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T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2

Page 41

by T. S. Eliot

  In Ara Vos Prec, the seven quatrain poems, all in English, appear first, followed by the four French poems. In US 1920, The Hippopotamus appears amid the French poems. Three quatrain poems with indents appear before the French group, and three without indents appear after it. Whereas the basic rhyme scheme of the other quatrain poems is ABCB, The Hippopotamus—which TSE originally entitled Vers anglais—follows the ABAB of Gautier’s L’Hippopotame (see Commentary).

  Because it was used in the setting of 1925, the arrangement of the poems in US 1920 has been followed ever since. The order is the same, but with the poems in French omitted, in Penguin and Sel Poems 1954. There, however, the shape of Whispers of Immortality and Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service was especially distorted for many years by the indenting of the first line of the second and subsequent stanzas, except those immediately following the subdivision marked by a row of dots (see “This Edition”, 5. SPACING AND PUNCTUATION in Vol. I).

  The loose leaves that accompany the March Hare Notebook include all the poems in AraVP and Poems (1920) except Le Directeur and The Hippopotamus. See headnote to Textual History, 5. THE MARCH HARE NOTEBOOK AND ACCOMPANYING LEAVES.

  Section-title page] 1925+, variously using capitals, italics, comma, dash and brackets

  [Poems I 29–52 · Commentary I 455–546]


  Published in AraVP, US 1920+.

  ts1 (Berg) = A in March Hare: two leaves of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Ribbon copy with title emended in pencil.

  ts2 (Berg) = B in March Hare: two leaves of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Violet carbon of a revised version with pencil suggestions by Pound. Paper and typing match those of Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar ts1 and Sweeney Erect ts1.

  msAdd: pencil draft of 69–73 on verso of second leaf of ts2.

  ms Cunard (Texas): copy by Nancy Cunard on four pages of her commonplace book, with her note “July 1919. T. S. Eliot” at foot. Presumably a copy of either ts1 or ts2, as it follows their early reading of 69–73; ts2 is the more likely, since Cunard does not follow the line space 46 ^ 47 in ts1. As this ms has no independent authority, variants are not recorded below. Cunard’s papers also contain a ts copy of the text as published in what she calls Ara vos Prek.

  ts3 (U. Virginia): two leaves of lightweight typing paper. Carbon of a new typing adopting some of Pound’s suggestions from ts2 (see 70); sent to Rodker in summer 1919. With printer’s marks and apparent page divisions “5 | 6 | 7” changed to “7 | 8 | 9”, although these do not correspond to the pagination of AraVP (or US 1920); see Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar ts3.

  Virginia program (U. Virginia): hybrid text printed for a McGregor Room Seminar at the university led by Willard Thorp, 21 Mar 1947. Marshall describes this text and the marks TSE made some time between 1947 and 1952. TSE did not always comment on variants in this programme.

  Title] Gerousia ts1 1st reading

  Epigraph were] were, ts3, AraVP

  Unadopted second epigraph] ts1 only, with first line stepped down from epigraph above:

  Come il mi corpo stea

  Nel mondo su, nulla scienza porto.

  1 Here I am, an] ringed and del Pound ts2 month,] month ts3, AraVP, Virginia program

  2 Being read to by · · · b · · ·] underlined with “Being” ringed by Pound with “? to by” ts2. Also, on four lines, “b — b — b | B d bb | consonants, | two prepositions” Pound ts2

  3–14] with “don’t know whether | vide letter” Pound ts2

  4 rain] rain, ts1 (erroneously given as ts2 in March Hare)

  7 house,] ts2 (not noted in March Hare), US 1920+ ‖ house ts1, ts3, AraVP

  [Poem I 31–33 · Commentary I 467–86]

  8 Jew] Washington copy 1954 emendation, 1963 ‖ jew tss, printings prior to 1963 window-sill] 1963, 1974+ ‖ window sill tss, printings prior to 1963, US 1963, 1969 owner] ringed by Pound with “vs the ‘my’ denouement of ‘rented’ rather delayed” ts2

  14 ^ 15] line space tss, AraVP, US 1920, 1925 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1932 ‖ no line space 1936+

  15–16] inset AraVP

  17 wonders.] wonders, Penguin sign!”] 1932+ ‖ sign”. (punctuation marks superimposed) ts3 ‖ sign.” AraVP ‖ sign”: ts1, ts2, US 1920 ‖ sign”! 1925

  20 ^ 21] line space US 1920+ ‖ no line space tss, AraVP

  25 ^ 26] no line space prior to 1925, Penguin, Sel Poems 1954, 1969 ‖ line space 1925 (probably to avoid a widow), 1932, US 1936 and subsequent US eds. ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1936, 1963 and many subsequent British eds.

  26 Hakagawa] underlined, with “? the gentleman’s name ends [1st reading: means] in affix meaning river wd. be taken for some Tiber or Garonne by anyone knowing as much Jap as I do” Pound ts2 ‖ Hakagama ts3, AraVP

  28] added ts3 Fräulein] 1925, Sesame, US 1936, Guild, Penguin, US 1952, US 1963 ‖ Fraülein tss, AraVP, 1932, 1936 but corrected 17th and 18th imps. (1959, 1961) and in Washington copy 1954 (probably by TSE, although in a blue ballpoint he did not use elsewhere in the volume) ‖ Fraulein US 1920, 1932 proof, with erroneous emendation “ü” by TSE.

  29] last two words on new line with indent US 1936, US 1952, US 1963 (error)

  30 the] bracketed Pound ts2

  33 Think now] ringed by Pound ts2

  34 History] Nature ts1 1st reading has many] bracketed Pound ts2

  35 issues,] US 1920+ ‖ issues; tss, AraVP, Virginia program deceives] deceived Pound ts2, with arrow to move it between whispering and ambitions

  36 by] with ts1 1st reading Think now] del Pound ts2

  37 She] del Pound ts2 gives] gives, Pound ts2 distracted] ts2 (with comma added by Pound), US 1920+ ‖ distracted, ts1, ts3, AraVP, Virginia program

  38 gives with such] with first and third words bracketed Pound ts2

  39 Gives] bracketed and underlined by Pound with “stet” ts2

  40 if] is 1963 (corrected 4th imp., 1968), US 1963 (later corrected). To Gallup, 1 Oct 1963, of this error: “If you notice any more errors in my Collected Poems other than that one on page 30 [of US 1963], which · · · does, I am sorry to say, occur in both editions [British and American], do let me know.”

  44 Neither fear nor courage] How courage ts1 1st reading

  46 ^ 47] no line space US 1920+ ‖ line space ts1, ts3, AraVP ‖ new leaf so line spacing indeterminate ts2

  51 purposelessly] purposelessly, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  53 devils.] devils. It is commonly said with last four words del ts1

  53 ^ 54] new page so line spacing indeterminate 1936 ‖ line space Penguin (error)

  54] indent Penguin (error)

  55 near] in ts1

  [Poem I 31–32 · Commentary I 474–81]

  57 need] ts1, ts2, US 1920+, endorsed by TSE in Virginia program ‖ want ts3, AraVP it] it, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  60 use] lose ts3 1st reading them] 1936+ ‖ it tss, printings prior to 1936, emended by TSE to them in Virginia program

  60 ^ 61] two-line space ts1 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate AraVP, 1932

  62 profit] AraVP, US 1920, 1932+ ‖ profit, 1925, US 1920 2nd printing (1927), 1932 proof with comma del TSE. To P. M. Jack, 19 Jan 1927: “You are quite right about the comma. It is one of the misprints that I had noted. I think that you would find that it is not in the previous editions.” of their] when the ts3 1st reading (error, anticipating the reading in 63)

  66 operations, will] operations? Will TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  67 Mrs.] Mrs tss, AraVP, Penguin Cammel] ts1, ts2, US 1920+ ‖ Cammell ts3, AraVP

  69–73] ts1, ts2:

  In fractured atoms. We have saved a shilling against oblivion

  Even oblivious.

  with line space before 74

  69 In fractured atoms.] not msAdd

  70 running] driven msAdd 1st reading on] US 1920+ (endorsed by TSE in Virginia program) ‖ by ms
Add, ts3, AraVP Horn.] 1963, 1969, 1974 ‖ horn, msAdd 1st reading ‖ Horn, msAdd, ts3, printings prior to 1963. The comma remained in reprints of Sel Poems for some years after 1963, was then changed to a full stop, but was reintroduced long after in Britain in Sel Poems and Coll Poems. (Moody 305 lists the stop as “probably authorial”.)

  71 Gulf claims,] US 1920+ ‖ gulf claims msAdd, ts3, AraVP

  72 man] US 1920+ (endorsed by TSE’s deletion of comma in Virginia program) ‖ man, msAdd, ts3, AraVP by] msAdd 1st reading, US 1920+ (endorsed by TSE in Virginia program) ‖ on msAdd, ts3, AraVP Trades] trades msAdd

  73] To a sleepy corner. Twitching with rheumatism msAdd a] a a US 1920 corrected in 2nd and 3rd printings (1927, 1929) and by TSE in Morley’s US 1920

  73 ^74] no line space ts3, AraVP, Penguin (corrected long after)

  74 the] an old man’s ts1, ts2

  Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar

  Published in Art & Letters Summer 1919, where this and Sweeney Erect were editorially numbered I and II. Then AraVP, US 1920+.

  ts1 (Berg) = A in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Ribbon copy with comments by Pound. At top left, Pound wrote “Dyptich”, corrected to “Diptych”. No indents except 2–5, indented a single space.

  ts2 (Berg) = B in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Violet carbon of a later version. Even-numbered lines indented.

  [Poems I 32–35 · Commentary I 481–97]

  ts3 (U. Virginia): violet carbon sent to Rodker for AraVP. Marked in unknown hand with page division for printer “8 / 9” changed to “10 / 11”, although these do not correspond to the pagination of AraVP (or US 1920); see Gerontion ts3. With even-numbered lines indented.

  Three typescripts appear to have been used as setting copy. The epigraph and 31 suggest that the second printing, AraVP, was not set from A&L. The epigraph and 7 suggest that US 1920 was not set from either of the first two printings.

  Title] Bleistein with a Cigar ts1 ‖ Burbank AraVP contents

  Epigraph] Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laire] no hyphens ts1 (with TRA), ts3, AraVP est;] est ts1 caetera] US 1920+ ‖ Caetera ts1 ‖ cætera A&L, AraVP stopped, the] stopped the tss, AraVP ‖ stopped—the A&L there, how] there—how A&L ‖ there How ts1, ts3, AraVP ‖ there how ts2 its] it’s ts1, ts3, AraVP and] & AraVP goats] Goats ts1, ts3, AraVP and] & AraVP monkeys,] monkeys! ts1 too!] too ts1 countess] Countess ts1, ts3, A&L, AraVP came] passed ts3 1st reading and so] & so AraVP

  2] And Triton blew his wrinkled shell. ts1, where Pound bracketed the line with “if you ‘hotel’ this rhythm shd. be weighted a bit, I think” Descending] A ts3 1st reading, typed over

  3 arrived,] arrived; ts1

  4 fell.] fell: Pound ts1

  6 seaward with] slowly like ts1

  7 Slowly] Seaward ts1 God] god ts1, ts3, A&L, AraVP

  8 ^ 9] double rule with “OK. from here anyhow” Pound ts1

  13 way:] way; ts3

  20 candle end] candle-end Pound ts1

  21] “punctuation?” Pound ts1 Declines] Burns ts3 1st reading, typed over

  23 Jew] Washington copy 1954 emendation, 1963+ ‖ jew tss, printings prior to 1963 lot.] lot, Guild

  26 phthisic] phthsic ts3 1st reading, typed over

  27 lights,] lights; ts1

  29 Klein.] Pound marked the full stop and twice put a comma with “?” ts1 wings] ts2+ ‖ mane, ts1, changed to wings by Pound

  29–30 Who · · · claws?] enclosed in quotation marks by Pound, who repeated them in margin with “for clarity?” ts1

  31 Thought] —Thought ts3, AraVP

  [Poem I 34–35 · Commentary I 486–97]

  Sweeney Erect

  Published in Art and Letters Summer 1919, AraVP, US 1920+.

  ts1 (Berg) = A in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Ribbon copy, without indents.

  ts2 (Berg) = B in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Violet carbon with even-numbered lines indented.

  Title] Sweeny erect AraVP

  Epigraph] not ts1 ‖ Voici ton cierge, | C’est deux livres qu’il a coute … ts2 (each line centred) [1] me,] me AraVP [2] and] & AraVP [3] and] & AraVP me] me, US 1920, 1925, 1932 [4] Look, look,] Look, Look, AraVP

  5 Aeolus] tss, US 1920+ ‖ Æolus A&L, AraVP

  8 with] the ts1 1st reading

  10 Polypheme).] 1936+ ‖ Polypheme) tss, A&L ‖ Polypheme); AraVP ‖ Polypheme), US 1920, 1925

  11 orang-outang] Orang-outang ts1

  15 teeth:] teeth; ts2, A&L, AraVP

  16 sickle motion] sickle-motion ts1

  17 Jackknifes] Jack-knifes A&L

  18 out] A&L, US 1920+ ‖ down tss, AraVP hip] hip, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  20 pillow slip] pillow-slip ts1

  21 full length] full-length tss, A&L, AraVP shave] shave, ts1, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  23 temperament] temperament, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  26 said] says tss, A&L, AraVP Emerson] ts1, US 1920+ ‖ Emerson, ts2, A&L, AraVP, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  28 sun.)] 1925+, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s 1920 ‖ sun). tss, printings prior to 1925

  29 leg] leg, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  30 subsides.] subsides; tss, A&L, AraVP

  34 disgraced,] disgraced; ts2, A&L, AraVP

  36 And deprecate] Deprecate tss, A&L, AraVP of] oft Guild taste] taste, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  41 Doris,] Doris tss, A&L, AraVP bath,] bath tss, A&L, AraVP

  [Poem I 36–37 · Commentary I 497–506]

  A Cooking Egg

  Published in Coterie May Day 1919, AraVP, US 1920+.

  ts1 exists in two versions:

  ts1a (Berg) = A in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. With comments by Pound. No indents except inadvertently at 1, 2, 6, and 33.

  ts1b (Berg) = B in March Hare: leaf of lightweight typing paper accompanying Notebook. Carbon of ts1a with final line missing, supplied in margin in pencil by TSE.

  Coterie prints without indents.

  Title] not ts1 ‖ oking Egg 1963 proof

  Epigraph] not ts1, Coterie beues …] beues. Sel Poems 1954 (and later hardback imps.) ‖ beues Sel Poems 1961 pbk (corrected long after)

  3 of the] printings prior to 1963 ‖ Of The ts1a 2nd reading ‖ of 1963+ (see McCue 2012, Proposal 7).

  5 Daguerreotypes] Daguerrotypes ts1, AraVP silhouettes,] silhouettes ts1

  6 great great aunts] great-great-aunts Coterie

  8 ^ 9] ts1:

  When Pipit’s slipper once fell off

  It interfered with my repose;

  My self-control was somewhat strained

  Because her stockings had white toes.


  I wanted Peace here on earth,

  While I was still strong and young;

  And Peace was to have been extended

  From the tip of Pipit’s tongue.

  ts1a with [1–4] ringed, [7–8] bracketed, and both stanzas then del by Pound, ts1b with both stanzas then del in blue crayon, apparently by TSE

  [3] marked “X” at beginning and end of line by Pound with “used before” ts1a strained] shaken ts1b 2nd reading

  [4] stockings had white toes] ringed by Pound with a swooping line to the end of [1] ts1a

  [5] Peace] Pipit ts1a 2nd reading

  8 ^ 9] three asterisks AraVP, six dots US 1920. This division in the printed poem (like that between the sixth and seventh stanzas) coincides with the omission of the stanzas deleted in draft, but the similar divisions between the fourth and fifth stanzas of Whispers of Immortality and Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service do not correspond to known deletions.

  [Poem I 38–39 · Commentary I 507–509]

  9 as also 13 Heaven] heaven ts1 ‖ Heaven, Coterie, TSE’s emendation in Morley’s US 1920

  9–12] with “le preux Bayard mirrour of Chiva
lry & Coriolanus. Cola da Rienzi”, Pound ts1a

  10 Sidney] Sidney, ts1

  12] bracketed Pound ts1a that] my ts, with ? that Pound ts1a ‖ his Coterie

  16 five per cent.] 1925+ ‖ Five Per Cent ts1 ‖ five per cent Coterie, AraVP, US 1920

  17 Society] Conversation ts1 ‖ Company ts1b 2nd reading Heaven,] heaven ts1 ‖ Heaven AraVP

  18 Lucretia] For I ts1 1st reading (typed over) ‖ Lucrezia ts1, Coterie Bride;] bride: ts1

  20 Pipit’s experience] those which Pipit ts1 ‖ Pipit’s memory Coterie

  21 Heaven:] heaven: ts1

  22 will] shall Coterie

  23 Trances;] Trances: ts1

  24 de] de’ ts1, Coterie, AraVP me.] 1932 2nd imp. (for the US, Sept 1932), 1936+ ‖ me ts1 ‖ me … printings prior to 1932 ‖ me. 1932 proof, 1932

  24 ^ 25] ts1:

  To the communion of the Lord,

  With bread and wine the tables drest;

  I hope the potables will be

  Such as my stomach can digest.

  with fourth line underlined by Pound with diagonal strokes at corners ts1a (matching 25)


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