London's Calling

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London's Calling Page 3

by KL Donn


  The observatory wheel was everything I never knew it could be and so much more. I was terrified at first. Unsure whether I’d be able to open my eyes to delight in the sights laid out before me like a painting, but Quinn distracted me perfectly with that kiss. It was then I knew I would, for sure, explore our chemistry.

  He’s magnetic, and I don’t think I could have stopped myself to begin with. His tender touches and overwhelming presence made saying yes so much easier, though.

  “So, what is it you do?” he asks me as we’re driving through the country to Stonehenge. I suddenly have the urge to see all the sights in one day, so I can spend the rest of my time exploring Quinn.

  “I’m a medical transcriber.” It’s nothing glamorous or exciting, but it keeps a roof over my head, so it works.

  “Sounds fascinating.” I’m not sure if it’s the accent or not, but I’m confident he’s being sarcastic. “Is that what you've always wanted to do?”

  “Of course not.” I give a little laugh. “But it’s what I could afford to go to school for, and I’m happy doing it. I can work from home if I like, and I keep my own hours most weeks. It brought me here.”

  “Then, it’s definitely worthy of you.” I don’t know what to say to his compliment. I’ve never been very good at accepting them.

  Our plan for the day is to have lunch, then hike up to the stones. Glancing down at my dress and knowing there’s a touch of wind today, I comment, “I’m going to flash everyone.”

  “What?” Quinn glares over at me.

  Waving a hand, I snort. “Not on purpose. My dress, the wind is going to blow it up, and everyone will see everything.”

  His scowl deepens. “Your knickers, you mean. They’ve seen more up here, don’t fret.”

  Now I’m curious. “More?”

  “Oh yeah. We’ve caught people up here near closing, shagging in the middle of the fields. They’re always so shocked when they’re told it’s illegal.”

  “What is it you do, exactly?” It’s only now I realize he knows more about me than I do about him.

  “I’m an inspector for Scotland Yard.” He doesn’t sound pleased about it.

  “Shouldn’t you be working then?” It’s a Tuesday after all.

  “Yup.” His jaw ticks.

  “So why aren’t you?” I know I shouldn’t be prying, but I can’t help it.

  “I was suspended for an incident that happened last week.”

  I can tell he doesn’t want to talk about it. His body language and the teeth grinding are screaming at me not to ask. “What happened?” I do it anyway.

  His sigh doesn’t scream his willingness to respond, so I remain silent. Even though tense silences feel strangling.

  “A woman was being abused,” he finally responds as the sign for our destination pops up. “I showed her partner what a clash with a real man was like. My superiors disagreed with my decision to do so.”

  As he parks and we exit the car, I’m not sure what to say, but I do know what to do. Standing in front of him, I place my hands on his chest, and his gaze darkens. Sliding them up slowly to tangle in his hair, I pull him down closer.

  Whispering against his lips, I say, “You’re her hero, Inspector Page. No matter what the top brass says. You did a good thing.” Closing the small gap, I lick at his lips, and his hands are back on my ass. As Quinn squeezes the globes and drags me closer, I whisper, “I’d be perfectly happy to inspect that bulge I feel.”

  “It’s all for you,” he groans, and I realize what I did.

  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “You have a habit of doing so.” He chuckles, and I could get lost in the masculine sound.

  “I’m told it’s an endearing quality because then everyone knows what’s on my mind.” I’ve also been told it’s annoying.

  “I can’t say that I mind it.” His sexy wink as we start walking serves only to encourage my girly bits to begin exploding with need.

  Clearing my throat, I change the subject. “Alright, tour guide, dazzle me with your knowledge of this lovely piece of history.” The blank look on his face has me laughing so hard, tears stream down my cheeks. “You don’t know a damn thing, do you?”

  “I do, I do.” He pauses to think. “I know it’s prehistoric. Over five thousand years old.” I roll my hand for him to continue. “Uhm, they were also built by Druids?”

  “Yes, so it's been said.” I can’t help laughing a little because he appears so unsure. “The 17th-century archaeologist John Aubrey claims that they built it.”

  “Aren’t Druids robots?” His brow lifts in challenge.

  “Not these ones, they were Celtic high priests.” I begin talking and telling him all about the history of Stonehenge, and I swear he’s only listening to my voice without hearing a word I say. I can’t be mad either, because I’ve got his complete attention, and he’s entranced by me.

  “You know more about my history than I do. I think I should keep you in case I’m ever pop-quizzed in the middle of the street or something.” I can tell he’s making a joke, but I’m not sure how much protest I’d put up to the whole him keeping me part.

  “Lunch?” I ask, instead.

  Distracted by food, we spend hours chatting about everything frivolous and nothing serious. The entire afternoon is a dream. We spend hours exploring the stones, taking photos, and being typical tourists.

  On the drive back to my hotel, I grow nervous with our expectations for the evening. We’ve spent much of the day kissing, touching, and teasing, and now that the final event might be upon us, I’m a tad worried.

  Chapter 4


  London’s nervousness during the drive was easily noticeable. Now that we’re parked in the lot at her hotel, I can see she might not be ready for what we’ve been leading up to all day.

  “Come on, let’s grab a drink,” I suggest, and she sighs with relief. If I were a lesser man, I might be insulted. But I understand. She’s only had my company for a day, and even though we spent all of it getting to know one another, things have been moving at lightning speed.

  Leaving the car parked at the hotel, we stroll back to Garfunkel’s, grab a booth and a couple of drinks, and sit in awkward silence. I watch London as she thinks over what she wants to say, waiting for her to make the first move here.

  “I don’t do this.” Her hand waves between us over the table.

  I nod. “I didn’t believe you did.”

  “I’ve never been casual about sex at all. I don’t know if I can be.” I tilt my head to the side, smiling as she speaks. I knew all of this before she said a word. “I didn’t come here for this.” Her last words are whispered, as though she’s shocked that she found an attraction while here.

  “It’s perfectly fine to remain platonic while you’re visiting. I may go home with blue balls every evening, but if I get to spend my days with you, it’s worth it.” I reach across the table for her hand.

  In a bold move, London stands and sits beside me. “I really don’t want you having blue balls.” Her shy smile and twinkling eyes harden my dick.

  Pushing the table forward, I pull her into my lap and lay my hand on her cheek. “I mean it, there is no pressure beyond friendship.”

  “I know.” Her soft lips along my jaw make it hard not to throw her on the table and have my way with her, right here, right now. “I wanted you to know, this is a first for me. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure I can keep my heart out of it.”

  Lifting her chin, I slide my lips across hers while one hand brings her in closer, and the other slides up her thigh. Her legs slightly spread, so I have access to her sweet spot.

  “Pet, if I didn’t want everything from you, I wouldn’t pursue you. One day at a time, remember?” Her breath hitches and her soft eyes meet mine before she nods her head. “Shall we get out of here then so I can taste your sweet cream?”

  “Do I get a taste too?” she whispers as she slides off my l
ap and out of the booth.

  “Christ, London, you can’t say shit like that,” I grumble, but I love that she says what she thinks and makes no apologies. With a hand on her back, I guide London out of the pub and return to her hotel. The silence is charged with our desire for one another, so when we board the lift, I don’t hesitate to pin her up against the wall and devour her lips.

  I can feel her heart pounding against my chest as her delicate hands grasp my arms, digging her nails into my flesh. Pressing her further against the wall, I rub my stiffness against her belly, needing my own relief.

  When I hear the ding of the bell for our floor, I let her go so abruptly that she stumbles before I pull her off and follow her to her room. As soon as the key card has granted us access, we’re through the door, and she’s back in my arms.

  From my peripheral view, I can see the room is nice, but I’m focused on the bed as I walk her backward toward it. “You sure?” I ask once more before I begin to tear our clothes off.

  “Positive,” she purrs into my chest as she crowds against me. That’s all the permission I need to strip my shirt and watch it fly, taking all of my rational thought with it.

  London’s hot fingers gliding across my chiselled chest has me unconsciously flexing as I reach for the hem of her dress. Lifting the material over her head, I’m pleased with the delicious package I’ve just unveiled.

  Her knickers are the same red as her dress and make her creamy skin appear softer in the moon’s light. “Oh pet,” I groan, dropping to my knees in front of her.

  “Quinn.” Her breathy voice is an aphrodisiac, and I would topple ten buildings for her right now if she asked. Dragging her thong down her legs, I kiss her belly. She quivers as I guide her onto the bed.

  Spreading her thighs, I reach up to her core, dipping my fingers between her sweet lips. Her moisture is begging for me to take her right now, and shit am I tempted, but I want to savour her first. Even if my dick feels like it’s about to burst from need.

  Easing a finger into her tight channel, my head drops and my eyes close as I try to concentrate on her pleasure. On getting her ready to accept me.

  Unbuckling my jeans, I set my dick free to breathe before I puncture it from the zipper. Slipping a second finger inside of London, I match her groan as she pulses around my digits, ready to come undone.

  Not without me, though.

  Pushing my pants to the ground, I reach into my pocket for the condom I grabbed this morning, hopeful for this moment. I’ve never sheathed my aching cock so quickly before.

  Dropping onto her body, I lay feathery kisses along her collarbone before reaching behind her and unhooking the bra confining her tits. Sucking one nipple into my mouth, I settle between her legs as her hands grip my shoulders, holding me closer.

  “Ready, pet?” I can’t stand to wait much longer.


  “Yes,” I say. I think. I know I opened my mouth, but honestly, all I feel right now is Quinn’s weight pinning me to the bed, and there’s nothing I would love more than to stay this way.

  I can see sweat beading across his forehead as he slowly places the head of his cock to my opening. I may not be a virgin, but I’m far from experienced either.

  “Jesus Christ,” Quinn groans after an interminable moment until he’s seated all the way inside of me.


  I feel discomfort, but my body anticipates the satisfaction he can bring and concentrates only on that.

  Lifting my hips up into him, I show Quinn I’m ready for so much more.

  “You’re trying to kill me, right?” He moans when I clench my pussy.

  An idea hits. “Do you think I could make us both come just by doing this?” I repeat the action and watch as his gaze darkens with desire. I can feel the pull in my belly, so I’m beginning to think the answer is yes.

  “Likely. But please fucking don’t.”

  “Why not?” I cock my head to the side, and he leans forward, biting my neck, making me yelp as his hands grip my hips, forcing me to stay still under him.

  “Calm your little arse down, or I’ll turn your over and tan it.” His growled words have the opposite effect he desired with his threat.

  “Could we?” I whisper.

  He bucks above me before his hips piston down, pinning me to the bed and making the frame creak with the force of his movements. The air is stolen from my lungs as Quinn shows me just why he’s the man and in control.

  My moans are breathy and loud in the otherwise quiet room. The sound of our lovemaking bounces around like an orchestra, and I love the way he keeps a tight hold on my body.

  I grow restless and greedy with every inward thrust, needing him to hit that sweet spot his fingers found. I think he can sense it because he suddenly pulls out and flips me over onto my belly.

  Driving his dick into my pussy with one rough thrust, I scream as he hits that spot. Ecstasy blindsides me as he begins moving again. Pounding into me over and over from behind, it’s not until his thrusts slow down and I feel his rough fingers gripping my ass cheeks that I wonder what he’s doing. Quinn massages the globes as his thrusting decreases in intensity, and when I feel a finger graze across my tight rosebud, my body freezes and lights up at once.

  Staring at him over my shoulder, I meet his stare. “I’ve always wanted to try that.” He turns predatory as one hand moves around the front of my body to gather some of my essence and then comes back around. Rubbing the tight muscle with his now slicked finger, I bite my lip, waiting for his next move.

  “There is nothing sexier than your arse with my cock in it.” He growls before pushing his finger through the constricted ring of my ass. “You want it?” he asks, and I can only nod. I do want it. I need him to be first in some way. And I definitely need Quinn discovering all the delights of my body before this trip is over.

  Even if my heart might not be able to handle it.

  His wicked grin as he leans forward over my back to whisper, “When you least expect it,” makes me want to scream.

  Until he starts moving again, prepping my body. I love the way he knows what I crave before I do and doesn’t hesitate to push my boundaries by slamming into me from behind.

  When my body tenses and my head spins, I know my orgasm is on the horizon. His movements grow frenzied, and it’s not long before we’re letting go together in one glorious explosion of pleasure.

  We collapse on the bed, and as he pulls me back into his chest, I can feel the matching thuds of our hearts.

  “That was wonderful,” I sigh tiredly. His hands slide along my side, not helping the sleepiness I feel.

  “Extraordinary,” Quinn praises, kissing my shoulder before I feel his body heat disappear. A few minutes later, he returns and pulls the blanket up over us.

  For the first time in my adult life, I fall asleep feeling safe. Loved. Not tossed away or rejected.

  It's a feeling I could get used to.

  Chapter 5


  “You’re having a laugh, right?” Quinn’s expression shows his complete bewilderment.

  “I’m not. I love clever things. I love them more when I can relate.” His scrutiny over the picture he’s looking at on my phone is over the top. “Look at this one.” I point to a brightly coloured plaque.

  “Home is where the Wi-Fi connects automatically.” I can see his smile trying to break free. I love it when he smiles. He’s got this one dimple on the right cheek that makes me want to lick him.

  “Tell me you can’t get on board with that.”

  “I give. That one makes sense. Are you really this addicted to coffee and donuts, though?” Zooming in on my wall full of tiny plaques with cute phrases, he reads more. “A yawn is a silent cry for more coffee.” His brows raise. “Or a punch in the lips,” he adds on.

  “Well, either could work, I suppose.”

  “This is really an entire wall in your home.” I nod. “You’re adorable, pet.” He grins and leans across the l
unch table to kiss me on the lips.

  I sigh as he pulls away. The arousal that’s been slowly building all morning is quickly becoming an inferno.

  “We’ll find you more if that’s what you’d like.”

  “I would.”

  We’ve been in Trafalgar Square for most of the morning. Having breakfast, shopping, window browsing. Now, we’re having lunch before heading to a flea market, where I hope to find more cute plaques for my living room wall.

  I started collecting them when I was a teenager and haven’t been able to stop. When I bought my house last year, it seemed fitting that I dedicate a wall toward the odd habit. It turned out quite beautifully too.

  “Any other decorating quirks you care to share?” That dimple makes an appearance again, and I’m lost in the sight as we get up to leave.

  “No. Not yet.” His raised brow in question to my comment is indicative of wanting an answer, but I shrug. I would definitely like to have a photo of us that I can frame when I get home.

  My heart cramps thinking about leaving Quinn. I don’t know how it’s happened, but I’m really beginning to care for him.

  “Have you ever done a long-distance relationship?” The question pops out of my mouth without permission, and when he pauses on the sidewalk, I wish it hadn’t.

  But he’s thoughtful in his answer. “I haven’t had the chance to explore that type of situation. I’d like to think that with the right person, it’d be successful.” His gaze darkens as he stares down at me, and the heat in his eyes nearly melts me on the spot.

  There is no doubt we have chemistry, but do we have what it takes for something lasting? Can we even develop that type of commitment in such a short timeframe?

  “Sit here.” Quinn practically drags me down to sit on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the square as he pulls out his phone to take a picture. Crossing my legs, I lean back and smile for him, remembering all the ways he made me purr last night so I can gift him with a seductive grin. “Jesus.” He shakes his head, chuckling while snapping a few photos.


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