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Page 7

by A L Carter

  Sitting at the office desk, tea at the side of him and leafing through the folder he made. He smiled ironically at himself as if his former self had planned this all out as if he known. It was like this was the best place to land himself and to get himself ready for the apocalypse. He made a starting list, but there was still more to go through yet, but there was enough to be going on with. On a notepad, he had written out a shopping list.

  First on the list were trainers, top running brands like Asics, Saucony and New Balance. Not made for fashion but for functionality. He used the ladder to bring several boxes down. Somehow, he had remembered he was a size twelve. Next were boots, figured that if he had to go outside he would be better off with sturdy boots. For stomping zombie heads, made perfect sense to him. Next sports clothes, jogging bottoms, and t-shirts mainly. These were both stretchy a came in plus sizes to fit his large frame. The next one was archery equipment, compound bows, arrows, and targets. That should improve defence and offence no end. He even found some throwing knives nearby. Well, there was certainly going to be some fun practising with that lot. Gathering things like water bottles, backpacks and water bladders, Useful things like towels and then onto the heavy-duty stuff. A nice Olympic weight bench, these were solid and would stand a lot of punishment, which he intended to give. He found a nice area with plenty of room and would not get in the way of his running track or affect security by getting in the way of doors. Next, he found a power rack, which was used for squats, pull-ups and dips. He found some thick heavy rubber gym mating which would reduce noise something he had to be constantly aware of and put this under all of the equipment. Then he went for two Olympic bars, one for the bench and one for the rack. Not wanting to waste time transferring from one to the other. He collected a load of weight plates and stacking them onto a weight stand keep them organized, going for the large plates to keep things simple. Selecting cast iron weights over the silly bumper plates, at least he could cave in a zombies head with these. It had taken hours to do all this and it was hard work so he took a break. Stripping down in front of the toilet sink he had a full face and body wash and finished by towelling himself off. He dressed in jogging bottoms, socks, and a t-shirt. That felt hugely better and everything fit at least. He was going to have a rest but he felt so good that he put on some trainers and started to run laps again. After thirty he felt warmed up so headed for the weight bench. The bar weighed ten kilos and one twenty kilos either side to start with and started bench pressing, leaving the collar's off in case he got into trouble then he could just drop the plates. He pumped out twenty with ease so he increased to ninety kilos, fifteen this time, then a hundred and thirty this time for eight reps.

  "Anybody would think these were fake weights," he laughed, pleased with himself.

  He worked back down the weights to exhaustion. Moving onto the Power-station he performed squats, the worst or the king of exercises because of their difficulty. They were a killer. Again a total surprise, lifting some serious weight for a beginner. The pull-ups and dips did not go quite as well mainly because of his high body weight holding him down. So he did eccentric movements were jumped up but lowered his weight under control. He then did some barbell rows and curls, finished with a slow, and run lasting an hour. It struck him what was he on?

  He'd decided to do another external perimeter check like while taking all precautions. It was the thought of a zombie horde or a roving gang of bandits just standing there outside and not knowing until it was too late. Everything was okay though. He was covered in sweat washed again, changed his clothes, deciding to wash the worn clothes as well hanging them up to dry. He went into the first aid room to change his dressings. Puzzling over how his head wound seemed almost healed, now just a faint scab. He swabbed it over with alcohol anyway and left the dressing off. The bite wound was the same but different, the bite was still very visible but healed. Like a cattle brand. He bathed and left this uncovered too. Were these changes a good thing, they appeared to be. But could they be a sign of something sinister? He decided that he had no choice about what was happening, just to go with it. Take advantage of it even. His body appeared to heal faster, this included his muscles. They did not ache for long if at all, which meant that he had the potential to get fitter and stronger at an accelerated rate. Maybe because his recovery rate was so good that he could train more than the average person could. Getting more workouts per day should mean accelerated results. This was what he needed because time might not be on his side. He thought about the fact that he never felt hungry, this great but his body was missing out on precious nutrients. Heading to the office, he endeavoured to fix this. Going through the inventory list again, he found what he was looking for. Protein shakes high protein, low carb, healthy fats and vitamins, and minerals. They even contained creatine and arginine, which increased strength, endurance and muscle pump. The conveniently came in cans which saved the hassle of mixing them. In addition, he managed to find one of the latest sports watches which monitors heart and various other things but also served as a decent mp3 player, a secret weapon when trying to get fit. After finding these items he loaded the device with his favourite tracks, drank back a protein shake and started to run. He ran for three hours before eventually collapsing into a deep sleep.

  Over the next few days, he introduced an MMA station which consisted of a heavy six-foot bag and a grappling dummy. Then and archery and knife throwing range. He took to these fast soon incorporating them into his regime and in no way slowing his other efforts. Just filling in the gaps. Days sped by, training, security checks, and more training. Those days became weeks until eventually, it was a month. He had had to downsize his clothes several times, as they were hanging off him, medium training bottoms and a single extra large t-shirt. He felt amazing, stronger, faster and lighter. Pull-ups and dips were now easy, forcing him to hang a twenty-kilo plate to a weight belt and still doing twenty reps. He could bench press and squat three hundred kilos for reps. His martial arts prowess was frightening, he'd burst three bags. He was even doing splits on chairs. Although most surprisingly was his ability with throwing knives and archery. From twenty meters he could riddle a target in seconds with knives all in a tight grouping.

  At present, he was practising his archery, standing fifty meters back he was consistently hitting bullseyes. However, suddenly there was a sharp pain in the head, he cried out. His vision blurred and he felt dizzy. Forcing him down onto one knee. He closed his eyes, which helped and stayed like this for several minutes. Then as quickly as it had started. The pain stopped and his head cleared. Tentatively he opened his eyes and rose back to his feet. But he couldn't see properly his vision still blurred. Feeling panic rising in his chest he forced it back down and calmed himself. Then he knew and took off his glasses...

  Chapter 8


  She had run away from her mistress days before and knew that she would be in trouble for it. But she couldn't wait any longer, the master had been missing for Well...a long time anyway. But the big warm ball in the sky had risen and fallen many times but the mistress had been unable to find him. They had been out several times scrounging around and looking for the master. She could sense this in her and also her pain and sadness, speaking his name as if he would suddenly appear. When they were out scrounging they would avoid the strange people. They would roam around sometimes on their own but often in groups. She did not like the strange people. They had a funny sick smell and they had attacked the mistress many times. She had also seen them eating other people, even though they were never tried to eat her even when she bit them. In fact, they seemed to ignore her. However, she needed the master and she had pined for him. She knew they would not be able to eat the master because he was too big and strong, he would kill the strange people. He must be lost and unable able to find his way home. She would find him and would keep searching until she did. Then thinking of the mistress, she felt shame, leaving her on her own and not protecting her. She was worried about her, that
she would give up. If she could find the master then everything would be okay. He would know what to do and kill the strange people if they tried to hurt the mistress. She had run away when the big warm ball had risen. After travelling miles, it was beginning to fall again. She roamed in a circle around home, surely he wasn't too far away? If she could just catch his sent. When she got thirsty, she drank from anywhere, pots left in gardens, even water features full of slime. A dog's digestive system was a remarkable thing in what it could tolerate without falling ill. On her travels, she had seen many of the strange people and even though they had no interest in her she still avoided them. Their scent annoyed her, it was overpowering and could mask the smell of the master. Other dogs approached he tried to greet her, but she ignored them. She had never liked others of her kind, preferring to remain antisocial. But the worst thing on her journey were other 'normal people'. There had not been many, and outwardly they appeared friendly. She had sensed something in them, a wildness to their eyes. They were dangerous and not to be trusted. Eventually, the big warm ball went away and the cold ball replaced it along with the darkness. She had been travelling all day and felt tired, managing to find an old shed with a hole in the door, which she managed to fit. With the loss of the moonlight, she paused for a few moments inside to improve her night vision. She smelled it first then heard the high pitched screech as the large rat came for her teeth bared. Her vision improving just in time as it went to sink its teeth into her throat she dodged and caught the angry beast in her jaws. She shook it side to side as it continuously tried to bit her, biting down and snapping its spine, it hung lifeless in her mouth. Well, that's dinner sorted she thought as she began to eat her prize. After finishing and feeling very proud of herself she managed to find a pile of blankets in the corner. She lay on the top of the pile and grabbed one corner and rolled, wrapping herself up like a baby. Quickly falling asleep, dreaming of the master.

  She woke to the birds chirping and the big warm ball shining through the cracks in the shed. Going outside she stretched and noise and smell came from her rear, looking back to see if anyone was around. She pissed and opened her bowels, turning round to sniff and inspect. Everything appeared normal. Today she would find the master, sensing this she ran off with a bounce in her step. Heading in one direction for a short while, she sniffed the air, something was familiar. Becoming excited she continued in that direction and as she progressed the scent grew stronger. There it was the big noisy thing they sometimes took her out in, even taking her to a different place with the big salty water. She did not like the big water, but they took her in with them. They always laughed and were happy so she was happy and knew the master would save her when the big splash came. Then there were all the sights sounds and smells, plenty of new places to sniff and she was given more treats. She whined at the memory. Continuing to sniff around it to verify, yes definitely the master and she could even smell her own scent on it. Wagging her tail she trotted onwards, very pleased with herself. Soon she came to an area with many strange people but caught another scent. The master she thought? But it was difficult with the smelly people near. She ran around one building coming round the other side and hid in the long grass. Several minutes passed while waiting, unmoving. Across the road, a door opened and a man came out. She did not recognize him but was expecting the master, feeling deflated. However, the scent? The man was carrying something and in quick succession, he used this to make the strange people fall and to never get up. She lay unmoving silent for a long time unsure of what to do? The man seemed happy and was sitting in a chair relaxing. Then he looked in her direction picking up the bow as if somehow he could see even though she thought that she was well hidden. Would he make her fall? Feeling fear she was unable to suppress a bark. He lowered the bow as if sensing her thoughts. She should probably turn and run, but the master was here and she could not leave him. Therefore, she gently crept forward, inching her way, the scent growing. Eventually, she braved, little by little, ten feet away and stopped, thinking. She sniffed deeply, he smelled like the master. There was a slight difference. This did not feel like a bad thing and felt no impending harm to her. She barked more in frustration than anything at her own indecision.

  Chapter 9

  New vision

  After taking off his glasses the world seemed to change around him. Suddenly everything now appeared in shocking detail, every colour, fine scratches on the far wall and the spider that sat in its web in the far corner. It was like an acid trip on steroids he imagined. However, this environment did not do it justice he needed to see more colours, a greater distance. Picking up a quiver which was full of arrows and hanging it over his shoulder and retrieving the compound bow he headed outside. It was like a blind man seeing for the first time, he was seeing things as they really were. A blade of grass two hundred meters away, bird's in flight, beautiful and breathtaking at the same time. Apart from the thirteen ugly zombies that were trying to ruin the scene at the time, the number thirteen unlucky for some and certainly unlucky for them. Their distance ranged from about one hundred meters to over two hundred meters. They all fell, the first one straight through the eye, same for second and third. The fourth was through the ear. They did not have a clue as they couldn't see him, but they all met their end. He heard the slightest of shuffle behind him. Had his hearing increased as well? He spun around arrow notched. This one was a tricky bastard it was almost on him. Without thinking his right leg, shot around in a low roundhouse kick his shin bone connecting with the side of its knee. There was a nasty crunch as the knee was destroyed. Gravity took over and it fell flat on its back. Simultaneously the arrow released going straight through its nose until it hit the concrete. Trainers are no good for stomping he thought.

  He cleared all the bodies, putting them around the back with the others, and retrieved the undamaged arrows. It was still wise not to have a trail leading to his location. Pleased with how well he had dispatched zombies and how well he had controlled his fear so he decided to have a few hours off. He grabbed a chair from inside and a brew, of course, just sitting there for a few hours enjoying his new eyes. He realized that if he concentrated he could also amplify his hearing. There was a rat in the distance, then a bird of prey, and even a small mouse that would probably become its dinner soon. He could also validate each by quickly finding them with his eyes, absolutely amazing and fun. These skills could be utilized as indispensable survival tools. Then he heard it, slow and shallow breathing. It seemed close, but quiet and in front of him. He stood up picking up the bow, another zombie? No, he didn't think so but familiar, Very familiar a Dog maybe? The dog suddenly let out a bark, but this was not a threat sensing its fear, so he lowered the bow. It appeared from the overgrown grass, small and ginger, a Jack Russell cross? It tentatively edged towards him obviously unsure of him. He put the bow down gently and stood relaxed, suddenly feeling that he had known dogs all his life, but this dog? The dog edged closer taking it's time, sniffing the air. The dog barked, eyes showing confusion.

  "Dinah," he spoke gently.

  Dinah suddenly froze dumbstruck. He looked different smaller but bigger somehow, more powerful, and his head and face were covered in hair. The master squatted down, opening his arms to greet her. That was it she snapped out of her daze and jumped forwards.

  He squatted down and opened his arms wide. That was when the little dog dived at him, hitting him in the chest, which took him to the floor. He laid there a little dazed while she continued to lick his face, smothering him. He forced himself back up onto his knees in front of her, ruffling her ears and giving her a good fuss.

  "Well it appears that I know you girl really well, or you’re just some cheap hussy that kisses any man,” he announced laughing.

  She bounced around wagging her and appearing to grin like she agreed with him. It was that he suddenly lost control of his emotions; he had been living on his own for a long time and now a confirmation that he had a past. Up until now, he felt like a blank, having no
memory of his past, he had no one to miss or worry about. Now he felt that he finally had an identity. Maybe he had family, mum, dad, brother or sister? Did he have a partner? He knew deep down that there was someone, he felt despair as they could all be dead by now. Dinah began liking his face and whining sympathetically, this helped him pull himself together. He stood up and led her into his hideaway glad of a companion. She trotted along behind him into the break room. He fixed a brew using the camp stove and kettle he'd found, and was now using the powdered milk. As predicted the power had given out weeks ago. He put down a pan of water for Dinah, which she lapped up gratefully. Sitting on the sofa she soon joined me nuzzling into my side. After some relaxation time, I went through all my training routines, she even ran with me for a spell but eventually, she gave up a decided to watch. My running was way faster than before, continuing for hours on end. He never seemed to tire. Looking to Dinah for approval but it appeared she had gone sleep. However, later she did seem impressed when I managed to hunt a medium size rabbit. Now that he had a guest, he had to look after her and he even felt a slight appetite himself. He skinned and gutted it and began cooking it on the stove in a pot full water, adding salt, pepper and herbs. She moved closer to the pot as the cooking smells wafted in the air drooling in anticipation. While that cooked, he trained again, rope climbing, martial arts, powerlifting and more running. He had a seemingly never-ending supply of energy. The smell off the cooking rabbit got stronger and he had to admit he really was hungry and he had not eaten in a long time. Existing of protein shakes and brews really did not count. Using utensils, he placed the rabbit on a plate to cool keeping the stock to be drunk as a tasty beverage. They both waited in anticipation as the meat cooled. Then he shared it out between each other, both then sitting down a nice succulent meal. Even Dinah had to admit it was better than the rat from the previous night and it was not long before they were both in a deep sleep.


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