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Two Reckless Hearts (Barrett Ridge Book 1)

Page 11

by Holly Cortelyou

  Beck arched and for an infinite second, his heart stilled, and his need gathered. He called out Jami’s name, thrust hard, and his orgasm blazed through him.

  He closed his eyes, and molten fire poured through his veins, penetrating his deepest cells. Every inch of his skin blazed with the heat, and his senses spun. Jami had matched him thrust for thrust and flaming desire and need. It was magnificent.

  Jami’s breath came in fitful gasps, and Beck cracked his eyes open. Jami touched his cheek and then pulled his mouth close to hers. They kissed until their passion stirred once more and then brought them to the brink.


  The moon crept over the tips of the treetops as Jami and Beck floated in the sweet, warm waters of the plunge pool. With their hands entwined and silky strands of Jami’s hair tickling his shoulder, Beck reveled in the pure contentment and relaxation that wove through his every muscle and nerve ending.

  Jami hummed under her breath, and Beck lazily studied her luscious breasts as they dipped in and out of the water. He almost turned to caress and suck on a succulent nipple, but as he turned, his stomach growled. Jami gurgled with laughter until her own belly responded with a grumpy rumble.

  “I think we missed dinner.”

  “I wonder if anyone noticed?” Jami kicked her feet, and a cascade of bubbles erupted.

  “Or assumed that we were together?”

  “I hope not.”

  “Not having second thoughts?” Beck studied Jami and marveled at her smooth, moon-glowing skin glistening in the silver light.

  Jami stood, and with water cascading down her naked body, she ran a hand along his chest, down his abdomen, and then caressed his cock. “Hardly.” She chuckled when his unit sprang to life at the instant of her touch. “I like having this as our secret getaway. It’s sexier.”

  “Is it too late for room service?”

  Beck leered down at her. “What did you have in mind? I’m a full menu kind of guy.”

  Jami leaned down to claim a kiss, but Beck cupped a hand on one breast and locked his lips on the other. Jami laughed, but it turned to a low moan. “You are an island enchantress.”

  “Are you my sex god from the sea?” Jami splashed water at Beck and swirled through the water until she backed into the wall of the pool.

  “Try me.” Beck cradled her hips in his hands, kneeled, and lowered his mouth to the dark triangle nestled between her lush thighs. He cupped a handful of water and drizzled it across her hot feminine need, and ran his tongue along the same path. Jami shivered, and she dug her hands into his hair.

  As he played with the cool water and his hot mouth against her flesh, Beck marveled at her body. She was strong but lush. Giving, but demanding. They were equal in every way. His heart lurched, and he looked up at the moon.

  Jami opened her eyes and followed his gaze up to the glowing orb high in the velvety night sky. She whispered his name, and it seemed to float along the water. With silvery water glistening on her skin, she rose and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  Beck cradled her close. He was never going to let her go.


  THE GATE CLICKED behind the server as Beck held back the curtain for Jami. She emerged from the bungalow in a white towel snugged around her body, and her eyes lit up at the feast of seafood, fruit, and fresh vegetables.

  Beck held a chair for Jami as she slid into it with an appreciative sigh. Jami’s hair was piled carelessly on the top of her head, and the column of her neck seemed like it needed kissing, at least in Beck’s opinion. She was strong and confident, and soft and delectable. Beck extended his leg under the marble-topped table and rubbed up against Jami’s smooth calf. She paused with an almond poised at her lips and threw him a suggestive smile.

  With their voices low to keep from carrying through the night air, they talked of everything and nothing as they feasted, and the moon soared higher into the tropical night sky.

  “So why does Caitlynne keep throwing that Eric douchebag at you?” Beck speared a coral and cream-colored shrimp and popped it in his mouth. He waited to see if he’d get a reaction.

  “Why do you ask?” Jami didn’t look up from her examination of the fruit platter. “And, thank you for noticing that he’s an ass.”

  “You’re welcome.” Beck scooped up another shrimp. “But what about your stepmother? What’s her game?”

  Jami nibbled on a strawberry and then wrinkled her nose. “Perhaps she feels better about herself whenever she’s tearing down others.”

  “I’m guessing it’s a power game.”

  “She does want all the attention on her and the twins. She hates it that Dad has adult children he still cares about. She nitpicks constantly. Sometimes I think my dad believes some of the garbage she spews.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I still feel like I have to prove myself every day to him.”

  “So if you don’t close the Anderton property, you’re feeling like you failed him?”


  “That’s messed up. You don’t seriously think your father will despise you over this one business deal, do you?”

  “No.” Jami’s voice wavered, unconvincing.

  “Now it makes sense.” It clicked in Beck’s mind.

  “What does?”

  “Caitlynne has sniffed out your tender underbelly. She’s figured out that she can use your need for your father’s approval against you. No wonder she’s always trotting out snarky comments about your former fiancé.”

  “Doesn’t everyone seek out the respect of their parents?” Jami cleared her throat. “He is a tough customer to please.”

  “Somehow, your father has you convinced that his approval equals your self-worth.”

  “You make me sound pathetic and insecure.”

  “I think you’re amazing.” Beck pointed his fork at Jami. “You are strong, you’re kind, and you rock at your job.”

  Jami grinned. “I’ll take the compliment.”

  “We all have strengths and weaknesses. It’s not a crime to be less than perfect.”

  “What’s your weakness?”

  “Well, not me.” Beck made a face. “I’m practically perfect.”

  Jami chuckled. “I think I’ll go with what your sisters said. You’re afraid of commitment.”

  “What guy isn’t?”

  “Lots of normal guys get married every day, and it isn’t a big deal. You’re thirty-five, and it doesn’t sound like you’ve even come close.”

  “I’ve had lots of girlfriends.” His voice sounded defensive even to his own ears.

  “Have you ever lived with anyone?”


  “Dated for longer than six months?”

  “Once. For seven.”

  “You’re not conflicted about your sexuality?”

  “No. Thank you for asking.”

  “It’s a fair question.”

  “I know exactly what I like and how I like it.” Beck ran his gaze over Jami, and he was pleased to see her blush slowly. “What about you? What exactly happened with Eric the Amazing Jilting Lawyer?”

  Jami laughed as he’d intended. “I hate to admit it, but I think I was in love with the idea of getting married.”

  “You didn’t love old Eric?”

  “I had a crush at first. There was something titillating about the high school quarterback falling for me years after school. We had sports in common, and we used to run after work every day. He had a great job and plenty of money-making potential. He took me on fun dates and romantic weekends.”

  “Then what?”

  “I started to gloss over the problems. At first it was dumb things like he’d stiff servers at restaurants when he was mad. But then we started arguing about big things like having children, and how to manage our money once we got married.”

  “That’s not a good sign.”

  “Especially when nothing gets resolved, and one person starts
to sulk. Then work late. A lot. And then starts banging half the dancers in Vegas while he’s doing the bachelor party thing.”

  “At least you found out before you got married.”

  “I’m everlastingly glad that he hit me over the head with what a creep he was.” Jami stared at her hands for a moment. “But the worst part is that he made the decision. I was such an idiot that I was going to go through with the wedding despite all of my doubts.”


  “All the invitations had gone out. Presents were arriving. I was in deep.”

  “Was it a big wedding?”

  “Three hundred and fifty guests.”

  “Do you really think you’d have gone through with it if he hadn’t eloped?”

  “I wish I could say I was prepared to call it off, but I wasn’t.” Jami stared up at the sky for a moment, her forehead furrowed. “I’d committed to my course, and I was going to finish that race. Come hell or high water.”

  “You didn’t want to lose face in Barrett Ridge.” Beck made it more of a statement, instead of a question, and Jami bobbed her head in agreement.

  “My dad was pleased to see another child get married, and Eric is a distant cousin of Caitlynne’s, so I think she sort of felt like she’d set up the marriage, and it was up to me to take advantage of such a good match.”

  “That sucks. I’ve spent the last few days envying the closeness of your family, and that you grew up in a small town and had tons of connections.”

  “It’s not as glamorous as it’s cracked up to be.”

  “Ha! Cozy and loving is what came to mind.”

  “Nosy. Gossipy. Laden with peer pressure. That’s what comes to my mind. Are you ready for that if you move to Barrett Ridge?”

  “Are you telling me you think you’ll lose?” Beck leaned across the table and brushed his lips on hers, to lessen any sting from his words.

  “Don’t try to distract me.” Jami pushed him away, but under the table, she was busy running her foot along his inner thigh. “I’m just making sure you’re prepared for all outcomes.”

  “Change will be good for me. Besides, it will be like I have a built-in family already. We’re practically siblings.”

  “Is that how you see me?”

  “Anna, Sam, and Jo. Yes. Austin, Dillon, and Kyle, also a yes. But you?”


  “I think you’re irritating, competitive, and bossy.”

  “You sure know how to charm the ladies.” She popped the last strawberry into her mouth with a smile.

  “I do. Thank you.” Beck pulled her hand close to his mouth, turned it palm up, and placed a long kiss on her inner wrist. “And you’re funny, charming, and sexy as hell.” Beck moved to her side of the table and pulled her to her feet, then ran a string of kisses along the soft flesh of her inner arm and stopped with his mouth on the delicate skin at the crease of her elbow.

  “That’s better.” Jami leaned her hip into his and cocked her head back.

  “Shush. I’ve got more moves to convince you.”

  “You’ll get no complaints from me.”

  Beck cradled her head in his hands and stroked her cheekbones with his thumbs before he touched his lips to hers. He started with the softest of pressures, but as she trembled, he deepened the kiss until her lips parted and their tongues danced.

  Jami raised her head, breathless, and ruffled her fingers through his hair. Electricity and heat followed the course of her hands, and Beck pressed his hand into the small of her back until her hips pressed into his and her towel fell away, unnoticed.


  Beck pulled Jami close and she settled into the crook of his shoulder and arm with a delicate sigh, and within minutes, she’d fallen deep into sleep. Through the French doors, the ocean whispered, and moonlight danced along the palm fronds rustling in the breeze.

  Jami rubbed her head against his chest, and her hand curled close to her cheek. It was all oddly perfect. She equaled him in every way. Her passion was as strong.

  She didn’t shrink from teasing him or trying to best him in an argument or in a physical competition. Beck smiled. Whether it was tennis, snorkeling, or a treasure hunt, Jami was a gamer and would give it her all.

  Yet, despite her bold exterior, she tried to protect her feelings. Like her crunchy shell on the outside was a show to shield her tender heart. That jerk of an ex-fiancé must have really done a number on her self-confidence. Not that surprising, he supposed. Beck tried to imagine one of his old girlfriends eloping with a stripper while they’d still been dating. Um, yeah. That would shake the foundations of his self-worth.

  In the pale light, Jami’s dark eyelashes fanned across her cheek, and she seemed fragile, breakable. He stroked her hair with a tender touch, closed his eyes, and drifted into a peaceful slumber.


  JAMI SMOOTHED THE filmy layers of her skirt and did a final check on the curling tendrils of hair on her neck. Yep. She looked good. Matter of fact, she looked rather fetching and probably enough to catch Beck’s attention.

  A shiver of memory rippled over her skin. She was ready for the touch of his hands again. It had been three long hours since she’d been wrapped in his arms. It was much too long. Jami stifled a sigh as she glanced at her sister, Sam, who was shimmying into a body shaper in preparation for the bridesmaid’s dress. The wedding ceremony was less than an hour away.

  “You look wonderful in that deep lavender.” Sam looked over her shoulder as she twitched at the fabric of her own dress.

  “It does show off my tan, doesn’t it?”

  “You do have the best figure of all of us.”

  “I’ll keep you around for the moral support.” Jami hugged Sam but was careful not to crush the delicate, lacy fabric.

  “You ready for Anna’s big moment?”

  “Funny, she’s getting married twice before any of the rest of us have even tried it once.”

  “The right man makes all the difference.” Jami almost purred the words. Now, why did Beck’s face pop into her mind when imagining Mr. Right? She smiled, and it must have been a naughty look because Sam narrowed her eyes.

  “What trouble are you getting into?” Sam whisked a blush brush along the sides of her nose and a dab on her chin.

  “Come on, we need to hurry up and get over to Anna’s suite.” Jami turned away to keep her sister from reading her expression. “I bet Jo will be knocking on the door any minute to round us up.”

  Jami’s phone buzzed noisily on the nightstand, and she turned to it in relief. She did not want to divulge any of her midnight adventures to Sam. At least not yet.

  “You go on ahead. I want to check my emails one more time.”

  Sam made a face. “Fine. But leave that stupid phone in your room or locked up in your purse. This is Anna’s wedding. Be present.”

  Jami waved her out the door. “I hear you.”

  Jami snatched up her phone and eagerly combed through her messages. The county’s decision had been made. The email was nestled between a one-day discount deal on bedding and a real estate investment seminar offer. Her breath caught in her throat, and she pressed the phone against the filmy fabric of her bodice.

  At the moment of truth, she hesitated. She liked this oasis of ignorance. She and Beck were on an even playing field. They each had strengths and weaknesses. She smiled softly. She hated bugs, and he ran from lizards. And they both weren’t too certain about those heights at the waterfalls.

  She quivered. Beck filled her senses. She imagined his tongue dancing circles around her nipples, then down the center crease of her torso until he dipped to taste her honeyed core.

  Yes, they both gave as much pleasure to one another as they took. At least for her, she’d never experienced such intense ecstasy. She wanted more of him, and she had a sinking feeling she might never quite have her fill of him. Ultimate satisfaction made her want more. She flushed. She was greedy.

  A cool breeze shot through the roo
m. The sheers at the window billowed. A note paper lifted up and fluttered to the floor. Jami bit her lip and gazed at the blinking light on her phone.

  She tapped the email message and allowed the awkward legalese to sink in. She read it a second time. Unbelievable. Her knees locked and a knife twisted in her gut. BK Industries had won the zoning change and could proceed with the purchase of the land.

  She’d lost. Austin would shake his head and give her his pity. Caitlynne would declare Jami was depriving her youngest siblings of their inheritance. And Dad. What would he think? He’d know for sure that she was a fake and useless. That she was unworthy of his love or his trust.

  Jami gulped at the knot clogging her throat. It was only real estate, but her life was in ruins. She’d failed her family.

  She scanned the email a third time. What was this about a federal grant for BK Industries? Her shoulders slumped. No wonder the county decided in favor of Beck’s firm. Barrett Logistics couldn’t compete with that. A tight anger swelled in her chest.

  Beck had snuck it past her. No. He definitely failed to mention it at the hearing. He must have amended the paperwork after the fact. Beck had outsmarted her. Jami curved her fingers into fists, and the nails slowly gouged into her palms.

  There was a series of quick raps, and Kyle peered through the cracked door opening. “You decent? Jo sent me to find you.”

  Jami tossed the phone on the bed and lifted her chin. “I’m so ready. Let’s go.”


  With minutes to spare, Jami lined up amidst her sisters and nieces. Everyone was all smiles while Daphne and Mae giggled and spun in circles to watch their skirts swirl. Anna’s daughters’ heads were close as they whispered to each other, and Rob’s boys stood at rigid attention with the bug eyes of nerves. Jami took it all in as if she were a reporter, all of her emotions walled off inside a solid brick bunker.


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