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Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4]

Page 17

by Cooper, DJ

  He asked Ryan if he could see about helping them when they did arrive. Ryan said he would but warned he would want them quarantined until they knew they were free of Ebola.

  Matt looked surprised. ”Oh man, yeah, thanks. I hadn’t thought about that. We will have to work something out for their quarantine. Thanks for reminding me of it.”

  Ryan shook his hand and told him to have Arthur radio when they would be ready to pull out. Matt said he would and thanked him again.

  Chapter 21

  “Engagement “

  “Adversity is like a strong wind. I don’t mean just that it holds us back from places we might otherwise go. It also tears away for us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that afterward we see ourselves as we really are, and not merely as we might like to be.

  -Arthur Golden

  November 20th

  Thanksgiving Day. They wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving to move to the new location. While the ladies were preparing the meal the guys all joined for a traditional game of football. Things almost felt like any normal Thanksgiving.

  Toni had the children making decorations out of leaves, sticks, and other natural things that they gathered in the woods.

  Dez chatted with Tawny about her and Sam. “You two are sure spending a lot of time together.” Dez smiled at her and waited for some details.

  Tawny smiled and told her she really liked him and that he was good to Dylan, too. Dez hugged her friend and told her she was happy it was Sam. “Sam is a good guy. Matt has known him most of his life. Did you know a while back Sam actually went to Matt and asked him if we were ok with it?”

  Tawny looked at her in horror. Dez said, “What is IT?” Tawny blinked blankly and said, “Sam said he needed to talk to Matt about something today and he had a weird look on his face. Dez, do you think he is leaving?”

  Dez laughed at her and said, “I don’t think so, silly. He’s probably worried about the move is all.”

  Tawny relaxed. “Yeah, that is probably what it is.”

  While the guys were playing ball, Sam asked Matt to sit the next round out with him because he wanted to discuss something with him. Matt feigned his shoulder hurt and told the others to play while he and Sam sat this one out.

  Sam looked at Matt with a troubled look. “I need to ask you something.”

  Matt was concerned and put a hand on his shoulder. “Anything, buddy, you know that.”

  He sat picking at his cuticle and kicked the dirt around for a second and finally blurted out. “I want to ask Tawny to marry me.”

  Matt sat looking stunned for a second and Sam got nervous and said, “I know you probably think it is too soon right? I shouldn’t do it. Ugh, I’m sorry, I just love her and Dylan and I want to start a life together.

  Matt choked a bit on his words. “No, bud, that’s not it, you just surprised me is all. I didn’t think it was that serious between you two. I mean, we knew you were walking together and spending time over there, mainly because we kept finding Lynn on the sofa.” He chuckled a bit and continued, “But that’s awesome.”

  “You knew?”

  Matt laughed. “Of course! Dez and Tawny are best friends… how could we not know.” He laughed loudly, and continued, “I think it is great and so does Dez.”

  Sam looked kind of sad. “I don’t have a ring for her, though.”

  Matt told him not to worry about that and asked him when he wanted to ask her.

  Sam said, “Tonight at dinner I thought would be an appropriate time to do it while we are still in a relatively comfortable place and during a joyful day. I worry what things might be moving forward and I want her to know how I feel.”

  Matt patted his friend on the back and said it would be perfect. Sam was full of energy for the rest of the afternoon while Matt went in search of a ring. Sam was his best friend and he wanted to do something to help him out. He went up to Arthur’s place to invite him to dinner and see if he could reach Ryan. He explained that he needed a ring and why.

  Arthur got up and meandered across the room. “Don’t you worry about that old boy, I got the perfect ring right here.” He began to fish through an old jewelry box that had belonged to his wife. Arthur’s wife passed away some years ago and she had tons of jewelry. All this time he hadn’t the heart to get rid of it. “Ah ha!” he exclaimed. “Here it is.” He produced a beautiful diamond solitaire, holding it up for Matt to see. Matt gasped and said it was perfect. Arthur put it in a box and handed it to him.

  Matt looked down at the box. “I don’t know what I can give you to pay for this.”

  Arthur smiled and said, “Call it a wedding gift.”

  They both headed down to the house to show Sam the ring and get ready for some of what Matt called, “Good grub, good times and good folks.”

  When Arthur and Matt arrived at the house, they were all glad to see Arthur and cheered at his arrival, to which he bellowed out, “I’ve come for the grub.”

  Everyone laughed and they all went inside to eat.

  Sam was fidgety all through the meal and Matt kept kicking him under the table, nodding for him to get on with it.

  Sam stood up and said, “I would like to make a toast!” With glasses raised, everyone cheered as he spoke. “To family!”

  Glasses were brought together, making a “clink” sound, and everyone recited, “To family.”

  Sam walked over next to Tawny and took the traditional stance on one knee. He produced the ring and said, “Tawny, I love you… With all my family here to witness I need to ask… will you marry me?”

  Matt elbowed Arthur. “Not much for words, is he?”

  Arthur smiled, saying. “It’ll do.”

  Tawny was in shock and sat silently with her mouth agape. Everyone yelled, “Well?”

  She started to cry and looked at Sam and said, “I do love you. Yes, I will marry you.”

  Sam grabbed her and gave her a big kiss as Matt raised his glass and said, “To Sam and Tawny.” They all responded, “Sam and Tawny.”

  While the movie was playing and everyone was chatting about a wedding, Sam approached Arthur and thanked him. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you for this.”

  Arthur just shook his hand and said, “My wife would have approved.” Turning to go he smiled at him with a touch of nostalgia in his tone said, “I hope it brings you many happy long years like my wife and I shared before she passed.”

  That next morning was moving day. Ryan sent four trucks, each with two guys and thirty gallons of extra fuel for the group.

  Janice and Rebecca cooked up a hearty breakfast on the Coleman stoves with eggs, pancakes, fried potatoes, and fried spam. The odor of the meal drifted out into the yard and brought Jeremy and Connor into the barn to investigate.

  Smiling from ear to ear Jeremy said, “Ladies, that is about the most delicious thing I have ever smelled. What are you two whipping up now?’

  Janice shooed him from the stove said, “Git yer grubby mitts outta my cookin’ or you’ll get the wooden spoon.”

  Jeremy laughed and pretended to steal a tidbit. “Is it almost ready? I can’t stand it! I’m going to starve to death.”

  Janice told him to go ring the bell for breakfast and wash them grubby mitts of his.

  Laughing, he pecked her on the cheek. “Yes, ma’am.”

  After breakfast, they packed up everything they felt they would need or might come in handy and even some stuff Dez said was “just because.” They got right to picking up the bedding and then took down the TV and tables from the night before, loading it all up right off. Matt and Dez were walking around the property checking everything and having a last look.

  Dez said, “I knew we would eventually move there but it’s kind of sad leaving here.”

  Matt hugged her and assured her everything would be alright. Once they were loaded into the vehicles and they began the trip, they would leave all they had come to cherish behind. Looking forward, everyone was feeling determined and now they set
their sights on getting established on the property. What would normally be an hour drive would now take them all day.

  Many of the roads were blocked and some areas had to be avoided entirely. Arthur radioed ahead to Cory, who was another ham over in that area, that they could be expecting them. There were several roadblocks they had to navigate to get there. With the militia guys alongside them, Ryan said that they should have no problems crossing through these roadblocks or the towns. Prepared to leave, the group finally set out for what was to be their new home.

  Chapter 22

  “New Home”

  “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

  -T.S. Elliot

  They arrived as the sun began its descent into dusk. It was too late that night to try and set up or unpack so they choose to make a campfire by the creek and camp there until morning. They would cross the creek tomorrow and things anew would begin.

  The men Ryan sent with them kept the night watch so the weary group could rest. Most were exhausted and fell asleep within minutes.

  Jeremy remained awake for a time considering how things would be now. Looking to Destiny he found she was still awake. “Mom, I don’t know what it is but something is nagging at me. I feel like something is wrong but I can’t exactly say what.”

  Dez, with a troubled tone, nodded to him and said, “Me, too, bud. What’s worse is Arthur told me before he left to keep it secret but to watch my back.”

  Jeremy, with a raised whisper said, “What? Why?”

  “Shhhh. He told me there was something up with the group coming from the north. Matt had asked a few times to have a private conversation with someone named Morgan.”

  Jeremy asked. “Who’s Morgan?”

  “I don’t know but Arthur said Matt had a strange look. He told me he didn’t like it but didn’t know why either. But one reason was that he did hear my name mentioned.”

  “I got your back, Ma.”

  Dez reached out and touched his arm. “I know you do and ever since you were eight years old you’ve been the man of the family.” She smiled at him, “I love you, Spud.” Then she giggled.

  Jeremy hated being called Spud and huffed as he flipped her the bird and rolled over. They both laughed quietly for a few minutes then drifted to sleep.

  The morning was chilly for a Kentucky November. There was a decent frost on the ground. It immediately made Matt worry about everything ranging from the kids to how they would fare over the winter.

  Dez walked up to him, bringing his morning coffee and he smiled. “At least some things are still normal.”

  Dez laughed at him. “Spoiled.” Sipping her own cup she asked, “So dear, what’s the plan?”

  Matt shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Get everything and everyone over to the barn?”

  She smacked his arm. “Smart ass.”

  He winked. “I was just thinking about it and I’m not sure the box truck will make it across by itself, so I think we need to get the other vehicles over first.” She nodded as he sighed, “We may end up having to unload it into the pickups and then bring it over empty.”

  She asked, “Can’t we just leave it on this side?”

  He shook his head no, “First, it shines like a beacon screaming someone’s here, but second it can be used as housing or something. I was trying to think how we would quarantine others that come and that might make a good space for it.”

  Dez looked thoughtful, “At least it would be some shelter and could be separate from the group until we were sure they are fine.” She then poked him and told him to come over to the fire because Janice was whipping up some eggs and Spam they had kept in a separate box for the move.

  “Be there in a minute.”

  She snickered as she walked back, whispering to herself. “If I’d said bacon he would be first in line.”

  He heard and just laughed but followed her.

  They spent the morning hauling supplies across the creek. Matt was right about how the box truck wouldn’t make it. After they unloaded the other trucks they hooked a tow strap to it and were able to get it to go up the other side.

  Once it made it to the other side, Sam sighed. “Man, I’m glad it just needed a little help. I was not looking forward to unloading it into the trucks just to unload them again.”

  Janice, Rebecca, and Sarah worked their magic on the little camp stove and made a delicious stew for lunch. Tawny had everyone amazed with biscuits she’d made in what she called a solar oven. Everyone wanted to know how in the world she could cook biscuits with some tin foil.

  She rolled her eyes but told them it required a little bit more than tinfoil. She went on to explain that the sun’s rays are much stronger than they think.

  She said “I simply cut a flap in the top of a box and covered the four interior sides with aluminum foil. I made it black on the outside and inside bottom. Then I covered the top flap with foil and used it to aim the sun into the oven. Once you get the biscuits in there and cover it with the plastic, it heats up from the rays of the sun, and voila it works just like an oven. Easy peasy.”

  Nonetheless, Tawny was the hero of the lunch table and they toasted her for making them biscuits to go with their stew.

  The barn was big. It was forty feet by forty feet with a sizeable loft above. It was interesting because it had a steep roof that held a smaller short loft above the main loft making a small third floor. Dez, Matt, and their families, including Jeremy, Toni, Charleigh, Conner, and Ariel used the main loft for sleeping quarters. Sam, Tawny and Dylan bunked above them in the smaller loft.

  The ground floor was where the others had set up each their own small living space. Some even used tents as bedrooms. The kids loved the tents and seeing this Rebecca made one of the larger ones a sort of play room for them.

  It was tight but not unbearable and the two wood stoves kept the barn warm. One stove was already set up in the area Janice had cordoned off as the kitchen. The other one was being set up, thanks to Frank and Connor, in the family area. By midday it made for a very comfortable atmosphere and was already warming up.

  Ryan’s militia guys opted to hang out for the day just to make sure they would be fine and Janice wasted no time in putting them to work. Cameron and Astrid went up the hillside to explore and collected a few buckets of coal and stacked some wood for the fires. Everyone was involved with the task of making the barn cozy. Herb had Jeremy set out the solar panels to charge the batteries and Sam stood waist high in a hole he was digging for an outhouse. Matt was irritated that he’d drawn babysitting duty with Dez, but found he was enjoying the peaceful afternoon for the first time since the madness began.

  When it was time for the evening meal they all entered the barn and were shocked that it looked like a veritable paradise compared to what it was. There were sleeping areas with beds and tents and a REAL living room area with the sofas that they’d brought. A game table sat in the corner for the kids and was already filled with happy faces. Janice had Jeremy fashion temporary cabinets, and from the two dressers she insisted on they had a nice counter. Alongside it was one of the sinks that was hooked up to a pipe that drained outside into a large barrel, and a small shelf above it held a 5-gallon jug of water.

  The outhouse was little more than a tarp shelter over the hole Sam dug but it was decent enough until they could finish the rest of the building. Herb had already sat most of the kids in front of the TV with some old cartoon DVD to wait for dinner.

  Matt was amazed at what this group could do in a single day. Dez walked up and said, “I feel encouraged by this.” They stood beaming with a burst of pride for these people they called friends and family.

  That night Matt, Jeremy, Frank and Sam each took a watch and insisted the militia guys get some shut-eye on the sofas.

  “Ryan will be pissed if I send you guys back worked to death and exhausted.” Matt laughed.

  They l
aughed and thanked them for the hospitality.

  Chapter 23

  “Arrival of loved ones.”

  “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”

  -John Dewey

  Over the next couple of days they managed to build a proper outhouse and set up the shower area, one like they’d done in the mess hall. They had the chicken coop put together and found that the small farm was overall quite comfortable.

  December 10th

  Matt was awakened by a crackle on the walkie and he groggily leaned over to the annoyance as if to hit the snooze button. But realizing it was an alert he reached to respond to Sam, who was on watch at the entrance. “Matt, Matt… you there, buddy?”

  Matt sleepily responded, “Yeah, Sam, what’s up?”

  Sam laughingly said,, “Rise and shine theah princess, we got company.”

  Matt, suddenly very awake, jerked himself out of bed. “Who is it? Is everything ok?”

  Sam responded, “Relax theah cupcake, it’s Ryan and Cory. They’re on their way over to talk to you and will be there in five.”

  Matt thanked him and started crawling down the ladder. Turning to go to the kitchen area he found his coffee ready for him sitting on the table next to Dez.

  She smiled up at him. “Good morning.”

  He reached for the cup and kissed her, saying, “We have company.”

  Ryan and Cory were outside the barn even as Matt exited. “Go on in and grab some coffee and I’ll be right back.” Waving his hand at them he meandered over to the outhouse.

  Dez grabbed some cups when they entered. “Have a seat in the parlor, won’t you?” She smiled sweetly while motioning them into the room as though she were seating them for fine dining.

  Moving into the area set up with the sofas and game table, Cory looked around the barn. “Impressive.”


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