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Selena Rose: Daughter of the Moon

Page 10

by Rhiannon Futch

  “I would love that.” He picks up his newspaper and holds it up like he is reading it, instead he stares into the distance, one tear trailing down his cheek. Selena continues out the door, pulling up Dwayne’s number on her phone and pressing call.


  Apophis sits at his desk contemplating the blank page before him. He begins to write:

  So much has changed since last night. When I saw Gabriel ram Selena’s truck, I was terrified that she would be injured. I never expected to feel that way, she was supposed to be a means to an end. Now I find that I really care for her. This was not part of the plan at all. I still crave my chaos, the sweet bliss of the primordial sea. Only now I find that I do wish to share it with my daughter at least. Perhaps I can find a way to convince her to my plan? If I can get one on board then maybe the rest will be easier to convince. If I can play to the good in them and gain their trust…

  This could work and I stand to gain Luna along with my other daughter. It would be more powerful if they lend me their powers or join in with me in morphing all this creation into the primordial sea once more. It will likely take much longer this way but I don’t want to lose my Selena. Or Kya. But I would love to take them to my home, the one that was lost to me because I was swimming when the spark of creation hit our ocean again. Are my parents still living? Do they miss me? Wonder what happened? What of my brothers? Have they married? Do they have children I have never met? I miss my home.

  The family lawyers should be working on making sure Gabriel has no claim on Kya. However, if they cannot solve the problem then I will. I didn’t realize how important my child was to me until I thought I might have lost her. Now I want to rip Gabriel’s limbs from his body one at a time. What was he thinking, ramming her truck? I must check on his status. Will they be charging him and holding him till trial or will he be allowed to bond out? Unfortunately I do not think he is a run risk, and I sincerely doubt his parents will aid him. I may set them free soon. It could play to my advantage to do so. I will wait for the right time.

  Now, I must work to keep Selena close. She must stay firmly on my side or the entire idea fails and I just can’t take another failure. I need to go home and in all this time I have not found any other way to get there. There are no portals, no spaceships home for me. I still haven’t found the damned creation stone for this planet even! The only way I know to get back is to take this place back to its primordial state.

  Apophis sits back from his writing, tears in his eyes thinking of home. The verdant greenery and amethyst hued sky. He would give almost anything to swim those midnight waters once again.

  Dwayne arrives at Selena’s father’s house, as he pulls up to the front of the house he sees the police tape and the wreckage of the two vehicles. His eyes widen and he pulls up next to the mess, grateful he left Kya and Nathan with Linnette and Hayden. Parking, he hits the button on his seatbelt and opens the door to go have a closer look. He gets to the driver’s side door, still gaping as it was left last night with no door and sees the toolbox buried in the back of the front passenger seat. A growl sounds in his throat as his eyes follow the path of the toolbox back, seeing Kya’s seat trashed and the window behind it a gaping mess with only small bits of glass left in the track. There are chunks of glass everywhere. Stepping back from the police tape he had been encroaching upon he walks back to Gabriel’s car. He sees the shattered glass across the hood and the hole left by the toolbox, the deployed airbag with the blood staining it. He can smell the stench left from Gabriel’s sweat. It smells of anger and revenge, but also desire. Disgusted, Dwayne turns away and walks to the front door, worried for Selena because he could also smell her fear. Dwayne touches the button for the bell and waits. Soon the butler opens the door and tells him that Selena is in her room but left instructions for him to come up.

  He walks the familiar path to her room, up the stairs and down the hall, fourth door on the left. Raising his hand Dwayne taps the door twice with the back of his knuckles and hears a muffled “Come in!” Entering the room he sees Selena finishing putting her hair up in front of the mirror.

  Trying to be casual as he enjoys the sight of her neck bared with a few strands of hair framing it, he clears his throat and says, “I see you were not at all exaggerating when you said things got exciting last night. He hit your truck in your father’s driveway? What happened?”

  Selena slowly turns and goes to one of the chairs in the sitting area of her room, motioning for Dwayne to sit in the other. As he sits down she takes and deep breath, he can smell the fear and sorrow on her but refrains from taking her in his arms as she has not given any indication that she would appreciate that. Selena closes her eyes for just a moment and then says, “I was on my way home last night like we had talked about. As I came up on the turn to go to Dad’s house I had a feeling that this was where I needed to go instead of home. It was so strong a feeling that I couldn’t do anything else. So I made the turn and called Dad. After I made the turn Gabriel started speeding up. That made me feel like it was even more urgent that I get here so I stepped on the gas. Thank Goddess for hands-free, I told Dad roughly what was happening as I took those curves way faster than normal. He stayed as close as he could but he couldn’t go as fast because he hasn’t had so much experience driving in the mountains. Dad had the gate open for me and was waiting out front with some of his men when I pulled into the drive. I got the truck into park and leaned back relieved to have gotten here when he hit my truck. I still had my foot on the brake but it shoved my truck a ways and his toolbox flew out of his car and into mine. All I could think at first was what if I hadn’t left Kya with you? She would have been killed,” Selena stops a moment, eyes closed and her left hand pressed to her lips while her right grips the arm of the chair. “Then I thought what if I had gone home? When he rammed my truck I would have been pushed into the side of my house. Kya would have been motherless. I don’t want that for her. Dad had one of his men call the sheriff and EMS, after they checked us both for injuries Gabriel was arrested. Dad has the family lawyers working on making sure he never has any claim on Kya after this. Along with pressing charges.”

  Dwayne leans back in his chair, “Whoa. I can’t believe he did that. I mean obviously he did, I just never realized he was capable of that. I didn’t know he was so deranged. Are you ok? Will you be ok? You can’t possibly be completely ok after that.”

  “Yes, as ok as I can be right now. I do have some good news. Dad told me that I can have a vehicle from his dealership, all I have to do is go there and pick it out. I won’t be without a vehicle while the insurance sorts things. That is what I need the ride for today. You,” she points at him wriggling her finger in the air at him, “sir chauffeur, get to join me in seeking a new chariot.” Selena laughs a little at her joke and Dwayne’s heart strings are yanked, how could he say no when she is struggling so hard to put on a brave face? He makes up his mind to take her to lunch and distract her if she is willing. He stands and bows gallantly at the waist with one arm crooked behind himself and the other in front, “Your chauffeur will be happy to escort you as you choose a new auto madame,” he straightens, “but have you given thought to lunch? Possibly lunch with a handsome chauffeur before you car shop?” He grins at her as goofily as he can pull off and she laughs, a real laugh.

  Standing Selena replies, “Yes, dear chauffeur, I would love to have lunch with you.” She sticks out her arm, crooked at the elbow and he takes the couple steps that bring him to her and links his arm with hers, “Lead on sir chauffeur, for I am starving and still must update my mother on the happenings.”

  Selena waves at Dwayne as he pulls out of the dealership on his way to Linnette and Hayden’s. Her brand new Tacoma is fantastic and she has some serious upgrades planned for it, all of which have been approved and paid for by her father. To combat the horrifying visions of Kya’s mangled car seat the back windshield will be reinforced with a special laminate spell to help in case anything else flies at it. The truck
has hands-free built in to the stereo system. Selena gets her phone hooked to it and tells it to call her mother before putting the truck in gear to head to Linnette and Hayden’s for a barbecue with everyone. Luna answers on the second ring, “Hi Selena! How are you?”

  “Well, Mom, things have been really exciting.”

  “That doesn’t sound good. What happened?”

  Selena catches her mom up on last night’s events before deciding that she has to tell her that she broke her promise to her. “I, uh, I have one other bit of news that you really are not going to like. I apologize, this is totally my fault but I told Dad that I have seen you and that I have a sister.” She waits, anxious for her mother’s reaction. Luna sighs, “Well, I suppose he had to find out eventually. What was his reaction?”

  “He admitted to it all, said he was wrong and that he would like to talk to you in hopes that maybe one day you will forgive him. He wants to get to know Samara as well but he understands that you may not want that to happen right now considering his actions. He wants me to give you his number, so that you can call him if you choose. He doesn’t have yours and he didn’t ask for it.”

  “That is surprising. I don’t trust it. However, for your sake I will think about it. Send me his contact information when you have a chance. I am not saying for sure I will call, but I will think about it.”

  Selena tears up, “Oh Mom, I am so happy you are not mad at me. I was afraid you would hang up and never want to see me again.”

  “What? NO! You are my daughter and now that I have you back I am never letting go.” Selena sniffles a little, “Thanks Mom. I am sorry I let the cat out of the bag. It was this morning, I should have talked to you first. But, now that I have that off my chest, when can I see you again? And maybe meet Samara?”

  Luna laughs her musical, rich laugh that makes Selena think of midnight moonlight, “How about in a couple of days? I have a lot going in the next two days and so does Samara, but the third day from now is free.”

  “That would be fantastic Mom! I can’t wait to see you again and meet Samara. I am just arriving at Linnette and Hayden’s house for the barbecue now, I have to go. I love you!”

  “Love you too. Bye sweet girl.”

  Selena hangs up the phone and gets out of the truck, heading up the walkway to the backyard, she can smell the charcoal from her truck and knows that is where they will be.


  Selena and Kya pull into a parking spot at the café where she first met her mother, again. Putting the truck in park she stares blindly at the café, her mind a million miles away. “Mama, are we going in? They’re already here.”

  Selena returns with a start, “Yes, yes we are. Sorry sweetling. I was lost in another place for a moment there.”

  Walking into the café she sees her mom at the table they first met at and waves, pointing at the counter and then holding up one finger to let her know that she is getting drinks first. She gets Kya a hibiscus tea and herself a chai, taking a deep breath she goes to meet her sister. They get to the table and Luna stands to hug her and Kya before turning to introduce Samara. Samara stood during the hugs and after being introduced asks, “Can I have a hug too?” Selena’s heart is so full she thinks it will burst as she tells her sister she would very much like that. Hugs finished the four sit down to chat and get to know each other. They have progressed from tears and awkwardness to chatting it up like the family they are by the time Apophis walks in the café and sees them. He almost turns and walks out knowing how Luna feels about him, but he sees her laughing. She hasn’t changed at all. Still the same gorgeous dark chocolate skin and braids that start dark at her scalp and become silver along the way. That smile of hers could sink ships, like the sirens did once upon a time with their songs. Men would throw themselves at the rocks just for the chance to get a closer look at her. The door behind him opens and he hears someone say “Excuse me!” He realizes he has stopped in the doorway to stare, he turns around and apologizes quickly before striding toward the table Luna, Selena, Samara, and Kya are sitting around. He walks up behind Luna, the sisters and Kya see him, Selena says, “Hi Dad,” to give her mother a heads up. Luna turns to face him and he is lost in her eyes. He always loved her dark eyes, they seemed to hold a wisdom of ages that he has never felt he acquired. Right now though, her eyes look annoyed. Very annoyed. He clears his throat, “Um, hi. I saw you all over here talking… I thought I would stop and say hello before I get my coffee and leave.” Apophis licks his lips, “Uh, Selena, I am heading out of town for a bit on business. If you need anything just go to the house. Um, any of you are welcome there.” He looks at Luna, “You too. If you need anything…” Luna rolls her eyes at him but out loud says, “Why thank you Apophis. That is a very kind gesture. Have a nice trip.” She turns to face the girls again, leaving him to stare at the back of her head while his granddaughter giggles as though she could see Luna’s face when she was turned toward him or perhaps it was a face she made after turning around. Samara starts to speak but Luna and Selena each put a hand on one of her arms and Selena speaks instead, “Thank you Dad. We appreciate that. I especially appreciate it after what happened with Gabriel. Did the lawyer tell you he is out on bond?” Everyone looks at Selena with shock written across their faces, Apophis says, “What? No, I have not been notified.” He pulls his phone out of the breast pocket of his suit and fires off a text message. “What did they tell you?”

  Selena shrugs, “Just that he had made bail. Some friend of his had come up there and paid his bond. She said the Sheriff lost the guys name and that was weird. I have my suspicions about who it was, but no proof. I know it wasn’t Bath and Zethes; they kicked him out for what he did.” Apophis nods, “I need to pay them a visit soon,” Luna looks sharply at him, “it has been much too long since I saw them last and I want to invite them to a barbecue.” Luna raises an eyebrow at him, Selena watches this byplay and is fascinated as Apophis continues, “I would like to invite all of you. Next Saturday, around 7.” He looks at his watch, “I have to go, I will be late if I don’t get my latte and leave now. Selena and Kya, I love you, stay safe. Luna, always a pleasure to see you. And though I don’t know your name, I am glad to have had the chance to see you.” With that he walks away to the counter to order his drink. Selena, Luna, and Samara exchange glances, look over at Kya and nod in silent agreement that they will discuss what just happened later when Kya is sleeping. Selena bites her lip before saying, “Mom, Samara, I know you both have no reason to like him but I would really love it if you came to his cookout. I’ll bring my friends; Linnette, Hayden, and Dwayne. They will have their children with them, Aspen and Nathan. Plus Dad will definitely invite other people too, just to ease the awkwardness and make sure everyone has someone else to talk to.” Luna looks down at her lap for a moment, Samara watches her mother as she thinks it over. Luna looks up at her two daughters, “Perhaps he is trying to change. We will go. I know both of you have been hurt by the problems between us and if he is going to try to be a better person, trying to let him is the least I can do.” Selena looks at Samara, “I know mom said we, but will you come? Please?” Samara looks between Luna and Selena before settling her gaze on Kya watching her with those big green eyes of hers. “Yes, I will come.” Kya smiles big and toasts the decision with her cocoa.


  Selena waves bye to Dwayne and all the kids before she eases off the brake to back out of his drive. Going through this stronger barrier always feels a little odd and reassuring at the same time. Especially now that Gabriel was out and running loose somewhere. She puts the truck in drive and looks over to wave one more time, loving all those grinning faces. She is so very glad that the season is finally over for Linnette and Hayden. This will be their first time hanging out again since the whole creepy bindings issue. There have been messages back and forth but they seem to be looking forward to girls night as much as Selena. Thank goodness that Dwayne is willing and able to take Kya and Aspen so they can have this night.
  Even better, their place is just a couple miles from Dwayne’s. Selena pulls into a parking spot at the apartment complex they live in, happy that she found one so close. She looks around, taking in her surroundings. Extra vigilant now that Gabriel is so dangerous, she looks around one more time. Satisfied that he is probably not here she steps out of the truck and closing that door she steps to the back door, opens it and grabs a couple of green bags of supplies for the night. Let’s see; wine, chips, dips, veggies, fruits.. I think we are good for the night. She turns to go up the stairs to Linnette and Hayden’s apartment and Gabriel is standing in front of her! She screams and drops everything in her hands and he disappears right before her eyes. She looks around again, hoping no one heard her scream. It wasn’t very loud… It looks like no one did hear her which is good and bad. She gathers her purse, phone and the bags. Oh shit! The wine! She quickly looks in that bag toward the bottom, the bottle isn’t even chipped. Great wine company, got to remember to buy more from this one. Taking a deep breath she walks to the sidewalk and up to the front door. She knocks and it is almost immediately answered by Hayden. She pulls her in the apartment and hugs her tight, “We are so glad you are ok.” She steps back keeping her hands on Selena’s shoulders, “Wait, you look like you just saw a ghost. What’s wrong? Wait, let me take those bags, follow me to the kitchen and you sit down to tell me. Lin is finishing some emails, class work never stops. So she will be out shortly. Here,” she slides a stool away from the counter a bit with her foot, “you sit yourself here and I will try letting you talk for a minute. What’s wrong?”

  Selena smiles, “I am so glad you guys are back. I missed the whirlwind of you. What is wrong is out there in the parking lot I was getting the bags out of the back seat and when I turned to head to your place Gabriel was standing in front of me! Not even going to lie, I screamed a little and dropped all my stuff. Including that wine, those people are using the best damn bottles ever. Then he just disappeared, thin air. Nothing left, not even a footprint to mark the spot.” Hayden froze during Selena’s speech with her back to her, she turns now to look at Selena. “Gabriel was bothering you here?” Selena cocks her head to one side, “Well yes. But he rammed my truck at my dad’s so I am not overly surprised.”


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