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Winter's Fall

Page 27

by Alessandra Jay

  “That is ridiculous. How could now not be the right time? That makes no sense!” I can tell she’s really annoyed because she simply snaps her fingers to clean the night off of her. Her teeth shine bright and her hair is beautifully tamed in a low ponytail.

  Scarlet slams her fists down on the bed, stands and slides her feet into her slippers.

  “What in the world has to happen for it to be ‘the right time’ for the heavenly beings to wake up and join this war?”

  Everything she’s saying, is right. Which is why I know anything I say will only make things worse. So I follow her lead and cast myself clean.

  “I need to bake something before I go up there myself and give them a piece of my mind.” Now, that is something I don't think I am ready for her to do... I’m not entirely sure that she can even do that.

  “Let’s go downstairs. I’ll make coffee while you start.” Treading lightly is my main focus.

  “Actually, let’s go to the main kitchen. There’s much more room there and the pantry is better stocked. But yes, coffee sounds perfect. Thanks, Evan. I love you.” Even hearing her say it with a hint of anger still melts me to my core.

  Scarlet’s favorite way to get around the endless estate is using her skateboard. At first she was afraid it would annoy Ava, but I quickly reminded her that with a snap of her fingers she can erase any mark the wheels might leave on the floor. Skating in here has helped Scarlet navigate her way around the estate, to the point that she doesn't need her map any longer. She now only uses it to see where everyone is.

  I think it’s good for her. I cherish the moments I have with her when she’s so carefree on her board, even here in Eden. There aren't many skaters here, but I'm sure that’s something that’ll evolve now that Scarlet is so influential on the Sisters and casters.

  She skates faster and takes the lead, skidding to turn a corner. She rides in silence while running through the options of what we have and don’t have the ingredients for in her mind. I join her side without saying a word. After not receiving the answer we wanted from the angels, we’re all going to have to think outside the box to come up with some clever ideas for the inevitable war looming before us.

  I feel let down. After hearing what Charlie witnessed in Italy, for the first time in a long time I am truly afraid of what we have to face. It concerns me that the aid we were promised is hesitant to join the fray. I was sure the angels would be there to strengthen our number of fighters and give us an even chance in defeating the Dark Coven.

  Then again, at the same time, it kills me to know that one of those angels supposedly has a piece of Scarlet’s heart. I hope with every fiber of my being that there isn't a smidgen of a connection between them like the one Scarlet and I share. The Collegati call is special to us, to me. It would tear me apart if someone else felt that with her.

  “Are you okay, Evan?” Scarlet’s sweet voice invades my thoughts, but I don't want her to know what I am thinking about.

  “Yes, love. I'm okay. Beat you there.”

  This is the best form of distraction I can come up with. So as I speed up and turn the corner, I hope she lets it go. I don't hear her behind me. As I turn to look in the direction of where I last saw her, I almost fall off my board from the speed that she’s traveling as she blows past me... I guess she was giving me a head start.

  “We’ll talk later.” She says, before disappearing through the hall. I knew she wouldn't let it go.

  As we get closer to the kitchen, I can hear music blaring through the doors. When Scarlet hears the song and realizes what it means, she moves even faster.

  “Dimitri is playing Dion! Just like old times. Oh, my Ava!” She looks so happy. Completely different from the anger she just had.

  The moment Scarlet opens the kitchen doors, the smell of bacon smacks us in the face. Instantly both of us moan our excitement. Love Came to Me blasts throughout the room, while the Sisters dance and sing along to the song.

  “Good morning, lovebirds!” Dimitri flips a pancake in the air and beams a bright smile towards us.

  It’s contagious and we can’t help but beam back at him. Scarlet runs to stand next to her uncle, so I take a seat at the island right up front, where I can see everything.

  “Good morning, pal. You have no idea how much I needed this.” She leans her head on his shoulder and gives him a side hug. As he tilts his head to lay on hers, he laughs at her innocence.

  “I knew you would love this impromptu surprise, Scar. Now tell me, what are you doing up so early?” Dimitri continues making breakfast while Scarlet begins to take an array of baking pans out of the cabinet.

  “Well, we got an unfortunate call from Luke. Charlie returned with terrible news; the angels won’t help us yet. So…I let it get me upset and now I need to bake the frustration out of me.” She says, as she shrugs her shoulders.

  “That news is a downer. But looking at the bright side, at least they didn't say they weren’t going to join us in the battle at all. Right? They're still keeping their oath to fight beside us. You just need a spoonful of patience.”

  That is sound advice, and I’m glad it’s coming from Dimitri. There was never any doubt that he would say anything but encouraging words to keep Scarlet on a positive path. Especially after she just got him back.

  “I guess. You know me and patience don't work very well together and that's why I bake.” Scarlet gives him a slight smile before she spins towards the enormous pantry and disappears.

  “Good luck with that one.” Dimitri jokes to me, shaking his head, amused with his niece.

  I can almost see how their lives used to be when her family lived under the same roof. Afraid that I would ruin their reunion, I simply nod my head and stand to make the coffee. Scarlet walks back out with her hands full of ingredients. When she drops them on the counter, Dimitri stops what he’s doing to look at her haul.

  “Hmm, a pie?” He guesses. She shakes her head no.

  “Donuts?” Another wrong guess.

  “I know!” He snaps his fingers before they both shout at the same time.

  “Croissants!” Wow. They really are one and the same.

  “That will make the perfect after-breakfast pastry.” Dimitri compliments her choice, then returns to his own tasks.

  “I was going to make something else, but since you're already hogging up the whole counter I figured this would work best.” Scar teases her uncle, as she gets into her zone and starts mixing the ingredients.

  “Is that chocolate I see?” Dimitri peeks over to the small space that she’s using.

  “Yes, sir. These will be chocolate croissants with a peanut crumble sprinkled on top.” She says confidently.

  “That sounds delicious.” I chime in.

  While Dimitri and Scarlet are connecting, I’m thinking of reaching for a napkin due to all the incredible aromas assaulting my nose and am concerned that the drool might escape my mouth. Scarlet looks over at me and instantly blushes. I turn away smiling, loving that I can still have that effect on her.

  “Damn right that sounds good! Demi should be here any minute. You know she’s going to stash some of this deliciousness away to bring home.” I thought I couldn't see Scarlet get any happier, but with a compliment like that, her smile is so bright it lights up the room even more.

  “Trust me, quantity is no issue. I have to make Hunter her own personal batch of everything that I bake.” Scarlet giggles, while Hunter shouts from the front of the kitchen.

  “I heard that!” She doesn't stop dancing, but she doesn't argue the fact, either.

  As I finish setting up the coffee maker and casting an endless amount, I move to help Scar and surround myself with some of her happiness. For the next half hour, as she mixes and makes her dough, casting here and there to speed it up, I fall into her mesmerizing trance of a dance that she does while she bakes.

  I'm sure she doesn't realize she does it, but she glows and flows so beautifully when she’s baking. What’s so amazing is that i
t makes me weak in the knees every time I see her so oblivious to her own happiness while she’s creating a dessert masterpiece. Scarlet snaps her fingers as she casts the dough cold for the fourth time.

  “Usually making croissants from scratch is an all-day event. But thanks to casting, I can have it done in record time.” Scarlet rolls and folds the dough again. She lifts the dough up close to my face as she points to the inside.

  “See all of the layers!” She looks pleased with the outcome, and it only makes me love her more.

  Finally, she slices the dough into triangular pieces and instructs me on how to fill them with the chocolate base that she made. We fall into a choreographed rhythm and get the majority of them completed, when Demi walks in with her father by her side. They're the last ones to arrive and immediately take their seats.

  “Oh, yes! This spread could make anyone’s day.” Demi rubs her hands together as she stares at the breakfast feast Dimitri laid out.

  “Well, it’s about time you showed up. I had to keep casting these to stay warm.” Dimitri fakes like he’s exhausted as he throws himself into his chair in a dramatic fashion. As Scarlet and I finish up the croissants, we pop them into the ovens and join the rest of the family at the table.

  “Let’s dig in.” Dimitri announces, as he starts the rush.

  It only takes twenty minutes for everyone to finish what was on their plates. We knew not to overeat because the smell of Scarlet’s croissants are wafting throughout the entire kitchen. When the oven timer sings its song, everyone casts their plates clean.

  Scarlet gets up and approaches the ovens; she pulls them out, adds her peanut crumble to the top, and then snaps her fingers to cast one onto each of our plates. We don't try them until she returns with her plate, out of respect for her gift of baking. Once she sits, everyone lifts it to their mouths and the symphony of moans sing throughout the table. A nod from Dimitri approving of her baking skills makes her glow even more.

  “Holy sh…” Hunter begins to say.

  Ava places her hand over Hunter’s mouth and stops her from finishing. But it is completely understandable, as everyone has their own variation of what she was trying to convey in their agreement of the deliciousness.

  “Really, Scarlet. I’ve never tasted anything like this. It’s just wonderful.” Ava boasts.

  “And after the news from Charlie, I think this is just what we all needed. Thank you, Dimitri, and thank you, Scarlet, for such a delightful breakfast.”

  The rest of the group is in agreement as they continue savoring the last of their croissants.

  “That is a bummer. But…” Demi begins. And when she hesitates for too long, Scarlet catches on to her sister.

  “But what?” She pushes.

  “Well, now that they're not coming down to help, I feel like that’s confirmation that nothing is going to happen very soon. So…we should talk about the ceremony plans.”

  Demi’s logic caught both Scarlet and I off guard. With everything that is happening, we haven't had the chance to speak about anything having to do with the ceremony. Scarlet stands to retrieve the other batches of croissants out of the other ovens and her silence has me uneasy. Yes, I know it’s bad timing. Yes, we’re going through a lot...

  But I want us to be unified just as much as I believe she does. Regardless of the chaos that follows us. And if we get technical, the sooner Scar and I bond, the sooner her power can enhance to better help us in the war. But I keep that to myself because I know it’s not something she would want to hear.

  However, just because I agree with Demi, doesn’t mean Scarlet does. I’m afraid she will react in an annoyed manner. But when she smiles and nods her head, my heart explodes with excitement.

  “Good idea, sis. Where should we start?”

  Both Demi and I have our eyes open so wide they're about to pop out of our heads. But it only takes Demi a moment to react. Her and Belle stand up and screech their excitement.

  They grab hands and run in place as they continue their squeals that reverberate throughout the room and everyone joins in the enthusiasm. Scarlet smiles while she looks at her family and friends supporting our union.

  “Okay, now my day is made. Chop chop, finish your breakfast. We have a dress to find!”

  Demi gets into her wedding planner mode and casts her thick book into her hands. The girls in the room congregate around the planner and begin to chatter at a rapid pace. I just sit still, numb over the fact that the planning is taking place.

  Scarlet and I will soon be bonded as one. My heart races in my chest as a picture of Scarlet in a white dress flashes through my mind. Now it’s my turn to blush. And by the way the guys are looking at me with humor in their eyes, my cheeks burn even more. No matter. This euphoric feeling I have will last a lifetime knowing I’ll be with my love always and forever.

  Chapter 32

  The Dress


  Never in a million years would I have thought I would be shopping for my wedding dress before I graduate college. That’s where my mind keeps bringing me. How different things were before my power came to me.

  Everything was so…black and white. And normal. Now it’s just chaos. I think that’s why I'm so eager to have this ceremony. Maybe after I marry the love of my life there will be some normalcy and routine. Evan is the only person I can completely unfold around.

  He knew me before we realized I was a caster and he knows how to keep me calm. Even though it may seem like we’re moving too fast... But after I almost lost my life, then actually lost my friend and almost lost my uncle, I’ve come to realize that anything can happen in life, good or bad. The time to be united with Evan is now.

  Right now is what we have to work with. The past is not something we can fix or dwell on. The future isn't here yet. The present is what really matters. As the days go by, I learn from the experience that each moment brings me. Especially the heartbreaking ones, when I just want to lay under my covers.

  And even more so that I grew to be accustomed to the mortal world and believed that was where I belonged. I’ve experienced what it felt like to be normal, without the power of a caster. Now that I'm everything but that former self, it makes me wish I could have appreciated those days more. The past weighs me down, but I try with all my might to lift myself up and get that dreariness out of my system.

  I left Evan with the guys, who are spending their time ‘hardcore paint balling.’ Whatever that means. Ava stayed back to work on a few Elder issues that came up, which left me with my other Sisters, Chloe and Victoria, and Demi.

  As we walk through the colorful forest towards the Village, I can’t help but notice how different it is to be out here with them and not Evan. With Evan, the stroll is intimate and personal, I have time to look around and enjoy the view. With the girls, everything is vibrant and alive, but it’s hard to focus. Although, having these different experiences makes the walk more unique with each of them and that much more exciting.

  The glee pulses out of the women around me as they squeal their joy for me. I would join them in their happy shrieks if I wasn't so nervous about my upcoming nuptials. I never realized that something like this would make my heart stammer with nerves. I love Evan so deeply and I want that day to perfect.

  Which I'm afraid might be too much to hope for, considering all of the events that have recently taken place. I almost feel guilty that I'm taking the time to do this and not bury myself in planning a strategy to help us in this war. Demi is right, though. I have to take a break for myself and spend some time on me so I don't lose myself in the process.

  “Just around the corner and we’ll be there!”

  Demi turns her head around and the smile plastered on her face is priceless. I couldn't be there when it was her who was getting married because my caster power had yet to reveal itself, so I wasn’t allowed in the Village. But I remember seeing her in her beautiful princess wedding dress and thinking it was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

/>   Now it’s my turn to be in the spotlight, and the butterflies in my stomach take flight and flutter chaotically. Almost so much that I practically squeal myself at the excitement of the moment. Hunter takes my hand and runs in place as we come up to an extravagant dress shop.

  The two-story shop is built like it’s meant for faeries. The pearl-coated paint shimmers its rainbow sheen against the bright sunlight. The glass windows flare out like silky wings, and the shop has stenciled designs throughout the entire storefront.

  Wind chimes are hung from the very tops of the roof and sing their dainty chime as the light breeze drifts all around them. The stairs that lead up to the clear double doors look like they are made of sea glass of every imaginable color. It’s like a house taken out of a fairytale.

  “Wow.” I whisper, as I reluctantly place my foot onto the first step, afraid it might crack under my weight.

  “You haven't seen anything yet, sis.” Demi pushes the doors open and the smell of jasmine smacks us in the face. At first I think the smell seems overwhelming, but it quickly becomes comforting and addicting.

  When we reach the first floor, my jaw drops. It’s filled from top to bottom with a countless amount of holographic dresses. It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. I would have continued to stare in awe for hours if the owner of the shop didn't interrupt me.

  “My goodness, what an honor it is to have the Sisters in my shop today.” She bows her head and snaps her fingers to cast us all glasses of what looks like orange juice.

  She is older than us and appears as wise as can be. Her sand-colored hair has pink streaks throughout, which gives her a fun and easygoing look. She’s tall and thin, with a pretty bohemian style.

  “I am Claire, the shop’s owner. To what do I owe this immense pleasure?” She isn't speaking to anyone in particular, but I figure it’s because she doesn't know who the bride is. But leave it to Demi to take control.

  “My sister Scarlet, your newest Elder, is here for her ceremony dress. This is what we are looking for.” Demi hands her a piece of paper that she took out of the massive binder she refuses to put down. Claire studies the sheet, then looks me up and down.


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