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Making Her Mine

Page 6

by Goode, Ella

  I nod in understanding. “I’m not running anymore. I want this.”

  A smile spreads across his face as he lowers his mouth to mine. He slowly pushes inside of me. I lift my hips, my body on fire, wanting more. I need to come this way. With him deep inside of me, claiming me as his.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. Before I can ask why, he’s kissing me again. I gasp, my nails digging into his back as he sinks all the way inside of me to the hilt. Both pain and pleasure hit me. Miles never stops kissing me. The pain starts to fade away as the need comes back full force.

  “Don’t be sorry. Move,” I tell him, wiggling under him. He lets out a small groan.

  “All you ever have to do is ask. I’ll always give you what you need.” The truth shines in his eyes. I’ve never felt safer or more secure in my life than in this moment. He pulls out, thrusting back in. I moan. I can feel my sex clench down on him with each stroke.

  “Miles.” I start to lift my hips, meeting his strokes. The groans and grunts that come from him turn me on even more. I’m doing that to him. My orgasm pushes down on me. I try to fight it off, but I’m losing.

  “Baby, I need you to come for me.” He reaches between us, his fingers finding my clit. That’s all it takes and I’m done for. I scream out his name as the orgasm hits me, the pleasure exploding from deep inside of me and flowing through my body. “Fuck, I’m never letting you go.”

  He gives one more hard thrust and stills. I can feel his warm release spill deep inside of me. Miles buries his face in my neck. Our heavy breathing fills the room.

  “That was incredible.” I run my fingers up and down his back. He lifts his head.

  “You’re incredible.” He brushes his mouth against mine. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I want to do that again.”

  He chuckles, slipping his cock from me. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.” He jumps off the bed. My heart stills. I wonder if he meant what he said or was saying it as a joke? Before I can think too much about it, he grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder. He acts like I weigh nothing.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Shower and then I’m going to give you what you asked for.”

  Somehow, I know he always will.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Having a woman in my bathroom is a new experience, but I like it. Generally, I’m not a fan of having people around me all the time. Violet’s the same way. Even though we’re twins, we need space, which is why she lives in the guest house with a pool between us and I’m here in the main house. Mom stays over from time to time, but she likes being in the city. More stuff to do, so most of the time, I’m knocking around here alone except for when Violet comes for meals. I haven’t been lonely. I’m too busy for that, and my solitude stems from the fact that when I’m working, I’m surrounded by people. Home is a refuge for me and my sister, and now it’s a place for Eden and her brother.

  As Eden hums her way from one morning task to another, I’m reminded of how she sounds when she’s coming. We destroyed the bed, and then in the shower, I got on my knees and licked her clit and tongued her cunt until water wasn’t the only thing making my face wet.

  Cock hard, I bent her over the sink and pounded her from behind while she watched us in the mirror with glittery eyes. I would’ve gone another round, but her legs were weak as jelly, she told me. I carried her into the bedroom and laid her out on the mattress and rubbed her down with a bottle of lotion I found in a spare first-class airplane amenities kit. She laughed at how sparse my medicine chest was—toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, soap. When I asked what more I needed, she patted my face and said nothing. I rub a hand across the stubble on my chin. I’m still a little confused about that.

  “You have a look in your eye,” she comments as she leaves the bathroom. Her lips are shiny and a peachy pink. I want to kiss them.

  “What does that look say?”

  “Well, at first it was confusion, but now it’s lust, and I can’t entertain the lust one because I have to open the coffee shop.”

  I grunt in disapproval. I’m happy she’s successful with her business, but I don’t like that it takes away from things we would be doing together. “You should let your assistant take over.”

  “She can’t. She’s got a little one and can’t come in until nine.”

  “What about hiring new help?”

  “I’m barely making ends meet as it is.”


  “Huh?” She looks up from the dresser where she’s busy packing her purse.

  “You were barely making ends meet, but with the new distributor agreements in place”—and your old man not cheating you—“you’re going to have enough cash flow to hire at least one more person.”

  She tugs on her lower lip. “I’ll have to think about it. I don’t want to overextend myself.”

  I decide not to press her. “That’s cool. I’ll see you around nine then. Come over and give me a kiss.”



  She shakes her head. “If I come close to you, I know my clothes are going to be on the floor in five seconds, so you’ll have to wait for a kiss until the shop is closed.”

  “I don’t like this. I should have a kiss every morning.” I climb out of bed and stalk toward her. She darts to the door.

  “Sorry! See you later.” And then she’s gone.

  I follow after her, but she’s through the doorway and down the hall before I can catch up. Since her brother is living with us, I reluctantly retreat inside my room so he doesn’t catch me standing outside my bedroom with no clothes on. Besides, I have things to do as well today. When I emerge from my room, I find Ryan speeding down the road in the Tesla. Violet gives me a bleary wave over her coffee. She isn’t human until she has her second cup. I grab a muffin and a bottle of water.

  “I’ll be home in the afternoon.”

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Errands,” I reply vaguely.

  “Sounds suspicious.”

  “It’s not.”

  “But you won’t be more specific.”

  “I’m just going to untangle some knots. Love you, Violet.”

  “Don’t do anything that would piss Eden off.”

  I pause at the door. “How do you know it has to do with Eden?”

  Violet taps her forehead. “Twin intuition.”

  See? I need my space.

  On the other side of town, I pull up to Eden’s dad’s house. I’m not stalking him. His address was on the documents in Eden’s folder. The door’s unlocked, which surprises me but when I find the old man passed out on the sofa, the easy access makes sense.

  I go into the kitchen, fill a pot with cold water, and then return to the living room. One splash later and the old man is sputtering awake.

  “What the hell?” He slaps at his face and then bobbles upright like an overstuffed, drunk mammal with no sense. “Who the fuck are you? Do I owe you money?”

  He squints at me through sleep-filled eyes.

  “No, but you are paying up.” I drag a chair over and take a seat. “I want the name and address of every person who you owe money to, who you’ve sat down at a table with, who you’ve gone to the racetrack with.” He doesn’t move. I clap my hands. “Get to it. I don’t have all day.”

  “Why the hell would I do anything you ask of me? I don’t even know your name. If this is about the Patrick loan, I’m going to pay that back. I just need a few more days.”

  I drop my elbows to my knees and clasp my hands together so I don’t punch Eden’s father. “You don’t get more days. Today you are paying up, but it’s not in coin but information. Now, you have five minutes to get me everything I need or I’m going to put you in the hospital. Do I make myself clear?”

  My tone is friendly, my expression open, but there’s not a shred of doubt between either of us that I will ruin him if he doesn’t get his ass in gear.

  “I’ll be right ba
ck,” he says and hauls himself into the kitchen to gather the information. I should have things done soon.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “So…” Ryan trails off, smirking. I don’t play into his bait. I decide to try to wait him out to see where he’s going with this. It doesn't take long. “You weren't in your room this morning.” I shrug, looking out the window to hide my blush. Ryan only chuckles before turning on the music as he drives us back to The Daily Drip.

  Today more than ever I wish I could take a day off. Last night was incredible. The way Miles touches me, holds me, whispers sweet words into my ear makes me never want to leave his side. He’s all too tempting.

  It doesn't help that with a snap of a finger the man could fix every one of my problems if I let him. To be honest, I have no idea how to let someone help me. I wasn't programmed that way. I’m so used to having to do things on my own that it’s hard to break out of that.

  There is this fear that in time he will let me down. That’s what everyone always does. If I let myself depend on him now, him leaving could be something I never recover from. At this point it’s only my heart that’s in it.

  I probably should have closed for the day. Since we didn't stay at home last night we’re already behind. Not to mention the other crap that needs to be fixed today. I’m going to have to do the baking all by myself.

  “You can just drop me off. I’ll do this morning’s baking. I don’t want you late for your classes.” There are only a few months of school left. While I appreciate all the help Ryan gives me at the shop, his studies are the main focus. I want him to be able to have a better life, and getting a good education is vital to that.

  “It’s spring break,” he reminds me.

  “Oh yeah.” I give him a smile. Guilt hits me. I bet everyone that goes to school with him is out having the time of their lives. They’re probably on some fancy vacation and Ryan is stuck with me. “You know that I can handle the shop by myself if there is something else you want to go do?” I don’t want him to feel as though he has to chip in and work all of the time. I want him to have a social life and hang out with his friends.

  “Get out of here. You think I’m going to leave you alone after what happened yesterday?”

  “Right.” Fair point. I keep trying to push yesterday’s events to the back of my mind, knowing I’ll have to deal with them soon enough when I walk into the shop.

  “Even if that wasn't an issue, I’m not going to drop double work on you, E. You already work too damn much.” He shakes his head, irritation clear on his face. My chest warms at his words.

  “I love you.” I bump his shoulder with my elbow. He’s such a good kid. I know he’s going to be a great man too.

  “I love you too.” He makes a turn at the light. “Are we staying here tonight or with Miles? I want to test that pool out.”

  “We can stay with Miles,” I answer. I’m still a little freaked out, so I’m glad we have the option.

  What if someone breaks in again in the middle of the night? They could be in our little apartment before we know what is happening. If I have a way to keep Ryan out of that kind of danger I will. I also want more time with Miles. As crazy and stressful as my life is right now, I can’t remember the last time I smiled this much. It feels good to do something for myself.

  “Kick ass!” he says excitedly. Miles' house can be his spring break, I suppose.

  “What the hell?”

  I sit up, trying to see as far down the street as I can.

  “Are those cop cars in front of Drip?”

  I nod my head the closer we get. “Oh God.” I put my hand over my mouth as Ryan rolls to a stop. The place is in ruins. “Stay in the car.” I open the door, getting out.

  “What? Seriously, E!”

  “Yes.” I shut the door before walking toward my shop.

  “Ma’am, you can’t come past here.”

  “I work here. My apartment is upstairs.” I point at the windows.

  “She’s clear,” a cop shouts from inside of the shop. I see it’s Andrew. He was here last night when the cops came and is also a regular customer. Glass crunches under my feet as I walk closer.

  All the windows are busted out along with the display cases. When I enter I see graffiti on the walls and floor. The remnants of what were once chairs and tables are strewn all over. Everything is destroyed. The urge to cry is almost overwhelming. I think the only reason I don’t is because I’m in some sort of shock.

  “I’m sorry, Eden. I’m glad you two went with Miles last night.” I nod in agreement, unable to find my voice. “The back is in worse condition. They took a sledgehammer to everything. They ransacked upstairs too.”

  I put my hand over my face. I slide down against the wall until my ass hits the floor. “Can I have a moment?”

  Andrews nods. I pull my knees to the chest dropping my head onto them, not wanting to look at this shitstorm anymore.

  I don’t know how long I sit there before two arms grab me, lifting me to my feet. I know it’s Miles before I even see him. My head goes to his chest and he wraps me in a tight hold, telling me everything is going to be okay. It’s then I let the emotions I’ve been holding back come out.

  He holds me close as I cry. Every time I have something good, I swear something else comes along and takes it from me. At this point I wonder if we should walk away from this place. I’m tired of trying to keep my head above water.

  “I got you.” Miles runs his hand up and down my back. I drop my head back to look up at him.

  “Thank you.” I go back to resting my head on Miles' chest as the police do their thing.

  “Eden. You have a moment?” Andrew asks. I nod, shifting to face him. Miles keeps a possessive hold on me. I can feel the tension in his body.

  “I’m worried, to be honest with you. This isn't some random smash and grab.”

  “Someone is angry,” Miles says, his hold on me tightening even more.

  Andrew nods. “I want you to be careful is all. I also need a list of anyone you think could be angry with you. Ex-boyfriends and such.”

  “I can do that.” Off the top of my head, I’ve got nothing. Except everything inside of me is saying this is about my father and not me.

  “Why don’t you two head out?” Andrew suggests.

  “But this place. We can’t leave it like this.”

  “I’ve got it handled, honey.” Miles puts his hand on my back, leading me out to the car. I’m in a daze. He opens the door for me, even putting my seat belt on for me before he’s taking off.


  “Yeah?” I turn my head to look at him.

  “Everything is going to be okay. I promise you that.”

  I believe he’ll do anything he can, but he has no idea about my father and the things he’s twisted up in.

  Would he look at me differently if he did? I don’t think he would but who knows? It’s always been embarrassing to me.

  I need to go see my father. I don’t want Miles getting mixed up in my father’s shit. If he even knew about Miles, he’d be all over me about getting money from him. He’s already done enough for me at this point. I know what I have to do.

  Seeing my father is the last thing I want to do, especially after today, but I don’t have a choice.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’m furious. I don’t know when I’ve felt angrier in my entire life. The look on Eden’s face is pure devastation and hopelessness. I’d give anything not to see that expression of hers again. She does not deserve it. I keep my rage bottled inside. Right now, she needs comfort and care—not me Hulking out and pounding on the steering wheel.

  “Ryan, you got school to get to?”

  “No. It’s spring break.” His response is muffled by his hand. He must be seething inside, too. I know how he feels. When Violet was being stalked and the police wouldn’t do jack shit about it because there were no threats of physical violence, I’d been consu
med with impotent fury. Ryan’s a seventeen-year-old with almost no resources and while he wants revenge, he isn’t sure how he’s going to enact it.

  “Cancun still a popular place to go?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Yeah. Florida. Texas. All of those.”

  But he’s sitting here with his ransacked home. I don’t think he’d leave even if I gave him a ticket—not while his sister was being threatened.

  “You order a desk yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Better do it soon or Violet will put something in there for you.”

  “Yeah.” The kid’s despondent.

  Eden hasn’t said a peep. She might still be in shock. The tension sticks to my spine even after the gates open and we pull up next to the house. I help Eden out of the car and follow a trudging Ryan up the steps. Violet’s there to greet us.

  “I have some hot chocolate ready. Come in and sit down.” She throws an arm around Ryan and leads him to the breakfast nook. He offers no resistance as she pushes him into the bench seat. Eden slides in next to him.

  What happened? mouths my sister.

  “Our place got trashed,” Ryan says.

  “Oh my God.” The jar of oats she was removing from the cupboard drops to the counter. “Was anyone hurt? Should I call the doctor?”

  “No. We’re fine.” Eden puts on a brave smile.

  “I’m going to kill those fuckers,” Ryan shouts.

  “Don’t curse, Ryan,” Eden chides almost as if by rote.

  “Don’t curse? Why shouldn’t I curse? If there’s ever a time to be cursing, it’s right fucking now.”

  Eden winces and rubs a tired hand across her forehead.

  I don’t like seeing her this way. “Don’t shout at your sister, buddy. We’re all upset here.”

  Ryan slams a fist on the counter and then bangs his way out of the kitchen onto the deck. Eden rubs her lips together and tries not to cry. Ryan’s right. We’re going to kill those fuckers. I cross the room and crouch next to Eden’s seat. “He’s going to be fine. Your café will be fine. There’s nothing that a little paint and drywall can’t cure. Can Violet help you source all the repairs?”


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