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The Moving Picture Boys on the Coast

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by Victor Appleton

  THE FLAG AND FRONTIER SERIESBy Captain Ralph Bonehill.

  These bracing stories of American life, exploration and adventure shouldfind a place in every school and home library for the enthusiasm theykindle in American heroism and history. The historical background isabsolutely correct. Every volume complete in itself.

  12mo. Bound in cloth. Stamped in colors.Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid.

  WITH BOONE ON THE FRONTIER, Or The Pioneer Boys of Old Kentucky.

  Relates the true-to-life adventures of two boys who, in company withtheir folks, move westward with Daniel Boone. Contains many thrillingscenes among the Indians and encounters with wild animals.

  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST, Or With Lewis and Clark Across theRockies.

  A splendid story describing in detail the great expedition formed underthe leadership of Lewis and Clark, and telling what was done by thepioneer boys who were first to penetrate the wilderness of thenorthwest.

  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GOLD FIELDS, Or The Nugget Hunters of '49.

  Giving the particulars of the great rush of the gold seekers toCalifornia in 1849. In the party making its way across the continent arethree boys who become chums, and share in no end of adventures.

  WITH CUSTER IN THE BLACK HILLS, Or A Young Scout Among the Indians.

  Tells of the experiences of a youth who, with his parents, goes to theBlack Hills in search of gold. Custer's last battle is well described.

  BOYS OF THE FORT, Or A Young Captain's Pluck.

  This story of stirring doings at one of our well-known forts in the WildWest is of more than ordinary interest. Gives a good insight into armylife of to-day.

  THE YOUNG BANDMASTER, Or Concert, Stage and Battlefield.

  The hero is a youth who becomes a cornetist in an orchestra, and workshis way up to the leadership of a brass band. He is carried off to seaand is taken to Cuba, and while there joins a military band whichaccompanies our soldiers in the attack on Santiago.

  OFF FOR HAWAII, Or The Mystery of a Great Volcano.

  Several boys start on a tour of the Hawaiian Islands. They have heardthat there is a treasure located in the vicinity of Kilauea, the largestactive volcano in the world, and go in search of it.

  A SAILOR BOY WITH DEWEY, Or Afloat in the Philippines.

  The story of Dewey's victory in Manila Bay as it appeared to a real,live American youth who was in the navy at the time. Many adventures inManila and in the interior follow.

  WHEN SANTIAGO FELL, Or The War Adventures of Two Chums.

  Two boys leave New York to join their parents in Cuba. The war betweenSpain and the Cubans is on, and the boys are detained at Santiago, butescape across the bay at night. Many adventures follow.



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