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Undying Love

Page 2

by JD Penley

  The feast was like what Lucas had read about in fantasy tales about medieval kingdoms back on earth. The feast lasted for hours, and they enjoyed all sorts of entertainment and the guests were excited to meet Lucas and his wife. After the feast was over Eryn escorted them to their room and bid them goodnight. Lucas and Leliana were amazed by it all, and it was like a dream. While the castle itself was reminiscent of a medieval castle, it was a beautiful marriage of magic and technology; automated lighting as you entered a room with voice commands to control lighting, and viewing screens to communicate with others or to request anything from the staff you could desire. After settling into their room, Lucas spent the evening in meditation while Leliana lay beside him in case he needed her, but she was just as overwhelmed as he was with everything. They had only seen a small portion of the castle, but it was something to behold to be sure. It was somewhat like being in a fairy tale. In only a matter of hours, Lucas went from a human turned vampire to finding out he was not human at all and heir to a kingdom and son of an immortal king. Leliana had gone from human to vampire to wife to a royal, and she was still in disbelief. Morning came quickly and soon after a knock at the door, and Cassius was waiting for them just outside. “Good morning your highness, your father is waiting for you and Lady Mirabelle awaits Lady Leliana. Milady if you will follow me, I’ll take you to meet the queen; Lady Eryn will be by shortly to escort you to meet with your father my lord” he said. “It’s ok my love, I’ll see you soon” Lucas said as he kissed her gently. “See you soon my darling” Leliana replied as she followed Cassius to meet the queen.

  While Leliana toured the castle with his mother, Lucas followed Eryn to meet with his father. “So how are you adjusting to being here?” Eryn asked. “It’s overwhelming. It’s almost like it’s all a dream. Even being here with you now, I keep wondering if I’m going to wake up and realize it was all nothing but a dream. I thought I had it all figured out, but now I’m back at the beginning and I have so much to learn” Lucas replied. Eryn laughed for a moment, and then took his hand. “Lucas, none of this is a dream. It’s real, and I’m real. You’re right about one thing though, you do have a lot to learn, but your father will be the one to handle that part. For now, just follow me and you’ll have your answers soon enough.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and took his arm and led him to meet with his father. Destrian was awaiting him in the royal library, seated at a table in front of several books. He stood to his feet when they entered, and Eryn excused herself after hugging Lucas goodbye. “Will I see you later?” Lucas asked her. “Of course you will” she replied with a wink as she walked away. “Thank you for coming my son, we have much to discuss” Destrian said. “This library is amazing father, I’m jealous. My library is nowhere near this level. So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Lucas asked. “Well my son, I imagine that you have felt the difference between our world and Earth. Your senses I imagine have been overloaded by it all, am I right?” he inquired. “Yes father, they have. What am I feeling? What is the cause of it?” Lucas asked. “Well, you are feeling the effects of the magic that permeates our world. Your blood makes you more attuned to it, hence the reason you’ve felt different since arriving here. Your very presence here has awakened the magic within your blood” Destrian said. “What do you call this world father?” Lucas asked. “We call it Ebos, and we are in the royal city. We call it Khagos, the city of eternal light” Destrian replied. “So why are we here father?” Lucas asked. “Well my son, you are here to learn your heritage and to learn to harness the power of magic should you so choose to do so. I will be your teacher, and this library is open to so that you may learn our history” his father replied. “I need time to think about your offer to learn magic father, but I would like to learn about our history if that is acceptable” Lucas said. “Of course my son, I wouldn’t have expected any less. As I’ve already said, the library is open to you. I am here to answer any question you may have, but otherwise, make yourself at home and if you have need of me you may ask any of the library’s attendants to send for me. Now I must attend to the business of the realm, so I must excuse myself” he replied. Destrian hugged Lucas and left the library to deal with matters of the kingdom, and Lucas got to work at studying the planet’s history.

  Lucas spent the next several days in the library, day and night, studying the history of his homeworld. Leliana was with him in the evenings after spending her days with his mother, keeping him company. When Leliana wasn’t around Eryn was there beside him, answering questions and giving him lessons on his family history. He found himself at times daydreaming of the times he had spent with Eryn in their youth, and what life would have been like if things had been different, and what it would have been like if he had the courage to ask her to be his so many centuries ago before she left. He also found himself feeling guilty, because his thoughts drifted towards another woman, and it wasn’t like him to do that. After all, he knew nothing about her since she had left earth, what her life was like now, and he needed to focus. He was content to enjoy her company, to have time with his best friend again, and so he renewed his focus and continued his research. They had been guests in the kingdom for a week before the king returned to speak with Lucas about their conversation. “How are your studies going my son?” Destrian asked. “Going well father, I am enjoying getting to know the history of Ebos. I’ve enjoyed spending time with Eryn as well, it’s good to have her back around” Lucas replied. “She’s become quite a strong and capable woman, but she’s endured a lot more than you realize my son” his father said. “What do you mean father?” Lucas inquired. “If she hasn’t told you, it’s not my place to tell you that story; but that’s not why I’m here my son. Have you thought about our conversation any further?” he asked. “I haven’t, I’ve been preoccupied with studying the history and lore of the planet and Eryn has been giving me the history of our family. I’ll let you know very soon father” Lucas replied. “Fair enough, I’ll await your answer my son. I’ll leave you to your studies” he said before walking out of the library.

  Two days had passed since he had spoken with his father, when suddenly he felt a change in the air. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was, only that the air felt different. It felt heavier, and he felt darkness but he couldn’t seem to find where the feeling was coming from. He knew he had to speak to his father immediately, and so he had someone send for him. The king wasted no time rushing to the library with his guards to see if Lucas was in danger, but they found him in perfect health. “You sent for me and they said it was urgent. What is it my son?” Destrian asked. “I can’t explain it father, but something doesn’t feel right. I can feel a change to the air as if it has gotten heavier, and I sense darkness as if a cold void has opened nearby but I cannot tell where it’s coming from. I don’t know if maybe something is wrong with me, or if this is a premonition but I had to seek your counsel on the matter” Lucas replied. His father’s face changed to a look of fear, and he turned immediately to his men. “Find the queen and the princess immediately, and put the guard on alert. There is dark magic at play here, and we must find the source quickly. Son, I am glad you came to me with this. We’ve never had someone like you here and this may help us stop something before it gets started. Stay with Eryn, we’ll find your mother and your wife” the king said as he placed a hand on Lucas’s shoulder. The king and his guard left and headed off to search for Mirabelle and Leliana and Lucas started to follow when Eryn grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Your father asked you to wait here Lucas, I think you should listen” she said to him. “I can’t just sit and wait. I can help; I have abilities that can help them. I’m fast and I can fly and read minds” Lucas said to her. “While that may help on earth, it won’t help you as much here. We have magic here, and those abilities can be countered with the right spells. If dark magic is at play, you don’t want to be at the mercy of the wizard using it. Just stay here with me, and everything will be fine” she said as she took his hand
. “Very well, I trust you Eryn. I’ll stay here and wait for word that everything is ok” he replied. “Thank you Lucas. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you” she said to him.

  While they waited for word, the guards stormed through the castle searching for Leliana and Mirabelle. The king and his guard searched frantically, but they would not reach them in time. The queen had her own personal guard that had been watching over her and Leliana on their outings, but today something was different. Leliana had felt there was something different she couldn’t put her finger on, but she couldn’t figure out what it was. Suddenly she could sense something was off and there was a different smell to the air that had not been there before. Suddenly one of the guards lunged forward at the queen pulling a blade from his belt mid stride as he aimed for the queen’s heart. Suddenly she heard the king cry out as he came around the corner to see the attacker going for the kill. “NO!” he shouted out. Leliana wasted no time rushing to the queen’s side knocking the attacker aside and narrowly saving the queen from certain death. The guards rushed to grab the assailant and the king rushed to his wife’s side to check on her. “Are you ok my queen?” he asked. “Yes, Leliana saved me just in the nick of time. How did you know to come though Destrian?” the queen asked. “Our son warned me. He had summoned for me and told me he felt darkness in the air. I knew that something involving dark magic was at play, but what puzzles me is why they sent a man with just a dagger to kill you” the king replied. “Sire, that’s no ordinary dagger. It’s been enchanted and poisoned sir” Asher said to him. He handed the blade to the king, and immediately he knew what it was meant for. “This blade has been enchanted to kill a vampire. They weren’t going to kill you, they were hoping for Leliana to jump in the way” he said. They suddenly heard a body thud on the floor and turned to find Leliana lying on the floor. They rushed to her side at once to check on her. “Are you ok my dear?” the queen asked as she took her hand. “I think he must have gotten me as I knocked him out of the way, but I didn’t feel a thing” Leliana replied. “Take her to the infirmary at once!” the king shouted. His guard lifted her up gently and carried her off towards the infirmary. “Cassius go and find my son and Eryn, bring them to meet us there. You will find them in the library. Go at once and make haste!” he said as his voice trembled.

  Cassius ran through the palace making straight for the library. He burst through the doors and shouted for them both. “Lucas, Eryn you must come to the infirmary at once!” They both got up and Lucas could hear his thoughts. “Leliana is hurt, and someone has attempted to kill my mother” Lucas said to her. “What are we waiting for then?” Eryn replied. He picked her up in his arms and headed towards the door. “We’re going to be moving really fast, so you’ll have to think about the path you’d take to get there the fastest” Lucas said. She wrapped her arms around him and held on to him tightly and focused on the path to the infirmary. They moved so quickly she could barely tell what part of the castle they were in, but she kept her focus on the destination. Within seconds they had reached the infirmary, and he put her down gently. “I don’t feel so good, how do you do that all the time Lucas?” Eryn asked him. “I honestly do not know, I suppose you just get used to it. You should try flying, it’s much more exciting, but we can talk about it later. Let’s find out what’s going on” Lucas replied. They walked in to find his parents by Leliana’s side, and a healer very close by checking on her. “Leliana!” he shouted as he rushed to be by her side. “What happened? Are you hurt my love, do you need blood?” Lucas asked. “Someone dressed as a guard attempted to attack your mother, and I ran towards him and knocked him aside, but somehow he still managed to cut me. He was faster than any mortal I’ve ever seen” Leliana replied. A voice spoke up from the doorway and startled them all. “He wasn’t just any mortal, he was a servant of Artemis Bloodworth” Quinn said to them. “Quinn, how do you know this?” the king asked. “After we captured him we took him to the barracks to interrogate him. When they removed his helmet I recognized him, and he bore the mark on his neck. He’s locked up in a cell right now awaiting your judgment my lord” he said. “Wait, you mean to tell me the dark wizard still lives?” Lucas asked. “Apparently so my son; we thought him dead several centuries ago, but it seems word of his death was greatly exaggerated” Destrian replied. “Where is this prisoner? I will find Artemis through his thoughts and memories” Lucas said with anger in his voice. “It’s no use son. He knows about your kind, and he will have placed a ward on his mind to protect his thoughts from both of us and most likely will have cursed his blood so that you cannot consume it” his father replied. “Our men are searching the castle as we speak to ensure we are safe from any other threats your majesty. We are almost finished with the search and will report once it is complete sire” Quinn said as he bowed. “Good work Quinn, report back once the search is complete. Keep the prisoner under constant watch” the king replied. “As you wish my lord” he replied. Quinn bowed and then left to continue the search of the castle.

  Lucas and Eryn sat with Leliana while the king and queen paced the floor. The healer came into the room to speak with them. “I’m afraid I have some bad news your majesty. You were right. The blade was indeed coated with poison. This was no ordinary poison though; it was the very same one we used to hunt the vampires of this world to extinction. We have no idea how it will impact the princess, but the wound isn’t healing as it should. I’m very sorry, but there is nothing we can do for her” he said. “What about giving her some of my blood? Or using magic to heal her?” Lucas asked. “I’m sorry my prince, but that simply will not work. While I have no doubt that your blood is quite potent being the first of your kind on earth and the son of the immortal king, this poison prevents blood from healing the vampire and it also stops magic from healing the wound to prevent the vampire from being able to recover. We designed the poison a long time ago to fight the vampire horde, but we destroyed it once we had hunted them all to extinction. I have no clue how they managed to get any and we cannot make an antidote without it, but I am truly sorry your highness” he replied. “There must be something we can do!” Lucas said with frustration in his voice. “Calm down my love, it is ok. I’m not afraid to die. We’ve had centuries together, and I’ve seen and lived everywhere I could have imagined. You’ve given me and shown me more love than I ever thought I deserved, and you have Alice and Krystal to keep you company, and Susan adores you” Leliana said as she took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “But you won’t be there. It won’t be the same” Lucas said softly. His father came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry my son, I wish there was more we could do.” His mother took Leliana’s free hand and held it tightly. “You saved my life my dear, and I cannot thank you enough and it pains me deeply I will never repay that debt. I am very grateful that you are a part of my son’s life. We will not rest until we find anything that can help you, and if we cannot, rest assured you will be avenged my dear” Mirabelle said. “I don’t need to be avenged Mirabelle, your world has seen enough death. I’ve seen what Lucas reads when he comes to bed at night, and it’s haunted him so much. If I’m going to die, I’ll be at peace knowing I’ve had a longer life than most humans ever dream of. The only thing I want is to ask one thing of you, but I’d like to speak to you in private if I may Mirabelle” she replied. “Lucas let’s give them a few moments” Destrian said to him.

  Lucas and his father walked out of the room followed by Eryn. There was an awkward silence amongst them until his father spoke up. “Lucas, we will find out who ordered this attack and make them pay.” Lucas hung his head in silence. “He can’t do it Destrian, she asked him not to avenge her, and he won’t go against her wishes” Eryn said. “She’s right father. I will hunt them down and help you capture them but I cannot kill anyone against Leliana’s wishes” Lucas replied. “Lucas, I think it’s time we had a talk. Can we speak privately for a moment please?” Eryn asked as she ran her hand down his arm
. “Sure, I could use a distraction right now anyway, my mind is running in every direction possible at the same time” Lucas replied as he walked away with her. “Lucas, there is something you need to know. I have a son, Jaidyn, but he was kidnapped along with several other children during the vampire purge by someone while we were away fighting. I haven’t seen him since, but the same dark wizard was behind it as well. I have no clue if he’s still alive and if he is if he would even remember me” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. He reached up and wiped away her tear. “Why didn’t you tell me? What else have I missed in your life?” She hung her head down, and he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry Eryn. I’ve missed so much of your life and I wasn’t there for you when you needed me” Lucas said as he began to cry for her. “Why are you crying Lucas?” she asked. “Because I can see the pain behind your eyes, I can hear it in your voice, and I can hear it in your thoughts” he said as he put his head down.


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