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The Hamam Diaries Continued

Page 12

by Sebastian J Stone

  He should have said that all Greek customers massage and scrub one another. It is a tradition that has been going on for 450 years. I told Vangelis that the situation is getting too dangerous and I want to stop or get rid of D.T. Then I discovered the problem.

  Vangelis said, ‘Sebastian I cannot ban him, I have to look after him, he could, and he would destroy me.’ feeling superior I replied, ‘But he’s a fucking disgusting pousti pervert and everybody knows’--- ‘Yes Seb, everybody knows but we can do nothing about it, even the police have ordered us to ban him from the Hamam, but nothing made any difference.’

  It is a fact that D.T lives in denial and feels no guilt but is always accusing others and he gets away with it. Punishing someone with conscience is easy. D.T knows how to make use of this situation and I wonder how common it is that the guilty go free once a scapegoat is labeled.

  I suggested to Vangelis that he offers some man a free massage in exchange for confronting D.T and threatening to report him for sexual abuse. I got a typically Greek stupid answer. ‘But Seb, what’s the point; I already know what he’s doing’. Explanations are fruitless, so I told him ‘Get somebody to make a fuss and threaten him.’--- ‘I can’t do that Seb; he might have a heart attack.’--- ‘We could never be so lucky.’

  August 9, 2009:

  Last night, I massaged a woman because Maria had to leave early and the women’s side was empty. It was disgusting beyond comprehension, like a bag of pig fat with no muscles or bones. The floppy areas are too soft and empty but the fat is hard. Her legs were horrific, without form or structure. I believe if they lose weight it becomes even worse, with yards of spare skin.

  Today I massaged a Russian boy who came with his wife. He has a beautiful face and is nicely put together. I finished the massaged and asked how he felt. ‘Not very relaxed’ sensing the possibility of exploration I said, ‘Ok follow me.’ On the heated floor, he looked receptive even anticipatory. After a sensual massage, I asked, ‘Any better.’ Looking hopeful he said ‘A little bit’ taking the hint, I then worked on his stomach, thighs and loins. He looked happier so I massaged his chest, all joints his inner thighs, making sure that my Elbow caught and rolled his now tumescent dick on his groin. I sensed his sudden relaxation into a deeper passive state.

  I wanted to arouse him sexuality, but it would still have felt contrived and intrusive. Misunderstanding responses is always a danger and one should not make assumptions so, I spent a long time on his hands and feet admiring his now rigid dick.

  Gazing into his eyes, he returned my gaze and said, ‘Thank you, I feel much better now’ I was starting to relate to this boy. It is a strange fact that the sexual encounters are often forgettable and the tentative explorations are more meaningful. I had the feeling that the Russian boy had just explored gay sex and satisfied his curiosity but could still face his wife with a clear conscience, and an erection.

  A Greek boy and his girlfriend arrived this afternoon and for some reason the girl had offended Vangelis, but that’s not difficult. He told me to leave the reception, with the words ‘Go and check the hot room.’ I discovered later that Vangelis had offered the girl’s boyfriend a free massage deliberately to upset the girl. I found the boy stretched out on his back in the hot room smiling. He was a perfect and beautiful young Greek man, finely boned, well-muscled and lean with a narrow waist.

  As soon as I began the massage his dick responded and lay thick and heavy across his groin. I embarked on a thorough and very sensitive massage. The boy turned over with some relief, because his dick had become rigid. His ass was as beautiful as the rest of him, firm and round, he moved his legs apart but not so far as to be blatant, so I pursued a professional but very sensual massage.

  He had the most horrific scare down one side with flesh missing. I halted briefly and asked ‘Motor bike?’---‘Yes, but some years ago now’ I spent time studying this boy because he is more finely put together than the average Greek. His neck is long, his eyes are golden, his nose chiseled and Roman, he was thin enough to excite me and he had that energy shared by athletes and rebels.

  I was beginning to love this boy but he gave no indication of wanting me to explore his sexuality or his persistent erection and, my increasing desire made me vigilant. Vangelis came to tell me that his girlfriend is waiting.

  The boy left without acknowledging the intimate hour we just shared. I suspect that Vangelis had only offered the boy a massage to spite his girlfriend. He was too eager to find out if anything had happened between us and was obviously disappointed that, I had not turned the boy gay.

  D.Tassos is coming earlier and he now spends the day turning my hot tap off if I forget then reporting me for wasting water, but his hot tap is running all day.

  August 10, 2009:

  Today three English girls decided that they had been misled and not had their money’s worth. One girl refused all explanations refusing to back down. Vangelis is not to be trusted and his temper is uncontrollable. I gathered that the girls were convinced that the men’s half of the Hamam has a swimming pool. I kept repeating to Vangelis, ‘Is the men’s side empty’ because I wanted his co-operation to take the girls into the Hamam, but I was ignored.

  I changed my tactics and said, ‘Follow me.’ because I knew that the men’s side was empty. Inside the girl said ‘I demand to see the pool’ so I showed her everything including the fire and said, ‘This is not Budapest, they have a hot spring, we have had to make do with a fire since 1550.’

  Two of the girls had been looking embarrassed but the confrontational one persisted that she has rights. She was also convinced that she had been misled and was therefore entitled to have her money refunded. I tried a different approach, I asked her ‘Where did you get the idea that we have a pool?’ defiantly she answered, ‘The photographs.’ We went and checked the photographs ‘I think you have mistaken the heated marble plinths for pools.’ She still insisted on her rights to get her money back and Vangelis said, ‘You went inside, so you pay. If you didn’t like it, that’s not my problem.’

  August 11, 2009:

  I am missing Dima. He has not replied to any of my messages. It is hard to reconcile our bond of trust and promises with such an abrupt end. There were no misunderstandings or commitments that might have prompted suspicion or regret. For one afternoon, we shared boy’s adolescent trust and love. We were amused by his involuntary erection and hiding it with the bowl. He fascinated a handsome young Greek who was entranced by his ass. We took photographs, got slightly drunk together and parted reluctantly like lovers separated by circumstance. Or am I just an old fool? I don’t care because I was a privileged old fool for one afternoon and bonds of friendship transcend age and gender.

  The sadness is that I could never take such a friendship for granted. It felt so right. Such a bond was the idealized love in ancient Greece and normal in Rome.

  Today the fine married French man, who could have been in his 60s, came to the Hamam with his wife, she is in her twenties. D.Tassos washed his ass extensively for a very long time. Later I saw the Frenchman sucking D. T’s dick. When the Frenchman was alone in the hot room I went to check him out. He is very handsome with white hair and the build of a serious body builder, with a massive dick. He promised to return.

  Then a Spanish boy arrived who was friendly and easily amused. His dick came up so I put the steel bowl over it, saying ‘nice dick.’--- ‘You like?’ He turned over; he has a nice body and spread his legs wide. He kept on smiling so I took my time and the invitation to explore his ass was unmistakable. I soaped him generously, held his balls from behind and he raised his ass so I could hold his very stiff dick. I soaped his anus, balls and dick while he reached behind and put two soapy fingers in my ass. I forced three fingers up his ass until I reached his prostate.

  He said, ‘this is getting too exciting, my friend will be wondering where I am’ I rinsed him down with very hot water while he held my eyes, still giggling and smiling. I like these uninhibited young p
eople; they are so uncomplicated and unconcerned about sex. They have no sense of obligation guilt, or anxiety and in short, they are healthy.

  Later a fine Italian of 35, beginning to run to fat but still perfect, wanted to keep his towel over him. I realized as the massaged progressed that he was probably more afraid of himself than me. He had an erection that was becoming apparent. I thought we were progressing nicely and he was beginning to relax and the fear of sexual arousal or possible intrusion had passed, but without warning or reason, he suddenly became quite angry and ended the massage.

  Vangelis arrived and became very angry because I insisted on rinsing the Italian before he left. I didn’t realize that Vangelis needed me urgently to massage two clients before D.T became free. Vangelis accused me of deliberately wasting time. I got angry and told him ‘Because you are charging 15 euros, I have the responsibility of ensuring satisfaction and the rinse seems to be fundamental in bringing closure to the experience’--- ‘But Seb, they can rinse themselves.’

  August 13, 2009:

  Yesterday I massaged two fine black boys. D.Tassos would have scrubbed their dicks white. Dirty Stavros told me that d. T. washed twenty dicks yesterday and some came back for a second wash. My knee is not fully recovered and still causing pain, but I am doing more massages.

  I don’t understand how D.T gets away with his compulsive sexual abuse, there seems to be an element of ‘humoring the idiot’ also the western preference for pretending that nothing is happening. Many of my clients get massaged by D.T, falsely believing that they were entitled to two massages. He is always managing to squeeze some of my client’s in-between his own. I am beginning to accept the idea that there are more men who have no objection to being sexually pleasured than is generally realized.

  I recall thinking that; these Mediterranean men that I have always found so sexually attractive are, in the right circumstances, available. I am now sure that most good looking young men visiting the Hamam are easy about gay sex, once a bond of trust has been established. Some enjoy a degree of sexual involvement, others welcome being sexually aroused but no more, and some can’t help being sexually aroused.

  But I am flattering myself? D. T. tries it on with everybody and has fewer objections than me. I wonder what we can deduct from D. T’s case. No client regardless of age or appearance escapes having his dick touched. D. T’s loathsome appearance seems to be of little consequence. There has, to the best of my knowledge not been one complaint from a customer or client and the number of people not very happy is less than 50%. One fact that I have read must be true, despite professed objections, genital contact by a man is not invasive. I was disturbed by the number of older married men partaking in gay sex even sucking Tasso’s dick. I found the number of young men even boys, (not all Greek) finding him amusing. This is uncomplicated fun and therefore healthy. Sexual attraction was not involved only sexual pleasure or amusement. Cruising is very different. It’s about triggering the hormones that cause arousal, the increased heart rate, tight breathing and spontaneous sensations of pleasure in the genital area.

  It seems that arousal in its self is not proof of being gay. What does this vast grey area of same sex activities mean? My conclusion is very little, but of course there are be men who must be offended and understandably object, but a violent reaction only seems to come from denial. Sexual guilt results from indoctrination, the basic model of Homo sapiens has remained unchanged throughout history. To understand our own sexuality, we must study our ancestors, but without preconceived notions.

  Vangelis brought me a short muscular Greek in his late teens with large eyes and a mop of black curls. He came with his girlfriend. It was obvious from the start that he was open even seeking the possibility of sex. He offered his muscular well-toned curvaceous body to me for his own pleasure and mine. I gave him a thorough massage including his ass and genitals. Once totally relaxed I started again and this time he gave himself over to unbridled sexual pleasure. He gave me the freedom to do whatever satisfied me and please him, I explored his dick and balls extensively, he offered his ass without reserve and I brought him to a rewarding orgasm.

  He relished the hot water flooding his body. I had finished but the boy remained horizontal as if he wanted to prolong the experience, so I sat crossed legged and attempted to disperse his energy throughout his body and compensate for any post coital slump. Getting bored I leaned forwards and as closure, gave him the lightest kiss on his chest before getting up.

  This brought him back to consciousness ‘What was that?’ somewhat surprised I answered from the doorway, ‘Whatever you want it to be’ his reply was very enlightening. ‘It was a very good massage but there is nothing else’ and he gave me a defiant look. Standing in the doorway I shrugged my indifference and left. This reaction reveals a fundamental truth about casual sex. It need have no limits, but friendship, affection or any form of acknowledgment is taboo. For my part, I resent being treated as a service station and I appreciate some degree acknowledgment, preferably unspoken.

  August 14, 2009:

  Today was interesting because my friend with an extra hole in his dick, who works in Athens, returned for his summer holiday. He declined a body scrub but once relaxed he indicated his readiness for a massage. He has lost some weight; he is feeling firmer and looking even more beautiful. He liked having his ass soaped and for a while he let his legs drifted apart.

  When he turned over, he was as always erect. I no longer resort to subterfuge or seduction in the guise of a massage. I manipulated his muscles caressing his erogenous zones I ran my hands between his legs and cradled his balls while stimulating the whole length of his shaft from his ass, with finger tips.

  He stretched out on the floor, his arms above his head offering his dick and balls to be sucked. We heard the main door open, so sitting side-by-side out of sight I caressed his back then reaching around behind I held his still rigid dick. Nobody came into the main room so we relaxed. He sat with his back leaning against the wall, his legs out stretched. I sat crossed legged between them and caressed with soapy fingers his balls and his anus while masturbating his hard shaft; applying pressure on the down stroke only.

  He was close to orgasm, so I slowed the speed imperceptibly feeling tiny spasms fluttering in his anus, his shaft became rigid like stone as I delayed his climax. With only the slightest gesture he presented his dick for me to suck taking over the masturbation himself and his orgasm flooded my mouth, his semen flowing abundantly through his two exits.

  The muscular French man with the very young wife returned and he specifically asked for me but Vangelis gave him to D. Tassos once again. I was a bit displeased on behalf of the French man until I discovered why.

  A fine Greek who looks Italian came into the main hot room. His eyes and mouth were very beautiful and he gave me a long lazy smile as he lay face down. He responded quickly to every caress and pressure as I discovered that he also enjoyed pain. When he turned over we both sat heads together looking at his erection as it continued to grow and harden. He gave me a smile of pride and amusement so I told him to lie down and I put the steel bowl over his dick. He was amused and got the giggles when the bowl was not big enough to cover it and remained suspended. I pressed the bowl down with one finger and it sprang back up.

  That moment passed, he was not eager for sex but was delighting in his massage and my well soaped hands explored every surface and secret place. He offered me his dick or his ass as the occasion arose. The massage completed, I then began to massage his whole body with long gentle caresses using my hands and fingertips.

  Of his own accord, he lay on his stomach and then raised his ass, pushing his erect penis and balls down between his legs. My knees each side of his back I rinsed the soap from his ass and buried my face between his generous cheeks, licking his ass and kissing his dick. He lifted his ass so I could hold his dick and balls with both hands; my tongue caressing his anus as I began to masturbate him.

  He turned over; lying on
his back, holding my eyes he took hold of his own dick. I inserted my fingers in his ass and smiling he brought himself to an easy orgasm. As his orgasm broke I took his dick in my mouth and with my tongue and by rotating my head I caused him such an intense climax, his anus crushed my fingers. Sucking hard on his glans his semen filled my mouth. He remained for a long time on his back gazing into my eyes while I gently caressed his body while cradling his balls.

  I had left the hot tap running and it had gently overflowed onto the floor. We made love in the hot water. He was not ready to leave and glancing at the steel bowl he laid full length in the hot flowing water as I poured scalding water over his welcoming body. Vangelis called from the door that his wife is waiting. We didn’t want to part. As we passed my old room we saw D.T jerking the muscular French man off. Standing very close, sharing our disgust and amusement he whispered ‘I like you’ and was gone.

  The Frenchman joined me in the hot room and asked for a massage. He looks very good but he does not feel so nice. His muscles are damaged, full of knots and not resilient, he feels softer and older than he looks. He offered me his generous ass, but his anus was soft and wide, and I got shit on my thumb. He put his arms around my body and held me very tight, burying his face in my genitals and kissing my dick. It felt uncomfortably intimate and my dick and stomach recoiled. He whispered that he intended to return. His dick was white and flaccid feeling more like a length of intestine, than a penis. He’s disgusting.

  August 16, 2009:

  I arrived at the Hamam very early this morning. I was sitting outside when in the distance I saw walking towards me a very beautiful boy. He was slim, quite tall, in his late teens and fair with sturdy legs. When he walked into the Hamam I could not believe my luck, and he booked a massage. His face is extraordinary with high cheek bones and large black eyes, slanting upwards, his lips are full and pouting. He is Russian with Mongol ancestry and he looks like Nijinsky.


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