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T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2

Page 46

by T. S. Eliot

  I have substituted for the J. Conrad the following, or something like it:

  Nam Sibyllam quidam Cumis ego ipse meis oculis vidi, in ampulla pendere, et ubi pueri dicerent, “Σιβύλλαμ, τι θέλεις;” respondebat illa, “ἀποθανεῖν θέλω.”

  Epigraph] on section-title page 1925+ ‖ not T/W, Criterion ‖ on title-page Q, Boni, Hogarth ‖ above poem Dial (all italic)

  Epigraph Quotation marks] around entire epigraph Q, Boni, 1925, 1936 2nd imp. (1937)+ ‖ quotation mark at start of epigraph only 1936 ‖ no quotation marks Dial, Hogarth, 1971B ‖ quotation mark at close of epigraph only Valerie’s Own Book (error)

  Epigraph Nam] 1936+, 1971B ‖ NAM Q, Boni, Hogarth, 1925 ‖ Nam Dial dicerent:] dicerent, Hogarth Σίβυλλα] Σίβυλλα, Hogarth ‖ Σιβυλλα Faber Bk Mod V θέλεις] θελεις Q illa:] illa; Q ‖ illa, Hogarth ἀποθανεῖν] ἀπο θανεῖν Dial (TSE to Richard Aldington, 15 Nov 1922: “I do not know how the Dial separated the prefix of ‘Apothanein’; I spelt it out carefully enough for them.”) Attribution] PETRONIUS ∙ SATIRICON added Mardersteig

  Dedication] centred beneath epigraph 1932+ ‖ not prior to 1925 ‖ stepped, lower right of section-title page 1925 ‖ first line all capitals Mardersteig fabbro.] fabbro Penguin, Sel Poems 1954 (corrected long after), Mardersteig

  Parts] each starting new page in drafts, Q, T/W, Boni, Hogarth, 1925+ ‖ run on Dial, Criterion, Sesame, US 1952

  Numerals, italic face] not Q, T/W, Dial ‖ roman face Boni, Hogarth, 1925, Faber Bk Mod V, Sesame, Penguin, US 1952, 1969 (some later printings of Sel Poems have italic numerals except for roman I)

  Line numbering] not drafts, T/W, Dial, Criterion, Hogarth, 1936 proof, Mardersteig ‖ every ten lines Q, Boni, 1925+. Lines are here counted as in most editions, including Boni and 1963, with

  From doors of mudcracked houses

  If there were water

  as the single line [V] 345. See collation. (For other part-lines, see note below to [II] 117–28.)


  The only draft of this Part I is ts1 (ribbon copy only, WLFacs 4–9), which is given in WLComposite. The published poem begins at [I] 1 = 55.

  [Poem I 53–55, 323–24 · Commentary I 588–97]

  Unadopted heading HE DO THE POLICE IN DIFFERENT VOICES: Part I] ts1. Kenner in Litz ed. 38: “This comprehensive heading is misaligned with the rest of the page, which suggests a second, probably later, insertion of paper into machine. At the head of Part II, however, the Dickens title sits on the page as though it had been meant to be there from the start · · · he did not write or type it on any of the extant copies of Parts III, IV, and V.”

  1–54] ts1 only, whole page finally deleted by TSE

  7–8] ringed with Meet me in the shadow of the watermelon Vine | Eva Iva Uva Emmaline del, and [Tease. Squeeze lovin & wooin | Say Kid what’re y’ doin’

  19–34] small marginal ink marks at beginning and end of this passage, perhaps for new paragraphs

  20] accidentally indented ts1

  23] I’ve kept a decent house for twenty years, she says ts1 2nd reading

  27 on account] off ts1 2nd reading

  33 good laugh,] couple of laughs (?) ts1 2nd reading (ink, del pencil) ‖ good laugh ts1 3rd reading (pencil) with all then del

  34 was always a good sport”).] ts1 1st reading (the quotation marks being a manuscript addition) ‖ was always a real good (?) sport”). ts1 2nd reading ‖ always treated me white. ts1 3rd reading

  41–42 I thought · · · peevish.] del ts1

  41 who I am?] me? ts1 2nd reading

  45 We] Us ts1 2nd reading Joe Leahy] Heinie Krutzsch ts1 2nd reading ‖ Gus Krutzsch ts1 3rd reading

  46 Found it shut.] del ts1

  Published poem begins. Also ts1.

  Row of four asterisks at head of leaf ts1

  [I] 1 = 55] indent 1963 (not 1963 proof, US 1963) April] two-line drop capital and capitals Boni, Criterion, Hogarth ‖ capital and small capitals 1925 ‖ three-line drop capital and capitals Mardersteig cruellest] cruelest Dial

  [I] 4 spring] Spring W 2nd reading

  [I] 6 = 60 in] with Valerie’s Own Book forgetful] ringed Pound ts1

  [I] 8 = 62 Starnbergersee] T/W, Boni, Dial, Criterion, 1925+ ‖ Königssee ts1 ‖ Stainberger Q ‖ Starnbergersee, Hogarth

  [I] 9 rain;] rain: T stopped] (or perhaps stepped) over malformed characters ms1960 colonnade,] Colonnade T ‖ colonnade W

  [I] 10 = 64] accidentally indented ts1 sunlight] the sunlight T/W, Criterion, Sel Poems 1954, Sel Poems pbk (1961, later corrected)

  [I] 11 = 65 and talked for] talking ts1

  [I] 12] italic Dial

  [I] 13 archduke’s,] printings prior to 1932, US 1952, Library of Congress recording notes 1949 ‖ arch-|duke’s, (breaking across line) 1932, US 1936 ‖ arch-duke’s, 1936+, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960. TSE deleted the hyphen in 1936 proof

  [Poem I 55, 324–26 · Commentary I 597–605]

  [I] 14] typed both in its proper place and in the line space 13 ^ 14 T/W (the lower line del Watson in T) cousin’s,] cousin’s T/W sled,] sled. T (twice)

  [I] 15 said, Marie] said, “Marie Criterion

  [I] 16 tight.] tight.” Criterion

  [I] 17 = 71 there you feel free.] ringed Pound ts1

  [I] 18 ^ 19 = 72 ^ 73] line space Boni, Criterion, Hogarth, 1932+ ‖ row of four asterisks between line spaces ts1 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate Dial, 1925 ‖ no line space 1932 proof, with “space” TSE

  [I] 19–24] reduced line spacing T

  [I] 21 only] only, T

  [I] 22 sun beats] sunbeats T 1st reading, W

  [I] 23 relief,] relief T

  [I] 26–30] see The Death of Saint Narcissus 1–6

  [I] 26 rock),] rock) T 1st reading, W, Dial ‖ rock). 1936 proof (which was not corrected)

  [I] 27 = 81 And] And ts1 something] some thing T/W, Criterion

  [I] 29 meet] greet ms1960 1st reading you;] you Mardersteig

  [I] 30 handful] handfull T/W

  [I] 30 ^ 31 = 84 ^ 85] line space Boni, Criterion, 1925 ‖ row of four asterisks between line spaces ts1 ‖ two-line space Q, Dial ‖ no line space T/W, 1932 (to fit 31–34 onto page), 1936+ ‖ half-line space Hogarth

  [I] 31–41 = 85–95] ringed to move before [I] 19 = 73 ts1

  [I] 31–34 = 85–88] reduced line spacing Q, T/W, Boni inset] ts1, Boni+ ‖ not inset Q, T/W, Dial, Criterion italic] Boni, Dial, 1925+, ms1960 ‖ roman ts1, Q, T/W, Criterion, Hogarth, Valerie’s Own Book. (Variations solely between roman and italic within these four lines are not noted below.)

  [I] 31 = 85 Frisch weht der Wind] Mein ts1 1st reading (not inset) ‖ Frisch schwebt der Wind ts1 2nd reading ‖ Frisgh weht des Wind T 1st reading, W

  [I] 32 zu,] zu 1936, Sesame (with full stop added long after), 1963, 1969 ‖ zu. Penguin, Mardersteig, 1971B

  [I] 33 = 87 Irisch] Irisch’ ts1 ‖ irisch Penguin, Sel Poems 1954 (changed to capital “I” long after), Valerie’s Own Book ‖ irish Valerie’s Own Book 1st reading. (Although German does not capitalise the word—so that the reading current in Sel Poems from 1948 until at least 1970 and found in Valerie’s Own Book has its claim—the capitalised form appeared in all of the first four printings and is found in ms1960.) Kind,] Kind. T/W ‖ Kind 1969

  [I] 34 ^ 35 = 88 ^ 89] line space Boni, Dial, Criterion, 1925 ‖ no line space ts1, Q, T/W, 1936+ ‖ half-line space Hogarth ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1932. In ts1, the four lines of German follow a row of asterisks and there is no line space before the English resumes.

  [I] 35–36 = 89–90] with two question marks, one deleted, zigzag mark and “Marianne” (with what may be “V” crossed through the middle) Pound ts1

  [I] 35 hyacinths] Hyacinths 1974

  [Poem I 55–56, 326–27 · Commentary I 606–608]

  [I] 36 = 90 “They] They Dial, Criterion, Valerie’s Own Book girl.”] girl”. ts1, T/W, Valerie’s Own Book

37 = 91 —Yet] Yet T/W, Criterion ‖ —Yet, Valerie’s Own Book we] I ms1960 1st reading hyacinth] ts1, Q, Dial, Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 emendation, 1936 18th imp. (1961), 1963+, Valerie’s Own Book ‖ Hyacinth T/W, Boni, Criterion, Hogarth, 1925, Faber Bk Mod V, 1936 to 17th imp. (1959), Sesame, Penguin (these emended long after), Library of Congress recording notes 1949, ms1960

  [I] 38 arms] arm T/W

  [I] 38–39 = 92–93 I could not | Speak] underlined Pound ts1

  [I] 41 ^ 42 = 96 ^ 97] line space ts1, Q, T/W, Criterion ‖ no line space Dial, 1925+, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate Boni, Hogarth. (TSE to P. M. Jack, 19 Jan 1927: “there ought to be a double space to isolate the quotation line 42 like the quotation above.” This presumably means a line of space before and after, since the quoted lines 31–34, also from Tristan und Isolde, are isolated by single, not double line spaces. Other than Criterion, no printing has isolated the line in this way until the present ed.)

  [I] 42 = 95 ^ 96] ms addition ts1 Oed’] 1936, Sesame, Guild, 1963+ ‖ Öd’ ts1, Dial, Penguin, Sel Poems 1954 (later emended to Oed’) ‖ Od’ Q, T/W, Boni, Criterion, Hogarth ‖ Od’ 1925, Faber Bk Mod V, 1971B

  [I] 42 ^ 43] line space Q, T/W, Boni, Criterion, 1932, Faber Bk Mod V, Sesame, Penguin, 1969, 1974+ ‖ no line space Dial, Hogarth ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1925, ms1960 ‖ two-line space 1936, 1963 (to avoid widow on the next page)

  [I] 43 = 96 clairvoyante,] clairvoyant, ts1 1st reading ‖ clairvoyante T/W

  [I] 46 wicked] not T/W Here,] “Here,” Criterion

  [I] 47 Is] “Is Criterion Phoenician] Phoenicien T/W ‖ Phœnician Criterion, Valerie’s Own Book Sailor] sailor Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960

  [I] 48 = 101] del Pound ts1 eyes. Look!)] eyes. See! WLFacs 122–23

  [I] 49 = 102 Lady] lady T/W

  [I] 50 = 103 situations.] situations, ts1, Valerie’s Own Book

  [I] 51 = 104 man with three staves,] ringed with King fishing ts1 alt del ‖ fisher King ts1 further alt Wheel,] wheel, T, ms1960 1st reading ‖ Wheel Mardersteig

  [I] 52 one-eyed] not T/W

  [I] 54 = 107 I do not find] I look in vain ts1, ringed for del Pound

  [I] 55 = 108 The Hanged] For the Hanged ts1 ‖ The hanged T 1st reading

  [I] 56 ^ 57 = 110] (I John saw these things, and heard them). ts1, del Pound

  [I] 59 careful] careful, Valerie’s Own Book these days.] in these days.” Criterion

  [I] 59 ^ 60 = 113 ^ 114] two-line space ts1, Q ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate US 1963

  [I] 60 = 114] braced, with slash through comma (to start new line?) Pound ts1 Unreal] Terrible ts1 1st reading City,] City, I have sometimes seen and see ts1 (with first letter over lower-case c) ‖ City. Valerie’s Own Book

  [I] 61 = 115 a] your ts1, ringed Pound dawn,] dawn ts1

  [Poem I 56, 327 · Commentary I 608–15]

  [I] 62 = 116 flowed] flow ts1 over London Bridge] under London Bridge Hogarth

  [I] 63 = 117] not T 1st reading, added by Watson

  [I] 64 = 118] with “J.J.” (boxed) by Pound ts1 (for James Joyce see Commentary) Sighs] Signs Q exhaled,] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ expired, ts1 1st reading ‖ exhaled ts1 2nd reading ‖ expired. ts1 3rd reading ‖ exhaled. ts1 final reading

  [I] 65 = 119 And] and W man] one ts1 1st reading fixed] ts1 final reading+ ‖ kept ts1 1st reading ‖ held ts1 2nd reading eyes] iyes T

  [I] 67–68 = 121–22] braced and del, with “Blake. Too old often used” Pound ts1

  [I] 67 = 121 Saint] St ms1960 1st reading hours] time, ts1

  [I] 69 = 123 I saw] saw Valerie’s Own Book 1st reading crying:] crying T/W, Hogarth, Mardersteig “Stetson!] over-running onto new line and indented almost to the right margin Hogarth ‖ “Stetson”! Valerie’s Own Book 1st reading

  [I] 70–76] no quotation marks at heads of lines Dial, Criterion

  [I] 70–71 = 124–25] ts1 1st reading:

  That corpse you buried last year in the garden,

  Has it begun to sprout yet? Will it bloom this year?”

  (erased and typed over)

  [I] 72 = 126 sprout?] sprout yet? ts1 2nd reading

  [I] 74 = 128 O] Washington copy 1954 emendation, 1936 18th imp. (1961), 1963+ ‖ Oh ts1, Q, T/W, all printings prior to 1961, later printings of Sel Poems (emended long after), Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960. David Bland’s proof of the Mardersteig edition has “Oh” with the “h” struck through in an unknown hand, but the printed volume has “Oh”. A memo from Bland to Faber’s printers, MacLehose, 19 July 1961, requested the same change in Collected Poems and this was done in time for the final impression of 1936 (in 1961) and in 1963. (See Commentary.) friend] foe ts1 1st reading

  [I] 76 = 130] all but first word italic ts1, Dial, Criterion lecteur!] Boni+ ‖ lecteur, ts1 ‖ lecteur, Q, T/W ‖ lecteur, Criterion semblable,—] semblable; Valerie’s Own Book


  The only draft of Part II is ts2 (ribbon copy and carbon, WLFacs 10–21), which is given in WLComposite.

  Unadopted heading HE DO THE POLICE IN DIFFERENT VOICES: Part II] ts2 only

  Title A Game of Chess] ts2+ ‖ IN THE CAGE ts2 1st reading

  [II] 77 as also first lines of succeeding Parts] two-line drop capital and capitals for first word Boni, Hogarth, 1925, Mardersteig

  [II] 77 = 131] indent 1963 (not 1963 proof, US 1963) Chair] chair T/W, Criterion throne,] throne ts2, Q, T/W, Dial, Criterion

  [II] 77–102 = 131–57] “Dont see what you had in mind here” Vivien Eliot ts2a

  [II] 77–79 = 131–33] with “3 lines too tum-pum at a stretch” Pound ts2a

  [II] 78 = 132 glass] swinging glass ts2

  [Poem I 57–58, 327–28 · Commentary I 615–24]

  [II] 79 = 133 Held up] Held i T/W 1st reading ‖ Sustained WLLetter fruited] WLLetter, Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ golden ts2

  [II] 80 = 134 From which] ts2, Q, Boni, Dial+ ‖Wherefrom WLLetter (with “OK” Pound), T/W, Criterion a] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ one ts2, ringed with “X” and “‘one’ wee red mouse” Pound ts2a. In the copy of WLFacs she sent to I. A. Richards, Valerie Eliot emended “X” in the transcription to “α” and subsequent printings of WLFacs have given this as “a”. golden] Q, T/W, Boni+‖ tender ts2

  [II] 81 behind] beneath Valerie’s Own Book

  [II] 82 = 136 Doubled] Doubli ts2 1st reading sevenbranched] Q, Boni, Dial, 1925+ ‖ seven-branched ts2, T/W, Criterion, Hogarth

  [II] 83 = 137 as] where as ts2

  [II] 84 = 138 it,] it; it, ts2 (deleted punctuation uncertain)

  [II] 85 = 139 profusion.] Washington copy 1954 emendation, Mardersteig, 1936 18th imp. (1961), 1963, US 1963, 1969, 1974 ‖ profusion; ts2, Q, T/W, printings to 1959, Sel Poems, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960. Although after many printings Sel Poems adopted the full stop, both it and Collected Poems reverted to the semi-colon in 2002.

  [II] 87 = 141 Unstoppered,] Unstoppered T/W perfumes,] Boni, Hogarth+ ‖ perfumes ts2, Q, T/W, Dial, Criterion

  [II] 89 = 143 the sense] the sense the sense T 1st reading, W

  [II] 90 = 144 ascended] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ ascended, ts2

  [II] 91 = 145] marked apparently to move to before 150 Pound ts2a ‖ Fattening the candle flames, which were prolonged, ts2 ‖ Fattening the prolonged candle flames, Pound ts2a, Q, T/W, Boni+ candle-flames] candle flames ts2

  [II] 92 = 146 Flung] Pound in ts2a, Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ And flung ts2 laquearia] Boni+ ‖ laquenaria ts2, Q, T/W

  [II] 94 = 148] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ Upon the hearth huge sea-wood fed with copper ts2, with first three words ringed Pound ts2a

  [II] 95 ^ 96 = 149 ^ 150] chevrons, hatchings and “Space” Pound ts2a

  150–53 and 151–53] braced Pound ts2a

  150–53] braced with “1921” Pound ts2a

  [II] 96 = 150] marked with angle bracket at each end Pound ts2a carvèd] ts2a (accent added in ink), Boni, Dial, Criterion, 1925+ ‖ carved ts2, Q, T/W ‖ coloured Hogarth ‖ carven TSE in presentation cop
ies of Hogarth including that sent to his mother (Houghton) swam.] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ swam; ts2

  [II] 97 ^ 98 = 152] not Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ In pigment, but so lively, you had thought ts2, with last six words del and last three ringed by Pound with “had. is the weakest point” ts2a

  [II] 98 = 153 As though a] Q, T/W, Boni+‖ A ts2 scene] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ scene, ts2, Valerie’s Own Book

  [II] 100 = 155 forced;] Q, T/W, Boni, Dial, Criterion, 1925+ ‖ forced, ts2 ‖ forc’d; Hogarth there] still there ts2

  [II] 101 = 156 inviolable] ringed, with zigzag and “too penty” Pound ts2a voice] Boni, Dial, 1925+ ‖ voice, ts2, Q, T/W, Criterion, Hogarth

  [Poem I 58, 328–29 · Commentary I 624–29]

  [II] 102 = 157 cried, and still the world pursues,] Q, T/W, Boni, Dial, 1925, 1936+ ‖ cried (and still the world pursues) ts2 ‖ cried (and still the world pursues), Criterion ‖ cries (and still the world pursues), Hogarth proof ‖ cries (and still the world pursues) Hogarth ‖ cries, and still the world pursues, TSE’s unadopted emendation (from cried,) in 1936 proof (see McCue 2012, Proposal 16).

  [II] 103 = 158 “Jug Jug”] Boni+ ‖ Jug Jug, ts2 ‖ Jug Jug Q ‖ “Jugjug” T/W to dirty ears.] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ into the dirty ear of death; ts2 1st reading ‖ into the dirty ear of lust; ts2a 2nd reading (last word ink, in imitation of type, and then ringed by Pound) ‖ into dirty ear Pound ts2a

  [II] 104 = 159] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ And other tales, from the old stumps and bloody ends of time ts2, braced with first five words del Pound ts2a

  [II] 105 = 160 walls;] walls, ts2 ‖ wells; T/W staring] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ where staring ts2 with first word del Pound ts2a

  [II] 106–116 = 161–71] “WONDERFUL” Vivien Eliot ts2a

  [II] 106 = 161] T/W, Boni+ ‖ Leaned out, and hushed the room and closed it in ts2 with the three words and · · · and · · · in del Pound ts2a ‖ Leaned, staring, hushing the room enclosed Q


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