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The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1)

Page 17

by JA Low

  “Morning,” Luca greets me with a smile as I walk out of our bedroom. Stepping over to where he’s sitting eating breakfast, I give him a big kiss. “Someone has woken up happy this morning.”

  Sitting on his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck. “First night without nightmares.” It’s been months since that fateful day.

  A grin forms across his face. “I noticed.” He holds me tighter.

  “I feel good. Feeling more like myself.”

  “That’s brilliant.” He pulls me tighter against him.

  “Thank you… thank you for being my rock.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Lilly.”

  Letting out a contented sigh, I know he would.

  “I love you with all my heart, Luca.” He grins. “You’ve put it back together again.”

  “You brought my heart back to life, too.”

  “Oh my God.” Natalia comes screaming into our apartment.

  “What the hell, Nat. I’ve told you… you have to call before coming over,” Luca chastises her.

  She’s walked in on us in a compromising position multiple times.

  “It’s worth the risk.” She grins.

  I can see her whole body is vibrating with excitement. Natalia and I got on instantly. She felt like she already knew me from everything Luca told her about me over the year we were apart. I was a little worried at first that she might hate me for putting Luca through that, but I need not have worried, she’s been amazing and so has Giorgio, his older brother. They have all been so welcoming.

  I even got to meet his parents. I was so concerned because it wasn’t long after I got home from the kidnapping when they came over with some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. They were warm and friendly, totally different than my parents, who I haven’t heard from even after they found out I had been kidnapped. That was the moment I knew they would no longer be in my life because they don’t care if I’m alive or dead. It’s no real loss because Luca’s mother stepped in when she heard what they had done and told me now I am with Luca that I’m family. I may have cried on her shoulder, totally embarrassing myself, but she seemed fine about it.

  “What’s so urgent you have to interrupt our breakfast?” Luca asks angrily.

  “Rachele is knocked up by Allegra’s boyfriend.” Our mouths hit the floor. “It’s karma,” Natalia sings with glee.

  “Wow, that’s really messed up.” Allegra has been a bitch to me since day one, but I’d never wish that kind of heartbreak on another woman.

  “It is. Rachele is totally toxic, but she wouldn’t believe me when I told her.” Natalia rolls her eyes.

  “Is she okay?” Luca asks with his big-brother mode switched on.

  “She’s with Mamma at the moment.”

  “Where is Tobias now?” Natalia shrugs. “Maybe Giorgio and I should pay him a little visit?”

  “Giorgio is waiting for you to call,” Natalia adds.

  “Right. Um…” Luca looks at me, and I stand.

  “Go… be a big brother.” I kiss him, then he’s gone.

  “Have you had breakfast?” I ask Natalia.

  “Nope. Wanna get out of here?”

  I haven’t been up to going outside, especially with the paparazzi camping out the front. Firstly, over my story, but secondly, because they have realized Luca and I are dating. I’ve been working on venturing out with Dr. Regio because he believes I’m ready.

  “Sure. I have to join the land of the living sometime, and now sounds like as good a time as any. Did I tell you… no nightmares last night?”

  “Oh my God.” Natalia gives me a huge hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without your brother.”

  Natalia rolls her eyes, she’s fond of doing that. “He’s okay, I guess.”

  Her comment makes us both burst out in laughter. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a good belly laugh like that.



  “You did so well,” Natalia squeals as we make it back to Luca’s apartment, our arms filled with designer bags full of goodies.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into buying all this stuff.”

  “It’s Luca’s card, so why not. He can afford it.”

  Natalia sneakily called her brother, explained to him we were going out shopping. He was so excited that I wanted to leave the apartment that he gave her his credit card, assigned us security, and told us to go crazy. She did exactly that, went crazy.

  “The total cost of this stuff could feed a small country.” I feel sick over the amount of money we spent.

  “Look, I know you have been thrown into this crazy world, and that it’s a little more over the top than you’re used to…” that’s the understatement of the year, “… but I also know how this all works.” She turns serious suddenly. “The press can love you one minute, then hate you the next.” Natalia reaches out and touches my hand. “You’re with Luca now, and that comes with responsibilities and obligations.”

  “Meaning I have to play my part?”

  “Not it a bad way,” she tries to reassure me. “Just… you will one day be a future princess.”

  I hadn’t thought about it or that far ahead.

  “You know that’s where Luca sees it going, don’t you?”

  “I’ve thought about a future with Luca, but I guess I forgot to add in the prince part.” I nervously play with my hands.

  “You haven’t really seen him in prince mode yet.” She grins. “I know he’s eager to announce to the world that you’re dating.”


  “But there’s protocol when it comes to that.”


  “I hope you aren’t scaring her,” Luca’s deep voice echoes through the apartment. “Hey, beautiful.” Luca places a kiss on my forehead, then sits down beside us. “Lilly, you’re looking a little shell-shocked.”

  “She keeps forgetting you’re a prince.” Natalia laughs.

  “I haven’t really shown you that part of my life, have I?”

  Shaking my head, I don’t reply. I mean I have seen the cars, the apartment, the security, and the jet, but not the adoring fans.

  “Right, well, that’s my cue to leave. Brother…” She kisses Luca. “Lil… you did so well today.” She hugs me, then she walks out of the apartment leaving me with Luca.

  “Guess we might need to talk about some things?” Nodding my head in agreement, Luca moves over and sits beside me on the sofa. “Well, firstly. I love you.”

  “Are you softening me up?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.” He grins, and honestly, it makes me weak. It always does.

  “Secondly, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Wow! He just went right there.

  “When the time is right, I’ll be putting a ring on your finger.”

  Okay then.

  “Thirdly, you’ll have to accept things will change for you. You will have to give up so much to be with me, and I’m sorry for that.” I can see it on his face, he’s worried about my answer.

  “I love you, Luca.” Leaning over, I kiss him. “I want you and only you.”

  “Do you love me enough to give up practicing medicine, though?”

  Oh. Okay, now I understand the troubled look.

  “Can’t I do both?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Once we’re engaged, you’ll have to stop.”

  “So, until then, I can?”

  He nods his head. “But if I’m honest, I don’t want you to go back to the frontline, Lil.”

  “Is there a compromise?”

  “You would compromise for me?”

  As much as I love medicine, and I do with all my heart, I love him more.

  “I love you, Luca. I want to be with you. I wouldn’t mind doing some medicine on the side, it’s a part of me, in whatever form that may be.”

  He excitedly pulls me into his lap. “Consider it done.”

Just like that, hey?”

  “Kind of… um… you realize you’ll have to go to princess boot camp?”

  “If I can ace medical school, I can ace princess school, can’t I?”

  “Princess school is much harder.” He chuckles.

  Bring it on.



  Two years ago, this crazy brunette stumbled into the cottage I rented, and bowled me over instantly, and not because she couldn’t take her eyes off my dick, that was a bonus. I could be myself around her—the palaces, the money, the title—it had all been stripped away, and she fell for me anyway. Then there was her, how could I not fall for this genuine, funny, strong, intelligent, beautiful, and totally awkward woman. Now our fairy tale didn’t exactly go to plan as we had evil sisters and exes crashing into our lives. We had monsters trying to destroy us. But somehow, we have made it through.

  Lilly has really embraced her new life. The people love her, the media thinks she is fantastic, they love the fact that she’s a doctor and not just a socialite on my arm. My parents couldn’t be happier, especially when she sneaks my father a little slice of cheese. She’s embraced everything her role of future princess entails, and all with a smile on her face. I don’t think I could love her any more than I do today.

  Lilly’s family has tried to make contact, especially when it was revealed that the two of us are together. But she said, “If they can’t be there for me in the worst of times, they sure as hell can’t be there for the best of times.” I thought things would change, but she is still standing firm, and I have to accept that’s the way she wants it.

  We went to her sister’s wedding back in Glencoe during the Summer. It was great being back in the village. They didn’t treat me any differently once they found out who I really was. They still gave me warnings that a palace wouldn’t protect me if I hurt Lilly, and I have no doubt they would too.

  Not long after the wedding, Lauren and Alistair announced they were having a baby, and if I’m honest, I’m kind of jealous. I can’t wait to see Lilly carrying our baby or babies. But first, I need to put this ring on her finger, and then we can plan the rest of our lives together.

  I have whisked her away to my villa in the alps. I’m trying to recreate the moment we met. Thought I’d do the full-circle thing. I left earlier than her to set everything up. I came in via helicopter because it’s too far to drive for one night. The helicopter is now on its way back to Rome to pick Lilly up as I rush to get everything ready for tonight. I want it to be perfect, and I want her to say yes.

  My phone lights up with a text from my helicopter pilot letting me know he has dropped Lilly off, so it shouldn’t be long until she arrives.

  I’m nervous, like really nervous.

  “Babe,” Lilly calls out through the empty villa.

  I take a deep breath and make my way into the living room where she’s standing.

  “Oh. My. God,” Lilly squeals, then bursts out laughing.

  Okay, seeing your partner naked should not make you laugh, especially as this is a special moment.

  “Why does your dick have a bow wrapped around it?”

  “Unwrap it and see,” I tell her, giving her a seductive wink, which makes her bend over laughing. This isn’t at all how I thought the evening would go.

  She walks over to me, and I notice the tear marks running down her cheeks. But then her hands are on my dick, and I forget all about my humiliation. She’s unwrapping the bow, and the box falls to the floor.

  That’s my cue to get down on one knee.

  “Lilly Ava Simpson…”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes,” she screams at me.

  “Babe, I haven’t asked you anything yet.”

  “Oh, yeah, you’re right, continue...”

  Damn! This is not going to plan, but I power on.

  “Lilly, when I look at you, all I see is a long life ahead filled with laughter and happiness.” Now, real tears are falling down her cheeks. “There’s no one in this world I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?” The speech I had prepared was so much better than what I just said, but nerves have gotten the better of me. You would think for a prince who does so much public speaking, I could do such a simple speech with ease, but this is Lilly, and she is so much more important than any other speech I have ever made.

  “Yes.” She rushes me then kisses me. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “I need to put the ring on.”

  “Shivers, sorry. I’ve messed this all up for you. I’m sorry, babe,” Lilly apologizes.

  “As long as you said yes, that’s all that matters,” I reply, opening the blue ring box.

  “Holy moly.” Lilly gasps, while I pull out the family heirloom. “That’s one big diamond.”

  I take it out from the velvet box and slide it onto her finger.

  “It’s so heavy, but I don’t care because it’s beautiful.”

  “It’s over three hundred years old.”

  Lilly’s eyes widen. “Many royals have worn this ring.”

  “That makes it so much more special, it’s like a connection with long-lost family. Knowing that someone wore this a lifetime ago is just wow. I love it, Luca.”

  My body relaxes. I was unsure whether or not she’d love a second-hand ring, but she does because she understands the family history significance of it.

  “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Principessa Lilly.”

  “Okay, that part is going to take some getting used to.” She giggles while staring at the ring on her finger.

  “Hey…” She stops and looks around the villa, noticing it for the first time. “You told me your friend owned a vineyard in Trento. Is this his place?”

  I shake my head. “It’s mine, or should I say, ours.”

  “What? So that bottle of wine you had was from your vineyard, and you never told me?”

  “Honestly, it slipped my mind. I had forgotten all about that.”

  “Luckily, I’m dazzled by this diamond not to care about your deceitful ways.”

  I crash-tackle her to the ground and say, “I love you, Lilly.”

  “I love you, Luca.” She looks up at me with pure love and adoration in her eyes.

  “Can I now take my fiancée upstairs and consummate this engagement?”

  “Yes, please, Your Highness.” Lilly giggles as I carry her through the villa, and I could not be happier.


  Epilogue – Lilly

  One year later

  “We have good news,” Sophie tells me through the phone. “We’ve found Ilona.”

  “Oh my God.” My stomach somersaults over the news. “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Where was she?” I wonder what kind of hell she has been through.

  “We found her in Dubai,” Sophie tells me. “A maid smuggled her and the others out. We also rescued the maid and her family for helping us.”

  “We can give them refugee status here in Italy. Please, tell them that.”

  “Thank you. Having you and Luca on board helping us rehome these women in a safe and secure commune is…” Sophie hardly ever gets emotional, but I can hear it in her voice. “You’re changing their lives.”

  Giving up my job as a doctor after marrying Luca was hard. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy in a palace as a princess. Thankfully, he understood, and for my wedding present, he gave me one of his farms to me to start my foundation.

  Lilly’s Place—a village that’s dedicated to women who have been saved from human trafficking and are unable to return home to their own countries. We set them up with a home and some land. We bring the rest of their family out to them if possible. We educate them and help get them back onto their feet. We make sure they have the best psychological help they can get to overcome their trauma, with some needing it more than others. We give them a new, safe life. Luca’s present to me was the most amazing gift he could’ve ever given me outside of my currently rounded belly. I c
an do my humanitarian work while still serving my new country. I never knew life could be this perfect.

  “She’ll be arriving in Rome tomorrow,” Sophie tells me.

  “I’ll be waiting for her. I want to be the first person she sees in her new life.”

  “She will need a friendly face. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sophie signs off.

  “Would you stop it?” Luca smiles as his hand rests on my shaking leg.

  “I can’t help it.” The baby’s giving me a hard kick in the ribs as I rub my belly. “Ouch.”

  “You okay?” Luca looks down at me with concern written across his face.

  Since I announced I was pregnant, he has upped the protectiveness tenfold.

  “He’s just kicking me to tell me to calm down. He’s just like his papa.” I give my gorgeous husband a smirk. Yes, I’m having a boy. A little prince is on his way, and his family couldn’t be happier.

  Giorgio is excited as the oldest and heir, he says us having a baby first has taken a little bit of the pressure off of him.

  Luca reaches out and rests his hand on my expanding belly, and instantly our baby settles down. Luca looks up at me, and all I can see is the love shining back at me. He leans over and gives me a chaste kiss.

  “Seriously, you two are as bad as my sisters with their partners. Always kissing and looking loved up.” Sophie makes a gagging face.

  “You made it.” Slowly, I get up off the chair and hug her.

  “Look at your belly.” She gives it a quick rub. “You have grown so much since the last time I saw you.”

  Sophie and I have become close friends, as has her sisters, Chloe and Grace, and their partners. They are huge advocates for women who have been trafficked as they both were. They were part of the infamous Bratva Jewels, the most elite of the Bratva’s arsenal to collect favors. They were used as bribes for high-ranking officials, royalty, ambassadors, police commissioners, pretty much anyone at the top end of town.


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