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Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4]

Page 55

by Cooper, DJ

  He whispered, “I’ve got you now.”

  He fired a single shot hitting the shooter dead center in his chest, in the dim light he could see him crumble. Changing his sights to another man, a mere few feet away from the first. He took aim and fired again and missed. Cursing, he continued this exercise of watch the flash and sight, worrying that each time the flash of the barrel could mean another dead or injured friend.

  The shots soon became fewer, the fighting subsided and eventually stopped. The gang once again retreated, question was… for how long? The sky was lightening in the east, signaling daybreak was imminent and would soon be upon them. A time to see to the wounded and take care of their dead. This time would soon come to be known as “Our Darkest Day.”

  Chapter 3

  “The new reality”

  “War demands sacrifice of the people. It gives only suffering in return.”

  -Frederick Clemson Howe

  The morning brought sadness to those at the farm as the realization of the loss of their friends sank in. Each facing the fact that it was all too real. The stories their friends brought off the road were even more than anyone imagined. Melinda killed, and still laid as she had fallen. Her lifeless body in an unnatural position, strewn across the ground half way out of the trench. A pool of blood lay beside her head, where her still open eyes stared blankly into the group gathering around her. Loel approached, he wanted to bring her to the barn. Looking at her lifeless body he observed how she’d fallen, with her gun still slung across her back. Glancing quickly to John and back to the place where she lay. “She didn’t even get to fire the rifle.”

  Lynn and Amanda were also killed while trying to get the goats under cover. One of the goats was shot and lay dying in the pen. Janice came out from the barn, an elderly woman who would remind a person of Aunt Bee from that old show about a town called Mayberry. Carrying the long butcher knife, she casually ended its life by slicing its throat. Looking up she could see Kimmie and Renee grimacing at her. She didn’t know them, they were Matt’s family from the north, but she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like them.

  She stood there looking at them, shaking her head, goats blood dripping from her hand and the knife. “Would you rather I just let it suffer?”

  The two looked at one another. Pointing her finger at her open mouth, Kimmie made a gagging sound. Half laughing, they turned and went back to the barn. Janice just scoffed and mumbled obscenities as she set to the task of hanging the goat for butchering.

  Another busy day lay ahead, but this time it would involve the unpleasant task of digging graves. Cameron and Frank were already at the farm and John called on them for help with the unpleasant task. They somberly took on the task; while Laurie cleaned up the girls for burial as best she could. Washing them for a proper viewing. Sewing the canvas only to mid chest she said they were ready. The dead were laid on the ground beside each grave to allow for the others to say their goodbyes. The scent of lavender could be detected when drawing near. Laurie carefully combed their hair and added more lavender, they were now ready. There were no flowers for their graves as they were on winter’s doorstep. The others came over to say goodbye. Some had tears others were simply still in shock.

  Sam came up to them and asked to talk to John. Nodding he handed the shovel over to Cameron and climbed up to talk to him.

  Sam looked worried and said, “Did you notice all of our casualties were female?”

  John nodded saying, “I did notice that. Do you think there’s a reason?”

  Sam replied, “I dunno, just seemed strange.”

  John looked about, thinking, and said, “I think it is just statistics.”

  Sam tilted his head in confusion saying, “Statistics?”

  “Yea, there are more women and children than there are men.”

  Sam’s brow furrowed, thoughtful he replied, “That’s true but I don’t think that’s the reason.”

  “You have another thought?”

  “Yes, yes I do.”

  John waited a moment then said, “Well, let’s have it.”

  Sam stammered, “Yea, right, sorry… I think that most of the women and children are not trained well enough.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Sam looked down sadly saying, “I watched Melinda get hit.”

  “You did?”

  “I did, and I think it’s because she didn’t know proper procedures for times when under fire. She popped right out of the hole to take aim on a shooter instead of maintaining cover. They know how to shoot the gun, which we taught them for hunting. They’re not trained in warfare. She wasn’t aware of her surroundings. I’m not sure they should be in the trench like that.”

  John said, “You may have a point there, let’s address it at lunch. This changes things, we may need to rethink our defenses.”

  Sam agreed and started to walk away when John called out to him, “Hey Sam.”

  Sam turned and said, “Yea?”

  “I have a question for you.”

  “Whatcha need?”

  John sighed as he replied, “It’s Matt… What do you think?”

  Sam started walking back towards him. “Honestly? I don’t know what to think.”

  He looked down shaking his head as he continued. “I’ve seen him run right into the line of fire to save Dez, without regard for his own life. But on the other hand, he kept pushing her to add him to the deed for this place. I don’t really know anymore.”

  John nodded and said, “We’ve been friends for years and he won’t even talk to me.”

  Sam replied, “This is a tough one and we are gonna have to see how it plays out. I do know from Tawny, that Dez has a will, and everything belongs to Jeremy and Charleigh, with a contingency clause that names Ariel in the event they can’t take possession.”

  John asked, “Do you think he was trying to get the land?”

  Sam said, “I really don’t know, but there is more than just the land, I guess. Tawny doesn’t, and never has trusted him. She says he’s good with Dylan and stuff. But she also told me that she can’t quite put her finger on it but feels like everything is a con game with him.”

  John said, “Yea, Matt is always trying to finagle something. I just never thought he would stoop to this. I just don’t know what to think anymore.”

  Sam replied, “Well, he shot your ole’ lady there guy, I don’t think I would trust him much if I were you either.”

  John said, “I know, we’ve been friends since middle school. I can’t believe he could do something like that. I just don’t get it.”

  “Hey, maybe it was just… just an accident.”

  “I thought about that, but then why will he not discuss Morgan or anything at all? I feel like I don’t even know him anymore.”

  Sam nodded and shrugged. He turned to go, leaving John to get back to the grave digging.

  Three holes were dug and once the canvas was sewn to cover their faces, a body was placed in each pit. There were no coffins or fancy show, they were buried with the clothes they died in. Faces washed and hands folded, neatly tucked in a cocoon, they were laid to rest. A small service was held before the lunch meal. None of the children were permitted to leave the barn for any reason, they would not be attending the small funeral.

  After some words from Danny and Tawny, the bodies were covered. Small, hand lashed, wooden crosses were set into the ground, each with a name carved into it. Sam assured everyone better markers would be made, but for now this would have to do. The lunch meal was quiet, at first no one spoke.

  Mark got up and headed for the stove to add some wood, it was cold this December afternoon. After he returned to his seat, John asked him, and a few others to meet with him in the box truck out front. It was a space that was now used as another room for smokers and meetings; something just to keep them out of the elements. All agreed and headed out to the truck after the meal.

  At the gathering John stood and began to speak to the group saying, “We nee
d to talk about Matt.”

  Some murmuring preceded Mark, who said, “I am pained by this development in things, but wonder if I should sit this out,”

  “Why is that?”

  “He is, after all, my son.”

  John with a softer tone said, “Precisely, I don’t want us to not see him for who we all knew him as. I don’t know what is going on but I think you will help us keep a clear path on this.”

  Mark nodded and sat down just as Tawny stood to speak saying, “I think we should keep him on some kind of house arrest until we find out about Dez’s condition. See if she and the kids want to have a say in this.”

  Sam put his hand up saying, “I agree with that. We haven’t really seen anything from him except that he shot Amy. I think most of us would prefer to believe it was an accident. I, honestly, would have let that go if he would have cooperated with talking to you John.”

  John nodded and said, “That is also my biggest concern. Any other thoughts?” He called out.

  Loel put his hand up to be heard and waited for John to acknowledge him, then said, “With all that we have going on, who will guard him?”

  Frank nodded in agreement as Toni stood up saying, “How about we don’t and just keep an eye on him. Right now we don’t really have anything to base a house arrest on. Keep him assigned to a task in the rear and just watch his actions. Maybe he didn’t realize who he fired at or even what was going on.”

  Danny and Connor both nodded, jumping when Janice appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. At the opening to the back of the truck, she spoke, “There is coffee in the barn and I agree with Toni, there is no reason to treat him like a criminal… YET. Once we start down the path of guilty until proven innocent we are no different than the old government.” She emphasized the yet, but was clear in her look, it was a look of resolve on the matter. It was voted on and the result was, that Matt would walk about free among them, but would be closely watched.

  Something still felt off to John, he couldn’t put his finger on it, but Matt was different, and not in a good way. John looked to Sam and Roger saying, “Something is very wrong in what is going on with Matt. I’ve known him for years and if there is one thing I can tell you, it’s that he is up to something. We haven’t always seen eye to eye on some things, but I never thought he would stoop to something this low.”

  Nodding, Sam agreed and said, “Roger was telling me his sister and mother were disagreeable on the trip.”

  “That’s another thing,” John said with a confused tone. “I’ve known Renee for years and I know she can be catty, sneaky and conniving. Mark tells me all the time about her and Kimmie, and how it drives him nuts they are so fake. But I have never known either of them to be outright disagreeable and adversarial like they were on the road.”

  Sam replied, “Was there anything in their actions that might shed some light on what is going on with Matt. I’ve known him for some time and this is very odd behavior.”

  John said, “I’m not sure, we have had a lot of betrayal going on… and right about now? I don’t know who I can trust in that family.”

  Sam caught sight of Tawny and waved her over saying, “Tawny, come here for a minute.”

  Tawny looked Sam’s way and put up her hand in a half wave showing she would come momentarily.

  Sam looked at John saying, “I want to see what her take is on all this.”

  Tawny came up to the two of them and listened to John explain what he had just told Sam. The two of them asked what she thought of the whole thing.

  She cleared her throat, saying, “I know things most don’t.”

  John tilted his head in confusion, saying, “What does that mean?”

  Tawny sighed, saying, “This is between us for now. Agreed?”

  They both nodded as she continued, “Sam, you know, but John you don’t. Dez and I have been friends for many years, I was named as guardian of her kids when they were minors in her will, that’s just to give you an idea of how long. She came to me about three months ago and told me she thought something was wrong. She worried about her will and updated it. The kids no longer needed a guardian, but she wanted to make sure their interests were preserved.”

  John asked, “Does this have something to do with Matt?”

  Tawny said, “Yes, as a matter of fact it does. The reason she changed things is because of him, she felt like he was trying to gain control of her assets. He tried to push marriage at first, but she wouldn’t have it. His last attempt was to push a contingency plan by her attorney before the problems but, she’d already put it all in a trust. The attorney contacted her two days before everything went bad about what Matt had wanted the attorney to do. I feel like he’s been trying to swindle her and I think she felt the same.”

  John asked, “What should we do then?”

  “I’m not exactly sure.”

  Sam said, “I have an idea.”

  John looking over to him asked, “What’s that?”

  “At the evening meal, someone bring up what will happen to this place and all of us if Dez doesn’t make it.”

  Tawny looked at him, shocked, saying angrily, “What? That’s not even cool.”

  John said, “Wait, he could have a good idea here.”

  Sam continued, “My thought here is to watch Matt.”

  Looking at Tawny he asked, “Do you know where the trust papers are?”

  Tawny replied, “Yeah, I’m one of the executors. I have my own copy.”

  Sam pursed his lips saying, “Good, I have a feeling we are gonna need them.”

  The plan was set, John would ask the question while Tawny was out of the barn, presumably to use the outhouse. They would hope for discussion to begin and wait to see what Matt did. After a bit of time Tawny would come in and catching the conversation, reassure everyone things would be ok. At some point she would reveal the trust set up Jeremy, Charleigh and Ariel and see how it went. If any questions arose be raised about their age she would reveal she too was an executor. This was put in place by Dez, in the event Jeremy and Charleigh were unable to execute the will and trust to ensure it remained with the family through Ariel.

  Tawny assured them, “There is a clear line of succession that would ensure he would never gain interest. In the event there is no one available, it will pass to the Christian church in town to aid with homeless. She never did tell me what caused her to make the changes, just that he would never get it. I think she was more interested in the other things in the trust. The farm wasn’t the biggest investment, just a little piece of land, but now it seems that it was the best one.”

  Chapter 4

  “A new day”

  “Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day.”

  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  The doctor rounded the corner to the makeshift waiting area. His scrubs having several blood stains, while his mask draped lazily around his neck. His facial expression showed fatigue as he approached. They looked at him anxiously, waiting for word on Dez’s condition.

  Jeremy stood, his tone was one of worry, as he asked about his mother, “How is she?”

  The doctor pursed his lips in thought as he swiped a bead of sweat from his brow. Sighing before speaking, he said, “If she makes it through the night, I think she has a really good shot.”

  Charleigh sobbed openly as Jeremy spoke, his words choking in his throat, “Is it a good chance she will make it through?”

  The doctor looked briefly at the group and began to speak, saying, “I can’t make any guarantees. Personally, I think she will pull through just fine, but I don’t want anyone to get their hopes up. A stomach wound can be tricky, if we missed anything it would not be good, and her condition could change on a dime.”

  Ryan walked over and shook his hand saying, “Thanks Doc, we know she’s in good hands. Can you tell us anything about Rita?”

  The docto
r glanced around the room, as if looking for someone, looking back to the group he said, “She had a husband here, I should see about discussing her with him first.”

  Rich stepped forward extending his hand as he said, “I’m Rich, Rich Davidson, I’m Rita’s husband.”

  The doctor shook his hand as he said, “First off Rita is fine. She wants to talk to Destiny, but I can’t see that happening, at least not for a little while anyway. Mr. Davidson, might I suggest that Jeremy or Charleigh accompany you into her room and explain the situation?”

  Jeremy stood and said, “I can go.”

  Charleigh reached out for his arm saying, “I’ll go, we have met before, we aren’t necessarily on good terms but at least she knows who I am.”

  Dickie said, “I think it would be best, you know, girl talk.”

  Jeremy nodded at her putting his hand out ushering her past him saying, “Her highness has spoken.”

  Charleigh glared at him as she passed, she was at least a foot shorter than her brother but fiery when provoked. He winced when she smacked his arm as she walked alongside Rich, following the doctor down the hall to Rita’s room. Charleigh asked, “Have you and Rita been married long?”

  He smiled, saying, “Just about a month.”

  Charleigh nodded and said, “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, I can’t wait to meet Matty.”

  Charleigh smiled at him saying, “He’s a sweet boy, a little troubled though. But I feel like we are all going to know a bit more about him soon enough.”

  Reaching Rita’s room Rich entered apprehensively,

  peering around the curtain. Rita smiled at him and stretched out her arms for a hug. Charleigh hesitantly peered around the curtain as well and cleared her throat. Rita released her grip on Rich and looked past him immediately recognizing Charleigh.


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