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Undying Love

Page 4

by JD Penley

  Eryn led him to the cell where the assassin was being held prisoner. “You have a visitor, and I’m sure you’re not going to enjoy this one” she said as she scowled at the prisoner. He sat in his cell defiantly right up until the moment Lucas stepped in front of the cell to look at him. A look of fear came over him, and his resolve faded. Lucas listened to see if he could hear his thoughts and he could hear the man repeating the same thing over and over to himself. “Don’t look into his eyes, don’t look into his eyes!” Lucas laughed to himself and motioned for the guard to open the cell. The door slid open and Lucas stepped into the cell. The man began moving towards the corner of the cell, and Lucas could see him start to shake with terror. “You know who I am, yes?” The man barely looked at him. “Yes, sire” he replied as his voice crackled. “You know who you killed, yes?” Lucas asked. “Yes, sire” he replied trying not to look at Lucas. “Look at me you coward! You will look at me when I am speaking to you” he said sternly. The man lifted his head and looked in his direction. “Who sent you? Who hired you to kill us?” he asked. “I cannot say sire, he will kill my family” the man said softly. “You know who I am, but do you know what I am?” Lucas asked gruffly. “I did not know what you were until they told me the blade was able to kill the princess” the man replied. “So you know what I am, but do you really know?” Lucas asked. “I thought I did sire, but it cannot be. You walked in the daylight, that’s impossible” he said with fear in his voice. “I am the impossible. I spit in the face of fate itself. You would dare to tell me what is possible? You have no idea the power I command.” Lucas said adamantly. The man looked up and whispered softly “I am sorry my prince. I didn’t want to do it, but he has my children.” Lucas looked into the man’s eyes, and he knew he was telling the truth. He walked over towards the man and reached out his hand to touch the man’s head. “NO!” he cried out and then went silent as Lucas touched his head.

  The man opened his eyes and found himself floating in darkness, and suddenly a light came towards him. As the light faded away a figure emerged, and he recognized him at once. “Please sire, I do not wish to die” he begged. “I’m not here to kill you, I’m here for answers. No one can hear you here. This conversation will be between the two of us only and no one will know you talked. Back in the cell, you are slumped over and they think you’ve collapsed out of fear. Now it’s time for you to give me answers” Lucas said to him. “I’ll answer anything you ask on one condition my lord” the man replied. “You’re very bold to ask for anything considering what you’ve done, but I can see you were forced to do this task. What is it you want?” Lucas asked. “I won’t ask you to spare my life sire, I don’t deserve to live for the pain I’ve caused you. I’d only ask that you save my children. After that, you may do with me as you see fit, I only wish for them to be able to grow up” he said as he began sobbing. “Do you know where they are keeping your children? Are there others with them?” Lucas asked. “Yes, they keep them locked in the dark wizard’s dungeon. There are several children there in fact, most of the children they kidnapped during the purge are there. A few have died over the years, but the majority of them are still there as slaves to the dark wizard” the man replied. “I will save your children, but you must help me. I need you to remember every detail about where they are being kept. How many guards, how many patrols, how many ways in or out, and where the dark wizard hides. Do this for me, and I will forgive you for what you have done” Lucas replied. “You’re can’t be serious my lord. I killed your wife, attempted to kill your mother, and yet you would save my children and let me live? Why?” he asked. “Because there is something very precious in that dungeon, and I must get it back. That is all you need to know” Lucas replied. “You mean to save her son don’t you, the Lady Eryn’s boy?” the man asked. “How do you know about him?” Lucas asked. “He’s a special one, he’s got the gift. Artemis keeps a close eye on him, never lets him out of his sight. You’ll have to kill him to save the boy and no one has managed to do it in the last three hundred years” the man replied. “Well, that is about to change” Lucas replied with fire in his eyes.

  Back in the cell, the man returned to his senses and quickly backed into the corner. “What did you do to me?” he asked with fear in his eyes. “You passed out. You’ll be fine” Lucas replied. He motioned for the guard to open the cell. The door slid open and Lucas walked out. Eryn followed him quickly out of the cells and through the castle until he stopped outside his father’s chambers. She reached out and grabbed his hand stopping him in his tracks. “Lucas what happened in there?” she asked. “I went for information, and I got it” he replied. “I don’t know what you did, but he was talking one minute and it was like he was stone cold dead the next” she said with a confused look on her face. “I pushed him out of his body and into a realm safe from prying eyes and ears. He told me what I wanted to know” Lucas replied as he kissed her hand. “How did you do that?” she asked. “Magic is a wonderful thing, my dear, it can accomplish the impossible!” he said with a grin as he winked at her. “So what did you learn? We couldn’t hear him say anything” she replied. “He was whispering as if he thought someone was listening, but he told me why he did it. They took his children and threatened him, and they’re keeping them in the dark wizard’s dungeon. Apparently, that’s where they keep all the children there that they’ve stolen over the years” he replied. “Do you think he’s still alive Lucas?” she asked. “I know he is, the man told me as much. It won’t be easy to get him. He’s kept under constant watch by the dark wizard. He said I’d have to kill the wizard to have any hope of getting to him” he replied. “But Lucas you can’t, no one’s ever gotten that close in three hundred years. He’s evaded capture and cheated death every time. How are you going to get to him?” she asked. “I have everything I need up here” he said as he pointed to his head. “You can’t go alone, it’s too dangerous, and they might have more of that poison. You can’t risk it, I can’t lose you again” she replied. “If they had Alice, I wouldn’t stop until she was free. I won’t leave Jaidyn with that monster. I’m going to hunt him down, and I’m going to get Jaidyn back. Grab a map and I’ll show you where to have your men meet me to rescue the children once I free them” he replied as he squeezed her hand. She grabbed a map, and he marked the place they would rendezvous once he freed the children. He gathered some supplies and headed to the roof to prepare to leave. She ran to the roof desperate not to miss her chance to say goodbye. “Lucas, please be careful. These men are dangerous and they could kill you. I couldn’t bear the thought of having to watch you die. Please come back to me” she said as her eyes began to tear up. “I’m going to be fine, and I’m coming back; I give you my word” he replied as he took her in his arms. “Thank you and I expect you to keep your promise. Please come back safely Lucas, I’d be lost without you, I love you” she said as she kissed his cheek. “I love you, Eryn. I’ll be back soon, as will your son. I have to go now, I’ll see you when it’s over” he replied as he kissed her softly. He turned and waved goodbye as he flew off into the air. She looked at him afraid she may be saying goodbye forever, but she waved as she watched him soar up into the night sky.


  Into The Darkness

  Eryn watched as Lucas flew up into the sky, and she couldn’t help but feel like something wasn’t right. She moved quickly back to the cells to speak with the prisoner, concerned that Lucas was walking directly into a trap. “Where is Lucas going?” she shouted at the assassin. “To the dark wizard’s dungeon I would imagine” he said with an evil smirk. “He read your thoughts, what did you show him?” she asked. “I showed him exactly what he asked me to” the man replied. “He’s walking into a trap isn’t he?” she asked with fear in her voice. “That I cannot tell you, I only showed him what he wanted to know, nothing more, nothing less. I do not know what awaits him, but it will not be easy and I told him as much before he left” the prisoner replied. She left the cells and ran quickly to the kin
g’s chambers to warn him that she suspected Lucas was walking into a trap. “My lord, we have to help Lucas!” she shouted as she entered the room. “What is it, my dear? What’s going on?” he replied. “Lucas spoke with the prisoner and somehow found out where the dark wizard is hiding but I fear he may be walking into a trap” she said as she struggled to catch her breath. “Do we know where he is going?” the queen asked. “We only know where he’s going to meet my men after he’s rescued the children they are keeping prisoner. He didn’t tell me the location of the wizard’s lair” she replied. “So he’s gone off alone?” the king asked. “Yes my lord, I think he wanted to go alone” she replied as her tone became softer. “He’s going to try to do it all alone, knowing he could die” Mirabelle said. “There’s something else you should know” she said as she tried to find the words to explain. “He’s found your son, hasn’t he?” the king asked. “Yes, Artemis has him under constant watch” she replied. “That fool boy of ours is going to take on that monster all alone!” the queen shouted. “Gather the men Eryn! We have to attempt to help him! Artemis will be the death of him!” the king shouted as he headed off to grab his armor.

  Elsewhere away from the royal city, Lucas soared above the clouds making his approach quietly out of sight of anyone looking for attackers coming from the woods surrounding the fortress. He reached out with his vampire senses and located the guards on the outside and quickly located a suitable entry point. He watched them make their rounds, listened to their thoughts, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. His newfound abilities made him even faster than before, and he was able to dispatch the guards without a sound before any of them could realize what was going on. He snuck inside the fortress and made his way through the labyrinth of hallways quietly dispatching guard after guard until he reached the dungeon. He could hear the heartbeats of the children, he could sense their thoughts, and feel their pain and he knew he had to move quickly. He snuck first into the barracks and stole a uniform to disguise himself and walked casually into the dungeon. He quickly surveyed the room, counted the guards, and listened to their thoughts. He felt a strange sensation as if something was wrong. He moved quickly to dispatch the guards and then quickly helped the children towards the exit. He led them quietly through the woods to the rendezvous point where Eryn’s men were waiting for him. He told the men to take the children and return to the royal city immediately so they could be taken to the infirmary to be cared for and then reunited with their families. The commander stopped Lucas before they left to speak with him. “My lord, I was given orders to assist you” he said clearing a lump in his throat. “I know she sent you commander, but I won’t risk any lives but my own. You are dismissed commander, now get your men and these children safely back to the royal city and do not delay” Lucas said adamantly. “But sire, what if she asks?” he replied. “I know commander, she’ll want to know why you disobeyed an order. You can tell her that I ordered you to leave, and when she asks you didn’t see which way I went” Lucas replied. “How?” the commander asked. “I can read your thoughts commander, and you should keep focused on getting back safely. This spot is the only thing you know, no matter what she asks of you, and the only thing you think of on the way back, understood?” Lucas asked. “Yes sir!” the commander replied. The commander turned to his men and ordered them to return to the royal city at once.

  Lucas waited for the soldiers to get out of sight and then he headed back to the fortress with a speed he had not reached since he first turned so many centuries ago. He returned to the cells and found every guard was still right where he had left them. He searched as quickly as possible for the entrance to the tower, all while trying to avoid detection. It took only a few minutes for him to find his way to the tower, but it was quiet. The feeling returned, and he knew something wasn’t right. He listened for anyone’s thoughts to try to locate the remaining guards and the possible location of the dark wizard himself. He finally caught glimpses of a boy dreaming of his mother, and he knew at once it was Jaidyn. He could see her in the boy’s memories, and although the boy was sad he couldn’t see her, he still dreamt of her. Lucas became one with the shadows and reached out to touch the boy’s mind. He stepped into the boy’s dream and began to speak with him. “Hello Jaidyn” he said as he came up behind the boy. He could tell he had startled the boy, but he turned to greet him. “Hello” he said softly. “Do you know who I am?” Lucas asked him. “Are you the prince?” the boy asked. “Yes Jaidyn, that’s right” Lucas replied. “Why are they so afraid of you?” Jaidyn asked him curiously. “Well probably because I’m a vampire. Have you ever met one of my kind?” Lucas asked. “No sir I haven’t, but everyone here is afraid of you, everyone except for Artemis” Jaidyn replied. “I saw you were dreaming about your mother, do you remember her?” Lucas asked. “Yes, but how do you know my mother?” he asked. “I am a friend of your mother’s, we grew up together many years ago” Lucas replied. “Is she still alive?” he asked. “Yes, and she misses you very much. Her heart is broken without you, and I can’t stand to see her that way so I’ve come to rescue you and take you back to her. Would you like that?” Lucas asked. “Yes, very much” he replied. “I’m going to need your help then little one, can you help me?” Lucas asked. “What do you need me to do?” Jaidyn asked. “Well I need you to wake up, and I need you to tell me everything you can about Artemis, where he is, and how many men he has left where you are. I’ll be there for you in just a moment and we can go home, just be ready” Lucas said. “Yes sir, I can do that” he replied.

  Lucas readied himself in the shadows and listened again, but this time he was tracking heartbeats. He could hear Jaidyn, but it appeared he was alone. Lucas slowly made his way into the room where they were keeping him but he saw no one inside. A small voice broke through the silence and darkness and caught his attention. “Lucas?” he called out. “I’m here Jaidyn, we’re going to get out of here, don’t be frightened” Lucas replied. “Lucas, are we going home to mama?” the tiny voice asked. “Yes, we are” Lucas said as he approached the cell he was being kept in. “Can we go now?” the boy asked. “We will in a moment, but I need you to do something for me. If while we are leaving I tell you to run, you must do as I ask, and not look back, can you do that?” Lucas asked. “Yes sir, I can” he replied. “Good. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you safe, but we’re going to have to move very quickly. Is there anyone else here? Is the wizard nearby?” Lucas asked. “The wizard is never here at night, he only returns during the day, and the guards are usually walking through, but I haven’t seen them for a while. Did you get rid of the mean men?” he asked. “Yes, Jaidyn and they won’t hurt you ever again. We won’t have a lot of time, the sun will be up soon and the wizard will be back any moment. Are you ready?” Lucas asked. “Yes, I’m ready to see mama” he replied. Lucas grabbed the door and ripped it off the hinges and tossed it aside. “Come now little one, we’re going home” Lucas said as he reached out his hand into the dark of the cell. A tiny hand reached out and took his own hand, and as the boy came into the light he saw her very reason for living. He was a young boy about eight years old, with blond hair and soft blue eyes, and an innocent smile. The boy looked up at him as he took his hand and his smile was replaced with a look of fear. At first, Lucas thought the boy was afraid of him, but in his eyes, he saw the reflection of the man attempting to sneak up behind him. The man lunged at him, blade in hand poised to strike. “Get behind me Jaidyn!” Lucas shouted. The boy hid behind him still holding his hand. The man leaped forward closing in fast, and Lucas put himself between the man and the boy. As the man grew closer, he saw Jaidyn’s mind and he knew that this was the dark wizard. He knew he had to act quickly or else risk losing his chance to save Jaidyn. He quickly grabbed the door he had tossed aside earlier and shielded himself just as the wizard was about to strike. The wizard’s blow broke through the door, and the blade managed to catch Lucas’s arm. Lucas ignored the pain and used the door to pin the wiza
rd against the wall. “Run Jaidyn, follow the trail of bodies outside, and head for the clearing. Your mother will be waiting for you, now go! Don’t look back, just go to her!” Lucas shouted. Jaidyn nodded to Lucas and ran as quickly as he could.

  “So you’ve come to die?” the wizard asked in a raspy voice. “No, I’ve come to end you and your dark reign” Lucas replied. The wizard chuckled menacingly, his face twisted and evil. “You think you’re the one to bring me down? What can you do that your father hasn’t already tried for the last 300 years?” he asked as he cackled. “I’ve managed to greet death and come back, face great loss, find and lose love, and now finally having a reason to push on even though you took what I loved, I’m going to destroy you” Lucas said as he tossed the door aside. “Boy, you have no idea the power I possess. I could destroy you with a mere thought” the wizard snarled. “So then why haven’t you done it coward? Perhaps you’re not as powerful as they feared” Lucas said taunting him. The wizard threw down the blade, and raised his hand into the air, and snapped his fingers. Lightning came down through the ceiling and headed towards Lucas, but he remained in place never flinching. He raised his hands, closed his eyes and it was as if a shield had appeared around him, and the lightning was deflected away and struck the walls blowing a hole larger than a door into it. “What is the meaning of this?” the wizard shrieked. “Are you surprised Artemis?” Lucas asked. “How can you wield magic? This is impossible!” he shouted. “Guess your spies failed to do their job then. I hope didn’t pay them well, otherwise, you didn’t get your money’s worth” Lucas replied, mocking the wizard. “Very well then, we shall both die!” the wizard screamed. He began to throw a combination of fireballs and lightning at Lucas, but he continued to effortlessly block his attempts. The walls began to crumble around them, fire spreading everywhere threatening to burn the entire fortress down around them. Outside Eryn was just arriving with her men as they saw a child running out of the trees, and she dropped to her knees. He knew his mother at once, and he ran to her tears streaming down his face. She grabbed him up in her arms, her eyes filled with tears of joy and her heart was finally whole again, but the feeling was short-lived as she realized Lucas was missing. “Jaidyn, where is Lucas?” she asked. “He told me to run mama. He stayed behind to protect me. He’s fighting the wizard!” he replied. “Oh no!” she said as she gasped, staring up into the sky at the sight of the smoke rising from within the woods.


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