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Dimension Shift (Hammer's War Book 2)

Page 22

by James McEwan

  Chapter 26

  Thad was able to make it back to the General Hammond without any more transparent incidents. Chief Case put the bike down on the flight deck as if she had been riding grav-bikes all her life. On the flight deck, they were met by the security chief’s second in command and Vergil.

  As Thad dismounted the bike, Vergil walked up to him. “Glad to see you still in one piece.”

  “It is me, my friend, who is glad to see you are up and about. After all, you took a pretty good thump to your noggin.” Thad said, as he patted him on the head.

  Vergil laughed. “The second hardest part of my body, my head.”

  Thad laughed at the implied joke, although the others didn’t find it as funny. Thad turned to face this universe's version of his mother. “I’m still your prisoner and I will not make any attempt to flee, but I do have friends that are in need of saving.”

  Hayes took Thad by the hands, pulled him close and hugged him tight. “You are not my prisoner, you are my son.” She broke the hug and held his hands again. “Now, you go save your friends.”

  This time, he pulled her close and kissed her cheek. He whispered into her ear. “Thank you, mom.”

  A tear welled up in her eye and she pulled away from him to wipe it away. Vergil looked up at Thad. “Mom?”

  “Long story, I’ll tell you later.”

  Hayes looked Thad in the eyes. “Why do I get the feeling I’m never going to see you again.”

  He smiled at her. “Never say never. Stranger things have happened, believe me.”

  “Promise me one thing.” she said in the stern way she had about her.

  “Anything.” Thad said.

  “When you get back to your universe please find my counterpart and if she is still alive please tell her she has a son, believe me, she will want to know about you.”

  He hugged her again. “I will.”

  Vergil was feeling a little uncomfortable with all the hugging and he cleared his throat loudly.

  Thad got the message. “I have to go. You take care of yourself, and don’t worry about Marcus, he thinks you are dead. He will not be back.”

  Vergil climbed up on the bike and waited for Thad to finish with his goodbyes. Thad and his mother let go of each other. However, he was not done saying goodbye as Chief Case gave him a tight hug and planted another big kiss on him. When she let go of the embrace she smiled at him. “I thought that I would get one more in before you go. I just wish we could have had more time to get to know one another.”

  “You do know that I’m married, right?” He said to her.

  “Yes, I know. But they aren’t here and I am. And besides, we rarely get men of your caliber here on the convoy. I had to at least take my shot.”

  Thad was flattered. “Janis, I think you are a great woman and I will always remember you.”

  “And I will always remember you too. Now get out of here and go save your friends.” She let him go. Thad turned to leave but was confronted with Vergil sitting on the grav bike, open duffle bag in his hand.


  Vergil shrugged. “What?”

  “You really want me to get in the bag?” Thad said, with a cross look.

  “Nah, just messing with you, which is less than you deserve.”

  “What are you complaining about, you are still alive, aren’t you?”

  “Oh shut up and get on the bike.”

  Thad mounted the bike, waved goodbye, as Hayes and Case stood shoulder to shoulder and watched them ride out of sight.

  On the trip to back to The Lightning, Thad suffered one phase out event, as he took to calling them. He faded so much, this time, he almost fell through the bike. Luckily, he had thought that it might happen so he was using the autopilot at the time. He would have liked to have Vergil fly the bike, but he was too short to reach all of the controls.

  It was late in the evening when The Lightning came into view. Thad was worried that returning empty handed would mean big trouble for him and his friends, but Vergil gave him an override code that would open and extend the landing platform with no need to radio in to ask. Thad and Vergil figured that they would have to fight their way in, and agreed that the Commander would have to die.

  Thad brought the grav-bike next to The Lightning and entered the code. He waited for it to work, and sure enough, the flight deck doors opened and the landing pad rotated out. Thad gently set the bike down on the on the pad and powered it down.

  The platform rotated back in and the doors closed. Thad was ready for a fight. However, what he saw waiting for him made him change his mind. On the flight deck, they were met by the security chief, Doctor Hammer, and Quincy Jones. That was it, no guards, no guns, nothing that would indicate that violence was called for.

  Doctor Hammer walked up to Thad arms open. Thad was a bit unsure what was going on, but he went with it. Doctor wrapped his arms around Thad. “It is really good to see you, son.”

  Thad returned his hug. “It good to see you too, but mind telling me what is going on?”

  “There has been a change of command while you were away.” Doctor Hammer said, as he let go of Thad.

  Vergil heard what Hammer had said. “What do you mean change of Command?”

  The security chief walked up to Vergil, who had pushed past Thad to get answers. He bent down to be face to face with Vergil. “Sir, I have to report that your brother died in his quarters of an apparent self-induced overdose of medication.”

  Vergil’s little face scrunched up. “Medication, what medication? He was not on any medications that I knew of.”

  Doctor Hammer put his arm on the dwarf’s shoulder. “Ah, I think I should explain.” Doctor Hammer related the story of his brother’s untimely demise.

  Vergil listened to the whole story without saying a word or any emotion on his face. Once Doctor Hammer finished, he stood there unmoving. Everyone began to wonder if Vergil was okay because he said nothing. However, their fears were relieved when a large smile broke across his Vergil’s face. The smile turned into laughter. “So my evil bastard of a brother died drowned in his own fat! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.”

  Security Chief Stevens was pleased that Vergil was taking his brother’s death so well. “Vergil, now that your brother is no more that leaves the burden of command to you, if you want it.”

  Vergil had never thought about it before, after all, he never thought for one minute that he would outlive his brother. He always thought his brother would have him tossed off The Lightning long before this point. He didn’t want to take the burden of command; however, hedidn’t want someone else to get in command that was as bad if not worse than his brother. “Well, I guess I’m in command then.”

  Thad, happy for him, slapped him on the back. “Congrats commander.”

  “Thanks, I think.” Vergil chuckled.

  “Don’t worry about it, I have a feeling you are going to do just fine.” Thad tried to boost his confidence.

  Vergil walked over to a comm panel and punched up a convoy wide communication. “Attention Heavy Rollers. As many no doubt know , my brother, the commander, has passed away and now it falls to me to take up the torch of leadership. I have accepted that torch and I promise you that things will change and for the better. My first official order as your new commanders is that everyone needs to prepare for a party. In two days, we will halt and get out of our vehicles. It has been far too long since we enjoyed the grass beneath our feet instead of rolling over it. We will hold a funeral for our commander to pay honor to his office. I expect no one to mourn the man. God knows he doesn’t deserve it. So in two days I want to see all of you. I want games, food, and most of all I want to see smiles on the faces of your children. It’s time they stop living in fear of the future. I will see you all in two days. That is all.”

  Vergil turned away from to the communication panel to be greeted by clapping. All the men on the flight deck were clapping including Thad, and if could have heard the res
t of the convoy at that moment he would have heard the cheers and clapping from all over the convoy.

  “Party, I love a good party.” Quincy said loudly.

  Thad stepped over next to him. “I’m sorry buddy, but we will not be here to enjoy it.”

  “Man, why do you always have to piss on my parade?”

  “Sorry to be a killjoy, but we need to keep moving if we want to stay alive” was Thad’s answer.

  Quincy frowned. “There is that.”

  Thad, knowing that he had changed the course of this young man’s life, put his arm around his shoulders. “Hey, when this is all over, I will personally take you out to party on Earth.”

  Quincy laughed. “Just get me to Earth alive and I will be happy.”

  “I promise I will do everything in my power to get you to….” Thad didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. He phased out. This time, everything went black. Everyone else was shocked to see Thad briefly transparent then disappear. It happened so fast that it looked like Thad flickered. When he snapped back, the pain was so intense that Thad vomited down the side of Quincy’s shirt.

  “Ugh, what the hell man?” Quincy blurted out, forgetting about what he just witnessed, more concerned with the vomit on his shirt.

  Thad crumbled to the floor. Doctor Hammer rushed to his side. “How long has this been happening?”

  Thad answered between heavy breaths “ever since I touched Marcus”.

  Doctor Hammer raised an eyebrow. “Marcus, this dimension’s version of you?”

  “Yes. I tried to punch him and when I came in contact with his bare skin with my bare skin it was as if we were two extremely powerful magnets that were pushing us apart with great force.”

  “I was worried that this might happen.” Hammer said as he helped Thad back to his feet.

  “What is happening to me Doc?”

  “I think it is the Pauli Exclusion Principle at work here. It somehow has caused a quantum particle rejection.”

  Not familiar with the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Thad asked. “Can you explain that a little more? I’m not following you.”

  “Basically, two identical objects cannot occupy the same place in space and time. You see when you attempted to strike him, you tried to enter into the same space, and because the laws of physics don’t like to be broken you were pushed back. Somehow, this has caused your particles to become unstable. I think because you don’t belong in this dimension, the universe is trying to kick you out of it.” Doctor Hammer explained.

  “So what does mean for me?” Thad asked feeling a little worried.

  “It means if I don’t find a way to stabilize your particles you will phase out of this universe and not come back” he said as grabbed Thad’s arm and pulled him towards the sickbay.

  “Okay so let’s say I phase out, where would I go?” Thad asked, as he followed Doctor Hammer.

  “Without a directed target you could end up in any number of places, but I’m more afraid that your particles will just dissipate.” Doctor Hammer said, as he pulled harder trying to get Thad to move faster.

  “So particles dissipating would mean no more Thad?” Thad started to understand the danger.

  “Yes, no more Thad, particles dissipating bad, very bad.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Thad took off a run.

  “Damn it! Wait for me.” Doctor Hammer said as he took off after him.

  The others watch them disappear down the corridor. Vergil looked at the two men standing in front of him. “Well, gents I could use with a drink. What do you say?”

  Chapter 27

  St. Claire stood naked in the bathroom drying himself with the most plush towel he had ever used. He was doing more watching than drying, he couldn’t believe that he just made love to an Eli woman. She was toweling herself off and she caught him looking at her. She smiled at him and continued to wipe the water from her body.

  “Mr. Black had a new suit made for you, it’s hanging in the closet.” She said, as she began to dress.

  He wrapped the towel around his waist. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Ask” as she pulled her pants on.

  He picked out a comb from the glass jar of combs on the counter. He ran it through his hair. “How did you end up working for Mr. Black?”

  She pulled on her top piece. “I was bored.”


  “Yeah, I was bored and needed to find something new to do. I wanted a new adventure. Unlike all of his other staff, he holds nothing over me. I came to his service voluntarily and I can leave it anytime I wish” she said, as she pulled one of her boots on.

  St. Claire turned and leaned against the countertop. “Do you like it? I mean working for him?”

  She pulled her other boot on. “At first I thought it was fun. Guarding the head of the largest crime organization in the Rep Com government was exciting, secret meetings. Fighting off would-be assassins and the like, but he has become so powerful that no one dares touch him, so frankly it has gotten boring.”

  “Hm. Well I’m glad that you weren’t bored enough to leave before I got here.” he said as he stepped past her.

  She stopped him, by blocking his way. She kissed him. “I bet you are.”

  He kissed her back. “I bet you're right.”

  He got dressed while she watched him. He had to hand it to Dickie. He really had good taste. She looked him up and down. He smiled at her. “Like something you see?”

  “I think I do.” Kára replied.

  “Well, would you care to escort me?” he held out his arm.

  She took his arm. “That is my job.” Arm-in-arm they left the suite.

  St. Claire felt like a teenager, due the gorgeous woman on his arm. The pair walked through the casino arm-in-arm. Those who knew Kára were surprised to see her hanging onto the arm of anyone. They had never seen her act this way, so it raised more than one eyebrow.

  They paused in the middle of the floor. “What would you like to do?” she whispered into his ear, so he could hear her over the noise in the casino.

  His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he spent most of the day in a healing tank and had not eaten since very early in the morning. “I think I would like to take you to dinner.”

  “Sounds lovely! If you would care to follow me I know the best place to eat in this town.”

  He held out his other arm. “Please, lead the way.”

  However, before they could take a step a younger man who looked like he was in his mid-twenties stumbled up to them. If his gait was not a big enough clue that he was drunk, his breath was a dead giveaway. “Hey babe, whacha doing with this old fossil? A filly as hot as you should be with a young stud sush as me.”

  St. Claire tried to stop the young drunk from making the mistake of his life. “Look, buddy, you really don’t want to do this. Why don’t you go sleep it off?”

  He pushed St. Claire back. “Back off old man, I just want to talk to the lady.”

  Kára’s demeanor changed back to the all-business demeanor that she had when St. Claire first met her. The young drunk put his hands on her arm. St. Claire felt bad for the young drunk. “Oh you shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Why? Whacha going to do about it?” The drunk said.

  “She is an Eli, you dumb ass.” St. Claire said as he moved out of the way so he wouldn’t get hurt when she trashed this moron.

  “She’s what?”

  Too bad for him that he would have to find out what it means to be Eli and why you don’t ever touch one without permission. Kára grabbed the man’s hand and twisted with violence worthy of a Valkyrie. The man’s wrist snapped with a quick popping sound. The man screamed and dropped to his knees. Her knee connected with his nose, breaking it. Blood rushed out of his nose and covered his lower face and chest. He fell to the ground and rolled onto his front. He got up onto his hands and knees. Kára connected one of her pointed tipped boots with his tailbone sending him sliding across the marble tile floor.

  She yelled at him. “Eli, you ignorant asshole!”

  Everyone around them who had stopped to watch the outcome of their exchange. Now they erupted into cheers and clapping. St. Claire shook his head. “I told you, you didn’t want to do it.”

  They turned to walk away, but the young drunk was not finished. “Don’t you fucking walk away from me, bitch!”

  Kára turned to see that he had regained his feet. He grabbed one of the rope stands that separated the gaming floor from the walkways. He swung the stand around wildly. St. Claire stepped back knowing that most women would want him to step in, however he knew she would be greatly upset with him if he interfered.

  His decisions of non-interference turned out to be especially wise because she did something that he had never seen any other Eli do before. He watched as a brilliant blue and white energy crackled through the armor around her waist and chest. As the charge built, it moved up her chest and down her right arm. As it traveled, it intensified around her wrist armor. Then she held back her arm is if she was an Olympic athlete ready to throw a javelin. At the last second, the energy formed in her hand and looked like a lightning bolt. She tossed the lightning bolt at the drunk. It slammed into his chest. When it hit there was a crack followed by the sound of thunder. The drunk flew backward several feet. He hit the floor with a loud thump and slid a few more feet before coming to a stop. His shirt was smoking around the large whole.

  “Whoa! That was impressive.” St. Claire said.

  Kára turned and smiled at St. Claire. “Thank you, but that was just a small charge. He will survive. If Mr. Black didn’t have a rule about killing people, he would be nothing more than a pile of ash.”

  St. Claire began to wonder what he had gotten himself into and if it had been a good idea to have had sex with her. “I see. Remind me to never piss you off.”

  She took his arm in hers again. “Good idea, now about dinner.”

  She led them out of the hotel and casino and down the street. She walked down the main street to a small side street. She directed him through a series of back alleyways and dark and twisted streets. They were near their destination when it started to rain. The city’s night shield only blocked out visible light so the rain passed right through and helped to wash the streets clean. The city’s force field that covered the city at night and blocked out the sun so it would be dark at night also let the weather through, so when it rained outside, it rained inside


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