Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1) Page 25

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “That I am.”

  “Then count me in!”

  “Oz?” Williams said, nudging me.

  “Huh? Yeah, sounds good.”

  The rest of the team were still parading around the pitch in fits of glee, so we were the only ones in the change room and the showers.

  I let the water run over me, flexing my hand. The pain was satisfying, knowing it came from colliding with Anders’ face. I couldn’t help but think of Lily as I watched the water run over the bandage on my chest.

  It was about three now. She’d said to find her if she hadn’t been seen by dinner. Surely, no reasonable dinnertime was before seven? I could possibly push that to half-six plausibly? I could, of course, just own the whole looking too keen thing, and go and find her after I was showered and changed.

  “What’s Lily doing this afternoon?” Williams asked.

  I looked up and saw him sitting in only a towel on one of the benches in the middle of the room, tapping away on his phone.

  “You could just ask her,” Jax said.

  “I could, but I need to get this invite done.”

  “It’s not like people aren’t going to drop whatever plans they already have for a Rosings party. Who are you inviting anyway?”

  “The team, rest of Rosings, Lily, Anne, the Brewers, anyone else?”

  “I guess we don’t want it to be too big, but we can hardly open it up to everyone,” Jax said.

  “Why, what were you thinking?”

  “The rest of our year?”

  “Then, by rights, we’d have to invite the rest of the teams’ years too...we’d be inundated. Oz, thoughts?”

  “Yeah, just leave it as team, Rosings, the couple extras,” thinking of Anne, I looked to Jax, but his face was expressionless, “tell the team they can invite a few extras. They know the drill.”

  Williams nodded as he kept tapping. “So, Lily?”

  “She’s with Anne,” Jax said. “I expect they’re trying to convince the less intelligent Brewer girls that it’s a good thing Anders is leaving.”

  “You think they’ll listen?” William asked, looking up for a moment.

  Jax shook his head. “They’re both mad and obsessed.”

  “Poor Lil.” Williams paused. “Right, all sent. Who’s on food?”

  “Cass could do it?”

  I laughed and they both looked at me quizzically. “Do you remember the last time we asked Cass to do the catering?”

  By the looks on their faces, they did. My mind’s eye flashed back to the time in Year Eight when Cass had been in charge of organising food for a party. Suffice to say people starved, or were throwing up for days after.

  “Yeah, right. Probably not a good idea.”

  “I’ll swing by the kitchens on my way back to my room,” Williams said, tapping away on his phone again.

  “In your towel?” Jax asked.

  Williams waggled his eyebrows at him.

  “Pass up a chance to pull out some of the old Williams’ charm?” I scoffed. “Not likely.”

  Williams grinned at me as Jax laughed.

  “You know me, I’m a charmer.”

  “Who’s Williams charming?” Lucas asked, coming into the showers.

  The others were behind him, Brickwell still carrying the trophy as though it were his only child.

  “Has he relinquished his hold on that at all yet?” I asked.

  Gerald laughed, “no. I’m pretty sure he’s taking it to bed tonight.”

  “He’ll have more luck with that than anyone at the party,” Williams chuckled.

  “It’s just so pretty,” Brickwell sighed.

  “Yes, Gollum,” Williams said, shaking his head.

  “Who gave him alcohol?” I looked around at the team, who all shrugged and smiled.

  “Oh, I don’t think he’s drunk. He’s high on life,” Lucas said sarcastically.

  “And, possibly some residual trophy polish.” Gerald grinned.

  The showers were noisier with the whole team there, but I revelled in it; there really was little better than laughing with your mates.

  “You know, past-Austin would have stormed out of here as soon as Brickwell and his trophy walked in,” Jax said, leaning on the wall between us.

  “Would he?”

  Jax nodded. “The public-Austin would have anyway. I think it’s well-past time the other Austin came out to play.”

  I threw a bar of soap at him, but I didn’t hate what I’d heard.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lily

  I read the invitation again, and Hunter’s text. Anne paced in her bathrobe, her hair in a towel. Not that I was any more dressed.

  “Can you check again?”

  I sighed, but did as she asked.

  Me: Hey, I’ve been charged with making sure of the dress code xo

  “Annie, relax, Hunter says it’s come as you please. If you want to dress up, all good, if you want to wear your jimjams, all good too,” I said.

  “Yes, but I- What did he say?” she asked as my phone went off.

  “But, you what, hun?” I asked, reading the message.

  Hunter: ‘Come as you please’. I promise me and the boys won’t be dressed up, just be comfortable.

  “Well, I want to look nice, don’t you?” Anne asked.

  Me: I’ll be comfortable, I’m less sure about Anne. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. We’ll see you soon xo

  I shrugged. “I guess. I’ve got something in mind.”

  Hunter: Can’t wait to see you ;)

  Anne rounded on me, her eyes wide behind her glasses. “What are you wearing?”

  I sighed, knowing there was only one way to put her mind at ease. I got up and padded to my wardrobe.

  “Okay, shoes,” I said, pulling out my black, wedge-heeled, Converse-wannabes, “skirt,” I pulled out a black and white checked skirt, “top,” I pulled out my black and red, off the shoulder t-shirt – much classier than it sounds, I promise.

  “Okay…okay…” Anne said, heading to her wardrobe. “No tights?”

  “Tights, at Rosings? If it’s anything like usual, it’s going to be a hundred degrees in there! No way am I wearing more than I have to.”

  Anne laughed as she rifled through her clothes and I got dressed.

  I had my makeup on and my hair pulled back in a trusty bulldog clip before she was finally satisfied, clothes strewn about her side of the room.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  I looked her up and down in her light pink dress and simple white heels and nodded. “You look beautiful, Anne.”

  There was a moment that passed between us where I knew we were both thinking of all the things that could have been. There was nothing overly sad in it and I was glad we could reminisce with some fondness.

  My phone went off and I expected it to be Hunter again.

  Austin: Hey, are you and Anne still in your room?

  Me: Yeah…we’re not late are we? I thought it was 8:30?

  “Who is it?” Anne asked while she did her makeup.


  “Oooo…” Anne laughed.

  “Shut up! We’re just friends.”

  “Sure you are.”

  “If I didn’t have a healthy respect for you and you didn’t have eyeliner in your eye, I would throw something at you.”

  Austin: No, yeah, it’s all good. See you soon.

  Anne laughed. “What does he want?”

  Me: Yeah, see you soon xo

  “Just asked where we were.”

  “Are we late?”

  “No. I don’t know why he was asking.”

  A few minutes later, Anne was finally ready. I grabbed a jacket and she laughed.

  “I thought it was going to be a hundred degrees?”

  I smiled. “And, it will, but I’ve learnt to always be prepared. What if I decide to go outside? Or, the heater breaks? Or, Lucas turns it down so all th
e girls are sticking out of their dresses again?”

  Anne looked slightly horrified at that and I suspected she had no idea Lucas did that. “You make some good points, I’ll get one too.”

  When we walked into the party, barely five minutes late, it was in full swing – knowing Williams and the others, they’d had the music on and started drinking as soon as they started setting up.


  I almost fell over as Brickwell, not that much taller than me, grabbed me and kissed me. I was about to protest when he moved away and did the same to Anne before bounding off.

  “What was that?”

  Anne laughed and looped her arm in mine. “That’s what happens when we’re celebrating a team win.”

  “Brickwell kisses you?”

  “Brickwell kisses everyone.” She nodded to the room. “As does the rest of the team.”

  “They just go around kissing everyone?”

  Anne nodded. “It’s easier to just go with it.”

  “You don’t feel violated or anything?”

  Anne laughed again. “It’s a bit of fun and they’re letting off some steam. There’s nothing racy about it, and they’ll keep it quick and relatively chaste.”

  “You sound like you’ve been to a lot of these.”

  Anne’s smile dropped a little. “Not that many, but it’s one of those well-known traditions that’s as old as mud here.”

  I nodded and scanned the room to see who else was there. Then, shock of all shocks, I saw Austin sitting among a bunch of people – some I knew, some I didn’t – playing a guitar. I don’t know how they heard themselves above the music, or even if it mattered, but he looked amazing.

  “Now who needs to pick their jaw off the floor? Just friends, huh?” Anne giggled, nudging me, then squealed as another of the team kissed her, then me.

  I sputtered a “hello” well after he was gone.

  When I turned back to Austin, he was looking at me, his eyes shining and a wide smile on his face. He was talking and laughing with someone, but his eyes were on me.

  “Oh, if looks could strip you bare!” I heard Kate say.

  She and Gemma stood behind us, following my stare.

  “Shut up, just because you want to strip him bare.”

  “Oh, God yes I do,” Gemma said.

  “What I wouldn’t do to that body,” Kate groaned.

  I cringed. “Ew, gross, there are some things even sisters don’t need to share.”

  They laughed and headed further into the party, dragging Anne away.

  “I’ll get you a drink!” she called, disappearing into the crowd.

  I nodded and looked back to find Austin. He stood as our eyes locked again, then Hunter was standing in front of me, grinning.

  I smiled at him. “Is this the part where you take your winning kiss?”

  His smile was lop-sided and he seemed to regard me carefully. “Only if you want.”

  I laughed. “Because Brickwell and Tony were so obliging. Besides, it’s not as if we haven’t kissed before.”

  Hunter nodded, looking thoughtful. “I wouldn’t call that drunken spin the bottle game a real kiss.”

  “Really?” I asked, hands on hips. God, you haven’t even had one drink and you’re flirting with him. You always flirt with him. Then, why does this feel different. No…don’t say- “And, what would a real kiss look like?” And, you did it anyway…idiot…

  Hunter’s grin was all mischief and seduction before he lifted my hands off my hips, put them around his neck, and placed one of his on my hip while the other lifted my chin. He looked into my eyes, smiling softly, before he kissed me.

  It was less of the relatively chaste variety Anne had mentioned, but it wasn’t as though he was trying to get me naked either. It was sweet and could be read in all the wrong ways. I was going to have trouble believing Hunter just thought of us as friends after this, but I had to keep telling myself that.

  I want to say butterflies coursed through me and I realised in that moment that I was madly in love with him. But, I can’t. It was nice and, had I not had another guy on my mind, and would probably be sending Hunter all the wrong messages, I could easily have done it all night.

  Soon enough, he pulled away.

  “So, who are you trying to make jealous?” I laughed, looking around.

  A flicker of hurt passed over his face before it settled into his usual easy charm. “Who says I’m trying to make anyone jealous?”

  “So, you just wanted to kiss me?” I asked, folding my arms.

  He shrugged. “Who wouldn’t!” He winked as he grabbed a passing girl.

  I watched him flirt with her, nuzzling into her neck as she giggled, and wondered what was really going through his mind. Maybe he was just being flirtatious Hunter with me?

  “God, I just don’t know anymore,” I sighed, looking around for some sign of Anne or my wayward sisters.

  “You know, you look much prettier with your hair down,” Brickwell said, leaning close to me and puckering his lips comically.

  I laughed and put my hand in his face. “You’ve had your kiss, mate.”

  He giggled. “All right, then.” He ducked out of my grasp, kissed my cheek and unclipped my hair.

  I felt it tumbling around my shoulders and shook it out, glaring at him. But, I couldn’t stay mad for long at the adorable look on his baby-face.

  “There. Beautiful!” He nodded.

  “Thank you, Brickwell. Clip back please?”

  “Nope, mine now.” When he was drunk, he was like the annoying younger brother you never wanted.

  “Will you give it back if I give you another kiss?”

  He smiled and nodded.

  Sighing, I beckoned him closer. “Come here, then.”

  He leant forward and I gave him a proper kiss, feeling him smile. When I pulled back, I held my hand out. But, the little scamp shook his head and rushed off, cackling.

  “I don’t know why we let him drink,” I heard Austin say and I looked up at him.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was a wild faerie child.”

  Austin chuckled. “Surely, he would have given himself better football skills, then?”

  I nodded, smiling and looking back out at the party. “True, true. Maybe he just doesn’t want to show you all up?”

  He laughed. “I’m sure that’s it.”

  We stood in a bit of an awkward silence for a bit. I almost wanted to ask him if he was there for his kiss, but my mouth didn’t seem to want to work. He stood close to me, which may well have had something to do with it. He didn’t actually touch me, but the back of his hand brushed against mine ever so slightly, and that was enough to send shivers down my spine.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he said, finally.

  I laughed. “More so now Brick’s ‘fixed’ my hair?”

  “Oh no,” I heard the smile in his voice, “I thought you looked perfect the moment you walked in.”

  I felt the blush creep up my face. “Thanks, you too. Well, actually, I can’t say I paid any attention to what you were wearing.” I realised, looking back up at him.

  “You were looking at me enough.”

  “Yes, but, as seriously, amazingly sexy as your body is, I’m afraid I wasn’t paying attention to it.” I stopped, realising what I’d said. “Crap.”

  He chuckled. “What?”

  “You’re not going to call me out on saying you’re sexy?” I asked.

  “I’ll take a compliment when I can get it.” He shrugged, smiling.

  This smile disarmed me entirely. This smile was carefree and relaxed.

  “Have I lost my ability to tell you two apart?”

  “What?” he laughed.

  Without thinking, I reached up and cupped his cheek. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think Jax was standing in front of me.”

  He took a slight step forward, one hand on my waist and the othe
r taking my free hand. “I’ve always wondered how you do know better.”

  I still hadn’t paid attention to what he was wearing, so no idea if his tattoos were covered or not. His hair was growing out slightly, but Jax’s looked much the same just then. Before, Austin’s eyes had been bright blue, but they darkened as I looked into them.

  “I don’t know. I just know you, Austin.”

  In my heels and standing this close, our faces were now inches apart. My stomach was fluttering like crazy, but I couldn’t move. Not that I had to, Austin moved towards me slowly, his eyes on mine. Somehow, I knew he was giving me the chance to pull away whenever I wanted. Despite it being the last thing I wanted, I don’t think I could have moved if I had wanted it.

  Even before his lips touched mine, I felt sparks fly. Not literal sparks, obviously, we weren’t in some movie. But those ones where you feel your skin tingling and your mind drowning.

  Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in his arms and the scent that was distinctly him. The feeling that rocked through me was one I knew well; I’d only mentally relived it hundreds of times since we’d kissed at the last Rosings party. Ridiculously, the only way I could describe it were the old clichés; fireworks, mind opening, life would never be the same… All that wank.

  Wank, yes, but nonetheless true.

  No…no… Austin Cooper, we can’t do this.

  Why not?

  Because we don’t like him!

  Are you sure?

  Yes, we totally don’t like him. Not like that… Not like this…

  Don’t we?

  My mind argued with itself to the point where I actually managed to lose focus of the kiss that was the source of all my mind’s troubles.

  I pulled away from him gently, blushing, totally unsure of myself and not able to look him in the eye.

  “Congratulations on your most-deserved win,” I teased, pretty sure we both knew that was not just a congratulatory kiss.

  He said nothing, and I was worried he was angry with me, or my reaction, that perhaps he’d misread my hesitation.

  Has he though? You’re still claiming not to like him…

  I felt myself bite my lip as I looked up at him; now was not the time for laughing, even if it was to hide my own unease.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight: Austin


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