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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 41

by Natalie Aejaz

  “He just left, but she’s still here, outside the zone.”

  “Don’t let her go anywhere.”

  “You want us to restrain her?” Ryan didn’t seem chuffed at that idea.

  “Yes. I want you to do what it takes, but you keep her there until I arrive. Understood?”


  After hanging up the phone, Leke closed his eyes, trying to clear his head so he could focus on long-distance teleportation. But no, it didn’t work.

  That damn female really had taken over his mind.


  * * *

  VERONICA WAS ABOUT TO get back on her Harley when a security guard strode toward her, purposeful.

  Bloody great.

  She flashed her fangs…becoming a bit of a habit, that. “What do you want?”

  “We’ve had a message from Leke. He’s asked that you remain here. He’s on his way, driving over.” Why was he wasting time doing that, when he could teleport? Oh yes, because they weren’t allowed to reveal their supernatural abilities around humans and all that shit. “He won’t be long. In the meantime, perhaps you’d like to wait inside the Blood Zone?”

  “No thanks. I’m all right here.”

  The guard glanced between her and the queue. When he spoke, his voice was hard, making no allowances for the fact that she was part of Leke’s horde…temporarily, that was. “I am certain you will be comfortable inside. Please follow me.” No point causing a ruckus out here. As it was, Leke just needed an excuse to be pissed at her. She raised her eyebrows at her bike, and when the guard clicked his fingers, a valet hurried over. “Your motorcycle will be taken care of.”

  He turned, and she followed him past the queue, to the zone entrance. No stopping to have her wrist stamped this time. As they entered the dark corridor and went downstairs, loud moans filtered through, causing her stomach to squeeze, but not out of disgust this time. Instead, there was…anticipation. At the doors, he turned to her. “Perhaps you would like to wait in Ryan’s office?”


  “The manager of the zone. You had a…conversation with him the first time you were here.”

  She could do without seeing that smug bastard. “It’s all right. I’ll hang out in the zone.” She’d coped with being here when she was going mad with blood lust, so she could manage it now. Just as she thought that, the weakness in her legs reminded her she was due a feed. But no, she could hold out until this shit with Rasmus was sorted. And then she’d figure out what to do about this need for blood…

  As soon as she entered the zone, she wished she’d taken up the guard’s offer to wait in Ryan’s office. The sight of vampires feeding did not repulse her the way it did the first time she was here. And that smell…once off-putting, it now made her fangs ache with need. But the guard had already led her to a set of sofas in the corner of the area. “You can wait here.” There was no music in the zone at the moment, the moans and gasps providing ample background noise. He nodded his head at a panel on the table. “If you need anything, hit the button on the left. The one on the right will draw curtains around this area, if you require privacy. Can I get you a pint of something?”

  The thought of the metallic taste of blood on her tongue made her salivate. “No, thank you.”

  The guard left her alone. She pulled her eyes away from a vampire who had her fangs stuck in the breast of a human female, because it only reminded her of how good it had felt to get her teeth into Leke. When someone nearby released another moan, she wished she’d gone for that pint just so she could fling it at whoever was making those wanton sounds.

  And then, suddenly, silence descended over the zone. It only lasted a second, but it was enough for her eyes to shoot to the entrance. He was a shadow against the bright light, but there was no doubt who that imposing frame belonged to. Leke. He stepped forward, and his eyes flashed as they landed on her. When a member of staff hurried toward him, he dismissed them with a flick of his fingers, before coming over to her. As he sat on the sofa opposite her, several pairs of eyes were on him, alternating between admiration and lust. The guard who had brought her in came over. “Can I get you anything, Leke?”

  “No. Just make sure we are not disturbed.”

  As he retreated, Veronica scowled at a female human, all long dark hair and green eyes, who pouted her lips at the horde leader. Before Veronica could go over there and bash her face in, Leke pressed the panel button on the table, and curtains drew around them. His face was tight. “You have to learn to keep hold of your temper, Veronica—”

  “Yeh, yeh. Was there any other reason for you being here, apart from the need to give me a lecture?”

  He removed his leather jacket and then leaned back into the sofa, lifting his arms over it. He’d gone for a green shirt today, and it stretched across his chest, highlighting how muscled it was. When the sound of another moan filtered through, his eyes flashed, but not with anger this time. He’d kept to his promise of staying away from her, but the horde leader still wanted her. And being in here, enclosed in these thick curtains while humans and supernaturals around them got off…it drove her mind in only one direction. Biting him as he pushed his cock inside her.

  Fuck, no.

  What happened to her resolve to not take any more blood? And to stay away from him and his kind? This wasn’t her. She was someone strong enough to stick to her guns.

  “Why did you meet Rasmus?”

  It shouldn’t surprise her that he knew. She was more frustrated about his damn ability to hold on to his cool, whatever the scenario. “He wanted to talk.”

  He leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table before him. That, and the red that flashed through his eyes, was the only sign of his agitation. “Don’t you know how fucking dangerous that could have been?”

  “We met in a public place. Even that wolf isn’t stupid enough to try something in a crowd.”

  “And what did he want?”

  “Me.” She didn’t miss how his jaw tensed and eyes narrowed. Not so calm and collected at the thought of someone else lusting after her, huh? “I told him at our last meeting there’s no way he’s getting me as a mate. But he still wants me to join his gang of merry wolves.”

  Leke glanced at the table, and she almost grinned at his attempt to appear unconcerned. “And what did you say?”

  “No, of course. I’m not joining any supernatural gang.” His gaze shot up. “Yes, I’m with your horde, but that’s only for now. Like I said before, as soon as Rasmus is down, I’m out of here…I’m better off alone.”


  “And he confirmed that he’d only intended to turn me that night…but once he got a bite, he couldn’t stop. Apparently, I’m tastier than I look.”

  Leke’s lips curled up. “You have no idea of how tasty you look.”

  Her damn cheeks had better not be flushing. And she didn’t know about her face, but her insides were turning to jelly under his intense gaze. Would he stop looking at her like that, as if he wanted to get a taste of her now? There was another sound of pleasure on the other side of the curtain, and even in the dim light, it was obvious when the horde leader’s eyes darkened.

  She cleared her throat. “There’s also some news…about the Association.” She would have never dreamed about handing over information that might help supernaturals before, but she could never live with herself if she withheld what she knew and then Leke or one of his horde was injured. But aren’t I supposed to hate him for what he did to me? “The Association is planning something with the werewolf.”

  “I know. Fry dug up some information and passed it to me today. Do you know what they’re planning?”

  “Only that they plan to instigate fighting between supernaturals and humans. The wolf thought that bit of information might convince me to go over to his side.”

  When Leke swallowed, her eyes landed on his throat. One taste wouldn’t hurt… “Weren’t you tempted, Veronica? To join him?”

  “Like I said, I’m not joining anyone. I’m all right on my own.”

  He leaned forward, their eyes meeting and locking. “But are you?”

  “Yes. I fucking am—” She didn’t finish, because someone went into an orgasm nearby, so damn loud that they could have been inside this curtain. She didn’t want to look at Leke, but her damn gaze went to him. That smile was still there, but his eyes blazed with hunger…for her. And now, it was as if the space between them filled with gasps and groans of passion. She wanted to say something to take attention away from the sounds that burned her core, but all she could manage was a squeak. “I’d better get going.”

  “As you wish.” When she stood, her legs were jelly, both from the need for blood…and the effect of the noises the humans and bloodsuckers were making. “Veronica…days have passed since you fed, and you’ve been training hard. You need blood.”

  “I’ll be all right.”

  But as she passed him, he grabbed her forearm, and that contact was enough for a gasp to escape her lips. “Drink from me.” His eyes flared red. “Take some blood from me and then leave. Nothing else.”

  The thirst was unbearable, and she knew from experience that it wouldn’t get any better. In fact, just the thought of sinking her fangs into Leke caused a burning sensation inside her stomach. So much hunger. “You expect me to believe that?”

  He held out his wrist. “You can drink from here. I won’t touch you. Promise.”

  His face had turned cold again. Yes, she believed him when he said he wouldn’t touch her, because his emotions were like a switch at his control. Damn it, if he could get his feelings to obey his will, so would she. “Fine. But you don’t touch me.”

  He placed his arms over the back of the sofa, the wrist nearest to her turned up. He closed his eyes. “You have my word.”

  As she kneeled next to him, it was as if the damn sounds from the other side of the curtain got louder. She hadn’t even touched him, and he felt too close. When she placed her hand on his forearm, he flinched. She brought her lips to his wrist, resisting the urge to kiss. No, she would not do this…if she kept ingesting blood, she would truly become his kind. But her fangs had already elongated, and when someone screamed with pleasure, it was as if she went out of control.

  She sank her teeth into his wrist. The goddamn hunger…it took her as she drank his blood, biting and sucking. So essential…so nourishing. He didn’t touch her, but even through her feeding frenzy, she heard a moan escape his mouth as a spasm shook his body. “Veronica…”

  Her name on his lips against a background of debauched sound effects stirred something deep inside her. As her hunger for blood was sated, it was replaced by a need for him.

  She responded by drinking more, but with each bite, the ache between her legs increased. She pulled her teeth out of his wrist. His eyes were still closed, but when he swallowed, it indicated he was aware of her watching him. His hands gripped the leather sofa, tight.

  Damn his control…two could play that game.

  She’d drank enough to keep her going, but yet, she moved toward him. Her lips landed on his jaw, and she moved along it until she was at the base of his neck. His chest tensed under her hands. And then, she sank her fangs into him.

  “Fuck…!” His exclamation ended on a loud moan as he flung his head back. Heat surged through her as she moved her hands to the back of his head, her fingers trailing through his hair. Before she knew it, she’d straddled him, her core grinding against him. “Veronica!” His fingers gripped the sofa until his knuckles turned white. Now it was greed rather than hunger that drove her…greed for the taste of his blood, his body…but he was sticking to his promise.

  The moans and gasps of pleasure coming from beyond the curtain no longer irritated her; rather, they enhanced the pleasure she took from the vampire. When she pulled her fangs out of his neck, he opened his eyes, his expression tight and drawn. His eyes fixed on her as she licked at the drops of blood at the side of her mouth. She bit her bottom lip with a fang, and it had the desired effect. The vampire couldn’t pull his eyes away. But he still did not reach for her.

  She brought her mouth close to his ear, rocking her hips so her sex rubbed his erection as she whispered, “Thank you for feeding me. I hope you remember your promise not to touch me.”

  And then she took her lips to the base of his neck, where she’d just bitten. She kissed him there, releasing soft moans as her tongue worked over his skin. His biceps tensed and hips jolted. “Veronica. Release me from my word,” he growled.

  The sound of a mobile ringing came, as if from a distance. From his jacket pocket? They both ignored it. “No fucking way.”

  If he planned to hold on to control like a stubborn ass, then she would enjoy making him suffer for it. In fact, she would enjoy making him suffer, full-stop. When she shifted back, his hips jolted again, but this time in protest. His eyes were on her, darkened with hunger. And now she remembered that first day in his mansion…so he liked making her go to her knees, did he? Let’s see how he enjoyed it tonight.

  As she kneeled before him, her own lust spiked. I’m only doing this to torment him. And it was working. He gritted his teeth as she fiddled with his trouser buttons. She pulled until his erect cock sprang free and then she licked her lips as she stared at it. When she looked up at him, his eyes flashed red, but he still did not let go of that damn sofa. But his tight expression was enough to send heat surging through her.

  She took her lips to his cock, licking the whole of its length before taking the tip inside her mouth to suck. And now the urge was there, to take more of it, slide her lips along it until he came. If she didn’t get up now, she might end up sucking him off for her own benefit.

  She released his shaft and stood, leaning over him. “Good night, Leke.” When his eyes narrowed, she grinned. “Why? Where was your mind headed?” After throwing the words he’d used against her the day she went to her knees to blow him, she moved back, but he reached out and grabbed her. “Leke. You promised—”

  “Fuck the promise,” he growled and in one movement shifted her skirt above her thighs and had her across his lap again. And then his lips slanted over hers. A sense of triumph surged inside her, because he’d been unable to keep his hands off her, but it soon turned to hunger. He twisted his fingers through her hair and held her head in place as his other hand struggled with her tee shirt, moving underneath it to unclasp her bra before cupping her breast. She panted against his mouth, wanting…needing…more. When he teased one erect nipple and then the other, she rocked her hips against him. “Veronica…I want you.”

  “I want you, too,” she gasped, her damn ego firmly shoved out of the way by the pleasure he was sending through her system.

  He moved his hand between her thighs, to edge the lace of her panties aside. She shifted forward so her entrance pressed against his erection, and then she pushed until he was inside her. He cursed before taking her mouth again. One hand remained in her hair as he shifted the other to her hip, pressing so he could go deeper.

  She was panting so loud she didn’t know if the sounds were coming from her or from beings beyond the curtains. As he maneuvered her by the hip so he sank further into her, his lips shifted from hers and moved down toward her neck. As his fangs elongated against her skin, there was none of the expected disgust…instead, her hips moved faster, her breathing becoming even more labored.

  His voice was strained. “Veronica. I need to taste you.”

  “Yes, Leke.”

  He sank his fangs into her neck. There was pain before intense pleasure swept her body, carrying her away with it. As he drew blood from her, the ecstasy… unlike anything she’d experienced…made her ride him harder. She pushed her hips against him, taking his length hard and fast, not wanting these sensations to stop. His hand returned to her breasts to tease her nipples and tug at her piercing as his teeth and cock went deeper.

  As he assaulted her nipples and sex, relentless, heat explo
ded at her core, driving its way through to every inch of her as he pulsed between her legs, his movements frantic. The pleasure…too much to bear, yet one she couldn’t live without…both his hands went to her hips, pulling and applying pressure, shoving her on to his length, hard, again and again…until she came around him with a loud scream. Moments later, his release also followed, his seed pumping inside her and drawing out her orgasm.

  She had no idea of how long it was before he pulled his fangs out of her, panting as he leaned back to stare up at her. His breath still came and went fast, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain control. When he’d calmed down, he trailed his fingers against her neck where he’d bitten her, sending a shiver through her. “It didn’t hurt?” She shook her head. “I got a little carried away. That’s not like me.”

  And didn’t she know it? She moved off him, and when she shifted her skirt down, his eyes lingered on its hem.

  He took her by the wrist and pulled her back down to sit next to him. “It’s been a long time since I’ve drunk from someone,” he mentioned. It shouldn’t have made a difference, but it did. The thought that he might be one of those vampires whose hobby was to come here to feed off others…downright intolerable. “I’d forgotten how good it felt.” He touched his neck. “How was it for you?”

  She shrugged. “All right, I suppose.”

  “Judging by the sounds you made, I reckon it was more than all right.” For once, she found herself returning his grin. And then his damn mobile went off. He pulled it from his jacket pocket. “Fry? Yes, Veronica’s all right.” Aaw, the tough bloodsucker was checking on her? “Sure, we’ll head back now.” He hung up. “We’ve got to get back to the mansion. Fry has information for us.”

  And there he was…back in business mode. As she stood, it shouldn’t have disappointed the way it did. But as he also stood, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close to plant a kiss on her lips. “Until next time, Veronica—”


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