Book Read Free

Winter's Fall

Page 24

by Alessandra Jay

  Evan’s head spins to the right as a crash from an alleyway close by echoes through the silent street. Again, as I try to stay positive, I think of us being lucky that this is happening by the Village, where no mortals have access.

  A large beast skids into the street causing my mouth to gape open. Without hesitation, Charlie races forward at a speed only angels can achieve and she slices her sword through the air as she circles an Anea demon. Its body parts slither to the ground, gurgling, as its thick ink spreads on the ground.

  “Go, baby!” Luke’s eyes light up and, for a second, I think he should hold his celebrations for later. But then again, he’s been through so much. And Charlie is no longer the same Charlie we once knew.

  Now she’s a kick-ass guardian angel, my guardian angel. She makes her way back to us while we stand still, awaiting another demon. A few minutes pass and nothing happens. We are about to cast our weapons back, when a voice hums softly through the air.

  “We can escape your prisons. We can outthink you. You’ll never catch us. Not until it’s too late. The war has begun. This is only a taste of what’s to come.”

  Then, like the wind, the voice drifts and floats away. In its place, an entire horde of Anea demons run out of the alley with weapons drawn. With one last look, Evan holds eye contact with me for a split second. He charges right towards the demons with his katanas crossed in front of him.

  The rest of the group follow suit. But before I joined the fray, I try to mind speak a message to Mack. She’s only a block or two away and the only one who would be able to summon additional help against these demons. I only have time to tell her to call my dad before an Anea demon puts its grimy claws on my shoulder. I spin around in disgust as the demon gurgles and spits out its slurred and broken speech.

  “You not die today. You come with me.” The demon tries to put its sticky hand on my arm, but I won't let it touch me again.

  I already want to bathe five or six times to get the demon slime and smell off me. I know I need to get this over with quickly. I squeeze my left hand into a tight fist and focus on the demon's body. As I tighten my hand, the demon falls to its knees.

  “Tell the Dark Coven that we are not afraid. Tell them I said to bring it on.”

  With a swift glide, I bring my dagger up to the demon’s throat and slice it all the way across, severing its head. I watch it fall to the ground, its black blood pooling around my feet. I turned around to find my next victim, but the last demon falls to the ground. Evan stands above the body with a smirk on his face while we make eye contact. We defeated them rapidly. I never had a doubt.

  “Alright, let’s get inside. I think the longer we stay here, the more demons will come. They can’t get into the Village, so they’re trying to stop us out here before we make it in and discover who the traitor is.

  I’m going to have to lock the doors to make sure no casters are caught in the middle of this war. We don’t want anyone walking into an ambush alone and unprepared. Charlie, it looks like the time is now for you to have access to the Village. Since we already got the okay from the Caster’s Council there won’t be any issues. But just try to keep your wings inside...for safety.” Evan buries his face in his hands and shakes it in frustration. None of us say a word because we all know he’s right.

  As soon as we walk through the beautiful golden doors, Mack is there waiting for us with Evan’s laptop in hand.

  “Finally. What was takin’ so long? And why did I just tell your dad to come down here? He wanted details, but ya didn't gimme any. He must be thinkin’ I'm on drugs or somethin’.” Mack stands clueless and bothered as Evan grabs the laptop from her hands.

  “Okay, then. Y’all are welcome. I was busy tryin’ to get a hold of Lizzie. I wanna learn some defense.”

  “What took us so long was that Anea demons ambushed us down the street from this place. And thank you so much for helping us by bringing down a computer.” Charlie is clearly not in the mood for what Mack has to say.

  “Well, ‘scuse me. I don't know any details about anythin’. Remember?” Mack rolls her eyes as she saunters over to Derek’s side.

  “We’re about to find out who the traitor is, Mack. With her room key, we can look up the room number and who it belongs to.” Derek tries to explain it to her so she isn't left out, which is something Charlie and I don't have the energy to do. We nervously stand there as we watch Evan type on the laptop keys. Just as he is about to click enter, he looks up at everyone with expectant eyes. We all try to gather behind him to see the screen as he clicks enter.

  Every single one of us gasps as we stare at the name of the caster who has deceived us. None of us can believe our eyes. None of us want to believe what we’re seeing. It has to be wrong. It can’t be her…

  “What in the freakin’ hell! No!”

  Tears flood out of Mack’s eyes as she falls to the floor. She’s taking the news a lot worse than the rest of us, but I can’t blame her. She’s been with this person almost every day since her life completely changed.

  “I can’t believe Lizzie would do something like this.” Evan’s hands are balled into fists as he slams his laptop screen shut.

  Everything feels like it’s spinning. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that it was sweet and intelligent Lizzie. She’s healed so many casters here and was doing such a good job with helping Mack get accustomed to this new life.

  How and why she could do something this hurtful to all of us, to the caster world, is something I will never understand. Each of us stands in silence as we try to come to terms with what we just learned. Anger hasn't hit me yet, or maybe it’s too mixed up with other emotions.

  Yes, I'm still as furious as I was before the demon attack. But now, now that I know who stabbed us in the back, I feel pain and shock. Deceived and betrayed by a trusted friend. Now I only want to see her locked away in a dark and lonely cell.

  “I'm going to announce a temporary lock-in. Then we need to locate, apprehend, and neutralize Lizzie.”

  Evan storms away with his laptop in hand, but I don't go after him. My dad bangs on the locked doors until we let him in. As we bring him up to speed on the last 24 hours, he shakes his head in disgust.

  “One of our own. I'm speechless. Evan’s right, though, we need to find her. And I know just how we can do it.”

  He claps his hands and takes the lead to the elevator. With all of us in tow, we listen silently to Evan’s voice on the loudspeaker as we ride the elevator to the training room floor. With a quick mind speak message, I tell Evan where we are heading and almost immediately he joins our group.

  “With this key, we should be able to find her right away. If Scar and Hunter don’t mind, their Elder Sister power combined will make it more clear.” My dad summons a large holographic map and places it directly in the middle of Hunter and I.

  We hold the key together, hand in hand, as we touch the map with the other hand simultaneously it turns into a floating glowing globe. I’m so angry right now at the betrayal that I put every ounce of power I have into the cast, but I don’t think it’s working. Then I see the globe begin to slowly spin and continue to spin faster. It picks up speed so rapidly that I think it’s going to shut off on us, but then it starts to slow down. Instead it magnifies itself on the location we’re looking for.

  Each one of us is drawn closer to the globe to see the result. As it zooms in even more, I hold my breath, because I know where it’s going to stop before it shows the location of where the traitor is hiding. When I notice Evan’s head spin towards me with a look of concern, I know he got it, too.

  “Alright, here we go. Lizzie’s at…Scarlet’s cave?”

  My dad’s eyebrows scrunch together as he struggles with the fact. Now the anger inside grows. Red is no longer the color he sees, now it’s pitch black. The color of death.

  Chapter 27

  Up In Flames

  Every time I think I'm as furious as I can get, something else happens that proves me wrong. Ri
ght this second I am seething, as angry as I have ever felt. My cave, my private sanctuary.

  Why does the Dark Coven keep using my place as if it’s theirs? It’s mine. As my fists clench even tighter, I can feel my nails puncture my palm.

  I gasp in surprise at the sudden pain, which catches Evan’s attention. Something I am trying to avoid doing. Especially when I am trying to be the one to stay sane.


  Evan keeps his voice low enough that no one can hear. But the way he is intensely looking at me feels worse. He stops walking and turns his back to the group, to block them from seeing him treat my hand. Quickly he retracts a small tin vile of his family’s elixir and gently rubs it on my palm.

  It stings, but I don't dare make a sound because I don’t want another disappointed look from him. So as he takes my other hand in his, we walk up to the group in silence. Now that the pain in my hand is not a distraction from my own thoughts anymore, I assess what everyone else is doing.

  The members of the Light Coven all have their game faces on. They walk ahead with their weapons at their sides, fearless and ready for anything. Luke and Derek walk together with Hunter, who are calmer than I feel they should be. But then again, they have been fighting demons for a long time side by side with Evan.

  Mack is holding Charlie's hand, with concern of possible danger and fear of intrusive memories of the prior event on her face. They both look as dreadful as I feel. Coming back here with Charlie is downright unfair and unethical.

  She died in this cave and shouldn't have to come back here. But she also has an air of valiance around her. Because now she’s an angel and a warrior. My warrior angel.

  As much as I love Mack, I thought it was too dangerous for her to come with us. Charlie agreed. But Mack wasn't hearing any of it. She was defiant and used every curse word in the book, so we just gave up on our effort to stop her.

  I don't blame her. She was close to Lizzie because she was helping her through such a difficult time. Mack trusted her. We all did. She’s been the Village doctor for years and has helped a countless number of casters, according to Evan. I can see the toll it’s taking on him as well.

  Being a Village Director is something he loves, is proud of, and is great at. For something like this to happen under his watch is unacceptable by his standards. Which is why I have to try and be the strong one.

  The dry leaves crumble under our feet as we walk through the quiet and eerie forest. Before the Dark Coven ruined this place for me, nothing about it seemed scary or uncomfortable. It was a place of comfort, a place to unwind and let my guard down.

  Now it’s unfamiliar and creepy and not my own any longer. It tears my heart apart because the Cave was something special and personal to me. I knew they were cruel, but taking this away from me brings another level of hatred I didn't know I had in me.

  From all of the years I’ve spent coming here, I know by the landscape and the way the trees are closer together and practically entangled that we are close. Both Mack and Charlie stop in their tracks as the Cave comes into view. I unlink hands with Evan and walk in between Mack and Charlie, separating them and taking each of their hands in mine. I am unsure if she or Mack can hear me mind speak to them, but I try anyway.

  “We’re all stronger since that day. They can’t hurt us. I won’t let them.”

  Both of them, with wide and vulnerable eyes, nod their response. The Light Coven arrives at the entrance before we do. When Oliver throws up the signal that there is movement inside, we all stand still. Closing my eyes, I find my power instantly, ready and eager to cast. The second I release it, I focus on the protection and stealth I wish to cast on every person that is here on our side.

  “Nice. Thanks!” Hunter whispers, as she runs forward, her footsteps completely silent.

  We all make our way to the entrance where the walkway begins, where Charlie drew her last breath as a mortal. Evan raises his arm for us to freeze and he closes his eyes. A loud zap sounds through the silent woods as he completes his cast and I am sure it is going to reveal our presence.

  “Just checking the cave for traps. Lizzie put one up. But it’s down now. We’re good to go. The Light Coven should enter first. Derek and Luke, you're bringing up the rear with Mack. Everyone make sure to keep your eyes open and nobody do anything drastic, please.” He isn't talking to anyone in particular, but I swear he meant it towards me.

  Owen and Victoria take the lead into the dreary walkway where I used to love to skateboard through. Chloe and Oliver wait a beat, then go next. For a moment I get a glimpse of how my ceremony with Evan will be as they pair off and head into the darkness. I have to shake my head to return to the present and keep focused on the task at hand. I only hope that one day all of this will be over and we will be at peace.

  As we reach the door, we stand in silence. Owen raises his hand to signal that he is going to open the door. My stomach flips and turns into knots and I can no longer wait to see what awaits us on the other side of the door that my uncle built for me. Owen gently places his hand on the door and pushes so lightly there isn't a creek to be heard.

  Chloe and Oliver enter first with their weapons raised. One turns left and the other turns right. Owen and Victoria follow behind and the rest of us flood in. We look around the small space and see that nothing and no one is to be found. Mack growls in frustration as she stomps over to the window to look outside.

  “Wait, I see her! She’s outside! She’s escaping!”

  Mack is first to run out of the Cave, stupidly putting herself in danger. As if she didn't learn the first time she was here. Charlie’s massive wings appear behind her back as she uses them to get to Mack faster.

  As I start to follow everyone outside, something under the futon catches my eye. Evan waits by the door and looks at me expectantly. Getting to my knees, I crouch down to find a small handbook made of silver.

  As I pull the book out from under the futon, I stare at its beauty and workmanship. A black and gold striped snake wraps around the book in a self-locking pattern. I try to pry it open but it only squeezes tighter.

  We hear a pop and I stuff the book into my back pocket. Evan and I run side by side outside to see if they caught Lizzie. Sure enough, her wrists are bound before her and Mack is in her face, yelling at her with tears dripping down her face from her anger and sense of betrayal. Derek and Charlie hold her back at a safe distance so she doesn't claw her way through Lizzie’s face.

  I walk up to stand next to Mack, who shuts up the second I reach her. Lizzie stares up at me with disgust clear on her face. As she spits on my boot, my initial reaction is to slap her and, as my hand comes up, a blazing ball of fire grazes my shoulder as it passes me, hitting Lizzie square in the face.

  Completely shocked, I turn to see Mack’s hands aflame and pulsing with clear blue fire. Lizzie’s screams fill the air as her body is engulfed with the magical blue flames Mack sent her way.

  For a brief second I can feel some darkness flow out of Mack. I check her aura to make sure I shouldn't worry, and I'm relieved when her colors shine bright. Only a small ribbon of black swims through her levels, like before.

  Before any of us can react, it’s too late to try and help Lizzie. We all know the right thing to have done was to douse the magical fire. Did the betrayal lead us to hesitate before reacting? It all happened so fast and we didn’t expect Mack to do what she did.

  Hunter taps her finger to Lizzie’s palm and her body sparkles with a dark red glow, her spirit filling the air before us. None of us know how to handle the grief of losing one of our own who had helped so many Casters before she decided to deceive us all. We’re torn because it feels like she is no longer worth our pain and tears.

  “Not that I'm complaining, but it would have been nice to get some answers before sending her where she belongs. Wonder which tier of the inferno she’s headed to?” Hunter claps her hands clean, as if she just disposed of Lizzie's body with her own two hands.

answers would have been nice.” Charlie shakes her head as she walks back towards the cave.

  “Maybe there’s something we missed inside.” As Derek consoles a shaking Mack, I take a moment to pull the book out of my back pocket.

  “Actually, I found this under the futon. But every time I try to open it, the snake coils tighter around the book. I'm afraid it’s a cast that’ll destroy the book if too many attempts are made.”

  “Sounds like Lizzie.” Evan says under his breath. Chloe takes the book in her hands and spins it around to study it.

  “I learned of these casts in Greece. You need the power from the original caster to break the cast and gain access. If only we knew someone that could take another caster’s power.” Chloe looks at me as she waits for me to catch up. If I use my angel gift, I could borrow Lizzie's to get into the book.

  “But she’s dead and Hunter sent her spirit away already.” I wonder how it could work.

  “Well, a caster is so foreign to the mortal world that their energy lingers in the area of their last breath for quite a while. Her energy is still floating around us.”

  Now Hunter and the rest of the group look at me with the same expectancy. Shrugging my shoulders, I give in because there is no danger in trying, and we do need the information.

  Closing my eyes, it takes me only a minute to meditate and clear my mind. I feel through everyone else’s power until I feel Lizzie's. I almost give up until I feel it just hanging on in the space around us. I purse my lips and tap into that power I feel floating in the air.

  I feel it immediately when it enters my own body. As I shake my shoulders, I savor the new power. Chloe hands me the book and instantly it snaps open. I didn't even have to cast my way in.

  Now that the book is open, I try to return Lizzie's gift. But it feels stuck. Like it doesn't know where to go, so it clings on to my soul.

  I feel it tighten around my chest and I fall to my knees. Clutching at my heart, I try to catch my breath. Charlie and Evan throw themselves onto the ground next to me as they try to help. But since I can’t speak from the pain, they don't know what to do.


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