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Page 16

by A L Carter

  Things carried on fairly smoothly for about another four weeks until tensions began to rise amongst the men. As far as Sid was aware he was the only one getting any female action and he wasn't about to share what he had got either. Dawn and Mandy were the only ones he hadn't shagged yet, but Mandy was the only one he wanted out of the pair. She always seemed to avoid him though, this was frustrating Trisha and Lucy had thrown themselves at him. He had noticed the younger men eyeing up his women, especially that slimy twat Mike. He told his women that they were to stay away from these men. Now they were with him most of the time living as a threesome which certainly made things more interesting. The men's attention now switched to focus more on Mandy now which he didn't like either. He seethed inside wanting to go over to them and beat them to death with old faithful. She was to be his but he didn't know how.

  It was a week later when things came to a head. Sid was on the roof smoking a fag, a commodity that was beginning to run low. He watched the infected wandering aimlessly below unaware of the tasty meal that stood above them. When he heard footsteps behind him, he turned to see Mike the sneering bastard approaching.

  "Hey 'boss'," Mike emphasized the word boss.

  Sid immediately picked up on this sensing that he was being taken the piss out of, "You got something to say because I'm a busy man."

  Mike pulled out his own fags and lit one up, Sid resented him having them and considered it a waste.

  "Having fun keeping the women to yourself," grinning but a sharpness to his voice.

  "What's it to you," Sid fired back his anger welling up.

  "Well we all think that it's unfair," Mike pushed.

  "Unfair?" he replied.

  "Yes we all do our fair share of the work around here and you are shacked up with the women all day," Mike complained.

  "You need to keep out of my business and who are 'we'," he scowled.

  "The lads they don't think it's fair," Mike informed raising his voice.

  "You always were a tosser," he seethed balling up his fists.

  "What," Mike becoming red face with anger.

  "Posing around just because you worked in the office thinking you were better than everyone else and trying to get in the manager's knickers," he revealed.

  "At least I was better than you a lowly security guard and for your information I fucked Trisha a long time ago, under that posh exterior she's a right slut isn't she," Mike goaded showing his shark teeth, "In fact I'm sure she'd let us all have a turn if you'd let her out of your sight for long enough, the same as that Lucy she's gagging for it."

  "I'm warning you fuck off," he scowled.

  "Maybe I should just fuck Mandy even though I think she's a lesbian," Mike suggested.

  "You leave her alone," he warned.

  " You want them all to yourself don't you, I think I should take over here," Mike took a step closer puffing out his chest.

  Sid raged inside as he assessed this dickhead. Mike was about his height, lean and muscular. He knew he worked out but he doubted that he could fight, but obviously he thought he could.

  Mike swung at him with a right hook which staggered him backwards towards the edge of the roof. Surprised that he had been suckered and also the power of the punch, maybe he was getting soft spending too much time in bed in his private harem. Luckily his army boxing training kicked in and he slipped to next one circling his attacker. He gave himself time to recover before he launched his own attack, a left jab followed by a right cross to the stomach. The man doubled over winded so he went in with a kick, it appeared though that he wasn't as hurt as he thought. Mike caught his leg and pulled him off his feet. He landed hard and he lay on his back winded.

  "Not so tough without your hammer are you, Sid," he sneered looking down intimidating. "Looks like I'm going to be the boss now."

  Sid boiled over with rage he'd had enough of this it was time to put an end to this. He kicked upwards hard into the dickhead's bollocks, forced a startled squeal from him along with a loud fart. Sid was back on his feet but didn't waste any time, hitting him with a powerful uppercut which knocked him off his feet. He followed him down straddling his body and rained punches down at him schoolboy fashion. It wasn't long before the dickhead's face was a bloody pulp and one of the eyeballs hung outside its socket. Sid stood up triumphantly hands grazed and covered in blood. The dickhead wasn't dead yet though and breathed deep gurgling breath's.

  "Very good Sid he had it coming," a familiar voice came from behind him.

  Sid spun around defensively to find Reg standing there, "It's okay Sid you had no choice but to defend yourself and I can witness to that."

  Mike gurgled and moaned, ""

  They both ignored him. Sid felt unsure of what to say so said nothing but looked towards the door that accessed the roof.

  Reg seemed to know what he was thinking and held up the key with a knowing grin.

  "I'm sorry Sid this is my fault, I should have said something sooner and maybe this could have been avoided," Reg revealed.

  "What do you mean," Sid enquired.

  "Well the young lads were going stir crazy for some female company and they appointed him as their spokesman, I thought he was just going to talk with you," Reg continued."

  "What do you think we should do with him," Sid said referring to the pathetic mess on the floor.

  "Sid these are hard times and I think if you hadn't defended yourself you'd be lying there now he obviously wanted to take over," Reg surmised. "This might seem barbaric but I don't think you have a choice you have to finish it."

  Mike's eyes went wild and the moaning increased.

  "I suppose if I let him live now it'll come back a bite me on the arse," Sid felt confident again, he would be doing what needed to be done.

  "That's right Sid and obviously he'd been turning the others against you and trying to usurp you," Reg added.

  Sid looked over the side of the roof into the car park where more than fifty infected waited patiently. He looked at Mike whose eyes pleaded with him not to do it. But he had decided and began pushing his body to the edge with his boot until it teetered on the edge.

  "Goodbye dickhead," Sid said as he pushed his body over the edge.

  He watched as a shocked Mike fell to the car park. The infected actually broke his fall, thus giving them a live meal. Within seconds he disappeared into their mass where he was eagerly devoured. Sid turned to Reg who stood sombrely watching.

  "It had to be done, don't worry I'll tell them that he attacked you and fell," he reassured Sid smiling.

  Sid sighed and sparked up another fag, at least Mike wouldn't be taking any more of his fags.

  Later Sid called a meeting with everyone and explained what had happened with a few tweaks here and there. Reg also added his story with his own set of tweaks. They seemed to believe their stories, some reacting in shock others just going quiet. The latter were the men meaning that they were not that shocked at all, giving each other guilty shifty looks.

  "Now I realise being cooped up together can bring up all sorts of tensions, but I would have hoped that any problems could have been brought to me sooner before it got this far," he waited for any comments but none came.

  Reg eventually broke the silence, "I agree maybe we should talk things out more often weekly meetings for instance and people should feel that they can say whatever is on their mind."

  There were several nods from the group.

  "I think that's a great suggestion Reg we'll do that then," Sid said bringing an ending to the meeting.

  Derwyn went away from the meeting with mixed feelings. He knew Mike shouldn't have challenged Sid on the roof like that and had said as much. But he was so set on it and wouldn't back down. He thought to himself did he really believe their story? Maybe in part, yes, but he couldn't help but have doubts. In the few years he had known Sid he had got on well with him, but deep down he had never liked him. On the surface, he always acted friendly and made an effort to be one of
the lads. But he always suspected that he was a cruel bastard on the inside and that his jokes particularly about women had a serious edge to them. He had cringed inside the day Sid had been declared leader. Why did it have to be him, he would have picked someone like Dawn or Mandy, both seeming strong and fair. He did understand though even though he hadn't been there to see it. Sid had been their saviour by securing the store almost single-handed and killing probably more infected than the rest put together. So they felt indebted to him and protected by him. He had to respect this as he himself hadn't even killed one infected and felt the odd one out, a pussy even. This meant Sid was a good fighter, not necessarily a good leader. Since Sid had taken the role he had been happy to let the others do everything for him. He lived like a king with his two women now seemingly restricted to his living area, and he noticed their absence at the meeting. Knowing from the start both women were drawn to him as if offering themselves to their protector. But still he was beginning to get on well with the two women; he knew Trisha anyway but actually was getting to know the real person behind her guise. He was beginning to think that she was having second thoughts about being with Sid, almost as if she feared him. Lucy mixed well with everyone and was quite a laugh and very flirty, feeling sure that she was ready to go further with probably any of them. Then, of course, they had suddenly stopped mixing with them, even on to daily jobs and activities. Even the other women had commented that they should still help the group. Now that the immediate threat had gone and apparently they were safe in here, for the time being, this meant that Sid’s appeal had worn off. He was not presenting himself as a good leader either keeping to himself most of the time. Content with letting others organize things and lying back enjoying himself. Then there was Reg, he got on with everyone and everyone liked him. Wouldn't he be the perfect leader? But he was unsure why he still preferred Dawn or Mandy for the role. Why was it he was so cautious of him then, maybe it was because he was so close to Sid? But Reg spent time with everyone, always taking time out to have a private or group chat asking if everything was okay and was everything alright. No he was looking too far into it and Reg genuinely was a nice guy, it's just that you didn't come across many characters like Reg even before the apocalypse.

  Chapter 20

  Weapons and supplies

  Max woke first and went to the bathroom to urinate still dressed in just his lucky pants. He boiled the kettle first needing a brew, his stomach also growled. Before at the warehouse he had never craved food and lived of protein shakes for over six weeks. But now his body demanded fuel, even though he didn't train as often as he did then because of new responsibilities. Nevertheless, he still thought he was improving, almost without effort. He could sprint for longer at greater speed and combat skills were faster than ever. His strength had been harder to test without equipment but he could deadlift the old Land Rover Defender from the front for ten reps and seemingly endless sets due to his fast recovery time. He grabbed several venison steaks and started to fry them on the stove, his mouth watered. The dog suddenly appeared from outside, following her nose of course. He and Marie had spoken well into the night about their hopes and dreams for the future and both agreed that in order to realise those plans, then they would have to take some calculated risks, namely to venture out and obtain supplies vital to their survival. lighting the oven to keep the steaks warm when he had finished them on the stove, then flipped the steaks. While they were slowly cooking, he wandered into the lounge remembering that there was a bookshelf that he hadn't looked over yet, so he set about that while Dinah guarded the steaks. A few minutes later he came back with three books, these were.




  He laid these on the table for further study and prepared some potatoes for frying. Found a tin of beans it the cupboard which was now was very depleted and placed them at the bottom of the oven to warm with the now cooked steaks on the middle shelf while the potatoes went into the already hot pan. While they cooked he sat and started to read.

  Incredibly within only half an hour, he had read the car manual cover to cover and put the potatoes in the oven after they had finished cooking. He sat there thinking about what had just happened, not only had he read the book he had totally understood it and if he thought about it he could go to any page in his mind like a virtual book. Thinking about the defender even if it wasn't going now he was sure he would have no trouble fixing it. He picked up the popular mechanics book and started to skim through it faster than the last book. Before he knew it he looked up to Marie's smiling face she had already put the breakfast on plates and a bowl for Dinah, as well as making fresh brews.

  "Good morning bookworm how are you?" she enquired.

  "I know mechanics," he announced triumphantly.

  After a hearty breakfast they discussed his new found talent, he even had Marie test him by picking random page's. He was able to quickly detail each page with ease. She was impressed, to say the least.

  "I told you there would be more to it, whatever changed in you improved your mind to," she said excitedly.

  "Yeah it appears that you were right," he replied trying to make light of it.

  "But you know what this means don't you," she surmised.

  "I can fix up the old defender," he teased raising an eyebrow and looking thoughtful.

  "You know what I mean, you can learn anything and fast, this could be the key to our survival," she beamed.

  "Then guess we'll need to find library as well," he offered.

  Later he had completed a circuit of the farm in record time and when he returned he noticed that Marie was just completing her run. Dressed similarly to yesterday and suddenly he was distracted. Again feeling the warm rush and stirring in his loins. She stopped and looked at him and he realised that he was drooling. He wiped his mouth self consciously realising he had been caught out.

  "It's the apocalypse and you've still got time to be a pervert, I am flattered but I ain't recovered from yesterday yet and you've got work to do," she laughed.

  With that, she entered the barn to continue her workout. He pulled himself together and headed to the other outhouse with the defender in. Shelves lined the walls and there was a workbench with a vice, tools were in draws and hung on the wall. Motor parts were also on the shelf, some which he knew would fit and others that were from other vehicles. He was ready to start work.

  Just over two hours later he felt satisfied that it was ready to try. He had serviced the vehicle topped up all fluids, greased joints, replaced worn wires, mended leaking hoses and filled it up with diesel. Conveniently there was just enough in a large army Jerry can. Marie was still busy but he wanted the surprise her anyway. So quietly he pushed the vehicle out by pushing and steering the wheel at the same. Opened the gate and set off down the lane. He thought he would get it up to a good speed before he tried to start it, and was quite a distance from the farm when he found it begin to slope downhill. Jumping into the car and pulling the door shut behind him he held the clutch down and selected third gear. Turned the key to the on position displaying the dash light, refraining from turning the key all the way because he was using the cars own momentum to crank the engine. Then he lifted the clutch and the car jolted, sputtered, then roared to life. Well, he felt very pleased with himself and decided to take it for a short run which would help charge the battery and clean out some the crap from the engine. The main road was approaching and he was already doing sixty, so he slowed down quickly, brakes apparently working then. At the end of the track, he turned right. Hard on the throttle again he was soon doing sixty again and having to avoid several abandoned vehicles, then he saw a cluster of zombies approaching. He brought the defender to a swift stop and stepped out.

  He had omitted to bring his bow or crowbar and silently admonished himself for this, that sort of mistake could be fatal. The wise move would be to go back and prepare a
nd they may not even turn down the small lane anyway. But he felt a familiar rage rising in him that demanded violence. He couldn't explain it wasn't rational but it was there. Doing a quick head count there was sixteen in total. Luckily he was still wearing his utility vest, which had six throwing knives in it. But they could also be used for close quarters combat and this is what he intended to do.

  Max appraised his attackers coldly as they came for him, now fully aware of him and ready to feast on him. He held two of the small blades, better for throwing and killing humans in close quarters combat were a slice to an artery would suffice. But it would be much harder when the only way to kill was to pierce the brain. This meant getting through the skull or the eye socket. He decided that the back of the skull would be his target. The rage boiled similar to at the old house, but more controlled. This felt more like a selfish venting or was killing becoming a pleasure he thought. They were now only five metres away so he allowed the rage to flow over him, welcoming it even. Every sense went to the next level moving so fast so they had no time to react. He plunged his right blade into the back of a skull, then the left into another. Always moving always aware, seeing and sensing their every move and reacting accordingly. He stabbed a few to the eye sockets, his enhanced strength making light work of it and the bodies kept dropping. Feeling his own dominance and power over them was exhilarating. But all too soon it was over as he stood amongst a pile of bodies. The rage now left him; he felt confused was it wrong to enjoy it? He certainly felt good with a feeling of inner peace that he couldn't comprehend. On one hand, he revelled in the fight, now he enjoyed the peace that followed. Should he fear this rage that now seemed a part of him, or should he just accept it as a part of his new self? He looked from his left hand to his right hand which still held the effective but feeble blades. Good in a fix but he was going to need something bigger.


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