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Stella's Secrets

Page 4

by Menaka Ravikumar

  “Who’s that?” I wondered, leaning over to see. But by then Savannah had slipped the picture into the locket and closed it. When I shot her a look she just laughed, putting a finger to her lips.

  “Shh… Its a secret.”

  I gulped. This was my chance to see the one thing I have been curious about for a long time. The picture was quite unexpected. On the left was a picture of Savannah, and on the right there was a picture of an unfamiliar looking girl. I put the necklace down and tilted the envelope so the opening was slanting towards the top of my desk.

  A slip of paper fell out, and I picked it up and flipped it over. It seemed to be in printed format.

  ‘Samira Shaji-9724623053

  Call me when you find her,


  I switched on my phone. Who is this Samira Shaji? I wondered. And who is ‘her’? Was Savannah searching for the girl in the locket? I guess I was going to find out. I punched the number in and pressed call. It rang three times before someone answered it.


  “Uh, is this Samira Shaji?” I asked.

  “Who is this?”

  “I’m a friend of Savannah’s. Do you know her?”

  “I think you’ve got the wrong number.” I noticed her accent-She was Indian.

  “Wait! I want to talk to you-” Before I could mention the note she hung up on me. I sighed. Oh well, at least I tried. Maybe I could call again later. I put my phone down and stared at it’s lit up screen. My wallpaper was a picture of Max, me and Caitlin. We were at the beach, and Max had one arm around Caitlin, and another wrapped around my waist, his cheek touching mine.

  It was perfect. But I was beginning to wonder if I would ever go back to being like the girl in the picture-Carefree, smiling and happy.


  Winter break went like a blur. Christmas came first, then New Year, and soon after that school re-opened. My friends all had stories to tell since they had actually gone somewhere. In homeroom I sat in the front of the class and pretended to do homework. Unfortunately my friends seemed to have an eye on me, and when I didn’t join them they came over.

  We had already greeted each other at our lockers, and we didn’t have much to talk about since I didn’t go anywhere.

  “Stella, why’re you sitting all alone? Come join us!” Stephanie said.

  I shook my head.” I guess I don’t feel like being social right now.”

  I let out a forced laugh when she gave me a concerned look.

  “I’m fine Stephanie. Seriously.” I yawned. That wasn’t really forced though. I really was tired. I hadn’t been able to sleep at all.

  “Gosh. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Just as I spoke the words the bell rang, signalling the beginning of homeroom.

  As usual, Ms Williams, our homeroom teacher, walked in right after the bell rang. Ms Williams was a really young teacher. She looked like she was in her twenties-blond hair, naturally straight and layered, green eyes. She’s extremely popular only because of her looks-especially with the boys. They basically drool over her. I turned to the back to look at Max, and he caught my eye before sharing a smirk with me.

  Ms Williams was wearing a blue top and instead of her usual pencil skirts she wore black pants.

  “Hey guys. How was your break?” She asked chirpily.

  “Great!” Most of us replied.

  “Ok. Well, we have a new student.” It was only then that I noticed a girl stepping out behind Ms Williams. She lifted a hand and gave a small wave, the charm bracelet on her wrist making a tinkling noise. I recognised the bracelet immediately.

  ”Hey, where did you get that bracelet?” I pointed to Savannah’s wrist. She smiled mysteriously and shook her wrist a little, making the charms jingle. I could read the word that the charms spelt out. A-N-G-E-L

  “It was a present. From a close friend. And it’s custom made.”

  Then the girl introduced herself, and I felt myself stop breathing. “Hi everyone. I’m Samira Shaji. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Holy shoot.

  Chapter Eight

  New girl

  Why was it that every time I found out about someone they seemed to appear in front of me? It was weird. Maybe they knew each other? I wished Savannah was alive to tell me everything that happened. If only life was that easy. As she walked past me she caught my eye and smiled mysteriously. Samira’s hair lifted up behind her slightly as she walked.

  She was wearing shorts and a red tank top that I could see under her army jacket. Her brown hair was straight. Obviously she knew how to make a statement, because the whole class seemed in a trance, and not just because she was a new kid.

  I turned back to Ms Williams, who was taking attendance. She called out my name and after answering I tuned out. I was extremely curious about Samira, so I wasn’t listening to Ms Williams until she called my name again.

  “Ms Johnson? Announcements?”

  I nodded and pulled out my folder in which I had put the paper with the morning announcements in. I became school president back in the first term, so every morning one of my jobs was to collect the morning announcements from the reception. Usually I had to do it using the mike in the reception, but this time I was in a hurry, so I skipped. Luckily we had an intercom mike in homeroom. I stood up and cleared my throat.

  “Today’s morning announcements….” I looked down at my paper, but what I saw wasn’t the announcements.

  ‘Samira Shaji looks suspicious, doesn’t she?

  But you know what they say - keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


  “Ms Johnson? Everything alright?” Ms Williams asked, and I forced myself to nod. “Sorry. I took out the wrong paper.” I put the note back inside and pulled out the announcements. I was hoping no one had noticed how my voice was trembling. I read out the announcements and sat down. A wave of uneasiness washed over me.

  Anonymous was here.


  School was incredibly boring. After homeroom Ms Williams had called me to her desk and told me to show Samira around the school. We had most of our classes together. The only classes we didn’t have were AP English, AP Spanish and creative writing. So basically I spent the whole day showing Samira around. She seemed like a nice girl, and if she knew I was the friend who called her, maybe she would help me find out why Savannah was killed.

  “What? I don’t know her.” I raised I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Don’t play dumb Samira. I called you a few weeks ago and you hung up on me.”

  Samira let out a breath. “That was you? I didn’t know.”

  “Ok, well now you do. How come you hung up?” Samira shrugged. “We weren’t in a good place. I thought you called to shout at me.”

  “Oh. How did you meet?”

  “My parents were clients of her mom. We met at a party. Was she close with you?”

  “Yeah. She was one of my best friends.” I told her. We finally reached Samira’s locker, so I bid her farewell.

  I had a few other things to do in the office, so I stayed at school till four in the evening. When I was finally done with the work I went to my locker to grab my things.

  The hallway was completely empty and as I walked the only sound I could hear was the sound of my Miu Miu wedges clicking on the floor. I was only a few steps away from my locker when I started feeling like I was being followed. I turned around, but no one was there. I took a step forward, and felt someone take a step with me.

  I turned around again, blonde locks flying, but I didn’t see anyone. I shook my head and stepped towards my locker, spinning the combination lock and opening it.

  I hummed a Taylor Swift song under my breath as I packed my bag. Then I slammed my locker shut, slung my bag over one shoulder, and was about to head to the gym to check
if practice was over when I saw him again. This time Mr Leary was closer. He didn’t take out a knife. Instead he gave me a small, sad smile, and turned, disappearing around a corner.

  But I wasn’t going to lose him this time. “Mr Leary!” I called, running after him.

  By the time I reached the place where I had seen him, he was gone. I’m definitely imagining him. I thought as I walked to the gym. Tyler Jordan, Stephanie’s ex, was shooting hoops when I walked in. He gave me a wave and I returned it.

  “Hey Tyler. Do you know where Max is? He said he might need a ride today.”

  “Yeah. He’s probably in the locker room. I think he’s still taking a shower.” I thanked him before heading to the boy’s locker room.

  As soon as I entered the room the strong smell of boy’s deo and sweat hit me.

  “Max?” I called, crossing my arms over my chest. I kept walking until I found him. He seemed to be deep in thought, staring at the inside of his locker intently. Instead of calling his name I stepped up behind him silently, reached up, and kissed his neck.

  “Missed me?” I asked as I felt him visibly tense up. My hands roamed over the front of his chest before wrapping themselves around his torso, then sliding them slowly over his t-shirt clad chest.

  “You’re being a tease today.” He half - whispered, and I smiled and placed another kiss on his shoulder. He tilted his head to one side, sighing inaudibly. I ran a finger down his neck, and he shuddered. He faced me, our bodies pulled close to each other.

  “Yes, I did miss you.” He said, before leaning in to kiss me. I giggled softly against his lips.

  The kiss was soft and slow, not like our usual heated kisses. Desire took over almost instantly. Max slid my small hands into his as the kiss became more frantic. Max’s tongue entered my mouth and played with mine while one of his hands travelled under my shirt, making me suddenly stop kissing him back because I didn’t want to go any further.

  At that point I was beginning to feel a little weird. It was like something inside me was saying that what we were doing was wrong, so I stopped myself.

  And also because if someone caught us it would be extremely embarassing. I wish he would stop. Max moved his lips to my neck, then my collarbone. I felt my cheeks heat up.

  “Max,” I muttered, tugging at his t-shirt. “Please stop”. He pulled back and both of us stared at each other both of us out of breath, but eyes full of lust. He pushed me back against the cool metal locker, rested his forehead on mine and stared deeply into my blue eyes.

  “I don’t want to.”

  I shook my head and put my hands on his chest, pushing him away. He barely budged though.

  “But it wouldn’t be any use you know, you calling me a tease, and me not actually being a tease. C’mon, we have to go.” I pushed him harder and this time he actually took a step back and smirked.

  “Sure, Stel. If you say so.”

  I picked up my bag, which I had placed on the floor, and Max packed his own bag from the still open locker.

  Then I interwined my fingers with his and we walked to the parking lot. If only I had paid attention. If only I hadn’t been so absorbed in my conversation with Max, I would’ve seen the person watching us.

  Chapter Nine


  “I can’t believe you guys just put me through that. And I actually believed you when you said The Hulk is a nice movie. You traitors!” I cried. It was the end of the third week of the new term.

  Friday had always been movie night with the boys, so I was hanging out with them at Alex’s house. Well, I was with Alex, Evan and Justin. Ryan and Max were both co-captains of the Junior Varsity soccer team in school so they had to stay in school a little late and would probably want to hit the bed as soon as they got home so they weren’t coming for the movie night.

  “You are so dramatic, Stel.” Justin chuckled as Evan got up from his place on the floor and went over to the DVD player and took out the CD.

  “Speaking of dramatic, is something going on between you and Max? Something we should know about?” Alex questioned. All three of them looked at me from their places on the floor.

  I sighed and got up from the beanbag I was sitting on to join them on the floor. “Not really. We’re fine, I guess. Hey, isn’t Evly’s anniversary coming up soon? Are you guys going to do something special?”

  ‘Evly’ is the couple name that we came up with for Evan and Ashley. We have couple names for every couple in the group, actually- Chustin for Chloe and Justin, Stealex for Stephanie and Alex, Snan for Snowy and Ryan and of course, Stelax for yours truly and Max.

  They were the first couple in our group to get together, so technically they have been together the longest. Anyways, in my circle of friends, anniversaries are a big deal. We usually end up giving the couple celebrating their special day a joint present that they can use while being all coupley.

  I guess I can say that I kind of play a big role in the girls’ outfits. I usually end up making their dress. As you know I have parents who are in the fashion industry so I developed the love for fashion from them. So every year, according to where their date is I create outfits for each of the girls.

  They’re such a cute couple, Evly is. I mean, I think all my friends are cute as couples in their own unique way… and time. But Evly is cute right now.

  Evan’s cheeks turned red and he looked at me disapprovingly. “Don’t change the subject, Stella. We know something is up. Guys, isn’t that right?”

  He looked pointedly at Alex and Justin, who looked at each other with smirks on their faces, then nodded in unison, being the idiots that they are.

  “Nothing is up, guys. Now c’mon, we already did something that you guys wanted, so it’s my turn. And I say we discuss what you are going to do for the best day of Evly’s life except for your birthdays.” I reached for a pillow from the bed and threw it at him. He rolled his eyes, but got up to sit on the bed again.

  “C’mon you lazy bums! I can’t wait all year!” I called chirpily, happy that the topic had finally changed.


  When I got home my parents were waiting for me. It was almost eleven by then, so I slipped out of my Miu Miu wedges silently, then tip-toed toward the stairs.

  “Where do you think you’re going young lady? We need to talk.”

  I winced at my dad’s harsh tone. Why did he sound angry? I slowly turned around and met my father’s eyes.

  I noticed that he was clutching something-the letters. Great. He must be seriously pissed. I followed my dad into the kitchen, where my mom was seated. She looked weirdly calm.

  “Where did you get these letters, Stella?” My father placed the envelopes he was holding on the table, the familiar cream coloured envelope on top of the small stack of three. It was the letter from Ben that I had read.

  The one that I had put under a bunch of clothes in my cupboard. ”You went through my stuff?!” I shrieked, fury bubbling inside me.

  “Honey, it was only for your own good-” Mom said, but I interrupted her.

  “Are you frickin kidding me right now?” I was really angry. How the hell could they do that?

  “Watch your language young lady. We are your parents. We have the right-” Mom started.

  “To what? Go through my stuff?” I yelled.

  “It’s my stuff! Those letters were written to me! You can’t just take them from my cupboard!”

  I snatched the letters from the table and stormed out of the kitchen, towards the stairs and away from my parents sitting at the table.

  “Stella Marie Johnson! Get back here! Don’t you dare turn your back on me!” I heard my dad’s voice coming closer. I was half-way up the stairs when I felt a hand grip my wrist.

  “Let me go!” I twisted under my dad’s grip, but he wouldn’t let me go. Instead his grip tightened, and I could feel his nails digging
in to my skin.

  “How dare you walk away from us when we are disciplining you!” He growled.

  I wanted to pull out of his grip, but he was still holding on tightly.

  “You get back down here, Stella, or I swear-”

  “What? Huh, dad? What are you going to do?” I glared at him. I had never seen him so angry, but I still stood and stared straight into his eyes.

  He let me go abruptly, and I ran up to my room and slammed the door, ignoring my mom’s voice pleading for me to let her in. I changed into one of Max’s t-shirts that happened to be lying in my cupboard, and my short shorts, then I curled up in bed and fell asleep.


  On Monday I met Samira again before home room, and we walked to class together. When I asked her about the bracelet she said “It was a present from a close friend. And it’s custom made.”

  That was exactly what Anna had said. I thought. Samira was hiding something. It felt like every time I asked her a question related to Savannah Samira gave me a suspicious answer.

  “Hey, are you busy during lunch? I have to finish the Spanish assignment Señora Lopez gave us and I don’t really understand it.” Samira said.

  “Yeah. Why don’t we meet at the library?” We stopped in front of our home room-Class 1A.

  And with that both of us went to our seats.


  Later that day I went to the library to meet Samira like we planned. The room was silent, except for the sound of my sneakers squeaking. I walked towards my usual table, weaving through the huge book shelves. But just as I was a few feet away I heard a familiar voice-two voices.

  “So did you get it?” Samira. I hid behind a shelf and slowly peeked through the rows of books. She was facing someone, her back to me. My eyes widened in shock when I saw who it was. “Yes. I managed to find an address too.” He had been leaning forward, his face hidden, but Tyler then lifted his face up, gazing at Samira with his piercing green eyes.

  I immediately hid behind the shelf again. Samira had lied again. We had been talking in home room and when I asked her if she had spoken to Tyler she denied it.


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