Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4]
Page 49
Joshua punched a hole in the bottom of the gas tank with a screwdriver and hammer, and the gas streamed into the funnel, through the hose and right into our tank. What was in the car filled our tank and was still coming out. The rest was put into one of the empty five-gallon water jugs.
Rich and Doc looked at the maps to try and figure out where we would need to be to meet Lia’s parents. We would not be returning to the highway, and the new maps from the garage helped them sort it out because they were some of the local town maps with all the small roads on them. Rich said, “I can’t believe how much we’ve relied on technology.”
Doc agreed, “When everything began to go bad, I couldn’t even remember my wife’s phone number.”
Rich nodded slightly with pursed lips before saying, “A lesson learned too late. To keep these things on hard copy or memorize numbers. Does anyone even remember what an address book looked like?”
We all laughed a little, but it was not a laugh that indicated something was funny, but more at our own lack of foresight. We would be using the radio again that might offer some an opportunity to triangulate on our location. At least this is what Rich feared would happen so we held off on doing that until we were sure everything was ready to go. Our new plan was to try and navigate more at night so we would be less obvious. For now we sat talking about the ones we’d lost and the journey ahead.
At dusk we were all packed and waiting for directions we sat anxiously in the truck. Rich keyed the mic three times and waited. There was a long pause, and we heard nothing in response to our signal. Doc said, “Do you think the signal is not getting out of the building strong enough? It does have a metal roof and block walls.”
Rich said, “I really don’t know that much about them, but we do know the general direction and at least the first few hours’ worth of travel directions from the map. I say we head out and try again in an hour.”
Doc nodded in agreement and Joshua jumped out of the rear passenger side to operate the garage door. I sat in the back with one of the guns we’d appropriated from the gang on the driver’s side watching out the window while Doc was in the front passenger window with another. After we exited he closed the door to the garage and opened the door leaping back into the seat, poising himself shotgun in the rear, Lia had one of the 9.mm handguns watching out the rear slider window while Rich had the other in his lap. We felt as ready as we were going to be, cautiously exiting the small auto repair shop driveway we edged out onto the road scanning every direction.
Once we got on the road, it was evident that there was little around us by way of human occupation. Most homes had been burned out, a continuation of a theme we noted the moment we exited the highway.
In reality, the trip was going fairly easily, even though travel was slow. At every turn, it seemed something blocked our path. Rich said that he thought it felt as though it was no accident that the roads were inaccessible. Stopping at an abandoned amusement park, we looked at the maps again. The way the roads had been blocked appeared to be less and less random. We saw on the map that there were fairgrounds a few miles up the road. Rich asked Doc if he thought it might be a location of another camp. Doc grabbed the case and looked at the map that listed some of the camps and said he found none in this area. Curious but not wishing to be herded into one of them we moved one of the obstacles. It was a couple of cars parked on the road. Made to look like an accident they were crushed and would not move by pushing.
Both needed to be moved like a gate in the middle of the road. Rich attached one end of the come along to a telephone pole and the other under the front of the car. He started pulling the handle that would wind up the cable drawing the car closer to the pole. In the meantime, Joshua was not nearly as careful with his auto moving. He put the jack under the front of the car; then he jacked it as high as it would go, lifting both front tires off the ground a good six inches. Walking around to the opposite side he kicked it. The car wobbled on the jack but did not fall. Again he kicked it harder this time and still, it wobbled but did not fall. He backed up and ran at the car the very moment Lia decided to help him, and the jack toppled moving the front of the car about a foot and a half. Letting the jack down he repeated the process until both cars had moved far enough apart to drive the truck through. They repeated the process to return the cars to their previous positions in hopes of hiding our exit from the funnel into the fairgrounds.
The road took us up on a hillside where we stopped at a vantage point that would allow observation of the camp. It was clearly one of the camps like the one we’d left. Nudging Rich, I said, “We can’t leave those people there. They will kill them.”
Rich looked at me like I was crazy saying, “What do you think? Us five with a few guns and a couple rounds are going to storm the camp and help them escape. When… in all likelihood the occupants don’t even realize they need to?”
His sarcasm made me angry, and I growled at him, “I don’t know what, or if there is anything we can do. But, we could at least have a look to see if there is anything we can to do to help them.” Storming back to the truck I scowled again saying to no one in particular, “Men, always treating the woman like she can’t do anything.” Looking back I shouted, Right?” Climbing into the truck, I opened a can of Pepsi and sat grumbling and cursing under my breath, sipping on the sweet fizzy liquid.
Rich came running over to the truck and leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head saying, “NO, never mind trying to schmooze me with smooches.” That alone was enough to make us both laugh. He said he was sorry and that he had an idea. He grabbed the walkie and keyed it three times. Immediately we heard the response. Rich ran back to Doc and started talking to him. From our perch on the hilltop, we were able to see most of the camp workings.
Walking over to the others I heard Rich say, “Gotcha, till then. Over and out.”
Rich turned to go to the truck and saw me, he stopped and said, “Looks like you might get your wish. Let’s go.”
We all climbed into the truck, yet I was the only one that that no idea what was going on. Rich filled me in on the plan. We would be meeting the others tomorrow and were to hold up someplace safe for the night.
On the other side of the hill were many offices and industrial areas. Rich thought these might afford us some level of cover. Finding a building with a parking garage, we a spot with a number of cars parked. It was in the back and would afford cover for the truck, there was a stairway that led to a pedestrian bridge on the next level. We crossed the bridge cautiously, crouching below the walls to not be seen. Once inside the offices on the other side we found that this was a medical office park. One of the first offices we opened was that of a pediatrician. Amazingly enough, there was all manner of medical supplies and samples available. These offices had not been touched.
We gathered some things in this office and many others filling two duffle bags full of things like meds, sutures, ace bandages, splints, stethoscopes and a blood pressure cuff. Each office had a closet full of sample medications. Anything from antibiotics to muscle relaxers and what Rich called attitude pills. Also known as Prozac and Lexapro. Some we had no idea what they were while we knew the normal things we also found like Prednisone. Another good thing we found was some inhalers for asthma and all the Band-Aids we could carry. Many offices had sofas, and some had blankets, many exam rooms had pillows too. This particular office park had a small cafeteria in the basement where there were cans of food, dry goods, and many good stainless steel utensils. We found a whole case of Sterno fuel and some of the heating pans. We camped in an office where we could see the truck from the doctor’s office but could have lights and be able to heat the food unnoticed in the back. We moved in some sofas to sleep on and although it was only mid-day we began taking sleep shifts always two up to keep watch. We’d not slept the night before, and everyone was tired. Two-hour shifts to start was outlined. Doc and Rich watched for the first two hours each person would wake another after two hours.
c was clearly exhausted and after two hours woke me. I was so happy to have some alone time with Rich again. Even if we were keeping a watch out the windows. It was good to feel his arm around my waist, the gentle way he would pull me into him gave me a feeling of safety. After two hours it was his turn to go sleep, I urged him to go, but he refused saying, “I want to stay with you a little while longer.”
I had to be firm and said, “You go and lie down, send Lia. I will come and lie with you in a mere two hours’ time.” It was with a childlike pout I shoved him into the back office and went back to watching out the windows. After a few minutes, Lia came into the office carrying two cups of coffee and squinting at the sunlight. The almost skunky aroma alone was intoxicating. Sipping the hot dark liquid was exquisite after so many days without. Looking at her I said, “This is one thing this messed up society has such an abundance of I’m pretty sure that, if nothing else, we will be all set in the coffee department.”
Giggling a little she sipped her own cup, and although she seemed to appreciate it; she did not have the look of pure satisfaction I was sure that I showed. Watching out the windows was fairly uneventful. The highlight of the shift was when we saw a deer in the field across the street. We did get a little time for girl talk where she was all manner of shy at first. After a bit, she smiled shyly saying, “Do you think Joshua is cute?”
I smiled at her and said, “I think he is quite the handsome young man.”
She was giddy saying, “I think so too.” Gasping and turning to me she asked, “Do you think he might like me too?”
I found the interaction refreshing, mainly because lately, I’d also found myself feeling much like this giddy teenager. Smiling to myself and thinking about Rich, I said, “Well, it is nearly time for me to wake Joshua. You will have a couple of hours to chat with him.”
She coyly said, “I’m nervous about it, I’ve never had any time alone with him. What will we talk about?”
Softly touching her arm, I said, “I’m sure you’ll find something to talk about. You could try offering to make some coffee or getting a snack to share. Honey, I would avoid anything relating to his family though.”
Touching my hand that was on her arm, she replied, “Thank you.”
I hugged her and whispered, “Just be you. That would be the best thing to do.”
She sat quietly while I gathered myself to join Rich in some very welcome sleep. Heading for the office door, I said, “I’ll send Joshua directly.” Winking at her, I quietly headed to the back office.
Joshua was already awake, sitting on the desk fiddling with some papers when I walked in. I could see why Lia was so infatuated with him. He was tall and husky, but not heavy, with shoulder-length brown hair, he kept haphazardly tied back. I cleared my throat, and he looked up at me, with intense dark brown eyes. I gave him a slight nod, tilting my head in the direction of the door. He acknowledged it and hopped off the desk, nodding as he went by.
Climbing onto the sofa with Rich, he instinctively wrapped his arms around me. The feeling was comforting as I lay there drifting off to sleep in his arms.
I didn’t know the time, nor how long I’d been asleep when Joshua woke Rich for his next shift. If our shift change schedule was correct, it had been four straight hours since I’d joined him on this sofa. The rotation was actually clever because each of us would have six full hours between our four-hour shifts. Every two hours a new set of eyes and conversation or updates would keep each of us more focused.
Time seemed to pass in an instant and Doc was waking me. Walking into the office, I was shocked at how dark it was. I could see the silhouette of Rich standing by the window when I walked further into the office. He put his hand up for me to stop and I froze. He slowly lowered his hand motioning me to slowly get lower. I crouched behind the desk as he lowered himself. It was so slow the movement was almost imperceptible.
He crawled in my direction and said, “I need you to crawl into the back office, wake the others. Tell them not to make noise or open the door, but to pack up. No lantern, only minimal flashlights. There are men outside in the parking garage. I don’t know if they have night vision, but even the slightest light would be like a flash and seen instantly. Let them know to be quick and to tap on the door three times when ready. This door will be locked just to make sure, we will use the hallway.” I sat staring at him as if waiting for more. He nudged me saying, “Hurry, go now and come right back. Remember, no lights if possible and use the second door into the hallway to go to the back. Knock three times when you are here, and I will let you in. Make sure there is no light. NONE!”
Nodding half in acknowledgment and half out of fear I hurried to do as he had asked. Once into the office I first woke Doc, who had barely gone to sleep then, Joshua and Lia. I told Doc what Rich said to do, and he hopped up handing me the Rifle and two extra magazines. He scooted me out the door and told me to tell Rich they would tap on the door between the offices with three taps a pause and three more when they were ready. They would then not use any lights, and would only use the hallway while waiting for his report.
Feeling my way down the short hallway, I returned to the office door and tapped three times. Standing there waiting for Rich, I was sure I’d heard something. Listening hard I strained to hear anything. Rich opened the door, and I reached out to him, putting my finger to quiet any speech. A small amount of light was coming through the windows illuminating us. I pointed down the hallway and put my hand to my ear to listen. “Clang,” there it was. Rich pulled me into the office and closed the door quietly. He asked me if they were ready, I told him the signal Doc said he would use when they were. He looked around the room whispering, “We don’t have that kind of time.” He then tapped lightly on the office door three taps, pause, three taps… he waited, no reply. Again, three taps, pause, three taps. Becoming agitated he was about to tap again when we heard the faint tapping in reply.
Rich cautiously opened the door saying, “We need to move. Quickly, we need to reset the room to look as normal as possible. No sound, Then we will head out through the back offices.
Everyone moved quickly and silently. As we entered the back offices beyond the exam rooms, I saw a light in the hallway flashing around. Silently closing the door, we made our way out of that area.
Those that were walking through the complex were not loud but also not exactly stealthy either. Flashlights beaming and quiet chatter along with clinking gear and door closing would tell us exactly where they were. We had to exit the building on the opposite side of the garage where the truck was parked. Creeping around the building in the shrubs offered us cover until we were just across from where the truck was. A man was on the catwalk to the garage, and another was in the doorway.
Rich backed us all up and began looking around the area. Across the parking lot to the strip mall, a small hill with a wooded area caught his eye. He motioned to it, and we quietly moved one at a time, crouching down behind one car, and then on to the next. While crouched behind a car waiting for the others to cross into the woods, Rich pulled a small round metal ball from his pocket and set it on the ground. Watching it a moment it slowly began to roll. He snatched it up and put it back in his pocket, grabbing my arm we were sprinting for the woods. Once we’d made it to the woods, Rich told us to follow the edge of the parking lot to where the road met the complex and wait. He was going for the truck. Horrified, I said, “We don’t need it, please don’t.”
He looked at me and said, “It’ll be ok, this is not my first rodeo.”
I began to cry, saying, “Please, Rich. No.”
Doc came over and held me by the shoulders saying, “Come on Missy, let's get a move on. We need to be there and ready to jump in when he gets to us.
He knew I would react to being called Missy. I glared at him, and he nodded with raised eyebrows.
Before I could finish objecting Rich was already three cars back towards the parking structure with a door to a car open. Hurriedly grabbing our stuff along
with Rich’s pack we set a quick pace for the meeting spot. Looking back across the lot I could no longer see Rich. Tears flowed freely as I trotted through the woods. I was sure this night would go badly, not only for Rich but also for myself. Without him, I know, I would have died that day I’d stumbled into camp.
Just about the time we reached the area we targeted for pickup, there was a loud crash from the parking lot. Looking back I could see a car on the far end had rolled into another. The men on the catwalk from the garage to the building were sprinting across the lot to investigate. I don’t know how but Rich was already in the truck and pulling out of the garage before they even got to the crashed car.
Rich pulled up, and we all leaped from the hillside into the back of the truck. Without even a pause, we’d turned the corner and were out of sight of the building. A few minutes’ drive and we were residential. Driving into an ally and then into an unfenced backyard. He parked the truck. All of us instantly clamoring out of the truck, I jumped from the back right into his arms. I was happy and angry at the same time.
Chapter 11
“Finding Hope”
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
-Helen Keller
Keying the mic on the radio the usual three times, got an immediate response.
“Location, over.”
Raising his eyebrows, and looking around quickly before responding. He pressed the key, saying, “In the area, last noted, over.”