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Page 30

by A L Carter

  He woke early checking his watch, it was only just after six and he had only had maybe two hours sleep. But he felt rested and full of energy; Marie was still fast asleep and groaned as he climbed off the bed. Well, she had been pretty wasted last night. He quickly showered and dressed, then headed outside. Dinah pricked up her ears and followed him outside, to find Derwyn dutifully still on guard.

  "Morning Derwyn thanks for taking over for me you can go and get some rest now mate," he offered.

  "Nah mate I'm okay for a bit, you want a brew I just mashed?" Derwyn replied warmly.

  "Cheers that'd be great," he accepted readily.

  They were both soon sitting contently and sipping a proper cup of tea, pity though that they had to use powdered milk these days. Maybe one day they could have livestock and start having fresh ingredients again, but they did have eggs from the chickens that Jenkins and Jones had brought from the pub but they were hardly enough to sustain them all. Soon everyone began filtering out, joking about last night’s shenanigans. Then Dawn and Mandy generously offered to cook for them. So it wasn't long before they all were enjoying toast and porridge.

  "Right I'm just off to do some training is everyone okay," he announced.

  Jim suddenly stood up, "Alright if I come."

  This seemed to start a chain reaction.

  "Do you mind if I join in?" Derwyn requested not sure what he was letting himself in for.

  "Me too," Mandy said hand in the air like she was at school.

  "And me," Dawn said as well.

  "They must be crazy they don't know what they’re in for," Jones warned.

  "Yes they must be mad," Jenkins agreed grinning.

  All the volunteers suddenly looked worried, except Jim.

  "Do you ladies mind training with me, I could use the practice and Max cheats," Marie said with a smirk.

  "I do not cheat," he protested defensively.

  Everyone laughed at the teasing enjoying the banter.

  "Do you agree on Dawn girls versus boys," Mandy proposed.

  "To right," Dawn agreed.

  "We will stay and keep guard," Jenkins said.

  "Yeah we should have two on guard," Jones agreed quickly.

  So they split off into teams, the lads stopping in the nearest field and the girls followed behind Marie who had already started jogging.

  The lads stood facing each other with Derwyn looking at them enthusiastically, but Max and Jim looked at each other with some apprehension.

  "What's up guys, do we start with press ups or sit-ups," Derwyn asked.

  "Well we normally warm up first," Max offered.

  "Okay you start I'll follow," he replied grinning feeling confident with all his recent training.

  Max nodded then started throwing high kicks at phenomenal speed along with punches and then jumping kicks. Which were far higher than a man that size should be able to achieve? His attention then turned to the far smaller man, who he hadn't spoken much since he arrived, seeming to be always quiet and unassuming. Well, he wasn't unassuming now; in fact, he seemed to be in his element like he was born to this. Not quite as fast as Max but close, the difference in technique was noticeable thought being more polished and varied. The lad jumped high then landed in a full splits position his legs straight out to the sides. He turned around to Max who was already doing the same thing. This is not what he expected when he offered to join them as they were obviously experts. That's not to say that he wasn't combat trained. In the military, he had done boxing, basic grappling and some kickboxing. But this was on another level, maybe he should have offered to go with the girls? Feeling awkward and that he should doing something, he started shadow boxing and incorporated a few low kicks. As for the splits he bent over and touched his toes.

  "Sorry guys but I'm not on your level I'm afraid," he offered opening his arms wide as if in apology.

  "No, it's fine Derwyn we have the advantage over you only because, Jim here has been training since he was a kid, and reached a high level as a European champion who we both could learn a lot from. I, however, am only at this level on account of me being some sort of genetic freak so don't put yourself down," Max encouraged warmly.

  "Yeah you shouldn't worry anyway as it's often the basic stuff that wins most fights anyway," Jim agreed actually smiling.

  Derwyn thought that this was the most he had heard the man speak, and felt himself liking him more and more, "Well thanks guys that makes me feel a little better."

  He watched them as they both started sparring, firing multiple strikes at each other. The blows were dodged, blocked or parried and when the odd strike did land it was controlled, not damaging the other fighter. Even though he thought that they had slowed down for his benefit he felt his confidence returning a bit, he wanted a go. They seemed to sense this breaking off from each other and turning to him.

  "The aim is not to kill each other, but to learn from each other. Save the hard stuff for infected or hostiles, but while we’re training we look after each other. Anyway, if this gorilla hit you for real you'd know about it as I can vouch for, and he regenerates like fucking wolverine so he'll always be fine after a workout and we'll be wrecked," Jim explained with a broad grin.

  Derwyn and Max burst out laughing at the lad’s sudden outspokenness.

  Max looked down at the little man, "Gorilla," with a hurt expression.

  "Well you do look like a bit of a gorilla with them long arms an all," he pointed out with a cheeky expression.

  "Don't encourage him Derwyn I'm beginning to think I prefer him quiet," Max trying to be straight-faced but not quite pulling it off.

  When they had all finished with the banter they continued sparring. After ten minutes or so they would switch and while one was waiting they would perform bodyweight exercises or stretches to fill in the gap. He was really enjoying the sparring it was much better than the army. Even after a short session he had always been battered and bruised even when he had dominated his opponent. It was designed to toughen you up which it did, but it could often put you out of action for a while. This method seemed much more efficient and even enjoyable. But after two hours of this, he was wheezing and began just sitting between turns. They, however, seemed barely to have broken a sweat, and then and there he promised himself that he would try to be at least closer to their fitness. At the end of the sparring session, he had to give the edge on teaching to Jim, and he was aware that they were teaching him. But he felt in no way patronised by them. The result is that he was learning remarkably fast. They also kept reminding him to take on fluids. After they were done they done they both sat down with him enjoying a break. But then after only fifteen minutes they both stood up and put on hydration packs. Then to his horror announced they were off for a run.

  "You should wait here you don't want to overdo it on the first day," Max warned respectfully.

  Jim looked at him with a little concern.

  Suddenly the girls reappeared jogging towards them and they were all giggling as something appeared to have amused them.

  "Yeah you don't want to overdo it Derwyn," Mandy tormented.

  Suddenly he pulled himself together, "No I'm fine lads let’s get going," he replied stubbornly.

  So they all pulled on their weapons belts and headed off running. A decision He would soon come to regret.

  A few hours before that the girls all geared up, with weapons belts and hydration packs and Set off on a steady jog enjoying the fresh morning air. Mandy felt good about this one thing she had maintained in her time at the store was her fitness and this incorporated daily runs of an hour minimum. A few days a week she would push it with stamina runs often exceeding two hours circuiting the store. She glanced over at her close friend Dawn who also looked confident as she too had been on those runs. Others would drop out early but Dawn never did, she was a strong one and never seemed to back down. They followed close to Marie who she didn't know very well but found her warm and friendly, but felt she held back a bit as if un
sure of herself. She suspected that before the apocalypse that she spent most of her time in Max's company choosing not to mix with others. But she seemed to be working on it. In her brief description of how she had gone from normal life to here, she had felt that she had skirted over a lot and she had been through a lot herself. Maybe she would open up to her soon. They paced each other well regularly taking on fluids and chatting loosely they had been running for nearly two hours and must admit to being slightly relieved when Marie motioned that they should stop for a break. Marie then pulled out a compact pair of binoculars out of a pouch on her belt with a mischievous grin on her face after a few moments she seemed to find what she was looking for.

  "What is it," she asked.

  Marie handed her the binoculars which she snapped up readily. After a few moments and Marie's guidance, she eventually found the area of interest. Both Jim and Max were sparring and still appeared as fresh as when they had left them. Derwyn, however, was bent over and gasping for breath, then flopped onto the grass and onto his back.

  "Poor thing," she chuckled.

  "Let me see," Dawn demanded grabbing the binoculars off her and holding them up.

  She soon found the area of interest and started to chuckle herself, "The poor boy looks wrecked, looks like the other boys have been wearing him out."

  They all laughed together.

  "To be fair to him he's done well to last this long with them pair, Jim's super fit and Max never tires," Marie explained in Derwyn's defence.

  "I bet he doesn't you dirty mare," Dawn suggested.

  Marie blushed and turned away for a moment.

  "Aw your right we shouldn't pick on Derwyn he's really trying and he's been so good to us," she stated feeling guilty.

  "I think you’re sweet on him," Dawn accused on laughing.

  "Am not," she came back but blushing herself.

  "She is," Marie agreed glad for the attention to be off of her.

  "See," Dawn confirmed glad of the backup.

  "Anyway I've seen you looking at that Jim," Mandy revealed.

  "Well, he is cute I just want to pick him up and hold him," Dawn admitted dreamily.

  Mandy laughed surprised how her friend didn't even attempt to deny it and shock how quickly they could have such thoughts after their recent ordeal. Maybe it was the apocalypse it made some people more resilient. Anyway, why should they let that bastard beat them?

  "He's not a teddy bear you brazen hussy," she informed.

  "I bet he would look good in a teddy suit though," Dawn replied.

  The all broke about laughing and Marie seemed to be letting down her barriers, joining in with them both. Eventually, they managed to pull themselves together a jogged by the boys, teasing Derwyn in the process. Then they all said hi to the two ex-coppers before heading into the barn. Marie went through what they normally did showing them the heavy bag work, chin ups and sit ups she normally did. Mandy was really impressed, especially because they struggled to do maybe even two pull-ups. But she showed them a technique Max had taught her called eccentric's which meant jumping up to get you up there but slowly lowering yourself back down. Revealing that's how she was now able to do more than twenty in a row. Her bag work was impressive how she was able to hit so hard. They were both eager to have a go and Dawn soon proving herself to be a heavy hitter her solid frame helping her in the power stakes. Then they moved onto sparring practice, but wisely taking it easier than the boys eventually calling it a day after about an hour and joined the two gents who generously brought them tea. Then regaling how fit they had both been in their youth.

  Derwyn thought he must have been mad for agreeing to go on a run after that workout, but his ego and showing off had dropped him in it. He had been running for what was close to an hour now and he was sure the lads were slowing down for him. Now he was wheezing like a steam train and struggling to put one foot in front of the other. As if reading his mind, which he probably did. Max stopped and turned around followed by Jim both appearing to be breathing normally like it had been a light stroll to them.

  "Derwyn you need to stop now mate, you've more than proved yourself we'll head back in about five minutes," Max said kindly.

  "Agreed, not many could have done what you did, but you'll soon get better just keep working at it and know when to stop," Jim said patting him on the shoulder.

  He felt uplifted by their comments, but then he thought how the fuck am I going to get back?

  "Don't worry I'll take care of that," Max informed.

  He rolled his eyes in wonder he was reading his mind. Then five minutes later they were running again only faster this time. He, however, had the luxury of not having to run, instead, he piggybacked Max. Incredulous to how fast he could run with him on his back, but surely he couldn't keep this up for long. But he couldn't be more wrong as it took less than half an hour to make it back. Max stopped about two hundred yards away from the place they had started. The lads were barely out of breath and within minutes they were breathing normally.

  "How you feeling now Derwyn," Max enquired.

  "Much better thanks for the ride mate," he said cheerily.

  "It's called the gorilla workout," Jim explained stifling a laugh.

  "Shut up munchkin," Max replied squaring up mock style.

  Jim squared up too and the complementary Bruce Lee come on gesture.

  "Come on lads you both need to chill," he pleaded.

  "Okay back to business, we'll run the rest of the way back and no mention off the ride so you can impress that Mandy," Max said grinning.

  "Say what?" He said feeling his face grow hot.

  "You're blushing mate," Jim pointed out.

  "Hey you can talk I saw you eyeing Dawn," Max said observantly.

  Jim suddenly fell silent and suddenly red-faced himself. With that, they all ran back to the courtyard where they were all waiting and were all given freshly made tea.

  Max reflected on how well the morning had gone, the newcomers mixing in well and having a good laugh at the same time. It was afternoon now and Derwyn was still asleep after retiring after breakfast. He was hoping the lad would recover okay after his over-exertions that morning. Since the flashback, he had had little chance to go over his experience with Marie so he thought now was as good a time as ever.

  "Marie," the called.

  "Yeah," she replied as she stopped talking to the other girls.

  "Can I have a word please," he asked.

  "Ooohhh," the girls mouthed together.

  "Yeah sure," she said following him away from the other.

  "Be gentle with her Max," Dawn warned.

  He felt his face flush, Dawn seemed to have a natural ability at doing this, "I will."

  They walked away leaving the girls to their giggling and gossip, but he had to admit they were fun. He walked into the first field and sat down cross-legged. She did the same, but with a worried expression on her face.

  "What's wrong Max," she asked.

  "Last night I had a flashback, I know what happened to me now." He informed.

  "What you mean when you left me at the house," she replied.

  "Yes the memory was so vivid like I was reliving every moment of it," he explained with a faraway look.

  "Why do you think it happened now all of a sudden?" she wondered.

  "I think it was the weed like it opened a closed door in my brain," he answered.

  "Then tell me, Max, tell me everything," she said holding his large hand comfortingly for herself as much as him.

  An hour later he had finished his wild and fanciful story and thought he probably sounded crazy. She had remained quiet for most of the time only asking the occasional question as if she didn't want to interrupt his train of thought. When he was finished she remained quiet as if absorbing everything she had been told. He waited apprehensively, did she think he was mad?

  "It answers everything," she announced a matter-of-factly.


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