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Page 28

by A L Carter

  He thought about this for a moment, "I've been out there for the last three weeks killing them moving amongst them quickly, I would be best to do this on my own and I'd feel better knowing that you were all safe."

  Mandy felt anger in her rising and she struggled to hold it down, then she felt Dawn's reassuring hand on her arm.

  "I think he's right Mandy, I don't think I'm up for it yet I'd worry that I'd lose control of myself and get somebody hurt, maybe we should get our heads straight first," Dawn said with a lot of sense.

  Mandy felt suddenly calm and knew that he was only thinking of their welfare and genuinely cared for them. After all, he could have just taken off on his own without them being a burden to him she relaxed and smiled at him.

  "Thank you I don't know what we'd do without you," she admitted gratefully.

  He didn't know if they could see it but he was blushing, "Okay it's settled then I'll be off as soon as possible."

  Less than an hour later he'd picked up his pack and left and had already made it to his safe house. The route had been uneventful and he had had many kills in this area so infected were thinner on the ground. Moving along the back of Main street he came to the back of the surgery, so he jumped the fence and was in the car park. He was quickly set on by infected that seemed to be waiting for him. Taking out the nearest one to him, splitting its skull with the hatchet and dodging another as it grabbed at him. He kicked the back of its legs and it fell and cracked its head on the tarmac. Flowing between them he brought down maybe ten more some of which he recognized as doctors and nurses, even reception staff. However, he didn't hold back as they were no longer interested in his medical needs. He looked at the carnage he had left behind him, showing how far he had come since he had been out on his own. But he must be mindful of overconfidence and stay sharp. Directly in front of the surgery was Lister's pharmacy, crossing the road he tried the door and found it to be locked. This was good news, meaning less infected and hopefully, it hadn't been looted. Going around the back he found that door too was locked. He looked up and noticed an open window on the first floor. Looking around the car park he found exactly what he needed, a builders ladder leaning against a far wall. Positioning it against the pharmacy wall he checked it was stable and began his assent. Opening the window fully he pulled the net curtain out of the way. Suddenly an infected's head appeared taking him by surprise and almost falling off the ladder there and then. Holding it by the throat he fought to keep it's snapping teeth away from his face. But this was difficult as it's forward momentum kept pushing the ladder away from the wall so he had to keep pulling himself back. The problem with this it meant letting one hand go from the things throat to grab the window frame. This silly battle seemed to go on for minutes, and what made it worse was the things putrid breath and stinky hands that were trying to tear him up. Then the vile creature knocked off his prize flat cap, causing him to lose his patience.

  "You dirty bastard!" he screamed and head-butted the thing hard.

  It staggered back having an expression of shock, but it quickly came back for him.

  But it wasn't quick enough and he pulled the Glock and fired twice one went through its forehead and one through the eye. It fell down finally dead.

  "Fucking twat," he said sighing deeply.

  Once in he cleared the remaining three infected, drawn to the gunshots they came to him one after another. After chucking the first one out the window he decided to try the same tactic with the rest. Waiting patiently behind the open door and out of sight they would wander in and as if they expected him to be there they would walk to the open window. Then he would just step out and push them out the window and it worked a treat. When he realised that no more were coming he burst out laughing unable to contain himself any longer.

  "Silly bastards," he decided.

  He, however, checked each floor just to be sure as you never could be too careful. Once on the shop floor, he took off the pack and removed the list. He had left the shotgun and Beretta with the girls wanting them to have some protection. It also made it easier for him to move. The list had been written by Mandy who had almost completed her nurse's training, and the list showed this knowledge which was comprehensive. It took him well over an hour to complete the list as some of it was hard to locate but he did it nonetheless. Now he just had to make it back in one piece.

  Derwyn arrived back at the store by early afternoon and surprisingly in one piece. He knocked three times and waited patiently. It was several minutes until the door opened for him, and he felt a little disappointed that they weren't eagerly waiting for him. Then he saw Mandy's face and realised that something was wrong. He walked inside with some trepidation looking to Dawn's grim face which mirrored Mandy's. Then he noticed another mound with a blood-stained sheet covering it over near the wall.

  "Lucy..." he said softly.

  Both ladies nodded with eyes filling up with tears again.

  "She took the's all my fault," Mandy confessed.

  "No...she'd have found a way it's not your fault," Dawn comforted her.

  Dawn was clutching a piece of bloodstained paper which she handed to him as if in explanation. He took the offered paper and opened it out realising that it was Lucy's suicide note. The note read as follows;

  Please do not blame yourselves or feel sad for me as this was my choice. You all have been good to me since the start of the infection, I know Sid kept me away from you all but I considered you the best of friends. In fact, I didn't have many friends, not true friends anyway. So please go on and survive for me. You may think me weak, but it wasn't just being raped that made me make up my mind but it was Sid. I know he was a bad man but I really did love him. You may think me silly and immature, but that's how I felt. He may have not had the same love for me, but he never hurt me and deep down I think he cared for me. Then there was Trisha we were in each other's company a lot we had become close, intimate even. It might sound strange but I loved her as well and she loved me back. So I couldn't possibly live without them both. I hope this makes you understand my actions and I am deeply sorry for any distress.



  He finished the note, suddenly feeling overwhelmed himself with sadness and his eyes welled with tears.

  Several days passed as if they were in limbo when it was Dawn who suddenly made a stand, "We can't go on like this, Lucy wanted us to go on, they all would want us to go on and we need to snap out of this low."

  The others lifted up their heads from where they were sitting slumped.

  "We ought to take that car and try and make a new life for ourselves, staying here feels to tainted with suffering and death." She continued.

  Mandy suddenly looked uplifted by her words, "Dawn you're so right as always Lucy did what she needed to do, and we have to respect her for her decision. But I'm not ready to lay down and die, and I'm not letting that fucking monster beat me either and he was worse than the infected," Mandy concluded.

  "Ladies I'm ready when you are," Derwyn announced.

  The next morning they packed whatever they could carry in their backpacks and holdalls. Derwyn also explained that he had also stocked the car with some supplies so they should be okay for a while. He did, however, omitting to tell them that half of that was weed. Well, he did deem that as very essential to their survival and there was plenty of room left. Now they were ready to go, they left by the loading bay exit he had broken in days before. Dawn was packing the shotgun, he offered it to her after he had seen her handling it confidently. He had shown them both how to use both weapons competently both, loading, unloading, stripping down and dry firing. She looked comfortable with the weapon and was sure she would handle the kick no problem. Mandy had the Beretta and she too looked good with it. They both carried hammers as well, for silent kills and close quarters. He carried his usual weapons which were tried and true. Soon they had travelled past the petrol station and to the back of the fence which would take them to Melbourne r
oad. He was over first taking down three nearby infected with expertise, moving around them fast and cracking each skull with the hatchet. They both climbed over-eager to help but it was all over and the road was fairly clear.

  "Save some for us," Dawn said.

  He led the way dodging any wandering infected, soon reaching the double roundabout and turned left. Behind him, he heard them making comments about the pile-up of cars and the dumper truck and the bet they would never find out what happened? Soon they were safely at the car and he unlocked it with the fob. They both seemed impressed, Mandy bagsied the front and Dawn climbed in the back. He inserted the key and pressed the start button and the Range Rover roared to life.

  "Impressive," Mandy stated.

  "Travelling in style," Dawn agreed.

  It was amazing how the mood had suddenly changed it a short amount of time, with them all feeling more positive.

  "Okay which way?" he enquired.

  "Can we go by Coalville just to see how the towns fairing and then take it from there?" Mandy replied.

  "Yeah I'd go with that then maybe the seaside," Dawn added enthusiastically.

  "Bloody great idea," Derwyn grinned.

  "Hooray," Mandy cheered and they all joined in.

  He then drove forward and turned left on the main road, singing were all going on a zombie holiday.

  Chapter 34

  A fresh start

  They had spent the last few days reinforcing defences to the farmhouse and courtyard, as well as implementing new ones. The courtyard was now their first line of defence before they would retreat back into the house. The two GPM's or bloody big machine guns were now set on raised platforms so they could shoot down over the wall at any incoming attacks. The stone wall that surrounded the property was only about four foot high so it was easy to get over. Jenkins came up with the idea of scavenging wooden posts from the surrounding farmland, then using the several rolls of barbed wire that he found in one of the outhouses. The posts now surrounded the wall set eight feet back at regular intervals then lined with several rows of barbed wire. This created a sticking point for any attackers holding them long enough for them to be dispatched by firearms, well that was the theory anyway. A further makeshift gate was put opposite the main gate so they could get in and out. All the vehicles were fuelled and packed ready to go in an emergency and even the roof racks on the Panthers roofs. Since they had returned they had taken it in turns to do watch throughout the night not taking any chances. Max was unsure exactly what they were defending against apart from the occasional small groups of roaming zombies and maybe the threat of possible hostile survivors. Unsure of all his new abilities, but he couldn't help but think that this feeling of a coming danger should be heeded. His gut feeling that infection was about to change for the worse. He noticed Jim working hard and Jenkins seemed to have taken him under his wing. Max had also spent time with him both having a love for martial arts, meant they had spent time training together. He had also trained him on all the weapons, including firearms, bows and hand weapons. Jim had proved competent with the firearms but excelled at bows and hand weapons.

  Midday came and they all stopped for a break, sitting around on patio chairs and bench seats. Jim and Jenkins had made sandwiches with sliced meat and freshly baked bread. Bring them out to everyone along with a well-earned beer cooled in a nearby stream. They tucked in heartily enjoying each other's company. Max sat quietly pleased with how everyone got on so well, and even Jones was loosening up towards Jim who initially had been unsure about. He was quiet but he noticed how he was quickly getting more and more talkative. His track of thought wandered as if his mind had left his body. Something was happening, somebody needed their help. His mind felt drawn to someone, someone over a mile away.

  Derwyn suddenly felt strange like somebody else was in his head, but that was crazy? This shit must be getting to him, like post-traumatic stress disorder. Suffered by the military, emergency services, and he was certainly sure zombie apocalypse's qualified.

  "You alright Derwyn you look strange?" Mandy worried.

  "Er...I don't know?" he replied vaguely slowing the car, he didn't know why he was doing that.

  "Derwyn if you feel ill, I'll drive," Dawn offered leaning forward from the back seat.

  Suddenly he turned right as if his arms had acquired independent thought.

  "Shit, I didn't do that," he informed panicking.

  The women looked at each over both thinking the same thing.

  "Derwyn just stop the car," Mandy sad calmly.

  Derwyn wanted to stop the car, willing his right foot off the accelerator and onto the brake. But the car carried onwards, his body refusing to cooperate.

  "Sorry I can't do it," he explained trying to calm himself.

  Mandy thought about pulling the handbrake but didn't want to cause a skid as they travelled up the narrow lane.

  "You okay Max?" Marie asked waving her hands in front of his, everyone looking on with concern.

  There were several more moments of silence until eventually, he seemed to be back with them, "Er...sorry yes it's fine but we have visitors."

  Everyone began grabbing their weapons and checking them, the dog flying through the door flap obviously hearing something.

  "No no it fine we shouldn't need weapons, and we don't want to scare our guests," Max informed calmly.

  Everyone looked puzzled and few thought that he had probably lost the plot. Max stood up and went over to the main gate. They all followed him with some trepidation, just in time to see a Range Rover pull up in front of the second gate. Max opened the two gates and walked out with a carefree attitude.

  Derwyn pulled up outside of a makeshift gate with a barbed wire fence, and behind that was a stone wall and a second reinforced gate. Which surrounded a farmhouse with outhouses, a van and two military vehicles were inside. Suddenly a huge muscular man approached them. His first thought was if he was hostile that then they were in trouble. Others appeared behind him and all appeared to armed. But thankfully no guns were pointed at them. The big man approached his window but he didn't seem threatening in his body language. In fact, he seemed relaxed and friendly in his approach. He pressed the button to let the window down, which didn't feel like an involuntary action this time. At his side and rear, he could hear guns being cocked.

  "Easy," he said raising his hand and turning to the women for a moment.

  "It's quite alright you'll be safe here, were all friendly." The big man said welcomingly.

  The others looked on as if unsure, but he understood their concerns as they felt the same. This whole thing could be a trap.

  "I assure you Derwyn your all safe here, " he reassured.

  Derwyn's mouth hung open in shock, "How...," was all he could manage.

  "I'll explain later, but for now please come in all of you where it's safer. It's not safe out there and I know you've been through a lot," he explained.

  Derwyn did as asked driving into the courtyard and parking up, they all got out cautiously. He evaluated their numbers as he was always trained to do in the army, determining the level of threat. Three men, one woman and the big man of course. Suddenly the felt something at his trouser leg he looked down to see a small ginger dog looking up at him and sniffing him suspiciously. It seemed to consider him for a moment then moved on as if satisfied for now. The dog moved onto Mandy and Dawn whose appraisal seemed much quicker than his. Within moments they seemed to forget their concerns, put their weapons down as began fussing the dog enthusiastically. He himself didn't feel that way about dogs, back home on the farm they had over twenty dogs. Dogs were considered not as pets but working animals, and their dogs were purely for guarding the premises. They were vicious bastards as well and if you put your hands near them they were sure to bite you.

  "Dinah seems to approve of you all so I'll do the introductions," The big man informed.

  He pointed to each member of the group, "This is Jenkins, Jones, Jim, Marie and my names Ma

  "You already know my name somehow, this is Dawn and Mandy," he introduced suspecting that Max already knew their names.

  They all shook each other's hands and soon they were offered a place to sit and given a cold beer, the dog sitting between her two new pals.

  Hours had passed now and it was evening and being still warm they all still sat outside. They had been treated really well, food and drinks offered regularly. He, Mandy and dawn had spent so long cooped up inside, this had been something of a luxury and they had not seen one infected yet since they arrived. On top of that, the defences they had set up looked more than adequate. They also seemed to have enough firepower to start a small war. Max had explained to them that something bad was going to happen but he wasn't sure what? But he suspected that the infected were about to change for the worse and become a bigger threat. He couldn't explain why, but he found that he couldn't help but one hundred per cent trust this man who was something of an enigma. Apparently, he was immune to the virus as well as abilities, like enhanced healing among many other things like seemingly able to read people's thoughts or feelings? He suspected that he had also taken over his ability to move independently and driving him here. It all seemed too much to take in and comprehend, but this was a new world now where everything seemed to have the potential to change. Everyone gave a brief description of their backgrounds and how they had come to be here. Max himself surprised him when he said he didn't have a military background, but building work and various other work. He found out the fact that Jim had been a part of a violent drug gang as well as a rising career in MMA. To be honest he seemed to nice to believe it. Then too his side were to ex-coppers Jenkins and Jones. This actually came as no surprise as they looked like coppers. They were actually very friendly and together they sparked off each other like a double act. But he still began to worry about the huge amount of very potent weed which sat in the boot of his car. Max seemed to look over at him and smiled knowingly, he wished he wouldn't do that. When it came to Mandy and Dawn they were very brief, and Max seemed to draw attention away from them by asking about his military background. He suspected that he knew exactly what they had been through and didn't want them pressured in any way. Derwyn went over to the car on the premise that he was going to offer them all a drink as they had drunk plenty of theirs. At the car, he flipped the boot and went straight to where the weed was and checking it was still safe. Suddenly he heard movement behind him and Jones suddenly came out from behind a tree doing up his flies. Warning bells came in his mind and he endeavoured to spread himself out in order to cover the mountain of weed. He had to think fast reaching behind him he located a bottle and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.


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