London's Calling

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London's Calling Page 4

by KL Donn

  “Get over here,” I demand, wanting some selfies. As Quinn sits, he picks me up to sit on his lap, and we both smile big, with the water falling in the background. It’s an image I’ll treasure forever.

  “Let’s get that shopping out of the way.” His wink is suggestive. We’re supposed to go visit Big Ben today, but I’m thinking we might not make it with the way he keeps looking at and touching me.

  “Such a lovely couple,” one woman comments as we stop so Quinn can take another photo of me inside one of the large red phone booths. “Get in there with your wife, and I’ll take a picture of the two of you.”

  My heart nearly beats out of my chest at her assumption, while Quinn doesn’t miss a beat. Standing behind me, he sweeps my hair to the side and lays kisses along my neck while she takes photo after photo of the treasured moment.

  After handing Quinn’s phone back to him, she smiles and wanders off like my world hasn’t just been shifted. Flipping through the pictures she took, I can’t help but wonder what life as his wife would be like.


  I should have corrected the stranger. Told her London wasn’t my wife, but honestly, it fit. I didn’t falter in my step when the word left her mouth, and I can’t say why. My feelings for London are growing stronger the more time I spend with her, and I don’t want to deny them.

  Even if she is going home in a fortnight.

  Gripping London’s hand in mine, I pull her along to one of the shops to search for those cute plaques she likes so much. London is one of the strangest girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I think that’s why it’s been so easy for me to connect with her.

  She doesn’t hide what she’s thinking from me, figuring I want a coy girl. She is who she is and makes no apologies for it. A quality I find refreshing from the few women of my past.

  Which makes me wonder. “Do you have someone waiting on you back home?” I don’t believe she would get entangled with me if she were committed to someone else, but how could another man not have already laid claim to her?

  “No. I’m not that kind of girl.” She’s flustered by my question as she browses through some dresses.

  “I didn’t think you were. But it seems impossible to me that some man hasn’t tried to tie you to him already. Are men in Canada daft?” Her snort as she laughs is adorable.

  “More like snobs. They either want provocative and slutty or shy and demure. They don’t want women who are confident with themselves.” Her eyes roll, and I can tell she’s not insulted by the facts. “Not the ones I’ve met, anyway.”

  London believes she’s not shy, but when she gazes back at me with a hesitant smile and a look from under her eyelashes, I can tell she’s worried about what I think. Questioning if either of those options are what I want in a woman.

  “Good thing I like a woman who knows what she wants.” Pulling a dress off the rack she was searching through, I hand it to her.

  London holds it to her chest and stares at herself in the mirror. The violet sundress would be beautiful on her pale flesh. With thin straps, a tight bodice, and loose skirt landing above her knee, I know it would flatter her figure in a subtle way that will have my dick drooling to enter her body again.

  “I like it,” she says.

  Standing behind her, I place my hands on her hips, kiss her neck, and whisper, “Me, too,” before plucking it from her hands and taking it to the salesperson and paying for it.

  “Beautiful gift for your wife.” The woman smiles and stops whatever protest London was about to launch.

  “Why do people keep assuming that?” she finally asks as we’re walking towards Big Ben and the Westminster Bridge.

  There are a million reasons why people could assume that, but I think it has more to do with the way I watch London. My eyes are always glued to her. She’s seeing my city for the first time, and the wonder in her eyes is beautiful.

  “Quinn?” She looks up at me when I don’t answer her.

  Stopping our forward progress, I pull her to the side of the walk so we’re not in the way and wrap my arms around her. “I could give you an answer, but I don’t want it to frighten you off.”

  “Why would it frighten me?” Her brows furrow together adorably.

  Pecking her lips with a short kiss, I whisper, “Because maybe I like the assumption.” I don’t allow her to say anything as I take her mouth and show her why people come to that conclusion. Our chemistry is untamed and organic. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and I don’t think she has either.

  “It’s too soon,” she gasps, pulling away from me. Her protest holds no heat.

  Shrugging, I say, “So.”

  Her mouth opens and closes as she’s lost for words. I can feel her rapidly beating heart against my chest and take in the dilated pupils. She likes the idea, but she’s afraid of it. A few days ago, I might have been as well.

  Thanks to my suspension, I’m finding that I want more in my life than just the job. I want a wife, children. A family of my own. I can see it all with London. And if that makes me delusional, I don’t want to be sane.

  Chapter 6


  I shouldn’t have come home with him. Every self-defence instructor in the world would say that very thing to me. I would be burned at the proverbial stake for doing this. But I’m finding that when it comes to Quinn, I have zero sense.

  Earlier in the day, we spent hours at Big Ben, touring, taking the worst photos, and shopping some more. We sat out front of the towering building for twenty minutes to listen to the bells chime on the hour, too, and when it did, a tear slipped down my cheek. This had been my parents’ home, and while I came because I’ve loved the city for so long, I had hoped to feel closer to them in some way, and after today, I do.

  This connection with them that I’ve been missing for years has finally been made, and if not for running into Quinn, maybe I wouldn’t feel so much comfort. He has indulged me from the moment we met, and while I’m still confused about why he would want to have anything to do with me, I can’t deny I enjoy it immensely.

  “Oh, my lanta,” I say as we turn the corner onto his street. “You weren’t kidding.” The entire street of townhouses is like something from a movie. Each home painted in a different pastel colour. Pink, purple, blue, green, and so many more.

  “I told you it was something unique.” He laughs as I start taking pictures.

  “Yours is the green one, right?” He chuckles again, shaking his head as I skip along the sidewalk, marvelling at the style and the colouring. Everything about this block is what I wanted it to be, precisely.

  “Why do you say green?” Quinn calls after me.

  Standing in front of the house, I notice the compact front lawn is neatly kept. There are no flower boxes at the windowsills like some of the others, and the drawn blinds are simplistic.

  “That's easy. There’s no woman’s touch yet.” My head is cocked, staring as he walks closer.

  “That’s true, but there could be.” His face softens with the comment while his eyes darken with desire. “And you’re right, the green one is mine.” I grin ear to ear. “Care to come inside?”

  He’s already got a hand on my back, guiding me through the small iron gate and up the steps before I can say yes. As soon as he unlocks and opens the door, we’re through in a flash, and the wood is slamming shut behind us.

  Pinning me to the wall from behind, Quinn doesn’t hesitate to lift the skirt of my dress and run his roughened hands across my flesh.

  “Been waiting all day for a taste of this,” he groans into my neck, and in a flash, I’m ready for him.

  Spreading my legs, I push my ass back for easier access. What I don’t expect is for him to rip my panties off—the sound echoing around the room—and have the heat of his dick sandwiched between my ass cheeks as one of his hands circles to the front of my body. Dipping his fingers into my heat, Quinn doesn’t falter as he finger fucks me while jerking himself off with my ass.
  “Quinn.” I moan his name as my body temperature rises. My muscles tense, and I don’t know how he has me so close to the edge so fast, but when he uses his other hand to trap both of mine over my head, I feel ready to explode. “I need more, Quinn.”

  “You sure you’re ready for more, pet?” I love it when he calls me that. My entire body liquifies. “Yeah, I think you are.” His accented voice is like velvet in my ears.

  Closing my eyes, I rest my head against the wall and allow myself to experience his carnal attention. The chills that run along my spine as he moves the hand from between my legs to brush lightly across my hip and over to my ass intensify with every second that passes.

  “You’re going to do it, aren’t you?” I ask, excitement causing my body to vibrate.

  “Is that what you want?”

  “God, yes, Quinn. Please.” I can’t help but beg him. I want everything his delicious mind desires to give me.

  “I want to hear you say it.” He groans when he pulls away, replacing his dick with slippery fingers, probing at my forbidden hole.

  “Quinn, please.” I turn my head slightly to meet his gaze. “Fuck my ass.” The wolfish grin covering his face is enough to make me whimper.

  Putting pressure on my wrists, he grunts, “Don’t move,” as he lets them go. Placing both of his hands on my hips, he pulls me back, bending me lower while giving himself easier access to the parts of my body he wants to devour.

  His touch never leaves me body, so when I feel the heat of his breath before he kisses one cheek, then the other, before burying his face between my legs, I gasp and moan. His flickering tongue against my small pearl is a shock.

  Holding me in place as I squirm against his ministrations, Quinn slowly, greedily, draws pleasure from my body in ways I’m not prepared for.

  My orgasm is fast and hard, and when he lets me go, I cry out until I feel his finger poking through the tight ring of muscle in my behind. It’s only a minute before he’s gliding the head of his cock through, and we both whimper a little when he’s seated all the way inside.

  “Perfection,” he growls in my ear. The sound of my dress zipper being drawn down is magnified as blood pulses through my veins like fire. Pulling the material up over my head, I hear it land, and Quinn leans fully against my back. The coarse hairs of his chest feel like sandpaper against my sensitive flesh.

  Tangling our fingers above my head, he begins to move his hips torturously slow, and our groaning, I’m sure, can be heard from the street.

  “Harder,” I plead with him. “Make it hurt, Quinn.”


  “With fucking pleasure.” I hiss the words through gritted teeth and tense jaw. I want to give London everything she desires, but I've held back because I don’t want to hurt her. But if she insists. “Be a good pet and scream for me.”

  My thrusting picks up speed and force as her body sucks me in. The harder I fuck into London, the louder she moans, but I want her to scream in rapture. I want my ears to ring from the pitch of it.

  Our bodies are on a race to climax, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop my body's response from drawing my balls up snug to my body. The tightness of her ass doesn’t help, either, as I slow my thrusting.

  The sounds of our coupling echo around us like a symphony, and suddenly, I wish I’d thought to record us. To memorialize this moment forever, no matter what the future holds for us as a couple.

  “Quinn.” London’s soft whisper holds me captive as I feel her body begin to shatter. “Quinn!” Her scream is exactly what I crave before I let go of my own release.

  “Fuck,” I hiss in her ear as I shoot into the condom. I’d kill to take her without one. To spend my seed inside her body would be a true gift.

  Our breathing is heavy in the entryway as we both struggle to gain our footing. Sagging to the floor, I hold London in my arms. Her closed eyes and smiling lips have my dick twitching again. I gave those to her. The satisfaction coursing through her veins is because of me.

  “I’d very much like to do that again on a flat surface and without a condom. I want to feel you dripping from my body.” Her confession is mumbled into my chest, and when I chuckle at our mimicking thoughts, her eyes pop open.

  “I said that out loud again, didn’t I?” A red tinge of embarrassment brightens her cheeks.

  “Yes, you did, pet.” Dropping a kiss to her head, I tell her, “I’d like to see my seed dripping from more than just your arse.”

  Biting her bottom lip, I wait for her reply because I can see the wheels turning in her head as she thinks about something.

  “We could…go without, that is. I’m protected.” Her eyes hold mine with the boldness I’ve come to associate with London.

  “That so?” Standing with my love in my arms, my destination is the shower. We’ve done all the sight-seeing we’re going to for the day. I intend to have her occupying my bed for the rest of the night.

  “If that’s what we both want, we could.” I place her on her feet in the bathroom to lean in and start the shower. Once the water is warm, I guide her under the spray as I shed my pants and follow along.

  I don’t say anything as I suds her up with my soap, liking the idea of her smelling like me. As she rinses, I wash myself. Her eyes are transfixed on the bubbles as they wash down my body, circling the drain before disappearing.

  Directing her stare back to my face, I drag her mouth up to meet mine. Sucking on her lower lip, she whimpers while her fingers glide up my chest.

  Christ. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to let her go in two weeks. Less, actually. I’m addicted to her soft cries for more of my gratification. Her laugh. Her light. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to wake up one day and she'll suddenly be gone.

  I might just have to break all the rules to keep London at my side.

  Or follow her back home.

  Chapter 7


  Never in my life did I believe I would fall in love with such a domineering man. Or that he would live half a world away. But here I am, I’ve done it.

  I love Quinn Page.

  And in sixteen hours, I’m supposed to board a plane home.

  I know Paris is dubbed the city of love, and you should leave your heart in San Francisco, but I’ve fallen in London, and I’m leaving a piece of my heart with Quinn.

  We have spent nearly every waking hour together since the morning he picked me up the day after we first met. I even checked out of my hotel to stay at his townhouse with him. We wanted to spend as much time together as possible before I left.

  As we stand in line for the London Eye, because Quinn insists I have to ride it at night and my last night here seems fitting, I have to wonder if having this man overtake my life these past two weeks was such a good idea.

  “Our turn, pet.” My heart flutters every time he calls me the sweet name. I’m going to miss it. His accent. His soft kisses when he wakes me up in the middle of the night to lure me into temptation while screaming his name.

  Gripping Quinn’s hand as we board the car—with more people than the first time we rode it—he does what he did before. Crowds me against the glass and kisses along my neck, distracting me from the height as we begin to move.

  “You keep doing that,” I sigh with a soft smile he can see reflected back at us.

  “And I’ll do it for a lifetime more.” I whimper at his words. I don’t know if he realizes what he's said or the impact it’s making on me, but he doesn’t hesitate to run his hands all over my body. Covered in the pretty violet dress he picked out for me, I look forward to our last night together.

  “Open your eyes, pet.” Doing as he says after realizing I didn’t know I shut them, I’m stunned at the view before us.

  The city is lit up with sparkling lights. The river shines bright with each reflection as the wheel slowly continues its movements until we’re stopped at the top. Stars can be seen littered throughout the sky. It’s a kaleidoscope of beauty I neve
r imagined I would get to experience.

  “And I get to see it with the love of my life.” I blink slowly. Oh, Christ! Not again. Terrified of Quinn’s reaction, I remain still and facing forward.

  I shouldn’t have been worried, though. Not for the reasons I think.

  “I love you, too, pet,” he murmurs along my neck, sucking on my rapid pulse.

  “I don’t want to go home,” I finally confess. I’ve been holding that inside for days. Afraid to voice it.

  “Then stay.”

  Two simple words.

  One complicated situation.

  “I wish it were so simple.”

  “It could be if you let it.”

  There are so many legalities to worry about. As an officer of the law, he knows this, but like me, he just wants us, this, to last forever.

  “Do you think we happened too quickly that we’re caught up in the heat of the moment? The forbiddenness of our affair?” The thought has crossed my mind, but I dismiss it immediately because, in my heart, I know it’s not true.

  “No.” He doesn’t hesitate to answer. “But, I understand your reservations.”

  I need Quinn to be sure that I’m what he wants, though. I want us to last forever. Spinning so that we’re facing each other, I say, “I think”—it physically hurts to push the words past my lips—“maybe, I should go home. Give us some space to be sure what we have is meant to be.”

  Quinn scowls but eventually nods. “I don’t like it, but I understand it. Just know, I won’t wait for very long before I come for you.”

  The evening passes all too quickly after that. Dinner is wonderful, walking along the river is romantic. Spending the night in Quinn’s arms, making love until the early morning is far more spectacular than I ever expected it to be, and by the time the sun begins to rise, I’m ready to cry and beg him to never let me go.


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