London's Calling

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London's Calling Page 5

by KL Donn

  But going is what I have to do. If I want to be at Quinn’s side forever, then I need to take care of things at home and apply for the appropriate visas because if there’s one other thing I’m certain of, it’s that I’m meant to be in London.

  London has always been calling.

  Until now, I didn’t know his name was Quinn Page.


  Leaving London at security for her flight home was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I don't want her to leave, but I understand that for her peace of mind, she has to go. She’s an impulsive woman and needs to be sure that she’s making the right decisions.

  She’s supposed to call me once she lands in Vancouver and then again when she gets home. Until then, I have nothing to do but wait and head over to headquarters to discuss the results of my suspension. I already know what the outcome will be. I’ll be restored to full duty because my actions were justified.

  After having taken an extra week of leave from work so I could spend more time with London, I’m not as eager to get back. And I won’t be until she’s by my side. Permanently. The legal tape we’re going to have to work around is going to be tiresome, but for her, I’ll do anything. And since my boss shit the bricks with my last assignment, I won’t hesitate to call in a few favours. Which I intend to do once I arrive.

  I want London here sooner rather than later, so getting the spouse visa application will help start the process.

  Driving into the carport for Scotland Yard, I stare at the building where I’ve worked for nearly a decade, and for the first time in my career, I recognize that I’ve found something far more important. Acknowledging that I’m okay with that is far easier than I ever thought.

  Heading inside, I greet a few colleagues before making my way to my chief’s office, where he’s on the phone yelling at someone else. Sitting in the empty chair across from his desk, I ignore the glare he sends my way and roll my hand for him to hurry up. The more time I spend here, the more I want to leave.

  I have a girl waiting on me to figure out if my feelings are genuine, and I intend to prove they are.

  Hanging up the phone, the man stares at me a moment before talking. “Thanks for coming, Page. I know you’ve been playing tour guide. Bet you’re glad to be back in the saddle, though.”

  “Not really.” I shrug. “I fell in love, and this morning, I had to send my dear home. I’m not too fond of that.”

  He stares at me, shocked. “Love? In two weeks. Funny stuff.” I’m not going to argue with him about it. “You’ve been cleared for duty, and there’s no disciplinary action being taken against you. Care to start back today?”

  “Actually, I need a favour.” Pulling out the envelope of papers I picked up this morning, I slide them across his desk. “I need this fast-tracked.”

  Opening it, he frowns before looking back up at me. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “It was two weeks. A holiday fling.”

  “Not for either of us. But we want to do this right.”

  “I’ll need her signatures and a whole bunch of paperwork. But yeah, I have a friend in Parliament that could help with your applications. You’re going to marry her?”

  “Yup. As soon as I land in Canada.”


  I’m cranky, exhausted, and I don’t want to be here. As soon as I walk through my door, I realize how lonely I am at home and how much I miss Quinn. I want to turn right back around and go back.

  First, I have to call him, then sleep for about five days because jet lag caught up to me this time. Dropping my bags inside the door, I close and lock it before face-planting on the couch and pulling out my phone.

  Letting it ring until it hits voicemail, I’m disappointed the man doesn’t answer, so I leave a message. “Hi Quinn, it’s London. I’m home. I’m going to sleep now, but feel free to call. I miss you.” My heart aches from his absence.

  Dragging myself from the couch, I strip my clothes off as I make my way down to my bedroom, where I fall into bed in my underwear and hope I can sleep until my brain is no longer groggy.

  Swallowed whole by the weighted blanket I toss over my body, I’m asleep so fast that I have no idea how much time passes before I hear the sweetest words whispered in my ear.

  “I missed you too, pet.”



  Three Years Later.

  If at eighteen years old, someone would have told me I would be living this life, I’d have laughed in their face. Our road wasn’t smoothly paved, but Quinn and I never gave up. And since we were granted the spousal visa two years ago, we haven’t spent a single night apart.

  Having Quinn come and spend a month with me only hours after I got home, was a dream come true. I knew as soon as I boarded the plane at Heathrow what a mistake it was to leave, but I did it anyway. Needing him, more than me, to be sure of us.

  Now, here we are three years later and moving into the perfect cottage-style house in the countryside. It's painted in the same pastel green as Quinn's townhouse, with acres of land for our family to grow on.

  I now work in a family-owned bakery helping with marketing and sometimes baking, though I’m usually a mess in the kitchen. Still, the sweet couple indulges me because I remind them of their daughter who is off exploring the world. Quinn was promoted to a training officer and loves being able to mould the next generation of officers to serve this fine country. His parents have even hinted at moving closer because, lucky for us, we’re expecting our first child in four months, and they want to be able to enjoy the baby and all his or her firsts.

  Our life, now, is just about perfect, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the land where my parents grew to learn and love each other in a way I thought I would only ever dream about.


  As I watch my wife put the finishing touches on our room before settling into bed, my heart is near full to bursting. She’s given me everything I never knew I desired before her. Our love has grown and intensified from the day we met.

  What started out as a fun fling turned into so much more, so rapidly, and I’m relieved neither of us regrets a thing. Seeing her now, glowing with our first child and settling into our new home, I couldn’t imagine life any other way.

  “Are you going to join me or keeping staring at me?” London teases as she leans back into the pillows and yawns. Her eyes are closed before she’s even settled.

  Stripping my clothes off, I flick the light switch, encasing the room in darkness, and climb in bed behind her. Massaging her hip as she settles into my hold, I try to help her relax from the tightness in her dainty body, and when she begins to snore lightly, I know I’ve done just what she needed.

  “I love you, London Page.” I never tire of hearing her first name with my last one.

  I used to be angry at my chief for my suspension and the spot on my record, but I couldn’t be more grateful because, otherwise, I wouldn’t have my world in my hands.

  London called, I answered, and together, we’re exactly where we’re meant to be.

  With each other.

  The End!

  Thank you for reading London’s Calling. You can find a complete list of my books, along with series lists and reading orders on my website.

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  Passport 2 Love Collaboration

  Travel all around the world with us!

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e by Terra Kelly

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  About the Author

  Hey, I'm Krystal. I write as USA Today Bestselling Author KL Donn. I'm stoked you've grabbed one of my books and I really hope you enjoyed the story!

  A little about me:

  Perpetual romantic.

  Coffee addict.

  I speak sarcasm more often than not.

  Gimme an action flick over a romance. But a romance book over action. I'm weird like that.

  Did I mention coffee addict?

  Closet shopaholic.

  Beach lover.

  Coffee addict, it bears repeating. Again.

  Husband obsessed. Mine that is, you can keep yours.

  Mom of 6, well 7 if you count the husband. Oh and 2 of those are a cat & dog.

  I love to connect with my readers so feel free to find me on any and all social media platforms you use! I can’t promise to be sane, or not swear a lot, but I’ll be extra happy to hear from you!

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  Also by KL Donn

  Available Now

  COMMAND is now live!

  Imprisoned: A Sinister Fairytale is available now.

  Possessive Neighbor is the first in the Neighbor Novels.

  London’s Calling

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action | Explosive Encounter | Nowhere To Run

  Vashchenko Family


  Uncontrolled Heroes

  A Girl Worth Fighting For | The Girl Who Was Meant To Be Mine | Loving The Girl In The Tutu

  Daniels Family

  Until Arsen | With Kol | Embers Falling

  Those Malcolm Boys

  Obsessive Addiction | Accidental Obsession

  Adair Empire

  King | Luther | Castiel | Atticus | Carver | Grasping For Air

  Timeless Love

  Once Upon A Time | Happily Ever After

  In His Arms Series

  Safe, In His Arms | Bullied, In His Arms

  Naughty Tales

  Dirty | Treat Me | Snowed In

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight | Emily’s Protectors | Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series

  Owned by Dominic | One Dance For Case | Lost & Found | Lucky Christmas

  The Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance | One Choice | Unchained

  Love Letters

  Dear Killian | Dear Gage | Dear Maverick | Dear Desmond | Dear Lena

  Stand Alone Books

  Brantley’s Way | Mr. & Mrs.




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