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Dark Enlightening

Page 10

by Shawnna Lea

  "What did he do? Freeze the whole realm?" Lord Braddock was just a little too stiff to seem natural. He was worried. Avic ran a hand through his hair.

  "If I were Traz, where would I be?" A muffled scream answered his question and they all froze, staring down the hall toward the throne room. Lord Braddock was the first to move forward. They all pressed their ears to the solid carved wood. Not much got through but SOMEONE was talking. Lord Braddock's hand fell to Avic's shoulder, and he looked up at his father.

  "I wish I had realized how important you are to me long before all this. I would have liked things to be better between us. I am proud of you, son." Avic wanted to respond to tell him how much it meant to hear that, but his father was already turning away, pushing open one of the double doors.

  The room was in full attendance, lords and ladies, and their children. It seemed Traz had rounded up all the nobility. Avic let himself search briefly for the rest of his family while Lord Braddock was the center of attention, marching toward the throne then Avic slid into the crowd hoping he hadn't been seen. Sylvia headed around the other side. They had to get close, same as Lord Braddock. Traz's voice greeted his ears, sending an unpleasant shudder through him.

  "Lord Braddock." Traz sniggered as he leaned back on the throne, which seemed a lot bigger now. "What a pleasant surprise. Your lovely wife said you'd gone after your half-wit son." Lord Braddock stopped at the edge of the crowd, who in response moved away from him not wanting to get involved.

  "Yes. And I blame you entirely." Traz's laughter rang out.

  "Do you hear that, Whisper? You're off the hook. Now he blames me. Lord Braddock, you do seem to change your direction of unpleasantness often. No wonder Avic hated his life. Not that that matters now." Avic glanced around the legs and dresses near the front looking for Whisper but he didn't see him.

  "No. I don't suppose it does. And that is why I am here. To avenge his death." Avic started, earning a glance from the lady next to him he had bumped.

  "Ah yes. What a tragedy." Traz didn't sound like he thought it a tragedy. "So you're here to kill me. Ask Captain Ternber how well it worked for him." His chuckle made Avic's skin crawl. He didn't want to know what had happened.

  "A good man to try to prevent a scoundrel such as yourself from hurting the innocent."

  Traz sneered down at Lord Braddock.

  "I am finally where I deserved to be this whole time." He stroked the arms of the throne, a satisfied smile on his lips. "And our pathetic former king is where he belongs." He gestured toward the wall. Avic had to squint, but there on the wall he could make out a familiar face. King Gerald was inside the wall! His unseeing eyes stared out with anger. Other faces could be seen staring out as well, including the chief court wizard, Master Ferock. Avic shuddered, then tried to concentrate on the task at hand. They needed Traz off the throne.

  "I'm sure you didn't give him a chance. You are not man enough to meet another face to face. You always must hide behind others." The tactic might have goaded a fighter into approaching but Avic knew Traz better. His smile had not a care in the world.

  "Hiding behind others is what nobles do best. And since I'm better than any of you, all are my servants." He glanced down at his side and something stirred. Avic hadn't noticed the man curled up beside the throne, but now Whisper slunk around to look up at Traz.

  "Yes master?" Whisper looked like he hadn't slept in three weeks though he'd only been with Traz three days. His shirt hung around his waist, dried blood visible here and there on his chest and back though Avic couldn't make out any obvious wounds.

  "It is time for revenge. The man who always reviled against us, hated us for our circumstances. Now you can repay him for all those nasty words."

  "How's that?"

  Traz tapped his fingers impatiently, glaring at the unfortunate assassin.

  "Don't you WANT revenge? He'd have had you put on the wheel!" Whisper shrugged not meeting Traz's gaze.

  "At this moment I wouldn't mind that really." Traz's scowl darkened.

  "Kill him." Whisper glanced up once then rose, walking heavily down the steps. Lord Braddock took an involuntary step backward. Whisper paused at the bottom, meeting Lord Braddock's gaze before glancing back toward Traz.

  "I'd rather not."

  Traz's eyebrows rose in mock surprise.

  "Do I... care?"

  Whisper turned back toward his victim as Lord Braddock whipped his sword out. He did not look confident however. Despite Whisper's current looks his reputation was well known. Avic caught Sylvia's eyes across the room, a barely perceptible shaking of her head.

  Whisper moved in quickly. Too quickly for Lord Braddock.

  Chapter 23

  Whisper jumped Lord Braddock's clumsy sword stroke, bringing his dagger around, grazing the man's arm as he fell back from him. The lord tripped, and Whisper moved quickly to end the life when something hit his leg. His first reaction was to stab. A sinking feeling swept over him as his eye caught the new threat. Just in time he twisted the blade away, only tearing the shirt on the child clutching his leg. Whisper froze as Avic turned his gaze upward. A slow clapping made him cringe.

  "Well well! Come back from the dead! Your family does have surprises!" Traz stood, slowly descending the stairs. "I must say I was not expecting that!" Avic let go of Whisper's leg, moving to his father's side. He kept an eye on Whisper, whose eyes held terror as Traz came up beside him. "So here you both are. Where's the witch, I wonder?" Traz looked around contemptuously at the crowd who looked away, fear plain. Traz shrugged, circling them slowly. "It doesn't really matter, I suppose. She's useless, you know. But now that you're here I can have a whole set!" The crowd parted at his gesture revealing two frozen women, the pale green glow sickening to Avic as he realized who they were. He looked over at Whisper who wouldn't meet his eyes though his ears drooped. Lord Braddock jumped to his feet, his face dark with rage.

  "You fiend!" He jumped toward his sword, knocking Avic back into the crowd. Whisper was quicker, however, snatching the sword and retreating to Traz's side. Lord Braddock followed, charging Traz. And then he was floating. He struggled in the air, kicking and shouting. "Fight like a man, you coward!" Traz laughed, taking the sword from Whisper and approaching Lord Braddock.

  "You mean in this fashion?" Traz swung the sword toward the man's head. Avic sped forward almost reaching Traz, but Whisper snatched him, holding him tight. Lord Braddock went limp, and Traz tossed the sword away. With a gesture Lord Braddock flew to land in a heap at the feet of his frozen wife. All Avic could do was stare. Whisper let him go, and he glared at Traz. Why hadn't Sylvia done something? Where was she? Traz smiled slyly.

  "Avic, Avic, Avic. You never learn. There's no beating me! I am the most powerful man in the universe!" He spun around, arms wide, laughing as green lightning burst around him. Avic looked frantically around for Sylvia. She had to do something! If she wouldn't... Traz stepped in front of him, and he had to crane his neck to look at his face. "This has been entertaining, but now it is time for you to join your cowardly comrades here and bow down to my greatness." He turned away, moving back toward the throne. Sylvia was missing her chance! Traz looked over his shoulder with a dark smile. Then he spun quickly around a small, frozen, pale green form. He stood behind her his hands resting on her shoulders. "I caught her the moment her little attack began. It was hopeless really, Avic." Avic stared at Sylvia. Her expression was still determined, and he gathered his resolve, looking Traz in the eye. He really had nothing to lose now.

  "I will NOT bow to you." Whisper crouched beside him, shaking his head frantically. He ignored his friend, taking a step forward. Traz smiled coolly.

  "I didn't think you would." The blast of lightning was expected. There was nothing he could do. It felt like the whole world slowed as he watched the end come at him. At least he had tried. He closed his eyes just before it reached him, waiting. His heart beat once, three times, and then a fifth and sixth.

  Avic opened his eyes,
wondering what had happened. Crouched in front of him was Whisper. The green lightning burned around, over, and through him, but he just crouched there his eyes tight shut. Avic looked quickly at Traz. It was obvious he was shocked. He stood there, his face frozen in a scowl. Avic's eyebrows rose, noticing in Traz's eyes the flicker of the green lightning. What was happening? Whisper's voice cut through his thoughts, barely audible beside him.

  "No one can beat him. Now is your chance." Avic was confused. Chance for what? He just said no one could beat Traz! Whisper wouldn't answer him, his eyes closed and ears pinned back in concentration. He was doing something to Traz. A movement to his right made him turn. A couple of the lords had moved together and now were hastening forward, one snatching up Lord Braddock's discarded sword. Traz's eyes flickered toward them, and the floor crumpled beneath a few of their feet, trapping them in place. The howls of pain didn't stop the others, and soon a tide of people were rushing forward. Avic watched beside Whisper as more fell in different ways around Traz. Every time Traz turned his attention to his attackers however he always returned it to Whisper quickly. There was fear in his eyes now.

  The first to reach Traz unscathed was a young lord who tackled him to the ground. Others crowded in...

  Avic turned away. Whisper was still tense and concentrating. Avic moved around the crowd, trying not to look too closely at the wounded lying all over. He knelt down beside his father, taking his head into his lap. His eyes flickered open briefly, and a smile played across his lips. Avic tried to hold back his tears but one escaped anyway.

  "I don't think Traz will live through that." He gestured at the crowd that still hammered at the fallen wizard. It was a mess. Lord Braddock glanced that way then back to Avic, tightening a hand on his. Then he closed his eyes. Avic stayed with him beneath the still figures of his mother and sister. It was a long while before the crowd dispersed. Avic closed his ears against the cries of the wounded and the bereft.

  Chapter 24

  The few healers who had escaped Traz's short rule were now working harder than ever. The wounded were being moved out slowly to get the care they needed. Those who weren't hurt were helping. All except the youngest children and himself. Avic sat beside the still forms of his family, watching. Traz had been dead for some time, but none of the magic had reversed. Except the sky. The sun shone brightly outside now. It had cleared soon after they had removed Lord Braddock, treating his head wound. Traz had hit him with the flat of the blade, apparently serious about having a whole Braddock family set. Avic sighed, resting his chin on his knees and watching Whisper.

  He still hadn't moved. The green lightning swirled around him, not touching but not leaving either. Possibly a good thing as the crowd around them was still angry. The swirling lightning kept them back from him, and Avic was glad. But he had to admit he was at a loss as to what to do. The entire city was full of green statues, the whole working class. He hoped it was just their city and not the whole country. Whisper would probably know, but that too was hopeless. He was trapped in whatever spell Traz threw, maybe surviving only by keeping his concentration.

  Whisper sighed then, and Avic sat up straight as the assassin’s eyes flicked open.

  "Whisper?" He quickly crawled closer, though keeping his distance from the glowing swirl. Whisper shook his head slowly, meeting his gaze.

  "I've thought and I've thought. There is just no way out of it." Avic leaned in, trying to hear his soft voice.

  "There has to be a way! You can't stay there forever like that!" Whisper chuckled, though the mirth didn't reach his eyes.

  "Not that. I just keep it around for safety. No, I mean I have no choice but to undo the spells myself. Which irks me. Greatly."

  "You... you can undo this?" Avic leaped up, his heart pounding. "Then why haven't you undone it already?" Whisper scowled at him. Then, he looked away, shrugging as his ears drooped a little more.

  "I thought someone else might show up to do it." Avic looked at his friend as Whisper looked away. He couldn't tell if that were a truth or if Whisper were lying again.

  "I guess I could ride over to the next big city and find a wizard..." But Whisper was already shaking his head.

  "They don't have the time." He looked past Avic toward where Sylvia stood unmoving. "The longer they are in that state the more permanent it becomes. They'll be trapped for eternity like that." Avic worriedly studied his sister's face. As much as he wanted his family freed he couldn't shake the feeling Whisper wasn't saying something.

  "Whisper, what aren't you telling me? For once just trust me." He met Whisper's gaze, those dark eyes twinkling with stardust... He looked again. Yes, Whisper's eyes still boasted the power of the Dark Star. "The uh... uh..." Whisper smirked.

  "I’d like blue statues better."

  "That's not funny." Whisper smiled sadly, shrugging.

  "Katrin aren't meant to use magic. It... hurts. A lot. And there are other consequences." Avic wanted to comfort him in some way but gave up the attempt. If Whisper didn't make the sacrifice, the city's inhabitants were doomed. Whisper stood, drawing everyone's attention that was still in the room. Not all of it was friendly. "I'll have to walk through the city to reach the whole spell."

  Avic hurried after him as the few people around them scattered. The gasp behind him made him pause and turn. Standing together feeling each other were his mother and sister. They were laughing and crying at the same time. A heavy weight lifted from Avic's shoulders as he ran back to them. His mother bent to catch him as he threw his arms around her. He had a million things to say to them, not the least of which was to explain his stature.

  "Avic!" He turned to see Sylvia smiling behind him. "You were right. We should have planned better." They shared a laugh before she looked around questioningly. "Where's Whisper?" Avic looked too, but he was gone.

  Chapter 25

  The streets were crowded. Everyone was celebrating, which made it incredibly difficult to get anyplace. Sylvia and Avic dodged through the crowds having left their guards in the dust. The King had insisted they be escorted in their attempt to catch up with Whisper, but the guards found it far more difficult to run through the wild crowds than two skinny children. Sylvia finally called a stop, grabbing Avic's arm.

  "I have to catch up! He's in trouble I just know it! He said consequences... I have to be there for him!" She grabbed his shoulders, looking him in the eye.

  "We don't know which way he went." Avic couldn't help his despair as he looked around the crowded street. The music couldn't cheer him even as flags and bright banners were raised. That's when he remembered. When looking for Whisper they had to think like Whisper. His gaze was drawn upward.

  "The roof."

  "What?" He didn't stop to explain to her but ran across the busy street, leaping up on a barrel to reach the awning of a shop. From there a few windowsills and--after very scraped fingers from clutching rough bricks--he pulled himself to the rooftop. Breathing hard he rubbed his fingers while he looked around. Sylvia appeared beside him looking annoyed.

  "What--" He spotted it, pointing excitedly. Near the western wall was a glow. A large green glow heading toward the riverside. He was about to race in that direction when Sylvia snatched him again. "Would you wait a second! Traz was wrong, you know, I'm not useless!" That's when she pulled him off the roof.

  He screamed as the air rushed past him. It was like he was in the middle of a swirling kaleidoscope. He was getting sick when he finally hit the ground. He staggered to his feet, wondering what had just happened and almost fell off the dock. Sylvia grabbed him just in time. He looked around the western boatyard in wonder.

  "How did you do that?"

  Sylvia smiled smugly, tossing her braid over her shoulder.

  "A witch does not go on a trip like you dragged me on and not learn a few new tricks." Avic nodded looking around in excitement. The docks were basically empty though a few fishermen and a group of sailors stood frozen in their duties. Whisper would come here and-- Sylv
ia tugged at his sleeve, pointing down the boardwalk. Avic swallowed hard as he saw Whisper. He looked smaller than he remembered and very tired, the green lightning swirling in an ever-enlarging orb around him.

  A few tendrils of green shot past from behind them, leaving their victims to zip toward Whisper. The shouts of fear didn't attract Whisper's gaze as the few released from Traz's spell ran for cover. Whisper stood at the water's edge then, just staring out at the wide river. He was almost invisible behind the lightning. Avic bit his lip, wondering how he would react to their presence. Hopefully in a friendly manner. Then Whisper moved forward onto one of the sailing boats.

  "Wait!" Sylvia raced along the pier skidding to a stop beside Whisper. "Where are you going?" Avic almost flew off the slippery wood upon reaching her side. Whisper met his eyes with a sad gaze.

  "I have to... dispose of this." Avic's stomach did a flip.

  "Then just throw it in the sky or something! You don't have to leave!" Whisper's airy laugh brought back fond memories.

  "The Dark Star is what I must get rid of. I'm going to hide it where no one will ever find it again. And if they do, they'll regret it before anyone else will." The green lightning pulsed brighter for a moment and Whisper grimaced. He tugged the line loose and the small river craft moved away from the dock.

  "Wait! I'll come with!" He couldn't loose his friend. He couldn't!

  "I left Angel a note in your desk drawer. See she gets it, eh?" Avic didn't have time to get annoyed the man had been in his house again. He raced along the wood planks trying to catch up, but Whisper dropped the sail. Sylvia caught his arm as he debated jumping in. Whisper would wait for him if he did. But she held onto him, not allowing him to do so. A tingle went down his back and his legs got weak. Dropping to the ground he let himself pound the boards till his hands were too sore to continue.


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