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Little Spirit

Page 29

by DaNeo Duran

  Raphael said, ‘Grace told me Johnny’s actually very charming and only fought when he lived on ze streets. Still, I did wonder if our girls are trying to out-beautify theirs.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Calvin said. ‘Katherine hadn’t even chosen the right underwear before we left.’

  An hour later Little Spirit still chatted backstage when—

  ‘Now then, now then,’ a man’s voice preceding a handsome face said.’

  ‘Johnny?’ Raphael said smiling uncontrollably.

  ‘Who else?’ the similarly aged but street and world-wise looking man said. ‘Great to meet you guys at last.’

  Three more USed Wonz crowded behind him and made quieter introductions. Johnny, seeming not to want handshakes bear-hugged each member of Little Spirit.

  Raphael looked past The USed Wonz as Grace joined the group. Having never seen her in a dress he would have stared but another woman appeared alongside Richard as he called attention to the room.

  ‘Right,’ he said. ‘Introductions hardly seem necessary with Johnny leading the way. Nevertheless, USed Wonz this is Little Spirit, Danny, Calvin and Raphael.’ He pointed at them then checked, ‘Did I get your names right?’

  Raphael smiled more at Richard’s infrequent attempt at humour. ‘That’s us.’

  ‘Good. Little Spirit these are The USed Wonz, Johnny, Christine, Mazz and Stu. And, this lady,’ Richard indicated to the woman at his side, ‘is Linda Lake who we’re very pleased to welcome to London, she’s The USed Wonz’ tour agent.’

  Raphael hardly noticed the dowdy USed girls, Christine and Mazz. But Linda, though only a little younger than his mother, looked the epitome of the all American girl. Raphael found himself curiously attracted to her bleach-blonde hair, treacle toffee brown eyes and burgundy get up which included fitted dress, finger nails and toe nails visible through peep-toe heels. He remembered she’d just flown in from the Southern States and thought she must be cold here in London.

  Calvin’s cheek muscles burned and he guessed his reflexive smile must look as daft as Danny and Raphael’s facial cramp. By contrast The USed Wonz appeared demur and like they’d handle whatever life threw at them.

  Giving up forcing his face to relax Calvin said, ‘I’d better go, the girls won’t have such luck getting backstage.’

  He left and found Katherine and Amy by the bar starting their first glass of dry white and stopped ten feet short to admire them. ‘You two look incredible.’

  He looked his girlfriend over first. Her hair curved in gentle waves collecting around her shoulders. Her body curved similarly, wrapped in strapless green satin that stopped at the knee where black stocking clad calves emerged tapering to ludicrously high black suede heels.

  Amy looked similarly arresting in a pink dress she’d bought in the January sales.

  ‘Danny will have a heart attack when he sees you,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Well thank you for the compliment Calvin,’ she said laughing and slapping him playfully on the chest.

  He nuzzled into Katherine’s neck and whispered how he couldn’t wait to get her home despite partially wishing he hadn’t insisted they dress up to quite the extent they had. ‘The USed Wonz are here. Wait till you see the girls.’

  ‘Are they gorgeous?’ Amy asked excitedly. ‘I bet they are?’

  He thought for a moment. ‘Yeah, I guess. But not in the way you’re thinking.’

  * * *

  Calvin left to prepare but, nearing show time reappeared stage-dressed with Little Spirit and The USed Wonz.

  Amy recognised Johnny who led the way looking cowboy-ish.

  ‘I see what Calvin meant,’ she said regarding the USed girls in old jeans, sweatshirts, no makeup and flat shoes. ‘Are they gorgeous?’

  ‘I thought we were supposed to be going for a swanky meal after the show,’ Katherine said. ‘These look like they’d get turned away from McDonalds.’

  ‘There’s Grace. Phew, at least she’s made an effort. And who’s the bottle-blonde? Looks like she’s come straight from the office.’

  ‘Can’t be Trudie; apparently she’s got dark-hair.’

  Calvin pushed to the front of the group. ‘Everyone this is my girlfriend Katherine and our flatmate Amy.’

  ‘Well look at you two,’ Johnny said leaning back and opening his arms as if admiring the view. He stepped forwards and hugged both girls at once. Amy turned her face so as not to smudge her makeup thinking Johnny’s greeting would have been the same if she and Katherine had turned up in the nearest comfy clothes they could find as his girls had.

  Johnny released them and faced the party. ‘These are The USed Wonz and this blonde ball-crusher is our agent Linda.’

  ‘That answers that question,’ Amy whispered to Katherine.

  Both girls stayed with the group but felt somewhat excluded. Grace helped bond everyone and stuck more closely to Amy. Richard stood at the back looking awkward until Trudie arrived. Amy watched her pass heading straight for Richard who still looked awkward but delighted to see her despite the two men she’d brought along. From the introductions Amy learned Trudie had dragged the men from the Vanquar offices.

  * * *

  During Little Spirit’s show Amy recalled Calvin telling her and Katherine that The USed Wonz seemed cool and unexcitable. It made her smile seeing The USed girls climb on Johnny and Stu’s backs cheering them on whilst she and Katherine stood out the way like two untouchable ice maidens; or perhaps undesirable ones Amy didn’t know which until after playing their encore Little Spirit re-joined the group and re-involved them.

  Katherine watched The USed Wonz thinking they seemed unlikely to express emotion or compliment unless deserved so guessed their praise of Little Spirit had been as genuine. The Vanquar guys who Trudie had dragged along had definitely brightened too.

  ‘Okay everyone,’ Trudie announced after the band had secured their gear. ‘I hope everyone’s hungry The Ivy are expecting us so let’s go eat. And Little Spirit go easy on the booze you’re in makeup first thing tomorrow.’

  They arrived at The Ivy but at that hour most of their customers including any celebrities had left. Furniture had been pushed together to form a banqueting table. Raphael tried to arrange himself such that he could sit near Linda the blonde agent but found Johnny barring his way. Thinking better of it he looked where else he’d like to sit but thought he caught a surly look from Grace. He made a mental note to be nice to her later.

  He plonked himself next to Danny. ‘I’m curious about that Linda woman. Not sure if Johnny’s not into her though.’

  ‘Yeah? I’m curious about that Amy woman. I’m pretty sure I’m into her,’ Danny said as quietly as Raphael had spoken. A moment later he added, ‘You don’t fancy Linda do you?’

  ‘No, but I’d be interested to chat with her. I mean, why have they brought their agent instead of their tour manager?’

  * * *

  An unsatisfactory answer came after they’d eaten. Raphael stood in the bar with Richard and Trudie and learned that in the States, GMD had handed over the management reigns to Vanquar. But, Trudie told him, Linda worked so hard as The USed Wonz’ agent that she ended up tightening management’s slack. ‘She’s got more interest in that band than anyone out there.’

  ‘Right,’ Raphael said. ‘But what’s ze reason?’

  Trudie shook her head and looked over to where Linda stood with The USed girls and Stu. ‘Don’t really know. I mean The USed Wonz will look good on her CV; might lead her to other things. Linda’s been a good friend; I should take more of an interest.’

  ‘Well thank you for taking an interest in us,’ Danny said having joined them.

  ‘Oh I’m interested in you guys alright; that’s why I brought the other two from the office. The more people talking about Little Spirit around Vanquar the better. Now, I’m seriously thinking of sending you off to bed. You’ve a long day ahead.’

  Friday 9th March 1984

  Following the best sleep they could manage the band a
nd the girls rose before first light. Calvin and Raphael waited by the van. Amy’s faffing threatened to make the band late.

  ‘I just have to brush my teeth,’ she said coming out of her room and dashing past Danny and Katherine who waited on the landing for her.

  Danny watched her disappear towards the bathroom in denim miniskirt, tight fitting Little Spirit T-shirt and black and white heels. ‘Oh God,’ he groaned.

  ‘It’s alright we’ve got time,’ Katherine said checking her watch.

  ‘It’s not that.’

  ‘Oh,’ Katherine said. ‘She looks better every day doesn’t she?’

  ‘You know in all the time I’ve known Amy I couldn’t ever have complimented her on hair style. But even that’s grown through now. She’s lovely from head to toe.’

  ‘Tell me if I’m interfering,’ Katherine said, ‘but let me show you something that might help.’

  She touched his bedroom door. He noticed her alternately painted blue and black fingernails before she pushed it open.


  ‘What?’ Danny said looking into his room. ‘It’s a mess. So?’

  ‘That’s beyond mess. Where’s the floor, your cupboards must be empty?’

  Defensively he said, ‘Yeah but Amy’s room …’ His voice stopped short as an instinctive penny rolled around his mind and dropped squarely into place. ‘My god. You’re right. She never comes to my room. But, she spends ages in yours – which is tidy.’

  ‘It’s just a thought, sorry,’ Katherine said with concern.

  ‘No need to be sorry.’

  ‘Everybody ready?’ Amy said appearing with her denim jacket grinning a toothy smile.

  * * *

  Raphael drove the van and within the hour they arrived at a Greenwich address which appeared to be little more than a disused wharf side warehouse.

  ‘What do we do now?’ Raphael asked pulling up in front of shutter doors.

  ‘I’ll knock,’ Calvin said jumping out the van.

  He headed for a metal door next to the shutters.

  Raphael watched from the wheel as a doorman sized man appeared and questioned Calvin. A moment later they both vanished inside.

  ‘He’s gone. That’s probably the last we’ll see of him,’ Raphael said, ‘Anyone know any other decent bass players?’

  ‘Don’t joke,’ Danny said.

  Seconds later the shutter door rose and Calvin appeared to wave the van inside.

  ‘He’s there,’ Raphael said pulling the van into a huge open building. ‘I was imagining how much comfier his bed would be than ze settee.’

  ‘Well best you stop,’ Katherine said.

  Raphael zipped it and parked with several film production vans. He killed the engine but a guy in a headset mic appeared at his driver’s window. Raphael slid it open. Before he could say anything the guy told him to follow. Starting the engine again Raphael pulled up next to a stage where, as instructed the band unloaded their equipment including both backdrops and set up on stage as if for a gig.

  Trudie appeared from somewhere wearing the same green trouser suit she’d had on the previous night.

  ‘Hi guys, thanks for being early. Follow me.’ The band and girls stepped briskly behind her as she strode towards redundant offices reclaimed for video production use. ‘That door’s “makeup” we’ll get you there shortly but relax and warm up in “catering” first.’ She pointed to a glass fronted room.

  The five friends sat with coffees and chatted excitedly.

  With half cups still to drink a man with a headset approached their table. ‘Morning Little Spirit. Pleased to meet you.’

  ‘Hi,’ Calvin said pulling a chair for him. He seemed familiar but Calvin couldn’t think from where.

  ‘Thanks,’ he said sitting down. ‘I’m Des and I’m in charge round here.’

  ‘Hi,’ Calvin said tapping a finger on his chin. He couldn’t recall having met anyone called Des.

  ‘Now then, you’re here to shoot a promo video and that’s about all you know which is somewhat unusual. Normally bands get involved in the ideas meetings. The reason that’s not happened is because Vanquar want the fastest, cheapest video with the minimum of fuss.’

  Calvin felt crestfallen. When he looked up Des looked at him and went on.

  ‘The thing is I’m confident that we’ll get a video as good as any imaginable for a number of reasons I’ll come to. Any questions so far?’

  When nobody asked, Des continued. ‘Your video only has three principle settings: a stage, a dance floor and a, err, beach. You’ll perform on the stage to an audience who have been instructed to wear only black white and blue.

  ‘We heard that much,’ Danny said looking at Amy and Katherine’s outfits.

  ‘Good,’ Des said. ‘Once we’re confident we’ve got enough shots of you guys on stage we’ll rearrange the lights into a dance floor where you guys will mingle with the same audience but, as you’re all singing about a girl, we’ve arranged a model for you each to, err, pull.’

  ‘You okay with that?’ Calvin asked Katherine.

  ‘I suppose so.’

  ‘It’s okay, you won’t be kissing anyone. Dancing and smiling at each other will suffice,’ Des said.

  ‘So for the stuff with us on stage,’ Calvin asked, ‘wouldn’t it have helped to see us live?’

  ‘Ah well that’s partly why I’m confident we’ll do well. I’ve been busy recently but I’m a friend of Stosh and when he tells me I should check out a band it’s not long before I do. I saw you at The King’s Head once and Water Rats more recently. I know we haven’t met but you guys tried collaring my girlfriend on the way into The King’s Head. She told you we were there to see you anyway.’

  ‘Right, I remember,’ Calvin said looking at Raphael. ‘I thought you looked familiar. Damn, we should have invited Stosh along today.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ve told him where you are so he might pop along later. Anyway, I know how good you are and am certain to capture that excellence. I’ll be along tonight to see you and The USed Wonz.’


  ‘Another reason I reckon we’re in for a good video is your strong identity. All audience members will be dressed in your colours. You’ve got the backdrops and the T-shirts. How many have you got by the way?’

  Calvin thought about it. ‘There’s probably around fifty in the van.’

  ‘Right. Trudie will be looking to buy around thirty from you and give them to audience members to wear or shake.’ Des waved his hands above his head.

  ‘I love it,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Where are you getting the audience from?’ Danny asked.

  Des looked puzzled for a moment. ‘They’re mostly Little Spirit fans. Didn’t you know?’

  ‘No, how come?’

  ‘A couple of Trudie’s colleagues went around your Borderline gig last night with flyers. Even though it’s a week day loads said they’d come along. The rest we’ll make up from the agency. Though we only need around fifty people they’ll look like five-hundred on film. If any more show up they’ll be at the back. By the end of today we should have the stage shots and the disco shots wrapped up. Any questions yet?’

  When no one had Des continued. ‘We’ll do the other stuff tomorrow.’

  No one asked about that and Des checked his watch and suggested the band head to makeup.

  * * *

  Putting their faith in the makeup girls who plied on foundation and eye shadow the boys edged towards a post new romantic look. A stylist checked not only the clothes they stood in but the other black white and blues they’d brought along impressed by the band’s physical condition and their distinct self-styling.

  ‘Looking good,’ Des said strolling into makeup.

  ‘We’re ready,’ a technician said having stuck his head round the door.

  ‘Good stuff,’ Des said. ‘If the band’s sorted will you show them to the stage?’

  The band followed the technician round the side and to
the back of the stage.

  ‘When you get on stage would you take your cymbals off their stands please?’ the technician said.

  Raphael turned his nose up. ‘I can, but why?’

  ‘We’ve got silent cymbals for you.’

  Whist Calvin and Danny waited, Raphael climbed the steps to the back of the stage to his drums. A cheer rose through the spotlights’ glare. He saw the technician smile.

  Raphael went to the front of the stage wondering what to expect. In front of the stage mics he saw rails where, to his left, a camera sat on a dolly. Looking through the dazzling lights he saw more than a hundred people all dressed exclusively in black, white and blue pressed against the front of the stage and disappearing row after row into the blackness behind.

  ‘Hey, bonjour,’ he said into what would be Calvin’s mic pleased to hear his voice booming through the towered speakers either side of the stage. ‘Thanks for coming. Great to see you in fine numbers – and colours.’ He watched the crowds joyful faces cheer their gratitude back.

  Raphael couldn’t think of another thing to say. Thankfully another cheer went up. Calvin and Danny had arrived to check out the fuss.

  ‘Hiya,’ Danny said into his stage right mic. ‘You ready to be part of this video?’ The crowd erupted. ‘Well we couldn’t wish for better people to represent us. Thank you all.’

  At his drums Raphael removed the cymbals he’d been told. The technician said, ‘Here you go.’

  Raphael looked at the plastic disks he’d been given. ‘You’ve got to be kidding,’ he said incredulously.

  ‘Nope. I know they seem naff but I swear under the stage lights they’ll look better than the real thing.’

  ‘I hope you’re right,’ Raphael said setting them on his vacant stands. He didn’t bother piping up when he saw the rubber silencing pads that covered his drum skins. Sitting at the kit he kicked the bass drum pedal and from the feel knew someone must have silenced it from the inside.

  Amy and Katherine had joined the congregation near the back.

  ‘We can squeeze forward before they start rolling,’ Amy said.

  ‘I’m okay here,’ Katherine said. Surveying the view she saw Grace.

  ‘Hi Katherine,’ Grace said smiling.

  ‘Amy reckons we should head to the front but I don’t much fancy our chances,’ Katherine said.

  ‘Looks like a tight rabble,’ Grace said. ‘Maybe we can be nearer the front for the next session.’


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