Fountain of Beauty (The Cubi Book 4)
Page 14
“Will the Grand Council vote? If this is what you agree upon, I’ll make preparations for the Royals to bear witness and get my affairs in order to step down,” Elakdon said.
Daniel grew increasingly nervous by the looks on their faces. He apparently didn’t understand the amount of power that would be in his hands. The ability to veto something could be bad in the hands of someone not mature enough. That much, he did get. But he also understood why Geodin didn’t want to risk a new treaty having to be negotiated only a few decades after a war. A new treaty had to be the outcome. It was a bit of a gamble, though, yet he believed they knew best.
“We’ll convene after this meeting,” Grand Lord Neardon said.
“In the meantime, let’s look at what we have to work with as the situation is now,” Daniel said. “If we can make this work without me being crowned ahead of time, let’s do that.”
“The treaty is sketchy at best right now, but we can buy up everything, and the human loss of property is merely poor planning on their behalf,” Geodin said.
“They’re trying to reduce the sovereignty of the Great House,” Elakdon said, holding up the new points the humans had tried to change.
Daniel hadn’t had time to read all of it, so he followed as best he could when Elakdon pointed out the changes.
“As you share nation, or part nation at least, with Canada, the Prime Minister is actually our ally as well,” Elakdon continued. “At least when it concerns those areas.”
“This is like playing Risk then, except it’s real life,” Daniel muttered, looking through the information.
“If you wish, I can contact every Cubi Royal and have them ask their population if anyone wishes to immigrate here. We can double your population, but it has to be done on private airlines to Cubi owned airfields. Except that might be dangerous as the military might target those areas and view aircrafts coming in as hostiles.”
“So we move them in via Canada,” Daniel said.
“We have no airstrips in Canada,” Geodin said.
“Would the Canadian Prime Minister be able to help us there? Find one we can rent?” Daniel asked.
“With your permission, young Prince, I’d like to take your left hand Lord and two Grand members to Canada to negotiate the use of a Canadian airport and airline company to move your potential new population here,” Great Lady Laudin said.
Daniel could definitely see the point in growing his numbers, but he feared little cubs getting caught up in a war. “I’m grateful that you would, Great Lady, if my Grand Council decides that to be the right approach. On that note, I just thought of something. The human government has numbers of our population, don’t they?”
“Yes, like we have of theirs,” Geodin said. “We have a common database of real estate, too.”
“So none of our safe houses are actually safe right now,” Daniel concluded.
“We have a few they don’t know about,” Geodin said. “We even began the construction of another Great House structure when the first attempt to diminish our sovereignty was presented to us sixty odd years ago. The structure is far from finished because we saw no reason to hurry it along, but it can house at least one thousand, and it is somewhat self-sufficient. It will still need provisions from outside, and there are no train tracks.”
“Where is it?” Daniel asked.
“Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta and Glacier National Park in Montana. In truth, it’s one big area that you own. We just let humans go there to enjoy our visions for nature, so they don’t question why such a huge area is off limits.”
“And on which side of the border is the Great House being built?” Daniel asked.
“Canada, because they’ve been more open to us than the American government lately.”
Daniel nodded, feeling hopeful, but he knew nothing about Canada other than hockey, maple syrup, and that they were a friendly bunch. But he looked up the park on his tablet and found an American city as a gateway. “Kalispell?”
“Yes?” Geodin asked.
“It borders our land,” Daniel said. “Would the Great House be a place to hide the cubs or do we expect military occupation?”
“Expect military occupation put under some drill conducted in a national park area,” Elakdon said. “The biggest part of that piece of land is in Montana. But if we move now, the human military might still be getting ready and collecting intel.”
“We could move the cubs. Maybe Canada will honor their treaty with us.”
“The military can’t fight the war against the human government as it would put the human nations at war,” Elakdon said. “But they may assist us on the land we share since the American Army isn’t allowed there. If they breach their human borders, it’s an act of war against Canada.”
“Bring anyone but Grand Lord Ashton to the negotiations,” Daniel said to Great Lady Laudin.
“I would suggest Grand Lord Ildon and Grand Lady Aidin,” Geodin said. “They work well together, and Aidin speaks French as well. She’s been our mediator with the Canadian government since eighteen twenty-one.”
Daniel nodded, and Geodin pulled out her phone and dialed. In the meantime, Daniel stared at the map slowly being filled out.
“What other large areas are predominantly Cubi?”
“Most national parks.” Caledon swiped away at his tablet. “This is an up-to-date map of land owned by Cubi.”
Daniel took the tablet and gaped at the amount. “Eighty thousand Cubi to this much land?”
“I brought an additional two thousand Cubi for you. Since we live long enough to see the consequences of our actions, we value natural resources very differently from humans,” Elakdon said.
“Yeah, I remember you thinking humans are spoiled brats,” Daniel said, grinning. Considering the presentation at school about micro-plastic in the ocean and thus in the food chain of fish, shrimps, and clams, he wondered if there was any truth to it. Only spoiled brats would prioritize the luxury of plastic in their soap over food sources not contaminated with their own luxury items.
Oh God, I sound like Seldon.
“Not all, but greed is a problem,” Caledon said, dragging Daniel back to the conversation at hand.
“Don’t Cubi have that?”
“It’s a societal mentality which our general structure doesn’t support. But yeah, some do. Never let them rise, Beaudon, never.” Elakdon’s eyes communicated a danger on a scale Daniel could barely comprehend.
“Rise to power?”
“And levels. I have denied three Cubi in my Kingdom the Royal Empowerment because I found them to be unworthy of even being a member of the Cubi society. Three in twelve hundred years.”
“So, either it doesn’t happen very often, or it has to be really bad.”
“Really bad,” Elakdon said. “Like trying to gain a place on the Grand Council without being a Fountain, bad.”
“No one knows they’re Fountains,” Daniel mumbled to himself, seeing how traitorous the Cubus would have to be to even try it then. It went completely outside the hierarchy. “So, to summarize?” Daniel held up the file.
“We vote on your right to claim sovereignty over your House as a red-eye,” Geodin said.
“I contact all Royals about you being crowned early and about Cubi around the world willing to relocate to your Kingdom,” Elakdon said.
“In the meantime, I accompany Grand Lord Ildon and Grand Lady Aidin to Canada to ensure your new people passage,” Great Lady Laudin said.
Elakdon, Laudin, and Geodin looked at Seldon and Caledon.
“And Seldon and I will help Grand Lord Neardon establish the limitations you’re willing to put on your veto-rights until your eyes turn green,” Caledon said.
“Once the party leaves for Canada, you will be moved,” Grand Lord Levidon said. “We’re securing locations not on the list of Cubi owned property.”
“Where to?” Daniel asked.
“Las Vegas,” Seldon said. Levidon looked surprised by that
. “I’ll explain under four eyes.”
“Yes, Grand Sire.”
“I’ll focus on moving the last families with cubs into the new housing—”
“Won’t the humans go after them since it’s in Cubi owned property?” Daniel asked, interrupting Caledon.
“I sincerely hope not,” Elakdon growled.
“I meant to Canada,” Caledon said, holding up a finger.
Daniel drew a sigh of relief and smiled at Caledon.
“And if the vote of your sovereignty comes out in your favor, I’ll get the coronation ceremony ready.” Geodin reached across Seldon to squeeze Daniel’s hand. She practically beamed, and Daniel felt grateful for her trust and faith in him.
Chapter Thirteen
T he following day was going to be a long one. Daniel knew that when he went to bed, and he hadn’t slept very well. Having Seldon home again was a relief, but all that had been explained to him the day before had left Daniel’s head spinning and his stomach full of worry.
Seldon growled against Daniel’s back and moved closer. There still wasn’t an abundance of room in Daniel’s bed, but laying that close somewhat helped ground Daniel.
Someone knocked on the door, and Seldon grunted for whomever to come in.
Elakdon opened the door and stuck in his head. “Too early for breakfast?”
Daniel propped himself up on an elbow and twisted his torso enough to see Seldon crack an eye open. A fat hunger boner nestled between Daniel’s ass cheeks, and it twitched at Elakdon’s question.
Caledon grunted and shuffled himself onto his back, ending up halfway against the wall. Now Daniel knew why Seldon slept on that side. He was too big to be accidentally pushed over the edge all the time.
“No, I think it’s a good timing.” Daniel wiggled his ass against Seldon. Another grunt escaped Seldon.
“Shall we go disturb your Fountain, too?” Elakdon looked almost diabolically happy about the prospect.
“Aren’t they at the Guard house?” Seldon asked.
“No, I had them sleep in the guest room so I can dose him,” Daniel said.
Another grunt sounded from Seldon, making Daniel snicker. The trip had to have been daunting for the big Incubus to look that tapped. Daniel finally gave up waiting for Seldon to move and climbed over him. He then showed Elakdon to the guest bedroom and knocked.
“They sound awake.” Daniel opened. By the looks of it, Levidon and Marcadon had been awake for a while. “Ready?”
Marcadon shuffled up to sit and glanced at Levidon. The Guard Lord sat back looking comfortable and self-secure. God, he was hot! He had more chest hair than Seldon who in turn had a bit more than Caledon, and Daniel was definitely hungry because his thoughts stalled at running his fingers through the black patch on Levidon’s chest. His focus slipped lower where a fat cock neatly outlined a bulge in the sheet.
“Hungry, My Prince?”
“Hmm?” Daniel looked up at Levidon, and the cocky smile almost made him blush. He thought he managed to keep it under control and looked at Marcadon.
“I’m ready,” Marcadon said, smiling. Daniel went to the side of the bed while Levidon got out of the way. The sheet fell away, and a plump ass if ever Daniel had seen one, came into view. Daniel’s dick twitched at the sight.
Back to dosing Marcadon.
“I need to gauge your level to see how many doses you need from Daniel. And you might get them in more ways than one,” Elakdon said, stepping up next to Daniel.
“My level? How do you do that?” Marcadon asked.
Elakdon flashed a big smile. “You dose me.”
Daniel stepped aside to let the King perch on the bed next to Marcadon. Elakdon cupped the back of Marcadon’s head and brought their mouths together. A small groan escaped Elakdon before he sat back and licked his lips. They waited in silence while Elakdon thought, smacking his lips once in a while.
“No less than three, preferably five a time.”
“That’s a lot.” Levidon shuffled Marcadon’s legs apart to scoot so close that he almost had Marcadon’s ass in his lap.
“Means I’m not that strong yet,” Daniel said.
“It is for him, My Prince.” Elakdon looked at Levidon. “Since you are Guard Lord, I expect you to know this, but I feel it important to warn you anyway. Do not dose the Fountain. If you do by accident, tell us immediately because it will mean the Fountain needs more doses.”
Marcadon grew wide-eyed.
Elakdon moved out of the way, and Daniel sat.
The unsteady breath Marcadon released betrayed his calm exterior. “I’m really doing this,” he whispered.
“Yeah.” Daniel ran his fingers through Marcadon’s hair. “I’m very grateful for it. Ready?”
Marcadon nodded, and Daniel leaned in to release a dose. A loud groan escaped Marcadon before Daniel released the next. Then one more. As he released the fourth, his tongue felt tight, so he definitely couldn’t release one more from his mouth without risking a cramp. Daniel stood and halfway climbed over Marcadon’s broad, muscular chest to shove his dick into Marcadon’s mouth and released one more.
There was just one detail Daniel had neglected to think through. Marcadon did not want to let go of the dick in his mouth because sucking Daniel off helped soothe the lust-filled high, Daniel had just induced.
“Marca, you have to let go.”
Marcadon grunted around Daniel’s cock and sucked more enthusiastically. It felt wonderful, but even with Daniel managing to fight it, Marcadon’s strong arms around his ass and waist ensured Daniel wasn’t going anywhere.
Elakdon laughed.
“Ready to move, My Prince?” Levidon asked, sounding amused.
“Yeah,” Daniel said. Marcadon apparently heard his new favorite toy was about to be taken away because he pulled Daniel tighter which resulted in Daniel’s cock going deep down his throat. “Oh, God!”
Suddenly, Marcadon released Daniel with his mouth to gasp loudly. A strangled cry escaped Marcadon, and he loosened his grip. Daniel scrambled off and turned in time to see Levidon remove his fingers from Marcadon’s ass and shove inside him.
The cry of pleasure escaping Marcadon made Daniel’s dick spit a heavy dollop of pre-cum.
If he had any hopes of Seldon sucking him off, Daniel needed to wash up.
“Let’s leave them to it.” Daniel rushed out into the hallway and into the bathroom. His hunger had risen to a full body prickle, and he wanted to be in bed for a huge feast as soon as possible.
Clean and ready, Daniel ran back to his room and found Elakdon in it, too, waiting and chatting with Seldon and Caledon.
“I told them your first dosing went well.” Elakdon flashed another smile.
Daniel grinned and climbed into bed to lie on top of Caledon. The bed was so narrow there were no other possibilities if Elakdon needed room with Seldon. “So. Any ideas for the morning dosing?”
“Well, actually, I figured I’d feed one of your Guards and leave Seldon dosed for you two to have fun with.”
“Let’s sandwich him,” Caledon whispered conspiratorially.
Daniel grinned at the Lord. “Elakdon, when will you Empower me?”
“I haven’t heard the plan your Royal Guards have for our next journey, but Guard Lady Larkdin did say it included the possibility for the two of us to be undisturbed.”
“So when we leave,” Daniel said, nodding, his mind filling with ideas for the morning feeding with Seldon and Caledon alone. “Why is it important we’re not interrupted?”
“Oh, Royals dosing Royals can get pretty intense. Lost doses all over the place and experimentation, and we’ll probably end up more dosed than time now would permit,” Elakdon said, grinning. “We can end up in a never-ending cycle of lust. We have forty-eight hours before two Guards and your lovers pull us apart and fuck the rest out of us.”
Daniel gaped.
“It’s going to be fun, believe me.” Elakdon looked thrilled at the prospe
ct, and Daniel chose to believe him. “So. Here you go.” Elakdon abruptly leaned over Seldon, pressed their lips together, and released a dose. Seldon jerked on the bed and fisted the sheets.
Elakdon pushed off the bed, waved a toodle doo, and closed the door behind him on his way out.
Caledon stared at the door, horrified. “Evil King,” he whispered.
Daniel laughed as Seldon toppled Caledon and pulled him in for a kiss. Judging by the moaning and groaning spilling between kisses, Seldon was uncontrollably horny.
“Can I fuck you, Cale? I want to fuck you, oh shit, I want to please that gorgeous ass of yours,” Seldon mumbled, pawing at Caledon and kissing him everywhere.
“Slow down, Seldon,” Caledon urged, yet his moaning and dark eyes told of how much he loved being wanted so badly.
Daniel figured he’d better help stimulate Seldon so the big Incubus could convince Caledon he was in enough control to not fuck Caledon too hard. Now all Daniel had to do was find a way to push Seldon over enough to suck him off.
“Please, fuck, please,” Seldon continued and moved around to get a better angle. Daniel saw his opportunity, pushed between the two men, and closed his mouth around Seldon who in turn cried out and shuddered. “Fuck, yes boy!”
“Oh, good plan, good plan,” Caledon mumbled and climbed out from under Seldon, but the big Incubus didn’t seem too thrilled by that because he grabbed Caledon around the waist and pulled him back by the hips to plant his face between Caledon’s ass cheeks.
“Oh, yeah, eat my ass,” Caledon urged and bent forward, his lower body already incapacitated in Seldon’s strong arms. “Daniel, turn around, turn up here, I want to suck you, too.”
Daniel loved that idea. Attempting to keep his mouth on Seldon at all times, Daniel managed to move around on the bed. All three ended up on their right side, each with a crotch to pleasure at face level. It took a bit of moving around, but they finally settled comfortably in a triangle.
Seldon tipped his hips as if urging Daniel to focus attention on his ass. They’d sandwiched each other in almost every way now, but Daniel had never been the one topping Seldon while he, in turn, fucked Caledon. At least he didn’t remember if he had, yet he’d never been dosed so much that he didn’t remember. At least not since his O.D. on Caledon’s desk.