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Winter's Fall

Page 32

by Alessandra Jay

  Victoria stops talking. And now I feel as nervous as Hunter sounded.

  “What? What happened?” I can’t help but let my voice rise too high.

  “Great, they heard us. Looks like the fight has begun! Let’s send these wretched creatures back where they belong!”

  Finn raises his sword and, with a single thrust of his wings, he’s charging towards the first demon, severing it’s head instantly. He does have the advantage that he can’t smell them. Maybe that’s good for us all.

  Suddenly there’s crackling in the earpieces. We all remove them as we make our way into the clearing, where the demons await us. One of the demons roars so loud that the rumble makes my teeth vibrate together.

  That must be their signal to the Dark Coven. My heart pounds furiously in my chest as I worry about what the ‘oh, no’ was about. I need to keep focused or someone can get seriously injured.

  All the guys have separated from each other as we try to kill each demon before they can reach the trees. If I was still distracted, I wouldn't have noticed the demon to my left. It’s inches away from putting its grimy, hairy foot on the stump of a tree.

  With perfect aim, I throw my Katana directly into its neck. It falls to the ground, with my blade sticking out of its throat. Running up, I remove my sword from the gargling black liquid and hear leaves shuffling behind me.

  A demon is coming right at me. If it wasn't for the second blade in my other hand, I would have been demon food. Slicing it in the stomach is as close as I can get. It doesn't kill him, but it does stop him from jumping into the tree or killing me first.

  It growls in anger as it clutches its wounded stomach and tries to lunge at me. I jump back, then go in for another strike immediately. This time I slice it in the shoulder and it shrieks in pain.

  Now that’s it’s distracted, I spin towards the demon and I cross my blades in front of me. I expertly slice its head clear off its neck. Theo, who is only a few feet away, gives me a look of respect as he defeats his own demon.

  I look around for my next victim when I see what I think is the same hidden figure I saw when we were defeating the kudu demons. The shadowed figure looks the same as it did that day. Like it wasn’t part of the fight, but watching from afar. This is not okay. I start to race towards the hidden person when I hear the loudest scream I have ever heard before. We all cover our ears, including the demons and the hidden figure, I look around to find Scarlet with her mouth wide open.

  Beside her, Vincent Valentine is on his knees, with his hands and feet bound together. Julian is by his side, facing the same fate. They watch her in awe as she takes care of our demon battle. The hidden figure is gone before Scarlet begins her wrath.

  Like a tsunami, Scarlet releases her power and claps her hands instantly after to seal her cast. The demons shake and fall to the ground, like they're suffering from seizures. Just seconds later, their bodies explode and their muck vanishes in the ground with them.

  Scarlet releases her wings, and now it’s my turn to stare at her in awe. Her eyes glow a silver metallic and her wings, as black as night, surround her flawless body. She looks like a dark queen, like a beautiful nightmare.

  This image of her will stick with me forever, as I can’t decide whether I'm completely frightened or totally enamored. I feel a pull and realize I'm starting to get drawn closer to her. Suddenly I realize the magnetic pull is having an effect on Theo, as well. It looks like he can’t stop his feet from moving on their own accord, either.

  My body just needs to be next to hers, my heart by hers, my skin on hers. As we get closer to her, her eyes return to their normal shade of gray, which is almost as bright. But they grow wider as she realizes we can’t stop advancing towards her. Finally, when we reach her, neither of us get close enough to make contact.

  Instead, our feet have stopped on each side of her, but just slightly behind, like she needs the both of us, like I need to share her. And that is my greatest fear, because sharing Scarlet is something I will never allow to happen.

  Chapter 38

  The Night Before


  It all feels too easy. The pit in my stomach doesn't go away. Even after we’ve captured the leader of the Dark Coven himself, something just doesn't feel right. And I usually like to follow my instincts.

  I guess with the angels helping us, it gives me more peace of mind, where I can now concentrate more on training. Having more warriors fighting on our side makes us feel more confident. Which is helpful when you're in a war against powerful dark casters and ruthless Fallen angels. Especially when their favorite weapons to use are demons from the underworld.

  When I saw the guys fighting those demons, I was instantly grateful that the girls and I weren't the ones that found them first. The stench alone was unbearable. My fix for Finn might be something we’ll have to use every time there’s a demon around.

  The guys seemed like they had it under control, but there was no time to waste. With Vincent captured, we have to get him to Eden as soon as possible. Any bindings here in the mortal world aren't as powerful as the ones in Eden.

  Thankfully, the walk to the portal isn't very far. Since the angels can’t pass through to Eden, it makes me nervous and places everyone on high alert. Their plan is to continue to do further reconnaissance on the Dark Coven, since Lenora is still out on the loose.

  She might be at her wits end now that her precious brother has been captured. Julian seems to have thrown himself at me, practically begging to get caught. Unless that was his plan all along, to see what we know and report back to the Dark Coven.

  “You've been so quiet, love, since yesterday. Are you alright?” Evan’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts and it’s a nice distraction.

  I feel terrible that I have been neglecting him because it’s not something I’ve done, ever. He’s always been my pillar, my rock that I can always depend on to be there for me in my time of need. I wouldn't have been able to get through many tough situations if it wasn't for him.

  “Just worried, I guess.” I’m not lying.

  “Hopefully nothing about us is adding to your worries?” Even mentally, I can hear how hopeful he is.

  I don't want to lie to him. I never want to lie to him. But a part of me feels like I would be lying if I told him no. Theo is throwing me off balance, and it’s not something I like.

  “Never, Evan. I love you. I only meant that Vincent’s capture felt too simple. Lenora didn't attack like I feel she would have. She didn't even look back as she ran out of the park.” And now I feel crummy, on top of feeling anxious. But again, I am being truthful, with a little white lie thrown in.

  “We can talk about it with the group if you'd like. We just have to place a cast on their hearing to turn it off, like you did to Julian and Lenora before.”

  “Okay, we should. When we get to the portal.” I'm grateful the portal is only a few more feet away.

  Evan leads Vincent and Julian to the ground in front of the portal, where he demands they take a seat. Now that we're so close to the portal, my power is already magnifying. A simple cast like this only takes a little focus to be sealed.

  The second my fingers come together and snap, the hearing of our prisoners are sealed away and hidden. They can’t hear a thing. Maybe something like this would be good for Vincent. By the way his eyes are growing wider and his mouth is opening and closing to try to clear his ears, proves that it is, in fact, driving him mad.

  “What’s going on?” Charlie takes a seat against a nearby tree and taps the floor for Luke to join her.

  “Well, I was telling Evan that I think this fight was far too easy. You guys were there, they barely fought back. Lenora and the Fallen disappeared before we even finished binding these two. Something just doesn't sit right.” I want to jump right in because, now that it’s darker outside, our next move has to be soon.

  “We were sort of busy with our own fight. Which didn't exactly seem to be as easy as yours. Tell us what happened and
we can go from there.” Derek, who seems annoyed, plops down on the floor and lays his head back on the ground. Hunter rolls her eyes as she takes the seat next to Charlie.

  “I think what he’s trying to say is that you should take this as a victory, Scar. You two have a big day coming up. Let’s drop these loonies in the dungeon, then celebrate your success with your boo.” Hunter seems hopeful that I will give in easily, but she should know that I can’t let this go.

  “I disagree. If Scarlet thinks there’s something off, then we should listen to her. Derek is right, we should go over what occurred.” Theo, of course, doesn't want me to do what Hunter suggests, which is spend time with Evan. She rolls her eyes at Theo and gives him a skeptical squinted look, then leans back on her elbows as she recalls what happened.

  “Well, it’s obvious that Scarlet kicked ass because we caught these two.” As she points to Julian and Vincent.

  “But she might be right. There was barely any conflict, considering we just took their leader. Scarlet transported herself to stand directly in the center of the Dark Coven’s circle. Charlie and Sage were right behind her, though, or I should say above her. They circled the air above Scarlet like she was their bear cub in danger. It was a beautiful sight to see!”

  Chloe laughs and cuts in. “It was. Hunter stood in between the Fallen and the Dark Coven. Victoria and I circled the coven from the ground. So they were surrounded.

  But no one made a move. Then we heard a demon shout and it appeared to be a signal, because the Fallen just ran away. It does seem kind of bizarre, now that I think of it.” Chloe shakes her head in her hands as she falls near Julian's bound body.

  “I didn't like the smirk that Lenora had plastered on her face the whole time, like she was orchestrating something. And they didn't even flinch when we were kicking ass. No one in the Dark Coven tried to escape until we placed the binds on Vincent.

  And Julian literally threw himself at Scarlet. I don't think he was trying to attack her, though. It looked more like he wanted to lay one on her.” Charlie snorts at her recollection of the capture, but it instantly brings heat to my cheeks.

  Even more so when I see Evan turn towards Julian to give him his deadliest look. Which even scared me a little. Then I also catch Theo giving Julian a scowl. If I thought my cheeks were red before, they must be stained like cherries now. Trying to hide it, I turn away, but I know everyone realizes why.

  “Then, as soon as Vincent was bound, Lenora gave the other members of their coven a nod; and that was when they left. After that, Hunter looked like a jaguar as she raced through the trees to get to you guys. We got there just after she did and she looked like a statue, frozen in fear.

  That’s when Scarlet came in and did her insane magic casting stuff and blew up their bodies.” Sage mimics an explosion with her hands and her mouth. She laughs at the grotesque picture that I remember.

  “Something is definitely not right. But I still think the best thing we can do is throw them in the dungeon in Eden. There’s enough power to keep them locked up there.” Evan sounds hopeful.

  “Like it kept Lenora and Julian there the first time?” Theo says under his breath, but it is loud enough for all of us to hear. Evan’s face looks more red than mine did as he flares up his chest and faces Theo.

  “The traitor helped them. If she didn't, they would not have had the power to escape.” He says it simply, but with enough intensity in his voice to send a shiver down my spine. Theo raises his eyebrows and pinches his mouth closed as he looks away, avoiding the scuffle.

  “Evan’s right. Eden is the safest place to keep Vincent, regardless if he’s doing something shady or not. I mean, come on, he’s the main leader of the Dark Coven. Shady is his middle name.” Hunter speaks up, coming to our realm’s defense. Although something tells me she isn't directing her statement towards Eden, but to Evan.

  “Derek and Lucas, you go to Mack and bring the angels with you to the Village. If they have anything to report, call us immediately, please. We’ll call you with any information, as well. I have a feeling it won’t take much to get anything out of loverboy over there.”

  Evan stares down at Julian again, who is giving him a smirk that is probably making his blood boil. Even without the ability to hear what is happening, he sure does know what the look is about.

  We say our goodbyes and split up as we disappear through the portal to Eden. I choose to walk behind Vincent to watch him closely, and mostly to avoid being gawked at by Julian. After I give our prisoners their hearing back, Vincent only laughs, still not speaking a single word. Julian, on the other hand, looks like he is ready to pounce on me at any given chance. Something looks different about him, but I can't place it.

  It only takes twenty minutes to get to the dungeon, where there were at least twenty guards awaiting our arrival. Ava stands in the very center, right up front, with my other Sisters. My dad and Dimitri stand back, in gear, ready to assist if need be.

  It’s quite a sight to see, dad and Dimitri together again, and in fighting shape, ready to assist. A sense of pride flows through my body and I get a rush of adrenaline. I’m even more eager now to get answers from Vincent and Julian. When we reach them, four guards come forward to retrieve the convicts.

  “The gorgeous and all-mighty Ava. My, oh, my.” Finally, Vincent speaks. Dimitri makes a noise that sounds like a growl, and it matches my thoughts of ripping him apart. The disrespect and crassness is enough to make me want to smack the smirk off of his face.

  “We have the room ready. Scarlet, I think you and I should be the ones escorting them in there.” Ava says it more like a statement and not an invitation.

  Although, I'm honestly glad to be able to do this. Especially since it will be an opportunity to get information out of Julian. With a confidence that seldom shows through, I move forward and take my position next to our head Elder.

  “Guards, take both of them to the Cave of Verity. Scarlet and I will be right behind you.” The guards do as they’re told. For a moment, I get a pang of anxiety, afraid that we might have another traitor that’s going to help them escape.

  “You got this.” Evan sweetly reassures me, as he notices my hesitation. A simple smile is all I can muster up. I don't want anyone else here knowing I'm nervous.

  Ava nods her head towards the doorway that we have to go through and, with one look back, I take in the confidence from the group of people who are standing there at the opening of the cave. The door swings open without either of us touching it and I follow Ava into darkness. When we step through, lanterns dim themselves as we walk, then illuminate the further we walk in. The passageway goes down farther than I thought was possible.

  “I sometimes forget that this world is still new to you. You're so powerful and valiant that a fact like that leaves my mind. And then I see you marvel at something as simple as a hallway, and it brings complete joy to my heart.

  It reminds me to see the beauty in all things that we take for granted every day. Never to forget that there is energy in everything around us.” Ava smiles sweetly as she rubs a small circle between my shoulder blades.

  We stop at a silver door with bolts placed around the entire right side of it. None, of course, that accept keys to unlock them, only magic. Ava waves her hand in front of her and the door slides open, disappearing into the wall.

  Entering the ice-cold, all-white room feels like something you only see in movies. It’s so bright that it’s blinding. The only other color in the room is a circular, shiny black table that sits directly in the center of the room, where Vincent and Julian sit side by side.

  “Alright, Vincent, enough with the drama. You're caught, it’s over. We just want an explanation.”

  Ava cuts straight to the chase, which is exactly how I want this to go. Vincent smirks so sinisterly that it sends a shiver down my spine, but I don't let him see how much he makes me cringe.

  “That’s all you want? A few words to explain why I chose to defy you and your patheti
c Sisters?” Vincent throws his head back and cackles.

  “This is why! Don't you see? You're all weak and too soft to be in charge of the caster realm!”

  He wipes his tears of laughter on his shoulder, causing my blood to boil. I glance over at Julian, who keeps looking down at the floor with a look of disappointment on his face. He’s how we’re going to get the information we’re looking for.

  “That’s where you're wrong, Mr. Valentine. None of us are ‘in charge.’ We are a community and we work together. Obviously something you have never been able to make room for.” Ava defends herself and rolls her eyes, already annoyed with his gabbing.

  “Ha! That’s a joke! A community? Please refrain from feeding me your lies.” Vincent scoffs and raises his head so it’s pointed at the ceiling. What an entitled piece of…

  “That’s enough! Call off your army now! It’s over, Vincent.” She stares daggers into him, and yet, the smirk stays on his face.

  “Let me try.” I mind speak Ava, hoping to calm her growing nerves.

  Raising my hand and sliding it slowly across the table, Vincent begins to move uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Don’t you dare touch me! Lenora told me all about your new gift. I swear, if you use it on me, you’ll wish you never fell in love with that demon hunter.” Vincent’s threat causes me to stop moving my hand. Julian gasps, getting red in the face.

  “She is not in love with that disgrace of a caster!” He has to be mental to think I would ever give him a chance. Touching Vincent’s hand is what they expect, so at the last moment I touch Julian's.

  Before tuning into Julian’s gift, I cast ear plugs into Ava’s ears. The song In Love and War by Earl escapes my lips in a silky and melodious tune. Vincent and Julian share the same wide-eyed look before their eyes gloss over. I know the longer I sing, the more potent the gift is.

  So for the next minute I sway to the sound of my own voice, making sure to focus on Vincent and Julian. A picture of Evan fills my head as the words of the song fill the room. Julian couldn't be more wrong, I'm head over heels in love with him.


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