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Billionaires Club

Page 11

by Elsa Kurt

  “Yeah, it’s depressing,” he answered with a matching tone.

  After filling both mugs, he handed her one and they headed to the living room. She took a seat on the armchair where she sat earlier that evening while he stood staring at the sofa where he had been laying all day. The blanket was neatly folded and he realised she must have done it while he was getting ready.

  “Amahle, I want to apologise and thank you once more for what you did earlier.”

  She was taking a big sip of her hot chocolate, closing her eyes while she savoured the taste. A sigh left her and then her eyes were back on him. She bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

  “You want to say something?” he asked and finally opted to sit on the armchair next to her.

  She watched him take his seat and as he took his first sip, she began. “I obviously always worry about you, even when I know it’s not professional, but we are very much alike in rather wanting to shut the world out, instead of just facing our problems.”

  He shrugged because though he knew that much about himself, he could only take her word on this.

  “The point is, Simeon, that I know I’ve crossed lines in regards to how much I may ask and know, but sometimes it wasn’t just to keep my job as your dater. I truly do care for your wellbeing.”

  “I know that, but why are you sharing this with me?” he asked, baffled.

  “I suppose that if things were to change and…I don’t know, but I’m scared I won’t be able to ask you how you’re doing or be able to check in.” Her tone sounded concerned.

  “Amahle, I want you to be there for the rest of my life if possible, and I know how it sounds, but in the last year, you’ve shown me there’s hope. I might not have been completely aware of everything, because I truly wanted to respect the contract, but there’s likely no one else who would’ve been able to go through this with me and handle it as well as you did. Now I know Salexis requires no connections between daters and clients, but in all honesty, it’s because of feeling connected to you, but not needing to impress you or be someone I don’t want to be that helped me reach this point. And I’m far from being able to say I’m absolutely ready to move on, but I’m closer and so much of that is thanks to you,” he confessed.

  “Since we’re breaking all the rules,” she said with a smile. “It has helped me in pretty much the same way. I had grown tired of going on dates and needing to pretend to be interested in them while Joel was always on my mind. But with you, there were moments I found myself forgetting him, and whether it was because of the contract or because of what I can only assume is our friendship, I began feeling like myself again.”

  “Exactly.” He was stunned by her words, for it was better stated than he would have said, for he truly felt the same.

  Amahle took in the silence. Even though their conversation had turned more awkward than before, she felt glad to have said what she wanted to. It was harder than she expected to keep quiet about wanting to end the contract, but the fact that he would at least want keep in touch helped her fear what was to come a little less.

  She took another pull of the spiked hot chocolate and savoured the subtle Amarula taste that danced over her tongue, while the chocolate left only a slight bitterness to contrast the sweet liquor.

  Peeking over her mug at Simeon, she watched him take a sip and then lick his lips. Why the simple act warmed her core she wasn’t quite sure, but she blamed the nightcap. He caught her staring at him, which he countered by simply smirking, and she enjoyed the ease between them, even though it scared her. The shift between them was clearly more fundamental than she had realised, and she silently wished it had happened earlier, and not so close to when she had decided to leave all of this behind.

  Their conversation slowly picked back up as they spoke about subjects so far from connected to them, she could barely remember how it even began. Even as they were setting the mugs away and strolling down the hallway, it felt like a normal evening spent with a good friend. Waiting at the door of the room she was to use for the evening, while he was switching off lights in the living area, she chuckled to herself.

  “Does my walk amuse you?” he teased by shuffling closer.

  “No,” she paused and repeated herself, “No. It’s weird, but I was imagining you in a superhero boxer for a moment.” She set her hand over her mouth and calmed herself as he stopped in front of her. With the laughter still bubbling inside her, she more seriously added, “I never thought of how you slept, and I guess I only saw you as someone who always wears a suit…even in bed. Someone who is always perfectly groomed and just ready to take on the world.”

  “Talk about a fun trip through my wardrobe,” he jokingly said before he directed his eyes to her own. The look shot right through her.

  In the moment of weakness, she stared back into his eyes. Lost in a false promise that one day it could all be real, she felt her heartbeat spiking. She knew he couldn’t be hers, but in the silence of just appreciating each other, she lost herself to a dream she never knew she wanted. She imagined a life with him and how waking up together, being a team, and simply enjoying these quiet moments more often, without regret, would in time heal them both.

  “I’m down the hallway,” he broke through her fantasy.

  “Yeah, uhm, sure,” she mumbled in her breaking haze while nodding her head.

  “It’s the last door. If you need anything, you know where the kitchen is, so make yourself at home.” He smiled and tapped his index finger’s knuckle on the door jamb, before turning away.

  Out of his close proximity, she released a held-in breath and entered the room. Inside, she realised she hadn’t even thanked him, so as she turned back, she found he hadn’t quite stepped away either, and their faces were millimetres apart.

  The silence persisted, as his smouldering eyes captivated her while her knees locked for a moment too long, before she stepped back.

  “Uhm, thank you and goodnight. I seemed to have momentarily lost my manners,” she managed to say.

  “Yeah, same to you,” he casually countered, which had her feeling disappointed, as she had hoped he also felt that electric buzz between them, but it clearly hadn’t affected him in the same way. His footfalls headed toward his room and then they stopped.

  She peeked around the corner of the doorjamb and saw him look back over his shoulder. Her breath caught at the stark picture it painted, while nothing but the fear of consequences kept her from running after him.

  “Just once?” he softly asked.

  She took a steadying breath, knowing exactly what he meant. “Yes.”

  He turned around with need in his eyes, while she rushed out of the room and met him halfway, with her arms already stretched out.

  The collision of their bodies echoed in their lips finding each other’s, while his arms encircled her. The frenzied feelings burst into chaos as she felt his tongue slither over her lower lip before he nipped at the flesh.

  A yearning mewl escaped her, and the little space left between them was closed as he lifted her up and she crossed her legs around his hips. Pressing her up against the wall, their tongues danced along with their bodies as he steadily ground his hard member against her sex.

  Whatever this was meant to be, she’d rather not think about, but in a few seconds of clarity, she knew this went against the code of conduct for Salexis and her personal morals, so she pushed him away.

  He immediately set her down and stepped back until he hit the wall behind him.

  Through the panting she found his eyes, familiar eyes she pretended to love for over a year, without realising she had done just that. It wasn’t the love she shared with Joel, it was different in every way, but she had avoided seeing it until now that she was close enough to see it in his eyes, knowing she would soon lose it.

  A worried look crossed his eyes before he ran a hand over his face and through his hair. “I apologise, Amahle, I know this isn’t right. You do this for the money, and our actions would call
for your relief of services if Jody ever found out.” He had clearly understood her reason for stepping back, but even now she knew it wasn’t the time to let him know that she was going to terminate her contract.

  “Simeon, no, I…” she began, but stopped herself, as she opted to show her decision instead, by closing the space in the hallway between them. Looking at him, she saw him resist the urge to touch her. “Just one time straying from the path,” she whispered and hooked her fingers into the hem of her shirt before pulling it over her head. It barely had time to touch the floor before their mouths were once more fused together.

  His warm hands rested on her hips as hesitation still ruled over them. She ran her hands over his chest and up to his shoulders, feeling his muscles ripple beneath the shirt. Soon his hands were gliding up her hips and tenderly exploring the curvature of their swells before he began to slowly removed her bralette.

  Their kiss broke as she felt the strap release, and before she even opened her eyes to complain about the interruption, he had her pressed up against the wall on the other side of the hallway. The cold wall behind her was an extreme contrast to the heat she felt inside, as she was caught between it and Simeon, who began to lay a trail of kisses down her jaw toward her neck. He gave her a soft nip and a kiss to smooth over the slight sting. The delicacy had her craving so much more, while his touch reflected the need.

  Her breath caught as he lowered his head, kissing down her collarbone and following the line down her cleavage. Her skin tingled where his stubble softly scraped and excitement burst through her veins. All attempts at removing his shirt were lost as his mouth latched onto her breast and she had to use every muscle in her body to keep her knees from buckling. The pure delight of another’s touch had become foreign after such a long time of pretence. Goosebumps covered her, and he caressed the affected skin with his fingertips while moving his mouth toward her other breast.

  The sensation of his teeth softly grazing over her nipple puckered the sensitive flesh and allowed a moan of appreciation to leave her. She held onto his head when his trail of kisses followed the valley down her chest.

  He lowered himself as he went, while his fingers began sliding along the elastic band of both her yoga pants and underwear. The kisses followed, and the anticipation had her heaving. She definitely needed this more than she had realised, for when she looked down at him, his eyes locked with hers.

  It made her smile at him, as the playfulness in his eyes toyed with her need. He lingered for a moment longer, and through the material of her pants, he laid a kiss on her lower lips. The depravity within her was striking as she felt her fingers tightening. The tentative touches came with an invigorating promise of more as he quickly pulled her clothing down, leaving her completely naked.

  A smirk played along his lips, which echoed in his kiss. The touch along her mound was quickly followed by his tongue continuing down her slit. When he reached her clit, a strangled moan left her. His eye contact broke with hers, while the smirk was still prominently felt on her sensitive flesh.

  The sudden shift in his body had him gripping her ass as he focused on pleasing her with his mouth. The slow tease he began with combusted, while she tried standing on her toes to adjust her hip's angle, best she could. His tongue lapped through her labia, followed by soft sucking. He brought a hand forward to aid in the magnificent feeling of pleasure as he rotated her swollen nubbin. From the smooth pad of his thumb to the flat of his full tongue sliding through her slit, it set a course toward forbidden territory she was eager to explore.

  He pulled away and began kissing her inner thigh, which left her near frustrated. Laps of his tongue followed the teasing kisses as he made his way down to her knee, before moving to the other. She couldn’t believe the nerve he had to stop the pleasure, as a tangled frustration had begun to build up in her core.

  Adjusting her footing, she felt his fingers tracing along her ankle, while he softly urged her to lift up her leg. She took a moment to balance herself, after she kicked away her clothing, still lying at her feet before he placed one of her legs over his shoulder.

  Another cheeky smirk was flashed in her direction as he looked up at her. Her panted response seemed to be exactly what he expected while he began with a kiss near her knee and a soft nip on the lower part of her thigh. A lap up the muscle and then a more intense bite on her inner thigh quickly followed by a tender kiss showed his destination.

  Her head was spinning, and when his mouth met her lips this time, her spread leg allowed the sensation to ripple up her spine and she laid her head against the wall. Eyes closed, every nerve ending perked up and the intensity grew with his new approach.

  His tongue delved in between her lips, found her entrance, and slightly penetrated her before a lap up to her clit followed. He gave a soft nip on the nubbin and sparks all but covered her vision as a gratifying moan nearly had her body cave in. Repeating his method several times over had her grinding her hips against his mouth as lust drove her deeper into the release she craved.

  Suddenly, it all stopped.

  He removed her leg from his shoulder and set it down while keeping his hands on her hips to help her balance. In between trying to not fall over and wanting to cuss him for stopping, he had removed his shirt and was back to kissing her into a frenzy.

  The taste of herself on his lips brought forth a new hunger. Their tongues were twisting together with far more suggestion, and when his hands met her ass, he pulled her tightly against himself. His swollen member pressed against her mound, and this time she didn’t hesitate as she let him lift her up. She pulled away and broke their kiss, to catch her breath. He adjusted his stance and took on all her weight as he began walking down the hallway toward his room.

  Anticipation, excitement, and absolute fervour had her feeling giddy when they entered the room. She noted the only light came from the large window wall overlooking the city, while the moon and stars sparkled in the sky.

  He set her down on the bed before stepping back. She worked herself up to the pillows as the cool sheet beneath her caressed her frenzied skin. He quickly worked on removing his lounge pants and letting them pile on the floor with his underwear before he stalked closer.

  A trail of kisses began on her shin, up her left thigh, along the curve of her hip toward her stomach, and up her chest. When he was over her, she pulled herself tightly against him.

  A few moments of tender kisses fueled the fire and she adjusted her hips while he took hold of his cock. He teased the phallus through her slick lips and she impatiently moaned as she awaited his entry.

  Breaking the kiss, he teased his tongue along her lips, giving only the softest of pecks on her lower lip. Ready to protest, she was rewarded with him pushing into her. Her pussy clenched in response while she locked her legs around his waist.

  He took a second to compose himself while his warm breath tickled her lips, and in the low light, she saw his eyes were shut. He was wavering, but she knew the look on his face far too well, and it meant he needed reassurance.

  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” she whispered, knowing his main concern was likely due to what this would lead to.

  His eyes flew open. After a moment of clear understanding, he seemed to have accepted her words as he laid a soft peck on her forehead before meeting her lips again and beginning a slow pace with his hips.

  A pleased sigh released from her chest, and she knew she meant the words she said, for she hadn’t thought of what this would do to their relationship from here on forward. It didn’t matter, for this moment was all she needed.

  The rock of his hips slowly increased, as she kept her legs locked around him and their kiss intensified. She held him close as the desire grew in her own touch. She revelled in the feeling of his cock sliding inside her.

  A soft grunt escaped his lips and she broke the kiss to look at him. The perfect lines of his face showed focus was guiding him when his sweltering eyes met hers. She smiled and he countered, while
he placed a hand on her hip, as if keeping her in place.

  His thrusts came slower with more attention spent on fully entering her. His cock moving along her inner walls, caused her core to clench with each stroke. He pressed on, rocking his hips and delving into her at a perfect angle. Their tempo would allow time to slip by and their pleasure to build toward a fantastic ending, but she craved more.

  She might have told him that she would be whatever he wanted her to be, but for now, she needed a fraction more.

  With a soft press on his chest she urged him to move away, and as he shifted his support to his knees, he slowly adjusted his hips and sat back on his feet. He pulled her along as her legs were still wrapped around him. She lifted herself and immediately began kissing him again as he moved his legs, allowing her to perfectly sit on his lap.

  Drawing her face away, she stared into his eyes and appreciated how after so much time, though it crossed her mind, she couldn’t help but be mesmerised. His passion for the projects he had spent years building, explaining his latest fascination with space projects he invested in, and even how good wine from his own vineyards made him look, could not compare to what she saw now.

  Ignoring all the emotions and memories they shared, she let him settle with his one hand resting behind him for support while she began at a slow pace. The new position and the closeness had his cock riding deeper inside her, building up the intensity she felt in her core.

  He shifted beneath her and his mouth met hers before she caught up. The hunger, the need, and the desire collided once more when his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer.

  Their breathing through the kiss became rapid as she picked up her pace, and her sex tightened around his member. Easing into the bliss, she was aware of every sensory experience, from the coarseness of his hair and stubble, the shape of his muscled back, and even the subtle musk scent along his neck when she laid her head on his shoulder for a moment to catch her breath.

  Leaning back, he took the opportunity to kiss her breast and tease his tongue over her nipple. A mewl of appreciation left her, while she focused on her movement to get them both into pleasure.


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