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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 28

by Natalie Aejaz

  He removed his jacket and hung it on a hook before he took a customized weapons belt and strapped it around his chest. He then loaded it with small guns, ammunition and a ton of throwing blades.

  There was a sound behind him, and he drew a small gun from the belt and turned with it: putting it back when he realized he was being an idiot. It was Leke. And he’d brought Junaid, Ethen and Hari with him. “What are you doing here?” he asked, as he pulled his jacket over the belt.

  “We have news,” said the vampire. “A member of my horde has been monitoring James’ communication since you passed out.”

  The tightening in Blade’s chest lessened. He’d been so damn worked up about Alyssa that he hadn’t thought of anything apart from bursting into James’ mansion in a manner that would have only gotten him killed. But these guys had. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “The news isn’t good,” said Ethen. “James has sent a message to his nastiest associates, asking them to come over for a party.”

  How the hell had he ever considered sending Alyssa back to that man? He refused to believe the guy was human. Again, that feeling of his insides being ripped apart rushed through his body, threatening to shock him into a place he could not go again. If he wanted to save her, he had to control his rage. “How long do I have?”

  “We have just over an hour,” said Leke. “So we need to leave now. Shaun will meet us there. I only told a few, in case it became a free-for-all for supernaturals. If anything would get the government to release weapons on us, that would.”

  Blade shook his head. “I don’t want to involve you in this mess. I’ll sort it.” He was the one who had been so hell-bent on a truce with the mob boss that he’d put Alyssa in danger, so when it came to saving her, he wouldn’t risk anyone else’s life.

  “No way.” Hari’s dark eyes flickered. “We’re not just partners; we’re friends.”

  “Ditto,” said Junaid. “I know I’m just an employee, but you’ve treated me like a member of this family.”

  “I’m not putting anyone in danger. You guys don’t owe me anything.”

  “Who the hell are you kidding?” said Ethen. “You think we’re doing this because we think we owe you something? You’ve got no idea, demon. We’ve been hankering after a good fight for a long time.”

  There was no reason to stop them. Together, they had a chance at beating James. “All right, then. But we only use our supernatural powers if we have to.” He stepped back, his head tilted toward the weapons. “We’re fighting with these today, so take your pick.”

  I don’t have to do this alone.


  * * *

  HARI, JUNAID AND ETHEN GOT into the back of Leke’s Rolls-Royce SUV, which he’d parked inside the compound next to the villas. They’d also opted for weapons belts, hidden under leather jackets.

  “I’m driving,” said Blade.

  “No, you’re fucking not.” The vampire took the driver’s seat. “You’re in no state to drive. Just focus on keeping calm before we get there. If you go into a rage again, you’ll be no good to anyone.” Blade still couldn’t believe he’d fainted and lost valuable time. Before Leke could start the vehicle, there was a sound in the back. Sonia the witch also jumped into the vehicle.

  “So, Blade?” she said, tying her purple hair back into a braid. “You’re ready to break the truce once and for all?”

  “Yes.” He was done with pandering to humans like James. The man was scum, and supernaturals and humans were better off without him. He had no idea of what he would do to him—at the moment, all he cared about was Alyssa…Gods, was he torturing her even now? Fire flared, pulsing through his blood. I have to control the rage. Instead, he thought of the first time he’d seen her sat by the pool… “Hurry up,” he told Leke.

  The vampire drove way too slow for his liking. “If I drive any faster than this, we’ll get picked up by the police, and we’ll only end up losing more time.” Blade gritted his teeth and stopped himself from sending his fist through the window. When they stopped at traffic lights, he nearly did lose it. He concentrated on a couple that walked by, arm in arm. He wanted something simple like that. Alyssa by his side as they went for a bloody walk.

  Please, just let her be all right.

  Finally, they turned into the car park of James’ mansion. They got out of the vehicle, and as they approached the entrance, Drake was blocking it, his men on either side of him. He ran his eyes over the group. “Demon?”

  “I’m here to see James.” Blade kept his voice polite. Drake and his guys were in expensive black suits, but he had no doubt that they also had concealed weapons on their bodies.

  The mobster shook his head. “You know I can’t let you do that.” James had mentored Drake, but the man wasn’t brainwashed. Sure, the guy had hardened over the years since working for James, but he hadn’t entered asshole territory.

  “Alyssa is in there, isn’t she?” Drake said nothing, but he swallowed, a muscle tensing at the side of his jaw. “She’s in there, isn’t she? Please, Drake, do you even know what he’s planned for her?”

  “None of my business.”

  “Fuck that,” said Leke. He pulled out his phone and showed Drake the intercepted message. “He sent this out to some of the hardest fuckers in Manhattan. Do you want to bet that Alyssa’s not involved?”

  Drake’s jaw tightened as if he was gritting his teeth, but he said nothing.

  Blade resisted the urge to take him by the neck. “Look, I’ve always respected you, even though you work for that fucker. And I’d like to think the feeling’s mutual.”

  “You know it is—”

  “I’m going to go in there and save Alyssa, whatever it takes. My friends will also do what it takes. They’ll give their blood to back me up, and I know your men will do the same. But what chance do they have against supernaturals?”

  “They’re strong enough to take a couple of you down with them.”

  “But would you be willing to lose even one of your men for someone like James? Would you be doing the right thing by the guys who follow you?” Come on, you fucker. While they argued this out, what was happening to Alyssa inside? “Aren’t you the one who warned me against sending Alyssa back? And now you’re going to stand by while your boss arranges for her to be tortured, just because she rejected him? Can you live with that? Can you live with giving up your men’s lives for someone like that bastard?”

  The mobster turned to his thugs. “Back off.” The guys split to either side of the entrance so it was clear. Drake then faced Blade again. “James isn’t the same man who took me in. He hasn’t been for a while, and I’m done with paying off his debt.” His eyes flitted between Blade and his group. “Turn left into the corridor and carry on through the doors until you come to a concrete one. She’s in the room at the end. There will be more guys to stop you before you get there, so be careful.”

  “Thanks,” said Blade.

  Drake’s face hardened even more. “I don’t need your fucking thanks.” He stared up at the building. “Well. I guess it’s over for us here.”

  He walked toward a group of vehicles on the other side of the garden, followed by his men, and Blade didn’t wait to watch them drive away. He glanced at his friends. “Come on. Let’s get in there.”

  As soon as they entered the mansion, madness hit. Alarms went off on all sides, but nothing registered inside Blade’s head. All he could see was Alyssa’s face—her smiles and tears—as he held a gun in one hand and a knife in the other as he sliced and shot his way through mobsters. Screams surrounded him and blood spattered his face, but in his semi-rage, all he could differentiate between was thugs and supernaturals.

  Behind him, his friends fought the men who still came at them. Finally, there was silence, and they were surrounded by the limp bodies of gangsters on the floor. He must look as bloodied as his friends did. Ethen had a wound across that pretty face of his, Hari had a cut on her neck, and the vampire had injured his a
rms, but everyone else seemed to be fine.

  “Am I too late?”

  He managed a smile as Shaun entered the corridor. “I reckon we’re still going to need help. Come on.”

  They carried on as Drake had directed him, and as they pushed open the door ahead to enter a concrete corridor, more doors opened on either side of them. Big fuckers dressed in black came out of the rooms, carrying guns which they pointed straight at them. And this time, Blade summoned the rage, letting it go out of control. He cut through the hand of one man with his blade and then slashed the neck of another to the left of him. Hari sliced through one guy after the other while Ethen, lithe and nimble, cut through the mobsters equally fast. Sonia had guns in both her hands, and although it appeared as if she was shooting all over the place, every bullet was hitting a target. Through the red haze, Blade registered Shaun shift into wolf form and jump at one of the guys. He brought him to the floor, near Leke, who had his teeth buried in a mobster’s neck. Junaid didn’t shift…like the weapons expert he was, he instead grabbed ninja stars at an impossible speed from inside his jacket to throw across the corridor, slicing the limbs of their enemies.

  It seemed the stream of black suits coming through the doors was never-ending, but Blade and his friends kept cutting and shooting. More screams surrounded them, the sound of bullets filling his ears, and then he felt a pain in his arm. He didn’t stop to check if he’d been hurt by a knife or bullet, because he didn’t give a damn about his own injuries. A man grabbed him by the throat and pointed a gun at his head but did not shoot fast enough. A bad fucking mistake. Blade swiped a dagger across his throat, and the man’s head lolled as he fell into a heap. When another mobster came at him, he did not even bother using weapons. He punched him, the rage rushing through him and into his fists.

  When he couldn’t see any more black suits, he punched the wall. Again and again. His knuckles were bloodied and so damaged that the pain began to register. Suddenly, there were people on his back, and he roared as he tried to push them off.

  “It’s us!” shouted Junaid. “You mad fucker. It’s us! James’ guys are dead.”

  There was only one thing that would calm his rage now. Slowly, the red before his eyes turned to a white light, and he inhaled, deep. He could control it. The thought of Alyssa helped him control it.

  Alyssa. I need to find Alyssa.

  The realization shot through his emotions and brought him back to his senses. He rushed through the corridor, with the rest of the group following. There was another set of doors ahead. Behind there…she was behind there. But the doors were locked. He stepped back and slammed into them with his shoulder. It felt as if he’d dislocated something, but he didn’t give a damn.

  When he entered the room, her screams filled his ears, making him shut his eyes. Gods, no. Her screams went on and on, penetrating the darkness. He opened his eyes, and the sight that awaited him made him sick. Alyssa tied down and splayed out, naked, her eyes shut. When he turned around, Shaun was in the doorway, back in his human form. “Keep everyone out,” he told him.

  Her screams filled his ears and put him on edge, but he couldn’t allow himself to be taken by the rage again. He moved closer, careful not to touch her. “Alyssa,” he whispered, “It’s me, Blade.”

  “No! Please…don’t hurt me!” Gods, that bastard had tied her up for his friends. And there were torture implements on that table. The thought of what would have happened to her if they hadn’t got here on time made dread fuck with his mind. She’d been tied up for over an hour, awaiting that fucked up fate with each second. She still cried out loud. “I’m sorry. Let me go.”

  “It’s me, Alyssa”. He brought his mouth closer to her ear. “It’s Blade. Listen to me; let my voice get through to you.” Her screams subsided, but she still cried, and she didn’t open her eyes. “You’re safe now. I’m going to take you back with me.” He carried on saying God knew what, continuing until she calmed down. “I love you, Alyssa.”

  Now her eyes opened, and she turned her head toward him, blinking. “Blade?”

  He wiped the tears from her face, gentle. “Yes, it’s me.”

  “You came for me?”

  He opened the binds, and she winced in pain as he pulled her up from the horrible contraption. He pulled off his shirt and placed it around her shoulders before holding her against his chest, murmuring into her ear. “I’m so sorry, Alyssa. I’ll never let you go again.”

  There was a movement at the doorway, and he quickly turned as Alyssa clutched his shirt, but it was Shaun…with a blanket. “I got this out of one of the rooms.”

  Blade brought her to her feet and wrapped the blanket around her. He kissed her on the forehead and then held her tight against him. There was a rustle and the sound of shouts from outside. She screamed again. “Sssh,” he whispered into her hair. “I’m here with you.”

  As she buried her face against his chest, he wished he was able to teleport like Leke. He’d take here away from here, so far that anything that had ever caused her pain would never touch her again…

  Sonia and Hari entered, with James hanging between them, his nose broken and face bloodied. Behind them, were the rest of his friends. Hari smirked. “Look at the shit we stepped on.”

  At the sight of James, Alyssa pressed tighter against Blade. As for James, the bastard whimpered. When Sonia and Hari let go, he fell to his knees. “I’m sorry, Blade. Sorry for everything. It was a big misunderstanding.” All Blade wanted right now was to have the mobster up against the wall as he beat the guy to death. But right now, it was more important to look after the woman he loved.

  Leke pulled James to his feet and gave him a view of his extended fangs. “Can I have a go at him? His blood won’t be easy to digest, but watching him drain to death will be worth it.”

  “No,” said Blade.

  Relief flashed across James’ face. “Yes. None of us wants to ruin a truce over a damn woman.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” said Blade. “Some of us do. Strip him.”

  The vampire grinned as he let go of him, stepping back to lean against the wall to watch the show. Shaun stepped forward. He’d transformed back to his human form, but his claws and fangs were still extended. He swiped them across James’ body, tearing his clothes to shreds. Blade had no doubt that the scratches and cuts on James’ body were deliberate.

  “Do we get to tie him down?” asked Sonia. That suggestion shot a smile across Ethen’s face.

  Blade glanced down at Alyssa. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Now James cried like a baby, resisting as Sonia and Hari pulled him over. They held him down as Ethen and Leke fastened the binds at his wrists and ankles.

  “Wait,” said Alyssa, when Ethen reached for the bind at the mobster’s waist. She stepped back from Blade. “I want to do that one.”

  Blade couldn’t be more proud of her as she stepped forward. Keeping the blanket tight around her, she reached through the opening and pulled the middle bind. “Please, Alyssa,” whimpered the sorry bastard. “I was always good to you, wasn’t I?”

  Alyssa secured the bind at his waist. “Fuck you, James.” And then she turned to Blade. “What’s the time?”

  “Nearly 8.”

  Her eyes were swollen as she stared down at the mob boss. “If I’m not mistaken, the party starts in half an hour.”

  “No!” James struggled against the binds. “You’ve got no idea of what those sadistic bastards will do to me.”

  Even before he saw her stumble, Blade sensed she was about to, and reached out to lift her in his arms. As she rested her head against his chest, she glanced at James one last time. “Enjoy your party, my love.”

  Blade walked out of there with the satisfaction of having his friends behind him and the woman he loved safe in his arms. As for James, the sound of his screams followed them all the way out of the mansion.


  * * *

  THAT SMALL SMILE ON HER face was bliss. This
female really did bring peace to his damaged soul. After they returned to the villa, she’d taken a shower, changed into cotton pajamas and climbed into his bed. By the time Blade returned with food, she was asleep. She slept for hours and only awakened when the doctor turned up. Right now, Blade was on one side of the bed and Andreas on the other. The doctor now looked up. “You know I’m sorry, don’t you, demon?”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  Andreas had bruises and cuts on his face, and two of his fingertips were bandaged, indicating missing nails. Yet he had insisted on coming to see Alyssa to make sure she was all right, even though it was close to 3 in the morning. He was a good man who, like many, had been unable to stand up to torture.

  Andreas now smiled at Alyssa. “You’ll be all right after some rest.” He winced as he handled the tools. How much must his fingers hurt? “And hopefully, this is the last time I’ll have to come and see you.”

  As the doctor stood, so did Blade, but Alyssa did not grab his hand or reach for him in panic, as he expected her to.

  “I’ll be back after seeing him out,” he told her.

  She smiled up at him, green eyes bright. “I know.”

  When he entered the living room with Andreas, his friends waited. They’d all cleaned up after getting back, and nobody had serious wounds. For once, they allowed the human doctor to treat them. Blade had a thick bandage around his own arm, which turned out to have been injured by a dagger. His friends were exhausted but still hung around. Ethen, Hari and Leke sat on the sofa with beer cans, while Junaid, Sonia and Shaun lounged against the wall, munching pieces of chicken.


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