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Grim Reaper Academy- Complete Collection

Page 25

by Cara Wylde

  “Shut up and wait for me at the gates.”

  God, they were so needy! It’s a good thing they’re needy. That saves me the embarrassment. I chuckled to myself. Because if they hadn’t been that way, if they hadn’t texted me day and night, I would’ve been the obsessed one. The needy one. I missed them like crazy! My hormones had been doing a number on me all summer, and all I could think of when my head hit the pillow was GC’s strong body pressed against mine, and Paz’s rough hands in my hair. My dreams had gotten kinkier, too. Paz’s hands wrapped around my neck as GC pinned me to the mattress and… I shook my head in frustration. My panties were soaked, and I crossed my legs as I sat in the crowded railcar. A couple sat across from me, and I caught him staring. He smiled at me, and I furrowed my brows and looked out the window, making sure not to give him a second chance to make eye contact. Can’t wait to see my guys!

  I’d only seen them once after practice had started. At the end of the school year, all the students came for one week at the Academy to prepare for prom. The memories I’d made on prom night had kept me going all summer. My very first prom when I truly felt like a princess… GC bought me the dress, and Paz, always in competition with GC, bought me the most beautiful necklace I’d ever set eyes on. Sapphires to go with my eyes and hair. Sariel was chosen prom king, and Pandora was queen. I didn’t care. I felt like I was the true queen that night, and seeing how all the other girls glared at me as I danced with Paz and GC, sometimes at the same time, I could bet they knew it, too. One queen and two kings. We might have not been invited on stage, but we sure won prom that night!

  I took out my phone and looked through the pictures. A smile grew on my lips. The train couldn’t move fast enough. Especially now that I’d made up my mind about Paz and GC. I was going to trust them. Because trust was the only way to finally get what I wanted from them. Their bodies and souls. Not to reap, but to ravish.


  They were waiting for me at the gates, as I’d told them to. GC ran to me, grabbed me by the waist, lifted me up, and spun me around, backpack and all. I giggled and held on to him. He put me down, and his lips were on mine, his hands all over me, groping and squeezing. He took my breath away. It didn’t last long, though. Pazuzu marched to us, grabbed GC by the shoulder, and pulled him away.

  “Greedy,” he mumbled as he pulled me against him and looked me in the eyes. “Welcome back, Mila.”

  I laughed, lifting myself on my tiptoes. “Thanks.” I kissed him fiercely, although GC’s taste was still lingering on my lips. His hands came to tangle in my hair, and I moaned when he pulled gently. I had no idea what his deal with my hair was, but I wasn’t going to question it. All his possessive pulling and tugging soaked my panties in seconds.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” GC grabbed Paz and got him off me in one swift jerk.

  Paz shot him a murderous look, his hands turning into fists at his sides.

  “Back off, asshole! You had your turn.”

  “And you had yours,” GC crossed his arms over his chest, seemingly unimpressed. “It’s mine again.”

  Here we go… If I let them, they would eventually end up wrestling in the dust, making a mess of their clothes, and landing a punch or two, just enough to leave bruises and give the whole school something to gossip about. I pinched the bridge of my nose, dragged a breath in, and took control of the situation.

  “You guys have condoms, don’t you?”

  Two sets of eyes snapped to me. I grinned mischievously, looking at them from behind my long lashes. Paz opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Oh, good! Just left a demon speechless. GC didn’t look like he was capable of more intelligence, either. They had been waiting for so long, fighting over who’d get to take my virginity, and now, when it was finally going to happen, they didn’t know how to react. It was a good thing I’d been planning on taking full control, anyway, so I knew exactly how I wanted to proceed.

  “I see your brains are experiencing some sort of… erm… glitch.” I giggled. “It’s okay. I’ll take it from here.”

  I took them by the hand and pulled them toward the Academy. They followed me in a daze. I could feel them exchanging a glance at some point, and I briefly wondered whether they were going to start arguing again. They didn’t. They were so shocked that I was finally going to… well… that we were finally going to do it, that they probably thought it best not to make a fuss about it, lest I’d change my mind.

  We crossed the courtyard, and the VDC and RDC students hanging out outside followed us with their gaze, whispering amongst themselves. The NDC and the MDC weren’t usually very interested in the whole soap opera that had started airing at the Academy when I began dating two hot guys at the same time. At least, there was still some common sense left in the world.

  We headed up the spiral staircase in the north tower, and stopped in front of the closest dorm, which was GC’s. He fumbled with the keys, dropped them, picked them back up, then finally managed to open the door as I literally laughed my head off. He blushed. Oh, wow! Now I’ve made a false god blush. What is this? Is the end of the world coming? It was fascinating, really. As we entered the room, I noticed how our relationship dynamic had changed just because I’d been brave enough to take control. GC and Pazuzu stood before me, waiting for my next move. I dropped my backpack in a corner and removed my hoodie. As I stood there in my V-neck tank top, my old skinny jeans, and my uniform ankle boots, – because they were literally the nicest pair of shoes I owned, – I suddenly didn’t know what my next step was. I’d thought about it, and now that the time had come, it completely eluded me. I chewed on my lower lip.

  “Well? What should I remove first?” I asked. “Come on, help a girl out. I’ve never done this before.”

  “Never been naked in front of a guy?” Paz asked incredulously.

  I shook my head. His green eyes widened, and the surprise and excitement that sparked in his irises made me blush.

  “Okay, I’m ready to help, if you want me to,” GC offered.

  I nodded. “And you,” I said looking at Paz. “You can help, too.”

  They stepped up to me and each reached for something. GC took hold of the hem of my tank top, and Paz went for my belt. They moved slowly, carefully, as if I was a fragile, innocent creature that would immediately make a run for it if they rushed her. I stifled a laugh and stood my ground as they tugged at my clothes. I lifted my arms for GC, and soon the tank top hit the floor. Paz had gotten rid of my belt, and now he was undoing my jeans, one painful button at a time. I clenched the muscles in my thighs. My core ached for him. For them. GC stepped behind me, pushed my blue hair over one shoulder, and started working on my bra. He had it unclasped in a second, but he took his time pulling the straps down my arms, until they reached my elbows, and I pulled my arms out of them. The bra hit the floor, and my round, heavy breasts felt the soft breeze coming through the open window. My nipples turned to hard pebbles.

  As Paz rolled my jeans down my legs, GC pressed his chest to my back and started kissing my neck. I moaned and leaned into him. His hands came to cup my bare breasts, and I shuddered. I’d wanted his touch for so long, craved it so hard for so many nights, that now that I could finally feel it, it was too much. It was overwhelming.

  I lifted my feet one at a time to allow Paz to remove my boots. Soon, the jeans were gone, and I was standing there, in the middle of GC’s room, in only my black lace panties and my… wristbands. I’d forgotten about my wristbands. Shit. They had to go, there was no question about it. But then… A chill ran up my spine as I finally realized. Then, I would truly be fully naked in front of my two men. And once they found out why I wore those wristbands all the time, they would have power over me. Power like no one had ever had before.

  Pazuzu pushed himself to his feet and cupped my cheek with a warm hand. He looked me in the eyes, and there was so much devotion in his gaze that I could almost cry. His other hand came to wrap around my

  “May I remove these?”

  I could feel a knot forming in my throat. I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded. He smiled and proceeded to pull at my wristbands without even looking. He never took his eyes off mine, and when he lifted my hands, palms up, and looked at my exposed wrists, I knew he’d known all along. There was no surprise in his eyes, nor shock, nor disgust. He’d known. How obvious had I been all this time?

  GC stopped what he was doing and let go of my breasts. His hands came to rest on my waist as he leaned over to look over my shoulder.

  “Hmm… That’s quite a number you did there,” he said. But his voice held no judgement.

  “Yeah, I…” My voice sounded choked. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say. What I wanted to say. Honestly, I didn’t want to say anything, I didn’t want to tell them the story of my scars. Not now, not ever. I wanted to pretend like they didn’t exist at all, like they weren’t these long, deep gashes on the inside of my arms that had turned pale and wrinkly. And I wanted them to do the same. To pretend.

  “Shh… it’s okay,” Paz cooed. He let go of my hands. “It happens to the best of us.”

  “Does it?” Well, that was something I hadn’t expected to hear.

  He traced his fingers along my stomach and bit the inside of his lip as he touched the cigarette burns one by one.

  “We all have secrets,” he continued. “And they’re rarely pretty.”

  “But you are,” GC whispered in my ear. “You are very, very pretty.” He took my earlobe in his mouth and sucked gently. I threw my head back to give him better access, and he chuckled at his small victory.

  I felt Pazuzu’s hands move lower and lower, until he hooked his fingers into the hem of my panties and started pulling them down. I tensed, and he caressed my inner thigh. I allowed him to remove my panties, stepping out of them, all the while leaning all my weight on GC. By this point, I doubted I could stand on my own.

  Completely naked. My body and soul bare before their eyes. Exposed. Vulnerable. No wonder I was shaking like a leaf. There goes my control. It hadn’t taken much to lose it, but I could relax knowing I was in good hands. And not just two hands, but four.

  “Your turn,” I whispered. I pushed GC away, and moved to lie on his bed, on top of the covers. “I want to watch.”

  They exchanged a glance but didn’t fight this time. In fact, they even grinned at each other. They proceeded to remove their clothes one by one, rather slow for my taste, but I couldn’t complain. It was a pretty damn good show.

  GC’s blond curls sticking out everywhere, ruffled after he took his shirt off. Paz’s ripped chest and abs, and the happy trail that led down down down as he undid his belt and I caught a glimpse of his briefs. GC’s strong legs as he got rid of his pants and almost lost his balance as he pulled them off. Paz running a hand through his raven-black hair before fixing me with his intense gaze as he removed his last piece of clothing. GC making a show of himself by ripping his briefs instead of undressing like a normal person, because my eyes were on Paz, and he couldn’t have that.

  I giggled and covered my mouth with my hands. I was naked, and there were two naked men in front of me, and I was acting like a damn schoolgirl. I was so wet between my legs that I soon realized I was sitting in a damp spot that hadn’t been there before. But, oh my God, it was so hard not to giggle!

  They. Were. Big. And fully erect.

  I’d seen GC’s before, but he hadn’t exactly had a hard-on then. It was long, thick, slightly curved to the right, and nestled in a tuft of soft blond hair that seemed to be changing its shade just like the hair on his gorgeous head. Speaking of heads… The one that was not on his shoulders was perfectly round, engorged, and leaking delicious pre-cum already. I licked my lips.

  Paz was just as long as GC, but a tad thinner. It was straight, with a slightly elongated head that I already knew would reach just the right spots when the time came. Paz’s skin there was darker than on the rest of his body, and he had no hair. Shaved. Well, I don’t mind that at all. That’s the beauty of having more than one boyfriend. You get one shaved, one natural. Not a bad bargain. Best of both worlds.

  “Like what you see?” GC smirked. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at his own cock, then gazed over at Pazuzu’s. “So, what’s your verdict, goddess? Which one should pluck your flower?”

  I rolled my eyes. “You really couldn’t find nicer words?”

  “She has two flowers, you know?” Paz grinned.

  I knew what he was talking about, and I didn’t like it one bit. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  Paz nodded. He looked at GC’s cock, basically returning the favor, and eventually concluded: “He’s too thick for your first time. If I may make a suggestion, I should go first…” His eyes moved up to GC’s face. GC was already scowling at him. “I mean, kudos to you, mate. You’ve got quite the tool. But we don’t want to hurt her, right?”

  “I’m not going to hurt her, idiot,” GC hissed at him. “Not if I get her hot and wet first. Or you don’t do foreplay? All those girls you fucked must have been so disappointed, then.”

  “Okay, guys! Guys! We’re not doing this. No fighting.” I sat up in bed, my breasts bouncing at the sudden movement. Instantly, their eyes were on my nipples. Good. “Come here. Both of you.”

  They climbed in bed with me, GC at my feet, and Paz by my side. I bit my lower lip. This was it. It was happening. I opened my legs slowly, and GC readjusted his position, his eyes going to my soaked pussy. I’d shaved completely, too, not wanting to make a fool of myself. I had no idea how supernatural girls groomed themselves down there, but I guessed I couldn’t go wrong with no hair at all. GC seemed more than satisfied.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  He’d touched me there before, but I’d never actually let him look at me like that. I felt exposed again, but there was no going back. If I was to be honest with myself, I rather liked it. It was kinky as fuck. I spread my legs farther apart and let him see my dripping entrance. He licked his lips impatiently and reached over to touch my folds. He parted them with his fingers, revealing the tiny nub that was the key to all female pleasure. I moaned and leaned back on Pazuzu.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered, and I didn’t know whether I was talking to Paz or to GC. To both, probably. Either way, it didn’t matter, because they both complied.

  Paz took me in his arms and lay me down, his lips descending upon mine, his tongue seeking my tongue. I let him ravish my mouth as GC licked a trail from my entrance to my clit, making me squirm and shudder. He grabbed my thighs and held me in place as his tongue started doing the most magical dance around my clit, teasing me until I couldn’t take it anymore and I bit on Paz’s lower lip, pulling at it like a mad woman, then releasing it and attacking his lips once more, so fiercely that I might have hurt both of us in the process.

  “Please,” I whispered between kisses. “GC, please.”

  Paz furrowed his brows at me. “I want to hear you begging me, not him.” Before I could protest, he moved down my body and sucked a nipple into his mouth. I grabbed fistfuls of his dark hair and pushed my head into the pillow, arching my back.

  Now, Paz was sucking and biting my nipples, one at a time, while GC finally took pity on me and started licking my clit, slowly at first, then faster and faster, until I was curling my toes and moaning like it was the end of the world, like I couldn’t take another second of it, like I was ready to come apart… I screamed and pulled at Pazuzu’s hair as I came hard, my body shaking and my skin breaking in a light sweat.

  GC emerged from between my legs victorious. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and climbed on top of me, irreverently pushing Pazuzu away.


  He ignored the demon. “Did you like that, goddess?”

  I looked into his blue eyes and nodded, not trusting my voice to sound even remotely human.

  “What do you want to do n

  He was practically resting between my legs, his huge cock flat on my belly. He shifted a bit, sneaked a hand between us, grabbed his length, and started rubbing the wet, engorged head up and down my slit. My eyes rolled back in my head. I couldn’t believe I was so close to losing my virginity! And to a false god, nonetheless. No, wait. I came back to my senses just as Paz pushed GC off me. So hard that he rolled off the bed and onto the floor.

  “Ouch! You moron! What did you do that for?!”

  I couldn’t help it. It wasn’t the most lady-like reaction I could have, but I laughed out loud. I’m no lady right now, anyway. As GC climbed back into bed, I looked over at Paz, who had taken his place on top of me. I’m a slut who wants to be possessed by a demon. Not literally, but close. There was no time for fantasizing, though, because GC was getting ready to launch Paz across the room, and I just couldn’t have that. Geez! They know how to ruin a perfectly good mood!

  I sat up and placed a hand on GC’s chest to stop him. He immediately turned his attention on me.

  “You, there,” I pushed him toward the pillow. “On your knees.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

  “It’s my turn to have a taste,” I whispered seductively. Needless to say, he followed my orders like a puppy.

  I drew my knees to my chest to escape Pazuzu’s grip, and turned on my belly, ass in the air. I looked at him over my shoulder.

  “I figure you can pull my hair better in this position.”

  The lust I saw in his eyes almost threw me over the edge. My core throbbed for him, my tight passage craving to be filled for the first time. I’d chosen him to be my first. With the promise of a blowjob, GC wasn’t about to complain. After all, I was a virgin in that department, too. Back to Paz… his eyes had turned dark green at first, then slowly started showing specks of red. So, he got demon eyes when he was horny, too, not only when he was angry.

  I wiggled my butt. “What are you waiting for?”

  He took hold of my hips and scooted closer. The head of his cock touched my pussy, and my muscles instinctively relaxed, ready to grant him entrance. My body responded to these men like it belonged to them, like it recognized them as its masters. I would have expected to be tense and scared, but I felt quite the opposite.


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