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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

Page 38

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “I…” Oh, this had all happened too quickly, I hadn’t been prepared. “Yes.” When his face fell, I hurried to explain. “No, I mean… I can safely tell you my affections haven’t changed either, Austin. No! Wait…sorry…should have started with the other part… God, rambling. I was wrong…last year…I…well, it turns out I never hated you.”

  His look of hurt and confusion was slowly being replaced with interest and amused cautious optimism.

  “Dammit, I’m no good at this,” I muttered.

  Instead, I grabbed him and kissed him. I kissed him like I’d never kissed him before. Not that those other kisses hadn’t been great. But, this time I kissed him with no hesitation. I tried to tell him everything with just one kiss.

  I felt his arms wind around me and he pulled me close, giving back just as good as he got. Months of witty banter and flirtation, frustrations and bickering culminated in that one epic kiss. Feelings were conveyed better than with words and I forgot it was bloody freezing quite quickly.

  Kissing Austin was even better than I remembered, even more right and just so damned addictive.

  I barely even noticed when it started pouring with rain.

  I did, however, notice when a throat was cleared behind us and someone said “Miss Brewer, Mister Cooper, I think that’s quite enough.”

  We pulled apart slowly and turned to find Mr Bembly looking most displeased.

  “Sorry, sir,” Austin said.

  “Move along,” was all Mr Bembly said.

  Austin looked at me, hiding a laugh, and I bit my lip to stop my own laugh.

  Something flashed in his eyes that warmed me to the core. He got back on the bike and motioned I get on too. I looked at him uncertainly.

  “I just have to park it,” he said with a smile. “And, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “All right, then,” I said, getting on and holding onto his waist

  We rode around to the garage and parked the bike. He took my face in his hands gently and kissed me again.

  “You know Mr Bembly will probably come and check on us,” I laughed as his lips trailed down my neck.

  “Hm…you’re probably right.” He gave my neck one last kiss and pulled away. “Come on, then.”

  He took my hand and we walked, seemingly aimlessly.

  “Austin, it’s still raining.” So much for it being clear. “And, I’m wet.”

  “I’ll bet you are,” he replied with a wink.

  “Austin! That might work on Aunt Nadine, but it will so not work with me.”

  He chuckled and put his arm around me. “Like you said, we’re already wet. I have every intention of getting you alone – you have no idea how much I want that – but, first, I think we should talk.”

  I sighed and snuggled into him. “All right then, talk.”

  I felt him laugh. “It has to be said, Lily, I fell in love with you. From the moment I first saw you and you called me a little ray of sunshine-”

  I laughed now. “That was not supposed to be a compliment, and I looked terrible that day!”

  “Oh, I know.” He kissed the top of my head. “And, you didn’t look terrible, a little wilted maybe, but natural.”

  “Well, at least your standards are low,” I scoffed.

  “My standards aren’t low, I just happen to like you just the way you are.”

  I felt my chest tighten and I looked down with a smile.

  “When Aunt Celia came to see me, it taught me to hope as I’d scarcely ever allowed myself to hope before. I know you well enough to know that, had you been decided against me, you wouldn’t have hesitated to say so to my aunt quite frankly.”

  I laughed. “No, you know me; after I’d managed to abuse you quite successfully to your face, I was hardly likely to hold back in front of your relatives.”

  “It’s not like I didn’t deserve it. Sure, you were pretty harsh and totally misinformed, but I still acted like a jerk. God, I hate to think of it.”

  “Let’s not argue about who behaved worst, shall we? We were both to blame, but are hopefully a little more polite now.”

  “It’s pained me to no end to remember the way I behaved. You quite correctly pointed out I hadn’t behaved terribly much like a gentleman. You can’t know how I’ve dwelled on those words. Though, to be honest, it was a while before I was reasonable enough to see them as nothing short of the truth.”

  I leant into him. “I never knew you took that to heart, I couldn’t even have begun to imagine you would.”

  “No, why would you? You thought me entirely devoid of feelings. I will never forget the way you looked when you said I couldn’t have done anything that would induce you to accept me.”

  “Oh, God. Are you going to repeat everything horrible I said? I can’t tell you when I realised it was a load of shit, but it’s been months since I was first ashamed of it.”

  “What about the letter? Did it make you think better of me? Did you believe me, despite my terrible behaviour?”

  I laughed. “I couldn’t help but believe you, regardless of everything else. Something just rang true in it, and I saw him in an entirely different light. As for Jax and Anne, it took me a bit, but not long to realise you had only done what you thought best. I couldn’t help but look at you with growing affection after that. It does not, though, excuse you for wasting all that money on Kate.”

  He chuckled and held me tightly. “You know about that, then?”

  “I do, and I can’t say I’m pleased. But, I will leave it at that.”

  “She’s your sister, Lily. What else was I to do? Although, I can’t say I would have done it a few months ago. I’ve been selfish – though Jax would disagree – in practice if not in principal. When we were little, we were taught right from wrong, but I was never taught how to deal with my temper. Our parents gave us good principles, but I was left to follow them in pride and conceit. Our parents spoilt us. They were wonderful people, but they allowed, encouraged and almost taught me to be selfish and overbearing, to care for none but my closest family, to think meanly of the world, to want to think meanly of their worth compared to ours. As we got older, it was only ingrained in me that people only wanted to be our friends for our money.” I felt him shake his head. “And, I’d still be like that, if not for you. You humbled me, more than once. I came to you that day, totally without doubt as to how you’d respond. You showed me how insufficient my assumptions were in how to please a woman worthy of being pleased.”

  I felt myself blush and was quite glad he couldn’t see my face. “You were quite convinced I’d go out with you, then?”

  He laughed. “I’m sorry to say I was. I entirely believed you wanted my attentions.”

  “Well, it’s not like there weren’t some mixed signals on all sides. The fact I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off you was probably not helpful. But, I’m not like the other girls, Austin, I’m not going to just fall at your feet because you’re gorgeous when you act like an arse. Still, you must have hated me after that.”

  “Hate you? Ha. No, I was angry, but it was soon aimed in the appropriate direction.”

  “And, when we met at Pemberley? You must have thought that hilarious after the way I’d behaved?”

  “No, actually, I was just surprised. Pleasantly so. That I thought I’d dreamt you up certainly didn’t help.”

  “Flirting with my aunt certainly didn’t help,” I laughed and he groaned. “But, your surprise can’t have been more than mine by your behaviour.”

  “Well, I was trying to be the new and improved Austin, show you I wasn’t so bad after all. Besides, how else was I supposed to woo you? It wasn’t going to do me any good by acting like a pompous arse.”

  “Woo me? Is that what you call talking to Aunt Nadine?”

  “Ah, yes, well, you are a very intimidating woman, Lily Brewer. Mandy loves you already though.”

  “The feeling is mutual, I assure you. Your sister’s grea

  We walked on in silence for a while.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight: Austin

  Finally, she spoke, sliding out of my grasp but only enough to take my hand. She looked at me. “I take it I have you to thank for Jax and Anne?”

  I was slightly startled by her words, as though it had all been up to me, but nodded. “At the party, after you left, I gave Fleur the facts. Told her there was never going to be an ‘us’. I was finally free of the harpy, so Jax and I ingested a good few too many shots in celebration. Seems I then told him that Anne had loved him all along and he had to do something about it. I can’t say I remember it. Mand says we burst into her room, gave her a full run down of events, then passed out in her bed.”

  She snorted. “And, did you tell Jax this because you’d realised it, or merely what I’d told you?”

  “I noticed it myself. Well, I realised after you’d…spoken to me I’d been wrong in how I’d viewed her behaviour. Since then, I’ve been paying closer attention and I saw it plain as day. I told him he had to seal the deal or she might be gone.”

  “Clear as that, you realised they were meant for each other?” she asked, her tone clearly intended to tease.

  Swinging her hand, I nodded. “There is one thing, I think, which is not quite so clear, though…”

  “Really? And, what is that?”

  “Well…I mean, it’s been danced around, implied, but not actually broached.”

  “And what is that, Austin?” she laughed.

  “Whether I may call you my girlfriend.”

  “You’ve always called me whatever you like, Oz, how is this any different?” Her tone was steady, but there was a slight note of teasing in it.

  I smiled. “All right then, whether you would call yourself my girlfriend.”

  “I wouldn’t presume to call myself something when nothing’s been asked,” she said coyly.

  I stopped walking and swung her to face me, wrapping her up in my arms. “Lily Brewer, would you deign to be my girlfriend?”

  “Austin Cooper, I would be honoured,” she said with a smile, reaching up to kiss me.

  She shuddered and I realised it was getting pretty cold. “Come on, let’s go get warmed up.”

  “I know what you have in mind, and you can cease and desist with any expectations, thanking you very much!”

  I laughed. “My only expectation at the moment is to get you warm and perhaps kiss you some more. After that though, I was going to send an email out to the whole school and tell them you’re off-limits now.”

  She giggled. “Don’t you dare!”

  I sighed dramatically and hung my head back. “My girlfriend for all of five minutes and already telling me what to do.”

  “I should think it the prerogative of any woman who loves you,” she replied.

  I felt my chest constrict at her words, but it was a wonderful, warm feeling I’d be quite happy to feel for the rest of my life.

  “Well, Mum did, Amanda does as often as she’s allowed… I suppose I could allow you…”

  “Why do I feel like there’s a condition attached to that, Austin?” One eyebrow rose and she smirked.

  “Well…I couldn’t presume you loved me without you actually saying it, now could I? I mean, we’ve all seen the messes I make when I make presumptions.”

  She looked at me in exasperation. “That we do. So, I suppose I had better tell you right now that I love you, hadn’t I?”

  “I suppose you had.”

  “You must always make things difficult, mustn’t you?”

  “Life’s never boring with us.”

  “That is isn’t.” Her smile went from humoured to tender as she cupped my cheek. “I love you, Austin Cooper.”

  I wanted to swing her around. I wanted to take her home to Pemberley and never let her leave. I wanted to take her to my room and not come out for days. I wanted to run around and tell everyone that this amazing girl was mine.

  However, I didn’t think she’d really appreciate any of that, so I merely said, “I love you, too,” and kissed her.

  “All right, I call enough talk. It’s cold and wet,” she said when she finally pulled away.

  “I heartily concur,” I agreed.

  Grabbing her hand, we made a run for the building.

  “Your dorm, Jax and Anne are doing God knows what in mine,” she said with a laugh.

  “As you wish, m’lady.” I bowed and we jogged up the stairs, laughing. “Williams!” I grinned as I saw him heading down.

  “You two got caught out,” he said, smiling.

  I watched as he and Lily shared a look, but I could only be pleased with what I saw there. Especially when he turned back to me with a winning smile, his eyes sincerely happy.

  “That we did,” I answered, “it’s bloody pitiful out there.”

  “Well, get her warm, Oz. Don’t want her catching a cold and having to say with you for days.”

  “No, we wouldn’t want that at all,” I replied, entirely sarcastically.

  “I’ll see you guys at dinner,” Williams said with a wave before disappearing.

  I finally got Lily into my room, after meeting Brickwell, Lucas and Gerald and having to stop to talk to them for a few minutes each.

  “Right, heater warm enough?” I asked as I pulled off my jacket and hung it behind the door.

  “Huh? Oh, yes, fine thanks.” She smiled, pulling her gaze from the room and looking at me.

  Wet as we were, I couldn’t help going over to her and kissing her again.

  Now I had her, I never wanted to let her go. And, well, by rights, I didn’t see why I should have to. Not on a weekend when we had no other obligations anyway. Come Monday, when we had classes… Well, that would be a different story.

  She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me back fiercely.

  I’d thought kissing her at that first Rosings party had been amazing, or at the post-football party, or out in the rain. But, it was like there was nothing between us now. No more misunderstandings or arrogance, pride or vanity. We were just who we were; two imperfect people who could find perfection in each other.

  As I ran my hands along her body, hers found the way to my shirt buttons. Making short work of them, I soon felt her running her fingers along my chest. One hand stopped above my heart and she pulled away.

  “You got a new tattoo last year,” she said, looking up at me.

  I swallowed. “That I did.”

  “Do I want to see it?”

  “You might.”

  She laughed. “That’s not very encouraging. Was it some other girls’ name?”

  I shook my head.

  “Then it can’t be that bad, can it?”

  “Well…” I petered off as I felt her hand run down my chest and stomach. The muscles twitched involuntarily under her touch and I closed my eyes.

  “Austin, is that…?” She touched it again. “Is that a lily?”

  I kept my eyes closed and nodded, not sure how she was going to take it. “Yes, it is.”

  “But…you got this...”

  “Just after you rejected me, I know.”

  “Why?” her voice was full of wonder.

  I breathed out heavily, took her hand and opened my eyes to look at her. “Because I thought the first girl who reached my heart deserved pride of place, so I filled it.”

  “Filled it…?” She looked up quickly. “You and Jax were talking about that…”

  I nodded. “That spot had always been reserved for the woman I fell in love with. That day, Jax was teasing me about whether I should put a fleur-de-lis or a lily there.”

  “But, I turned you down.”

  I chuckled. “I remember.”

  “And, you still…”

  “And, I still.” I shrugged. “I was in love with you.”

  “How? I mean, once you fell, sure, you’d do a great job then. But, what made you fall in love with me in the first p

  I shrugged again. “I cannot fix upon the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”

  She blinked, obviously surprised, then recovered. “Well, my great beauty you early withstood-”

  I scoffed. “I so did not, and you know it.”

  She ignored me and continued, “but, I was constantly rude to you. Did you admire my impertinence?”

  “I admired the liveliness of your mind.”

  She laughed. “It was rudeness, plain and simple. The fact is, you were sick of the girls who simpered around you. You were sick of the girls who flirted or avoided you, in fearsome awe of your devilishly good looks, your killer abs and your vast fortune. So, you thought me refreshing and a challenge. You knew no actual good of me – but no one thinks of that when they fall in love.”

  I smiled. “And all those times you looked after your sisters, and Anne? There was no good in that?”

  “Who couldn’t be good to Anne! But, please, call it a goodness of my character if you want. My good qualities are under you protection and you have free reign to exaggerate them as you see fit. In return, I am allowed to find any opportunity to tease you and quarrel with you. And, I shall start now by asking why it took you so long to repeat your feelings for me. Why have you seemed so shy since you’ve got back from Australia? You looked like you didn’t care at all.”

  “You gave me very little encouragement,” I replied with a grin.

  “I was nervous and embarrassed!”

  “And I wasn’t?”

  “You still could have talked to me.”

  “If I hadn’t felt so much, yes.”

  “There you go again, having reasonable answers I have no choice but to concede. I wonder how long you would have gone on though?”

  I laughed and kissed her nose. “My aunt’s attempt to separate us was the means of deciding me. Her words on the matter gave me hope and I was determined to find out for myself.”

  “Well, Lady Celia will be pleased to have been of some use! Will you ever have the courage to tell her we’re dating?” she teased, her beautiful green eyes alight with laughter.


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