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Henry James

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by Henry James

  Mobile, Ala., 491

  Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin): Le bourgeois gentilhomme, 149

  Moncrieff, W. T.: The Cataract of the Ganges, 69

  Monnier, Henri, 88, 204

  Montez, Lola, 98

  Montreux, Switzerland, 525

  Moore, Thomas, 591

  Morris, William, 542; “The Earthly Paradise,” 529

  Morrison (army officer), 490

  Morton, John Maddison: Betsy Baker, 168

  Motley, John Lothrop, 641

  Mozier, Joseph, 40

  Mulready, William, 189

  Murillo, Bartolomé, 211

  Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), 316–19, 506, 524

  Musset, Alfred de, 676; Il faut qu’une porte soit ouverte ou fermé, 70

  Nadali, Jean, 171, 178, 210–11

  Nagle, Joseph, 68

  Nagle, Mary, 68

  Nantua, France, 171

  Napier (fellow student), 241

  Naples, Italy, 233, 642

  Napoléon I (Napoléon Bonaparte), 146, 245, 255, 291, 663

  Napoléon III (Louis Napoléon), 220, 263

  Nash, Joseph: The Mansions of England in the Olden Time, 15

  Nation, 380, 430, 513, 529, 636, 693

  National Academy of Design, 41

  National Gallery (London), 189–90, 600

  National Theater, 100–101

  Nepos, Cornelius, 131

  Neuberg, Joseph, 375

  New Bern, N.C., 486, 488

  New Brighton (Staten Island), 17, 21–27, 51–52, 55–56, 114, 169, 172

  Newburgh, N.Y., 8

  Newport, R.I., 167, 234–36, 338, 343, 346, 381, 385, 402, 404, 460–61, 489, 500, 509, 511, 520, 546; James family resides in, 289, 293, 295–320, 324–26, 329–30, 333, 348, 351, 434, 441, 503, 506–8, 522, 545, 692; and Minnie Temple, 545–46, 549, 551–53, 556–57, 559; Portsmouth Grove, 444–46, 449

  New York City, 9, 21, 24, 27, 35–37, 46, 76–77, 84–85, 87–90, 95, 108, 111, 113–14, 117, 119, 122, 142, 149, 159, 166, 171, 176, 182, 227–28, 231–32, 298, 306, 310, 373, 375, 379–80, 404, 418, 446, 469, 475, 477, 498, 513, 538, 540, 543, 557, 568–69; art galleries in, 40–43, 161–65, 205; bookstores in, 53–55; cholera outbreak, 81; churches in, 143–44; dance studios in, 143, 146–48, 150; entertainment in, 97–98, 103–6; HJ’s education in, 10, 12–17, 40, 83, 121, 123–32, 137, 150, 174–75, 184–85, 218, 241, 296, 324; HJ’s later visits to, 636–37, 647, 650, 654; hotels in, 8, 31, 33, 61, 145, 226; literary scene, 40–41; music and opera in, 72–73, 82, 147–48; neighborhoods of, 17–19, 30–31, 43, 60, 62–65, 97–98, 106–7, 125, 140–41, 365; “old New York,” 32, 60, 169, 532, 564; photographers in, 56–57; restaurants in, 44–45, 53, 598; society in, 29; theater in, 52–53, 65–73, 98–102, 104, 162, 168, 190, 214, 659; versus Boston, 506, 509–10, 512

  New York Edition, 732, 736, 742

  New York Evening Post, 419

  New York Hotel, 31, 33, 61, 145

  New-York Tribune, 48–49, 638

  New York University, 127–28

  Niblo’s Garden, 72, 103–5

  Nice, France, 26, 643

  Nightingale, Florence, 509

  Norcom brothers (Eugene, Reginald, Albert), 151–52, 154

  Norcom family (New York City), 142, 151–54

  North American Review, 429, 501, 568, 691, 695

  North Conway, N.H., 533, 553, 692

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 411–14, 429, 501–2, 513, 541, 585, 695–703, 745–46; Church-Building in the Middle Ages, 699; Study and Travel in Italy, 699

  Norton, Grace, 541, 605

  Norton, Jane, 414–17, 429, 639, 691

  Norton, Susan Sedgwick, 411, 416–17, 429, 541–42, 585, 593, 605, 691

  Norton family, 411–17, 457

  Notre-Dame cathedral, 199

  Nuremberg, Germany, 525

  Ogden family (New York City), 151

  Olympic Theatre, 191–92

  Once a Week, 270–71, 281, 460

  Orvieto, Italy, 699

  Osborne, Louis, 264–65, 267

  Osborne family, 267

  Osgood, Frances Locke, 41

  Osgood, James, 424

  Osgood, Samuel Stillman, 41

  Pacific (steamship), 169

  Padua, Italy, 646

  Paget, James, 608–9

  Pakenham, Elizabeth Staples, 642–43, 658

  Pakenham, Thomas Henry, 642–43

  Palais de l’Industrie, 106, 179

  Palais de Luxembourg, 190, 203–5, 212, 233

  Palais Royal, 229, 292, 524, 670–71

  Palmerston, Viscount (Henry John Temple), 39

  Pantheon art gallery, 161, 188–90

  Paris, France, 19, 34–37, 106, 115, 148, 161, 184–85, 190, 237, 248, 264, 270, 277, 389, 395–96, 398, 400, 426, 430, 498, 506, 509, 746; art museums in, 203–12, 291–92, 303; HJ’s education in, 195–97, 201; HJ’s first visits to, 34–35, 57, 170, 177–79, 181, 196–233, 288–92, 310; HJ’s later visits to, 520, 618, 637–39, 641, 643, 653, 657–58; literary scene in, 670–86; theater in, 49, 193, 214–17, 259, 638, 652–53, 738; WJ’s later visits to, 281, 285, 523–24

  Parker, Joel, 465, 469–70

  Parker, Theodore, 369

  Parkhurst, William H., 43–44

  Park Street Church, 515

  Park Theater, 72

  Parsons, Theophilus, 465–66, 468

  Pasca, Madame, 523

  Pascoe, Mrs. (landlady), 330

  Passy, 200

  Patti, Adelina, 72

  Pavilion (New Brighton), 21–22, 27, 52

  Payn, James, 687–89

  Peabody, Arthur P., 340

  Peirce, Charles Sanders, 638

  Pendleton, Gertrude James (cousin), 29, 226–27, 231

  Pendleton, James M., 29–30, 226, 231

  Pensionnat Roediger, 174–76

  Pension Sillig (Vevey), 119–20

  Penzance, England, 643

  Perkins, Helen Wyckoff, 76–79, 81, 84–85, 154

  Perkins, Leonard, 84–85

  Perkins, William E., 488, 495

  Perry, Matthew C., 339

  Perry, Oliver H., 339

  Perry, Thomas Sergeant, 320, 337–39, 431, 512, 523, 529–30

  Peters, Mr. (of Philadelphia), 277–78

  Petersburg, Va., 167, 235, 483

  Phelps (fellow student), 137

  Philadelphia, Pa., 44, 277, 379, 509–10, 543–44, 559, 563, 691

  Phillipps, Adelaide, 564

  Phillips, Wendell, 342

  Phiz (Hablot K. Browne), 43, 72, 127

  Pierson, Blanche, 215–16, 672

  Placide, Henry, 68

  Planché, James Robertson: The Discreet Princess, 193

  Plato, 395

  Plumley, Miss (teacher), 390

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 41, 297, 483; “Annabel Lee,” 40; “The Gold-Bug,” 40; “Lenore,” 40; “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” 40; “The Pit and the Pendulum,” 40; “The Raven,” 40

  Ponisi, Elizabeth Hanson, 68–69

  Ponsard, François: Ce qui plaît aux femmes, 215–16

  Poole, John: Paul Pry, 67

  Portland, Me., 474

  Portsmouth Grove, R.I., 444–46, 449

  Posilippo, Italy, 642

  Post, Mary Minturn, 425, 568–69

  Potter, Edward F., 483

  Powers, Hiram, 40

  Pradier, Jean-Jacques, 227

  Pratt, Herbert, 644–45

  Pray, Malvina, 67

  Pre-Raphaelites, 190

  Prince of Wales’s Theatre, 599

  Princess’s Theatre, 191

  Pritchard, Hannah Vaughan, 192

  Probyn, Dighton Macnaghten, 613

  Probyn, Letitia Thellusson, 613

  Providence, R.I., 324, 474, 511

  Prud’hon, Pierre-Paul: Cupid and Psyche, 210

  Pruyn family (Albany), 33

  Punch, 38, 225, 460

  Puritans, 370–71, 468, 471, 487, 702

  Pynsent’s confectione
ry, 141

  Quackenbos, Mr. (teacher), 131–32, 137

  Quakers, 511–12

  Quincy, Henry Parker, 330

  Rabe, Annie Crawford von, 557–58

  Rachel, Madame (Élisa Félix), 49, 214–15, 259, 374

  Racine, Jean: Phèdre, 259

  Ravel family (acrobats), 103–4

  Rawle, Mary Cadwalader, 559

  Reade, Charles: The Cloister and the Hearth, 270; A Good Fight, 270

  Readville, Mass., 446, 480–81

  Récamier, Jeanne-Françoise Bernard, 24

  Reform Club, 641, 731

  Reichhardt-Stromberg, Mathilde, 117, 279

  Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, 600, 670

  Renan, Ernest, 618

  Renouvier, Charles, 417

  Revolutionary War, 8, 303

  Revolution of 1848 (France), 36–37

  Revue des Deux Mondes, 289–90, 299–300, 306–7, 309, 331, 373, 408, 426–27, 436

  Rhinebeck, N.Y., 110–11, 113–14, 159, 226

  Richmond, Va., 235, 483

  Rimini, Italy, 645–46

  Ripley, Eliza, 654

  Ripley, George, 40

  Ristori, Adelaide, 83, 280

  Ritter, Charles, 526

  Robarts, Charles H., 641

  Robertson, Alexander, 8, 81–82, 143

  Robertson, Forbes, 739

  Robertson, Thomas William, 599

  Robeson, Alice, 342

  Robeson, Andrew, 332

  Robeson, Mary Isabelle, 654

  Robin Hood, 182

  Robinson, Solon, 51; Hot Corn, 49–50

  Robinson family (New York City), 142

  Robson, Frederick, 191, 193

  Rochester, N.Y., 662

  Rochette, Monsieur (teacher), 255

  Rodgers, Katharine, 654

  Roediger, Monsieur (teacher), 175

  Rogers, Miss (teacher), 14

  Rogers, Samuel, 591–92

  Rogerson, Christina Stewart, 641

  Rome, Italy, 164, 166, 503–5, 509, 512, 541, 546, 641–42, 645, 742

  Romulus and Remus, 137

  Ronconi, Giorgio, 72

  Ropes, John Codman, 330

  Rose, Charlotte Temple, 637

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 542

  Rossini, Giaocchino: William Tell, 563–64

  Rothschild, Miss de, 658

  Rousby, Clara (actress), 83–84

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Confessions, 112, 462

  Rousseau, Lovell H., 493

  Rousseau, Théodore, 205

  Rowney (artists’ supplies), 188

  Royal Academy, 190

  Royal Society of Literature, 740

  Rubens, Peter Paul, 189, 600, 631

  Ruskin, John, 541, 699, 746

  Russel, Cabot Jackson, 402–4, 446, 488

  Russel, William C., 404

  Russell, Arthur, 658

  Russell, John, 39

  Rutson, Albert, 585, 590

  Ruysdael, Jacob van, 177

  Ryder, John, 191

  Rye, England, 726, 747

  Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François de, 623–24

  Sade, Laure de, 622–23

  Sadowa, battle of, 520

  Saint-Cloud, 199

  Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin: Causeries du lundi, 197, 464–65

  Saint-Gaudens, Augustus: Shaw Memorial, 446

  St. Leonards-on-Sea, England, 642

  St. Mivart, George, 429

  St. Nicholas Hotel, 31

  St. Paul’s Cathedral, 183

  Salter, Charles, 350, 455–56

  Samson, Joseph, 214

  Sanborn, Franklin B., 333, 386, 388–89, 391

  Sand, George, 426–29, 652, 676, 682; Les beaux messieurs de Bois-Doré, 529; La Daniella, 529; La famille de Germandre, 427–28; Francia, 427, 429; L’homme de neige, 427–28; Jacques, 428; Mademoiselle La Quintinie, 427; La mare au diable, 428; Nanon, 427; La petite Fadette, 471; Tamaris, 427; Valentine, 428; Valvèdre, 427; La ville noire, 427

  San Francisco, Calif., 557–60

  Sanitary Commission, U.S., 509

  San Remo, Italy, 643

  Saratoga, N.Y., 520

  Sardou, Victorien, 652; Patrie, 216

  Saturday Review, 167

  Sauvage, Prosper, 242

  Savannah, Ga., 492–93, 495

  Schelling, Friedrich von, 367

  Schenectady, N.Y., 323–24

  Schiller, Friedrich von, 258; Mary Stuart, 280; The Robbers, 347; Thirty Years’ War, 272

  Scotch Presbyterian Church, 142–43

  Scott, Walter, 269, 591, 650; Redgauntlet, 651

  Scott, Winfield, 35, 41, 127

  Scottish ancestors, 7–8, 143

  Scribe, Eugène, 217, 676

  Sedan, battle of, 520

  Sedgwick, Arthur, 411, 533, 592

  Sedgwick, Miss (teacher), 15

  Sedgwick family, 416

  Semler, Christian, 525

  Senter family (New York City), 142

  Sepoy Mutiny, 240–41

  Sévigné, Marie de, 343

  Seymour, Truman, 483

  Shady Hill (Norton home), 411–16, 429, 457, 501–2, 691, 697, 701, 745

  Shakespeare, William, 62, 67, 99, 181, 193, 362, 600; As You Like It, 177; The Comedy of Errors, 66; Hamlet, 189, 504; Henry VIII, 191–92; King John, 41; Macbeth, 192; The Merchant of Venice, 70; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 68; Much Ado about Nothing, 68; Othello, 70

  Shaw, Francis G., and family, 22, 403

  Shaw, Robert Gould, 402, 446

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 591; The Critic, 193

  Sherman, William T., 492–95

  Sickles, Daniel, 350

  Sillig, Monsieur (teacher), 120

  Simpson (fellow student), 138–40, 296

  Sing Sing prison, 108–10, 117

  Smith, Albert: Tour of Mont Blanc, 191

  Smithsonian Institution, 424

  Smollett, Tobias, 579, 598

  Société de Zofingue, 262–63, 282

  Somerville Asylum, 424

  Sontag, Henriette, 72

  Sorrento, Italy, 166, 642

  South Kensington Museum (now Victoria and Albert Museum), 602

  Springfield, Mass., 474

  Stage Society, 738–39

  Stanley, Miss, 650

  Staten Island, N.Y., 17, 21–27, 51–52, 55–56, 114, 169, 172

  Stearns, Mrs. (dressmaker), 391

  Steffanone, Balbina, 72

  Sterling, John, 368–69

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 180, 747

  Stewart’s department store, 44, 66

  Stirling, Fanny, 191

  Stirling, J. H., 430

  Stokes (fellow student), 137

  Storrow, Samuel, 495

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 99–102, 153–54

  Strasbourg, France, 288

  Stromberg, Theodor, 279

  Strong, Eleanor Fearing, 638

  Stuart, Gilbert, 424

  Stuyvesant Institute, 162

  Sullivan, Arthur, 600

  Sumner, Charles, 34–35, 38, 380

  Susini, Agostino, 564

  Swampscott, Mass., 349, 519, 522, 606, 692–93

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 144, 352–53, 361–62, 382; Arcana Coelestia, 353; Heaven and Hell, 353

  Sweetser, Mr. and Mrs. (landlords), 340, 342

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles: “Atalanta in Calydon,” 601

  Sylvia (slave), 153–54

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 461

  Talma, François-Joseph, 220

  Tappan, Caroline Sturgis, 385–86, 389–91, 395–403, 407

  Tappan, Ellen, 340

  Tappan, Mary Aspinwall, 337, 340

  Tappan, William Aspinwall, 337, 340

  Tautphoeus, Jemima Montgomery: The Initials, 51, 53, 99

  Taylor, Bayard, 592

  Taylor, Billy, 418, 420

  Taylor, Dr., 568–69

  Taylor, Mary Cecilia, 67–68

  Taylor, Tom: Still Wate
rs Run Deep, 192

  Taylor’s ice-cream parlor, 44–45, 53

  Temple, Catharine Margaret James (aunt), 12, 114

  Temple, Ellen. See Emmet, Ellen (Elly) Temple

  Temple, Henrietta (later Henrietta Temple Pell-Clarke), 12, 549

  Temple, Katharine. See Emmet, Katharine (Kitty) Temple

  Temple, Mary (Minnie), 12, 298, 300–302, 531–70

  Temple, Robert Emmet, Jr. (Bob), 12, 343–47

  Temple, Robert Emmet, Sr., 12, 36, 114

  Temple, William James, 12, 326–27, 330, 343, 346

  Temple family, 166, 312, 532, 554, 557–61, 693

  Tennyson, Alfred, 542, 617–20, 625–26; “In Memoriam,” 622; “Locksley Hall,” 621, 624

  Tennyson, Emily Sellwood, 620–21

  Tennyson, Hallam, 620

  Terry, Ellen, 739

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 58, 183, 344, 346, 579; The English Humorists, 57; Men’s Wives, 243; The Newcomes, 59, 239, 243, 269, 728; Pendennis, 243–44, 427, 472; Roundabout Papers, 268; Vanity Fair, 197–98

  Thames Tunnel, 183

  Théâtre Français, 49, 215, 222, 259

  Thellusson, Marie Macnaghten, 613

  Thies, Louis, 331

  Thomas, George H., 493

  Thomas family (New York City and Paris), 265, 267

  Thompson, Elizabeth, 643

  Thompson’s ice-cream parlor, 44–45, 53

  Thomson, Robert, 180–81, 183–84, 195, 197, 207

  Théaulon, Emmanuel: Le père de la débutante, 68

  Thorvaldsen, Bertel: Christ and the Twelve Disciples, 106

  Times (London), 180, 579

  Titian (Tiziano Vecelli), 189, 472, 670; Bacchus and Ariadne, 600–601; Portrait of Ariosto, 600

  Toledo, Spain, 644

  Toole, John, 84

  Töppfer, Charles, 258–59

  Töppfer, Rodolphe, 258; Nouvelle Genevoises, 259; Voyages en Zigzag, 176–77

  Tours, France, 166, 227

  Tower of London, 183

  Townsend family (Albany), 33

  Travellers’ Club, 641

  Trevilian, Edwin Cely, 648

  Trinity Church (Newport), 303

  Trinity Church (New York City), 44

  Tripler Hall, 72

  Trollope, Anthony, 359, 553; The Eustace Diamonds, 429; Framley Parsonage, 268

  Trollope, Frances, 7

  Trouville, France, 166, 227

  Troyon, Constant, 205

  Tuckerman, Henry T., 297

  Tuileries, 199, 204, 228, 289

  Turgenev, Ivan, 424, 431, 746

  Turgenev, Madame (widow of Nikolai Turgenev), 638

  Turin, Italy, 278

  Turner, J.M.W., 163

  Tussaud, Marie, 183–84

  Tweedy, Edmund, 166, 298, 341–42, 506

  Tweedy, Mary Temple, 166, 298, 300, 341–42, 400, 506, 508–9

  Uhland, Ludwig, 276


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