, both her and my sister fall to the floor with blood running out of their noses. Silas storms in moments later with worry and fear on his face for my sister and Hunter. The flashback erases and a vision of what looks like the future plays in my mind.

  Hunter is in the middle of a lake that’s frozen over and covered in snow, with hands raised above her head. A portal manifests in the clouds and seconds later my coven and I fall out of it. Tears run down all of our eyes, but success is clear in our celebratory lull.

  The portal closes and Hunter falls down with blood coming out of her ears and nose. I'm pissed and trying everything I can to help her. Just before it fades out, I watch myself enclose her with the brightest golden light. I don't know what or where this healing light is coming from.

  Stunned and unable to move, all I can do is stare at Hunter. A tear runs down my face as I recall how lifeless she was, knowing it was to save the Light Coven and keep the fight against the Dark Coven alive. A sacrifice I wish upon no one. If I can avoid this from actually becoming her future I will. But for now, this is a secret I must keep to myself.

  Chapter 14

  New not-so normal

  After hours pass and I have gone through everyone’s gifts over five times each, I decide to call it quits. What Ava said turns out to be true; the more I train my new ability, the more I’m able to control it. As the time goes by, I realize that if I focus hard enough, I can touch someone without getting their gift. Not right away, at least.

  Still, no matter what I do, I eventually do take their gift away. It pains my heart and feels like a terrible invasion of their privacy and violation of them as a caster. But I must admit, once I start getting the hang of controlling their powers, it is more fun than I expected.

  Jade’s gift is my favorite, as she was blessed with the gift of knowledge. Flipping the pages quickly through a book like a fan, I can acquire the knowledge that’s written on the pages. I touched a globe and knew the history of whatever location I ran my fingers over.

  It was incredible. The other Sisters, aside from Ava, appear slightly annoyed that I took such a favoring to Jade’s gift. But I just couldn't help it.

  “Alright, one more and we can stop. And you cannot pick Jade again.”Ava tells me this with exhaustion clear on her face, on everyone’s face.

  I look to Demi and call her over, deciding to end the training with her. It amazes me that for all of the years I’ve known my sister and how close we are, I never knew she had a special gift. It must have been hard for her to keep such a secret from me. Especially since it’s an awesome one - psychokinesis.

  She can move anything with her mind from miles away. When I first tried her gift, it was a disaster. We had to start with moving something close to me and then gradually progress to items further away. Now I can move objects rooms away. I can tell she just wants to get home to her daughters now that she knows I’m okay. So if I do something big, we can finish sooner.

  As we both raise our hands, palm to palm, the now-familiar zap runs through my fingers. I close my eyes and focus on the closest life form I feel outside. When I feel a baby bunny hopping just outside the window, I push my mind to elevate the cute creature. Everyone waits for something to happen, and when there is a tapping on the window, we all turn to see a cute gray bunny floating in the air.

  With one hand I raise the window open, and with the other I guide the bunny inside and right into Demi’s arms. “Bring that home to the girls and tell them it’s from Auntie Scar.” Demi’s eyes grow as she gushes over the big-eyed furry baby. With her free hand, she raises it to touch mine to receive her gift back.

  “They’re going to flip when they meet her. She’ll keep Comet company. Which the girls are still so happy about by the way. Thanks, sis. I love you. Call me when you're back in town.” She waves around the room, beginning the goodbyes. The moment she leaves, everyone else stands to exit.

  Evan makes his way to my side and places his hand on my lower back, where his skin can’t touch mine. In this sad moment, I realize if I don't learn to turn it off until it’s needed I’ll never be able to feel Evan’s skin on mine without wanting to get up and wrestle.

  “We’ll figure this out, love. I promise.” Always in tune with my emotions, he sends me this private message to ease my mind. As we say goodbye to everyone, Ava is the last to leave with us.

  “I have no doubt in my mind that you can protect yourself, Scarlet. So I leave you with this choice - you may return to Syracuse if you please. But it is critical you understand that absolutely none of your power can be released. Now that we know there is an angel and a Fallen following you, and Vincent is surely going mad searching for his sister and hypno-weapon Julian, you must always stay alert. Always.”

  With a single nod I agree to the terms, excited to do something routine and mundane like returning to school

  “So, is it too soon to say that you want to go back?” Evan asks, leading us out of the estate.

  “No. I definitely want to. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?” I regret the words the second they escape my lips. A lot of bad things can happen and I know that.

  “I’ll call Derek to meet us there with Mack and Lucas.” He says softly.

  For the rest of the colorful walk through the forest of Eden, we enjoy each other’s company in complete silence. Between trying to stay alert about skin to skin contact and the other millions of thoughts running through my mind, there is hardly a word I can say to even begin to explain what I am thinking. And Evan understands that.

  I can tell he is really struggling with not being able to touch me. Coming to a pause at the swirling puddle floating in the air, I stare up at it, knowing it’ll bring me to the forest by our dorms.

  “Ready?” he asks, quickly taking my hand and jumping through.

  As I feel my body acclimate itself to the mortal world, I also feel my angel gift take over. As we’re in the air, to fall on our feet, my arm pulls his in and I twist it behind his back. Only, Evan knows it is coming and reverts the attack into more of a sensual tango, which instantly brings a smile to my face and I laugh at his cuteness.

  “Thank you for always trying to make these things easier for me, Evan. I love you.”

  I say this through heavy breaths as I try to catch my breath. And, as he forcefully but gently places his lips on mine, I can feel all of his love for me pouring out. The rustling of leaves nearby breaks us apart from our lip lock. And since I'm on high alert, I go into combat mode right away. But Evan chuckles
behind me as he points to a raccoon in the distance.

  “Better get him before he gives you rabies.” He teases.

  Almost as if the rodent heard him, it runs our way, ready to attack. Squealing like a child who just saw her first New York city rat, I race out of the small on-campus forest. Feeling even more foolish than before, my cheeks turn red as Evan stumbles out, holding his stomach from laughter.

  “This is priceless. Let’s get home before you jump out of your skin.”

  Crossing my arms, I begin walking towards the dorms. As Evan catches his breath from laughing so hard, a sneer forms on my lips. I grab his shoulder, where his shirt covers his skin. With only a second before I blow his mind, I send him a wink, to tease right back.

  Evan’s eyes grow the moment he realizes what I'm doing. Before he can protest, I take one step forward. With my angel speed, we make it to the dorms in two and a half minutes. My body is now used to the rapid pace and I can only slightly feel my heart racing. But Evan, on the other hand, is on all fours in the grass in front of his door, heaving for air.

  “Not. Cool. Scar.” He pants. A single snicker is what I leave him with as I giddily skip to my door next door.

  “I’m going to shower. See you when the others get here.”

  Leaving him with that mind speak message, I walk in and close the door behind me with a comical smirk plastered on my face. Only, it leaves the second I realize where I am. With a snap of my fingers, the entire house illuminates itself, revealing the silent and empty rooms.

  Slowly making my way through the hall, I pass my door, running my fingers along the wall, and over Charlie’s door. As I feel my throat begin to close, on the verge of tears, I race the rest of the way to the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me, I fall to the ground, placing my head on my knees, trying to convince myself that everything is going to be okay. When I know it’s not.


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