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When a Lioness Hunts (A Lion's Pride Book 8)

Page 6

by Eve Langlais

  “Um.” At a loss for words, he looked down at the linen in his arms. The couch wasn’t anywhere long enough to accommodate him. Yet the alternative…

  He never managed to make it out of the room.

  The woman, who had some kind of stealthy gene for sure, planted herself in front of him. “Where are you going? The bed is big enough for two.”

  A king size it was, and yet he knew it wouldn’t be large enough. Like an idiot, who’d been getting dumber and dumber since meeting her earlier that day, he let her lead him to it. But he turned his back when she stripped.

  Her soft chuckle caressed him. “I kept the bra and panties on, so you can relax. And I’m under the covers, so your delicate sensibilities won’t be offended.”

  She did her best to goad, and it worked. He, the man of impeccable cool in any situation, was frazzled because of a half-naked woman.

  It made his movements brisker than warranted as he stripped his jacket and shirt. His slacks, too. His boxers provided more cover than most bathing suits, but he still felt exposed. Stared at. Yet a short glance over his shoulder showed her lying on her side away from him.

  In his bed. How had this happened?

  One last time he thought of going out to the living room, but darn it, this was his bed. His home.

  His job.

  If they ever found out…he wouldn’t be fired. More likely he’d get high-fives. He had a nickname around the office: the Ice Man. Apparently, it took the right kind of woman to make him melt.

  “Are you coming to bed or not?”

  “This is wrong,” he muttered.

  “Then leave.” She rolled to face him, clad only in bra and panties, head propped on her hand.

  She looked perfect there. And she was right. They’d met earlier that day, and yet it seemed much longer.

  “I am not leaving my apartment.”

  “Neither am I, which means we’re at an impasse, my sweet geek.”

  “This won’t stop me from arresting you for tax fraud.”

  “I like a man with morals. They’re more fun to corrupt.” She winked.

  She showed not the least bit of restraint. It usually would have roused his righteous nature, but instead, he got into the bed. It would take more than her allure to make him succumb.

  To his surprise, she didn’t try to touch him, but she did still talk. “Do you arrest people often for tax stuff?”

  “Often enough.” The scent of her wrapped around him, teasing him with a tickle in the nose. Just a little one. He hoped he didn’t sneeze again. He still had no idea what came over him in the restaurant. It was emasculating to the extreme.

  “Theodore Loomer, IRS agent extraordinaire. So does arresting people sometimes mean you have cuffs?” She sounded so hopeful.


  “Really?” She bounced to her knees, and his gaze drifted to the valley between her breasts. “Can I see them?”

  “You’ll see them soon enough if you don’t provide proper receipts and documentation,” he warned.

  “You are no fun.”

  “I’m okay with it.” He truly was. Yet for a moment, as she sighed and turned on her side away from him, he wished he was a different kind of man. The kind to drag her into his arms and kiss her.

  He did nothing, and soon she softly snored. Whereas he lay awake, no further ahead in his task than before. Perhaps sleeping together, with him respecting her, would get her to trust him and explain the weaponry. No one needed that much firepower. What of the strange arrangement she had with the Pride Group? No company was that generous. Was it all linked to the incident at the restaurant? Perhaps he should tell Maverick to look more closely at that location, too. Gang war indeed.

  Something else was afoot. He could sense it. The lies, the subterfuge. He just needed to dig a little deeper.

  The night passed in spurts of sleep, short jolts of fifteen minutes here and there. During it all, she didn’t move. Didn’t sprawl or touch him in any way, and yet he was so aware of her.

  Too aware. When dawn hit, he eased out of the bed and went into his bathroom. He looked haggard. Unshaven, his eyes a bit bloodshot. He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. First thing, he turned on the shower, stripped his boxers, and stepped under the hot spray. He put his face into it, letting the heat seep into his pores, his muscles, his soul.

  He tried to relax, and yet he couldn’t help thinking of the woman in his bed. Would she wake up and leave, maybe embarrassed at her forward actions surely caused by the drink?

  Would she continue to vex him or…? The shower curtain rustled, and he whirled.

  “What are you doing?” he managed to exclaim, shocked to discover she’d joined him.

  “I woke up all alone, so I came to find you. Share the water.” She shoved past him, her body naked and slick.

  A smart man would have left at that point. But he had no blood left in his brain to think.

  He stood there as she turned her face into the spray and opened her mouth to let it run into it and spill over. He was only human and couldn’t keep his gaze from devouring the sight of her wet body, the frame of her tight and yet flaring at the hips. Her breasts small, the nipples tiny rosebuds. The hair between her legs damp and dark with moisture.

  She grabbed the soap and lathered her hands before touching him.

  His voice emerged rough. “I can wash myself.”

  “It’s more fun if I do it.”

  On that count she was right, but this was wrong. He grabbed her wrists and held her hands away from him. “You have to stop this. I’m not going to clear you just because you have sex with me.”

  “Sex? Who says we’re having sex? I’m hungry in the morning, and you have just what I need,” she said with a wink before she dropped to her knees.

  Surely, she wouldn’t.

  She grabbed hold of him. “Try and relax.”

  An impossible task given her hands on his cock were anything but.

  Her hot breath fluttered over the flesh of his shaft as she blew on the wet length of it. And it was lengthy. He couldn’t hide his arousal. Didn’t actually want to. Seduction wasn’t part of his plan, and yet he did nothing to stop it.

  She gripped him in an eager hand, stroking his flesh. A cry escaped him when she decided to stop teasing with hot breaths and take him into her mouth. She gave him a good hard suck. Then another. She bobbed her head on his cock, and he could only lean his head back and enjoy.

  It was possible he enjoyed it more than he should have given it was so very taboo. Theo wasn’t usually the type to be distracted on the job, but that was only because he’d never met Melly.

  She ate him with gusto, sucking and slurping at him until he thought he would go mad. When she let his shaft loose with a wet pop, he couldn’t help a sound of disappointment.

  He reached for her and dragged her upright, mashing his mouth to hers, giving in to the temptation of tasting her lips.

  She protested. “I wasn’t done with you.”

  Words to increase the ache in his cock and the tightness of his balls. “Maybe it’s your turn.” Where did he find those husky words? He wasn’t one to usually talk during the act.

  “Oh no you don’t, my sexy nerd. I’ve been dreaming of sucking that cock of yours. which means you don’t get a turn on me until I’m done.” With that warning and promise, she dropped back onto her haunches and grabbed him. Firmly.

  Her other hand cradled his balls. His hips jerked, and he uttered a low groan as she once more sheathed him with her mouth. Hers lip slid down the length of his shaft, right to the root.

  He didn’t know how she did it, but it felt better than good. It was amazing. And arousing. Especially when she began to bob and suck on him, her cheeks hollowing every time she pulled. He would know. He watched.

  They fell into a cadence, her head held in place by his hands as his hips bucked to fill her mouth.

  The pressure of his orgasm had him panting. He was going to come. In her mouth. A new thing for him
. What if she didn’t want it? What if—

  “You’re thinking too much again,” she advised, the words rumbling around his flesh.

  “It’s my turn,” he managed to say when all he really wanted to do was let go.

  “I’m not done.” She worked his cock, swirling her tongue around the swollen head. Sucked it. Tasted it. Even nibbled on it. She played with him, and he couldn’t help but dig his fingers into her scalp, thrusting his cock at her.

  And when she squeezed and kneaded his balls?

  He came.

  In her mouth.

  Chapter Six

  Mmm. She did so like cream, and his was tastier than most.

  Melly would have liked to remain in the shower for part two, where he used that tongue of his for something other than arguing; however, she’d checked her phone before joining her sexy geek, and if she didn’t get her butt home, Arik was going to send the Biatches after her. Given they would just barge in and ogle her Theo, best she get moving.

  She let go of his cock, and he slumped against the wall. Now there was a sight to make a woman grin. She stood and would have stepped out of the shower, only she found herself pushed against the tile, her geek not as far-gone as she thought. His expression smoldered.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have a meeting.”

  “It can wait.” He growled the words. Not a shifter growl but that of a man who desired her. “I’m not done with you.”

  He thrust his hand between her thighs, and she mewled as he stroked her. He’d had his pleasure, and yet he wanted to give her some in return.

  Melly wasn’t about to say no, not when he knelt between her legs and parted them. He wasted no time finding her core, his tongue parting her lips for a taste. Her leg went over his shoulder at his urging, opening her up to him, and he took advantage.

  She’d never been so well eaten in her life. He knew just how to play with her clitoris, teasing it with his lips, rubbing his tongue so hard and fast she was panting in no time, tearing at his scalp.

  He grunted against her, showing a pure enjoyment that would have made her come. She wanted to come, but he stopped.

  She made a pathetic mewling sound.

  “Tell me where you bought the ammo,” he asked against her throbbing flesh.

  Seriously? Now he wanted to talk business? She stiffened.

  He thrust a finger into her, and she gasped.

  “Tell me and I’ll finish you off.”

  Sex for secrets? It was very un-nerd like and surprisingly hot. “I can masturbate if you don’t.”

  “You could.” He blew on then spent a moment rubbing her clit until she panted. He continued as if he’d not just driven her crazy. “Or I could offer you a deal. Immunity for info.”

  “Immunity for me and my friends, plus you make me come.”

  He pressed his thumb against her clit. “You’re asking a lot.”

  “I’d be risking even more telling you.” She ground herself against his hand.

  “Deal. Start talking.”

  “I get the ammo in the tunnels.”

  “What tunnels?” He stretched her with a second finger.

  “Under the city. But the location moves around.” She gyrated her hips.

  “Can you take me?”


  “Wrong answer.” He withdrew his fingers.

  “Fine. Yes. I’ll take you.” The fingers returned, along with his tongue and a whispered, “When?”

  “Next week.”

  He stopped.

  “Tonight?” she squeaked, her pleasure on the edge.


  “Yes!” she said on a breathy high note as he finished her.

  His tongue swept her clit, and his fingers thrust into her until her blessed orgasm hit. A shuddering thing that left her weak and satisfied, even more than the fresh cream she’d stolen from the condo’s kitchens last week.

  She’d just been outmaneuvered by the human, and he knew it, too. Smug bastard. He stood, looking very pleased with himself. With good reason. He’d pleasured her well.

  She wanted to purr. Scratch. Ride him until they both came again.

  But there was a pounding heard even from the shower.

  “Who is that?” He turned his head, his expression stern. For a moment Theo looked almost dangerous.

  For a human.

  She patted his cheek. “My ride. Thanks for the morning nookie.”

  He grabbed at her as she stepped out of the shower. “You can’t leave yet.”

  “I can and I am.” She slipped free and left with the only towel in the bathroom.

  As he dove into the cupboard for another, she shut the bathroom door and wedged a chair under the handle. That would hold him for a minute while she dressed.

  He banged on the door, most unhappy with her. Only when she’d finished getting her clothes on did she remove the barrier and skip to the front door.

  He emerged from the bedroom wearing only a towel around his hips, a sight that tempted her to stay. She might have totally climbed his damp body, only she heard Joan hollering.

  “Biatch, get your ass out here before we drag you out. We have business to attend to.”

  Melly blew him a kiss and said, “Later, Theo.”

  Rather than reply, he turned to head back into his room, the towel dropping to show his firm ass.

  She almost told Joan to leave without her. But duty to the Pride called.

  She detoured by her place for a change of gear. No need for the boss to smell what she’d been doing. He still guessed.

  As she walked into Arik’s office, he roared, “You slept with the guy from the IRS.”

  “He had a bed big enough for two. But don’t worry, nothing happened in it.”

  “You’re lying,” Arik seethed.

  “Not exactly. We screwed around in the shower, not his bed. Didn’t have time given you sent Joan to drag me out.”

  “When Reba informed me this morning where you ended up, you’re damned straight I had you extracted.”

  “Relax, he knows nothing.”

  “He was there when the bears invaded. He had to have seen something.”

  “I broke his glasses and stuffed him under a table. I promise he didn’t see a thing.”

  Arik scrubbed at his face. “I hope you’re right, but even if you are, what the hell were you thinking? A human in the back side of the restaurant?”

  She was thinking she wanted to show him off, which made no sense. It wasn’t as if Theo was her prize.

  “You did it with Kira.”

  “Because Kira was my mate. Are you trying to tell me something?” The king arched a brow.

  She couldn’t help but gasp a horrified, “No!”

  Never. Not with Theo. A human. A geek who actually didn’t lay a hand on her while they were in bed. What man didn’t try to at least fake a snuggle?

  “So if you’re not about to bite the man and claim him as yours, why the fuck are you bringing him places he shouldn’t be?”

  The king knew how to raise his voice without actually getting louder. She might have shriveled a little. But a lioness never fully cowered. She twisted the situation.

  “He offered me a deal.”

  “What kind of deal?” Arik asked, drumming his fingers on his desk.

  “The kind that sees them dropping the tax fraud investigation.”

  “Which is a whole other issue. What the hell were you thinking? We have accountants you can use. Safeguards to avoid attention.”

  “The program I devised needs tweaking.”

  “Too late now, isn’t it?”

  “I’ll take care of it,” she muttered.

  “In return for what? Because he’s obviously not doing it for free.”

  “Some things are priceless.” She tossed her hair.

  “Your confidence in your skills is admirable, but I am fairly certain he wanted more than that.”

  Melly scowled. “I promised
I’d take him to my ammo supplier.”

  “You what!” The roar shook the windows.

  She cringed. “I know, I messed up.”

  “Actually, this might work in our favor. If you bring him down into those tunnels, he likely won’t emerge alive.”

  Her turn to gape at the king. “You want him to die.”

  “It’s not as if you are leaving me much choice. And don’t be mad at me. We wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for your creative accounting.”

  She hung her head. “I learned my lesson.”

  “I doubt you have yet, but you will. Take the man to the tunnels and let nature sort itself.”

  “What if he comes out alive?”

  Arik pinned her with a gaze that only a king could imbue with such force. “Are you or are you not a Pride huntress?”

  “I am.”

  “Then I trust you’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  Kill the man who’d played her so well she’d spilled secrets? She wondered if there was time for one more round before she led him to his doom.

  Chapter Seven

  Melly left after he made her come. No kiss. No nothing. Just a vague promise extracted in the shower that she would take him to the person selling ammo, who might be completely legit. He doubted it, though.

  He couldn’t say why he had a gut feeling he should follow up on that lead. It wasn’t part of his mandate, but Theodore knew Maverick would be interested in it. Even if he wasn’t, he had friends in ATF who would be.

  However, he had no idea if she’d actually follow through. She could just as easily say no again as yes. Would she make him resort to teasing her sexually to get another promise?

  He could almost only hope.

  Dammit. What had he done? Sleeping with her had complicated his job rather than easing it.

  Heading into the office, he wore a scowl, not that anyone noticed. He didn’t come by his nickname Ice Man by being warm and friendly.

  It didn’t help that Maverick soon called him into his office.

  “Well, where are we on the Pride investigation?” Maverick focused on him.

  “Still investigating. I’ve met with one of the subjects but not gotten far.” In the case at least. He’d gone to third base in other things.


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