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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 38

by Natalie Aejaz

  “Wait a minute,” said Wilson. “Let’s talk some more.” After Leke sat, Wilson turned to her. “You guarantee it will be clean?”

  “You don’t trust me to handle this?” asked Leke.

  “Yes, I do. But if we’re going to take out a dangerous supernatural like Rasmus, I need someone who will go through with it, no matter what. And who better than someone with a personal agenda?” Wilson rubbed his forehead. “Veronica? Nothing will get back to our office?”

  “I promise it won’t,” she said.

  “All right, then. Go ahead and do it.” He indicated toward the door. “And now get the hell out of here. This meeting never took place.”

  “Thank you—”

  “Don’t fucking thank me.” Wilson gave a glimpse of the hard-ass he really was. “Just make sure this whole business is as clean as you claim it will be, or else the next supernatural to go down will be you.” He glanced at the vampire. “Leke has been a great asset to us, and I value our relationship. The only reason you’re still standing is because you’re his woman.”

  “I’m not his—”

  Leke held her hand. “Thank you, Wilson,” he said. “We won’t forget your cooperation.” He stood, pulling Veronica up with him. “Until next time.”

  Wilson waved them out. As they left his office, Leke’s grip on her arm was so tight that it hurt, but there was no way she was arguing with him right now. She would be as subservient as it took, because she had just got permission to take that wolf out and for now, would do nothing that might jeopardize her mission. But it was an effort keeping her mouth shut when he marched her past that blond woman at reception. She could swear the bitch smirked at the sight of her being manhandled. Once they were outside the building, Leke let go of her. She expected him to go into a rage, but his voice was eerily calm when he said, “Get into the car.”

  He drove out of the place with Fry close behind in his vehicle. He remained silent on the way back to the mansion. She opened her mouth a few times to say something, but each time, the words popped back down her throat without daring to come out. When she considered reaching for the sound system to play some music and break the silence, he gave her a grim look that made her think better of it.

  When they reached the mansion, he parked in the underground car park and got out, again without saying a word. She also left the car, without being asked. When Fry got out of his vehicle, Leke barked at him. “Take her to her room. Arrange for food to be taken to her, but from now on, there’s no need to be at her service. If she needs something, she can fucking help herself.”

  Fry glanced between them both, but said nothing. He turned toward the door that led to the mansion, and before following him, Veronica glanced at Leke, but he did not even look at her. As she followed Fry, an unfamiliar emotion clenched her chest. Damn, for a bit she even thought that tears might come. She wiped her eyes before Fry saw. Another damn effect of the transition. Nothing to do with Leke or how he was behaving toward her.

  Inside her room, Fry asked, “Do you want to eat?” She shook her head. All she wanted right now was to hide away. “If you get hungry, just call. If I’m not in the mansion, I’ll arrange for someone else—”

  “I don’t think I’ll eat today.”

  “But you hardly touched breakfast?”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Well, if you do get hungry…at any time, no matter how late it is...”

  She forced a smile. “I’ll let you know, Fry. Thank you.”

  Unlike his boss, it seemed he gave a damn about her welfare.

  She got changed into cotton pants and a tee shirt and then sat on the bed, flicking through channels on the television. She took nothing in, because her head was focused on the door, taking in every damn sound, convinced that Leke would come to see her. But he didn’t.

  When it turned dark, she showered and got into bed, but still listened out for his footsteps. It was only after she heard him enter his room that she fell asleep.


  * * *

  VERONICA LAY IN BED, BARELY able to move. She wouldn’t hold out long on a diet of next to nothing, and over the past couple of days, she’d felt unbelievably shit. And the nightmares were getting worse, draining whatever energy remained. It didn’t help that it had been days since she’d seen Leke…he hadn’t even stopped by since that day they went to Wilson’s office.

  When someone knocked at the door, she forced herself up, not bothering to throw a robe over the cotton shorts and tee shirt she wore to bed. The door was such a long way away…but she crawled along the wall until she reached it. When she lifted the latch, Fry entered with a tray of food. He paused, staring at her. “You look like crap.”

  Way to make a woman feel better. “It’s how I feel, too, but thanks for the reminder.”

  He placed the tray on the table and then came over, placing his hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up. How the hell are you going to go after Rasmus in this condition?”

  “I’ll manage.” He sighed before going back to the table. When he lifted the lid off the food, the sight of meat pie and vegetables made her want to puke. “How’s that asshole boss of yours, by the way?”

  Fry grinned. “Still not friends?”

  “Could anyone be friends with that guy?” The horde leader was so cold when it came to business that it was difficult to believe he’d behaved like a heated lover the other day. “What’s the fucking point in being a supernatural if you have to get permission from humans for everything? I can’t even let off steam without Leke getting pissed.”

  The vampire’s expression turned serious. “We’re only allowed to live in peace because we play by the rules. We’re constantly monitored, and if we don’t stay in line, the government will be after us. Like anyone else, we’ve learned to live within the system.” He picked up the plate and brought it over, but she shook her head. “I’ll leave it here in case you get hungry later.” She was hungry…damn hungry, but all she craved was the metallic taste of blood. “Look, I’ll grab you a pint of blood…you need it—”

  “Fry, please…just don’t.”

  He held his hands up, as if in defense. “As you want.” He glanced out of the window. “Why don’t you get out for a bit? There are beautiful forests and gardens surrounding the mansion. It can’t be much fun being cooped up in here all the time.”

  Even if she had the energy, the thought of going outside was overwhelming. She just needed to get through this and reach Rasmus. “I’m all right, really.”

  “Fine, then.” He glanced around the walls of the room, humming. “One more thing…”

  “What is it?”

  “The crown prince is leaving today, and Rose was wondering if she could meet you.” A visitor was the last thing she needed. “She only wants to say bye. And as she’s royalty as far as our kind is concerned…”

  “All right. But give me a chance to shower and change first.”

  “Great. I’ll ask her to pop by in half an hour. And remember, if you need anything—”

  She managed a smile. “I’ll let you know.”

  She showered and then dressed in jeans and a white tee shirt before standing by the window, staring over the forest. Less than fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Rose walked in. She was dressed in a knee-length pink dress that hugged her curves. Most females her size would have gone for a black number to give the illusion of being thinner than they were, but she did not seem bothered by that shit. Good for her. “Thank you for receiving me in your chamber, Veronica. I know you’ve got a lot on, so I won’t take your time.”

  “You’re welcome.” Veronica indicated toward the sofas, and they both moved there. “Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”

  “I just had a glass of blood, thank you.” Veronica’s reaction must have shown on her face, because Rose asked, “The thought displeases you?”

  “How do you do i
t? Drink blood? And live among these bloodsuckers?”

  The other woman grinned. “I didn’t plan for my life to turn out like this. In fact, I met Lohan before supernaturals were exposed, so you can imagine how resistant I was to turning.”

  “So why did you do it?”

  “Becoming a supernatural meant I would have many more years with my Lohan. In the end, the choice was easy. We’ve been together two decades now—”

  “Two decades?” But they both looked as if they were in their mid-twenties.

  Rose chuckled. “Yes. And I’ve cherished every moment. We travel the world and have friends all over the place. Today, we’re off to see Lohan’s vampire cousins in Italy.” She paused. “You wouldn’t believe it, but before we met each other, neither of us had friends. We’ve both changed since meeting each other…for the better.”

  “But what about drinking blood? You don’t find it disgusting?”

  “I noticed you didn’t take any at breakfast, and I understand why. It was an issue for me, too. But the first time I took blood, it was from Lohan, and well”—her cheeks flushed pink—“The experience was very…”

  Veronica thought of the moans that had filled the Blood Zone during both her visits. “Erotic?”

  “Yes. I have only ever taken blood from him since. And believe me, it’s no chore.” And now Veronica’s head was filled with a fantasy of having her fangs in Leke’s neck. As heat generated between her thighs, she took a deep breath, trying to push her mind back to neutral. “Give it a chance, Veronica. There are great benefits to being a vampire.”

  “Now you sound like Leke.” When she grinned, “What?”

  “I have known Leke a few years now. I know he’s a bit…set in his ways, but so was Lohan. But he’s changed since then and is a wonderful mate.”

  Veronica shook her head so hard her hair flew about her. “There’s nothing like that between Leke and me—” The other woman only smiled. “There isn’t—” Her words were cut off by the knock at the door. Still flustered by Rose’s assumption about Leke and her, Veronica cleared her throat before she called out. “Come in.”

  The crown prince Lohan entered, cutting a handsome and dominating figure in a gray shirt and black two-piece. His jaw softened when his eyes landed on Rose, his eyes flickering. He came closer and held his hand out to Veronica. “It was wonderful making your acquaintance. I hope to see you again, soon.”

  She stood to take his hand. “Likewise.” It didn’t hurt to be polite.

  She turned to shake Rose’s hand, but the other woman surprised her by giving her a hug. “It will all turn out perfect, you wait and see, Veronica.”

  The other woman then went over to Lohan, and as the crown prince stared down at her with an adoring gaze, as if nothing in the world existed apart from her, longing shot through Veronica. How would it feel to belong with another like that? As Rose waved at her, Lohan took her in his arms, and they disappeared before her eyes.

  After they were gone, Veronica stood where she was for a few moments, confusion rushing through her. What they both had…it wasn’t for her. She’d never been that person, and now…there was only one thing she cared about. Revenge.

  When the hunger pangs hit again, she lay on the bed, feeling as if someone had scooped her insides out. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep through the agony, but the need for nutrition burned her stomach.

  And when she did drift to sleep, the damn dreams started…

  LEKE FROWNED AT HIS LAPTOP, going over the information sent by a member of his horde. A list of humans who Rasmus had turned over the past year…humans who were now part of his pack. Leke’s gut told him they were getting closer to him, and it wouldn’t be long now…but Veronica was weakened by her refusal to feed. And he had the feeling she would not stay behind for this mission—not willingly, anyway.

  At least one thing had become clear. Rasmus had not been turning random humans—he had gone for powerful ones, transforming them to his kind, so they had no choice but to go over to him. The bastard had wanted Veronica to join him, too. She was a damn liability, but once she got over acting up, she would be a useful addition to any clan. And what of her don’t give a damn attitude and the rebellious streak that pulled Leke the more he resisted? The potential of having her on his side was not the only reason the wolf had wanted to turn her. He admitted to Veronica that he desired her as a mate, didn’t he? Just the thought of Rasmus—or any other fucker—laying a finger on her in that way made Leke’s fangs protrude.

  There was a knock at the door. “Wait!” he called out. He drew a deep breath, trying to relax. He had spent decades practicing how to maintain his cool, keeping calm in the most stress-inducing situations, yet just the thought of her broke through his reserve. But nobody else needed to know that. “Come in.” Fry entered the office, dressed in jeans and a green tee shirt. He sat on the seat opposite. Something told Leke he was not here to talk business, which meant it was something to do with Veronica. “Is she playing up again?”

  “I wish.” Fry sighed, loud. “She’s getting weaker. She can’t go on much longer like this.”

  Damn it, she was bound to get weaker, but she was such a stubborn ass that she refused to listen. She needed to drink blood. But he couldn’t even force her—compelling a newborn to drink blood was the surefire way to send them over the edge…and she was close enough to the tipping point as it was.

  “I don’t know what to do, Fry.” He felt so damn helpless. He was so pissed at her that he had stayed away from her since that day in Wilson’s office. He had worked hard to get to where he was, and she seemed hell-bent on tearing through his achievements. Starting off as a member in this very horde, he worked his way up to become the leader’s right hand. When his mentor was taken out, the horde elected him without hesitation. He’d spent decades building up his reputation among other supernaturals and humans, but in a moment, Veronica could rip it apart. But it did not mean he could stop worrying about her, even if it was what he wanted.

  “She was asking about you.” Fry now stared at the chandelier above them, as if it contained the answer to the dilemma. “Perhaps if you ask her, she will drink blood.”

  “I would not bet on it.” Leke reckoned the sight of him was more likely to piss her off. “If the situation is the same tomorrow, let me know.” He didn’t want to force her, but he couldn’t allow her to carry on like this, either. He would have to figure out some way to get blood into her without her knowing…but how the hell was he going to manage that miracle?

  After Fry left his office, he put his laptop to the side. He was exhausted after nights of being unable to sleep. Each night, when he was about to fall into oblivion, he would hear Veronica’s whimpers. The worst part was when her nightmares became so bad that she woke up screaming, only returning to sleep after he sent her calming energy. If only she would get over her stubbornness long enough to feed. The hunger was only making her more sick…intensifying the trauma.

  He pulled off his shirt and took out the cotton pants he kept in a cupboard in the corner of the office. Bare-chested, he teleported to the underground training center, a large concrete hall with strength training equipment on one side and mats on the other. The walls were lined with weapons…swords, ninja stars, nunchaku, throwing daggers, bows and arrows…

  Today, he went for the punching bags, releasing his frustration on the fuckers. But after hell knew how long, he was exhausted and his body coated in a sheen of sweat, but his mental condition as messed up as before. At least darkness had fallen, so he didn’t have to struggle to focus on whatever project needed his attention.

  He teleported to his quarters and paused outside Veronica’s room. Like every night, the temptation to go inside was there. But he sensed she was asleep. He entered his bedroom, and after a long shower, got into bed. But he tossed and turned, rest evading him as it did these days. He lay on his back and summoned a calming energy, the bright glow that generated inside his head spreading through his body until hi
s muscles relaxed. Finally, sleep came…

  His eyes shot open, the sound of her screams sending nausea to the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t keep away from her anymore…he teleported into her room and then switched on the light. The fucking nightmares. She thrashed in her sleep, sweat piling on her brow as she groaned in pain. And Fry did not exaggerate when he said she was in a bad state. She was so pale that Leke had to pull his eyes away from her.

  That part of him that had the ability to care…the part that he thought he subdued decades ago, twisted to see her like this.

  And for the first time, he regretted what he had done to her.

  THE FEVER SWAMPED HER BODY, pain shooting through her limbs as the thirst burned her veins. She was reliving her transformation. “No…” she whimpered. She couldn’t go through that again…

  And then she heard his voice…a balm on the ache. “Veronica? Wake up.” There were firm hands on her shoulders, bringing her comfort as they pulled her from hell. “Veronica!”

  She opened her eyes, blinking away tears to stare into a blue gaze, usually cold but now full of concern. “L-Leke?”

  He held her against his bare chest, rocking her like a child…for a moment, she sank into his embrace, allowing herself to be cared for. She shut her eyes tight as memories of the pain returned. She needed to forget what had happened. When she trembled, he held her away from him, looking down at her. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

  He brought his face close to hers, giving her a soft kiss on the lips. When he moved away, she held on to him, her fingers winding through his hair. There was confusion in his expression as she pulled him back down, pressing her lips to his. I need to forget. As he kissed her, some of the fear the nightmare had embedded inside her began to fade, replaced by a desire for the vampire who had turned her into this.

  He was tense as he kissed her, as if trying to restrain himself. But today, she did not want control…she wanted—needed—him to let go.


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