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Dangerous Games

Page 12

by Claire Thompson

  Luca snapped the flogger in the air, enjoying the sound of the swishing leather. “Doesn’t s-s-seem too c-c-complicated.”

  “It’s not,” Aisha agreed. “It’s all in the wrist. Here, let me show you.” She held out her hand.

  Luca gave her the flogger, and she demonstrated proper technique, using her own bare thigh for the lesson. She handed it back to him and turned away, bending forward to offer him her ass.

  “Now you try it,” she said, twisting back with a grin. “Don’t be afraid to put your arm into it. You need to put a little muscle into it to make an impact—not like a whip or a cane.”

  Luca hesitated, feeling a little nervous, but also excited. He smacked her bottom with a tentative flick of his wrist.

  “Not bad,” she said. “But you can go way harder. Trust me. Put your arm into it.”

  He lifted his wrist and flicked it forward as she’d showed him. The throws caught her squarely across her ample bottom, the tips flicking over the backs of her thighs.

  “Yeah, baby,” she breathed. She straightened up and turned to him with a big smile. “That was perfect. You’re a natural.”

  Luca grinned back. “Sweet. I’ll take it.”

  They walked together to the sales counter. BDSM jewelry and leather gear was displayed on velvet trays underneath the glass. “What’re those?” Luca asked, pointing to a tray filled with black leather bands with metal D rings on the ends.

  “Those are wrist cuffs.” Aisha reached under the counter and pulled out the tray, setting it on the glass. “You’ll definitely want a pair for your sub. Guy or girl?”

  Luca liked that she didn’t assume he was straight. “Guy.”

  She nodded. “About your size?”

  “More or less.”

  “These should be good then.” She lifted one of a pair of cuffs. “Hold out your arm so we can try one on.”

  Luca did as she said. She wrapped one of the cuffs around his wrist. The leather was surprisingly soft against his skin. There were a series of small slits along the edge, and she closed the band by slipping the D ring into a slit so it fit snugly but not too tight on his wrist. She grabbed a carabiner clip from a big bowl of them on the counter and closed it over the D ring. “There you go. Perfect. Want a pair to go with the flogger?”

  “Sure,” Luca agreed, thrilled with both her and himself. He felt so daring and bold—so dominant. The feeling was both novel and wonderful. He couldn’t wait to show Reese the new toys.

  But beyond the simple pleasure of anticipation, Luca understood he’d discovered something crucial in himself. The secret fantasies he’d barely dared articulate before meeting Reese had moved to front and center. He felt empowered in a way he’d never expected. The quiet but persistent critical voices always chattering in his brain had gone silent. It was as if he’d sloughed off a skin he no longer needed, finally allowing his true nature to emerge.

  She rang up the purchase, adding in some carabiner clips at no cost. Luca handed over his credit card. Aisha wrapped the flogger and cuffs in tissue paper and placed them in a nice box, which she put into a handled shopping bag. As she gave him the purchase, she slid a small embossed business card over the counter.

  “You should bring your boy to the club. It’s gay friendly and they have great scene stations.”

  Luca picked up the card and read: The Rope & Paddle BDSM Club. It had a street address along with a website. Intrigued, Luca pocketed the card. “Thanks,” he said, accepting the bag. “You’ve b-b-been really helpful.”

  “My pleasure,” she said with a smile.

  Chapter 10

  Reese looked up. “Huh?”

  Luca grinned and shook his head. “Reese, you haven’t heard a word I’ve s-s-said. And you’ve barely eaten a b-b-bite of your food. Where are you?”

  They were at a café having a late dinner that Tuesday evening. “I’m sorry. I’ve been dealing with…uh…some stuff. It’s got me kind of distracted.”

  “Work s-s-stuff?”

  Reese shook his head. Why was he wasting his time feeling bad about Hank? Hank was a big boy. He would land on his feet. Better to focus on the terrific guy sitting across from him. He’d been embarrassed at first when Luca had seen the whips above his bed, but the result had been beyond his wildest expectations.

  How astonishing that this quiet, shy guy could take such control, as if he’d been born to it. Somehow, Luca had intuited just exactly what Reese had desperately needed at that moment, and he’d given it to him. Though Reese didn’t like to compare one guy to the next, it was impossible not to compare Hank to Luca in the bedroom. Hank, of course, owned a full cache of BDSM toys and knew how to use them all. Luca and he were new together. But if that was Luca’s first effort, who knew what heights he could attain as a Dom?

  The real difference had been in the sweetness and romance that surrounded the whole experience. With Hank, while the sex was hot, that element of romance—of tenderness—had always been lacking. Reese told himself all these years that it suited him. Love was for suckers, Hank and he had always agreed.

  But since he’d met Luca, it was different. He longed for the kisses and the tender moments as much as, if not more than, the BDSM play.

  Reese was glad he’d found the courage to stand up to Hank and back out of a bet they never should have made in the first place. And whether they’d faced it or not, their relationship had been heading downward for a long time, far longer than since he’d met Luca.

  So why did he feel so bad?

  Because of the way Hank’s voice had broken as he stood, dripping and spluttering, and the raw pain in his expression before the mask of fury lowered quickly back into place. He hadn’t heard a word from Hank since then. He should just let it go and be glad he’d gotten off relatively easy.

  Luca placed his hand over Reese’s and said gently, “Tell me, Reese. Talk to me. What’s g-g-going on?”

  “It’s Hank,” Reese blurted, his pulse quickening.

  Luca frowned and pulled his hand away. “The friend with b-b-benefits?”

  “Yeah. I went to see him Sunday night to tell him I wasn’t—” Reese paused, not quite ready to admit to Luca anything about the bet. He was ashamed of himself, of what he’d been willing to do to Luca for money and Hank’s amusement. Luca didn’t need to know that. But he had a right to know Reese had ended things once and for all. “To tell him about us,” he amended. “You and me.”

  Luca had picked up his napkin and was twisting it nervously in his fingers. “And how d-d-did that go?”

  Reese looked away. “Not well. He was pretty upset.” To put it mildly.

  “Maybe he s-s-sees you as more than j-j-just friends?”

  “Yeah,” Reese agreed miserably. “I guess so. He didn’t really get it. We’ve known each other for so long. There was this…we were arguing about something else and things went kind of haywire and…” He trailed off miserably.

  It was hard to explain when he was leaving out the key issue of the stupid bet. But he couldn’t tell Luca. Luca would despise him for it, and rightfully so. He’d been a different guy when he’d made the bet. He hadn’t known someone like Luca existed, or that they’d somehow make the amazing connection they’d made in such a short time. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing Luca so soon after finding him.

  “And…?” Luca prompted. He was now tearing tiny bits from his napkin and rolling them into balls.

  Reese took the torn napkin from Luca’s hand as he finally met his eye. “And he ended up falling into his pool.” Luca lifted his brows and Reese almost managed a grin. “I feel bad about how we left things. He was really pissed off. I don’t think he fully gets it—that it’s over between us. That whatever was left between us at this point is well and truly over.” Reese sighed, visualizing Hank, his face a mask of fury and pain as he sputtered and splashed in the pool. “The whole thing sucked, and I’m sorry I hurt him. But I’m not sorry I told him,” he added quickly, meeting Luca’s concerned gaze. �
�You’re the one I want, Luca. Just you.”

  Luca smiled, his eyes warm. “And me you.” His smile fell away. “But it s-s-sounds like maybe you have unfinished b-b-business with Hank. Maybe you need to sit down and really talk this out with him now that he’s had a chance to c-c-calm down. Not necessarily for him, but for your s-s-sake—for closure.”

  “Yeah,” Reese agreed, deeply touched at Luca’s understanding and compassion. “Maybe you’re right.”

  Luca took the flogger from its nest of tissue paper and held it in his hands. He’d been so excited yesterday after his purchases, eager to try out the new toys with Reese that night. But Reese’s funk had stopped him. It was too soon, and it mattered too much. If things were going to work between them, Luca didn’t want another man coming between them, even if it was only the unfinished business of ending the “benefits” part of their friend equation.

  Luca wasn’t the kind of guy who could share. He’d never gone in for casual sex. It just wasn’t in his DNA. And he knew now that he didn’t want to be with a guy who played around. He’d learned his lesson with Tom, and it had been a hard lesson indeed. If there was going to be something real between them, it had to be aboveboard, no secrets, no lingering past.

  But would Reese go along with that? He’d acted like things were over with Hank, but it was clear things weren’t entirely dealt with. Hopefully, he’d follow Luca’s advice and put that whole mess to bed. Luca didn’t want the specter of that toxic guy to hover between them. Hopefully tonight Reese would do what he had to do, and then come back to Luca with open arms, or better yet, on his knees.


  Robert had asked Reese to handle Stan’s sales accounts while he was out on paternity leave, and Reese was excited for the opportunity to further prove himself. The boss had already transferred the commission funds directly into Reese’s account, and suddenly, after a painfully long dry spell, he was flush with cash.

  The first thing he did was pay off his maxed-out credit cards. Then he took his bike to the shop for a much-needed tune-up and new tires. Now he was heading out to the first of several calls on Stan’s clients to introduce himself and see if they needed anything.

  He winced at the grinding sound as he shifted gears on his ancient Toyota. He’d had it even longer than the motorcycle, and it had been used when he bought it. He had time before the winter snow came to handle whatever was wrong with the faithful old car. He grinned ruefully to himself. One repair at a time.

  A message appeared on his phone, which he’d set up on his dashboard so he could see the Waze directions to the first client on his list. It was from Hank. “I’ve had time to think things through. Please come over so I can apologize for my behavior.”

  Whoa. Hank apologize? That was a first.

  Reese still felt bad about how they’d left things. He’d apologize, too, because Luca was right. Hank and he had a long history, and Reese had just kind of dropped this whole thing on him. It was a lot to expect Hank to take in all at once. Maybe he’d come to his senses and realized Reese had a right to a real relationship, even if Hank continued to maintain that love was for fools. Maybe their long friendship could survive in a new context, without the “benefits.”

  Once he’d pulled into the parking lot of his first client call, he typed a quick response to Hank. “Thanks, Hank. I appreciate that. I’ll swing by this evening after work.”

  Then he texted Luca. “Hank reached out. I’m going to head over there after work to give him some closure. Thanks for being there for me, Luca. You’re the best.”

  That felt good—to tell Luca just exactly where he was going. From this moment forward, he promised himself, he’d keep no secrets. Their relationship, however it developed, would be based on honesty and trust. The cynicism and games that were such a part of his relationship with Hank no longer had a place in his life. They were like an old, used skin that he’d shed. He was a new man now, with a fresh start, and life was good.

  He went directly from work to Hank’s house, relieved Hank was being reasonable. He pulled up to the guardhouse and was waved in by the guy on duty. After parking in Hank’s large circular driveway, he walked to the front door. When he rang the bell, he expected to see Julio, but instead, it was Hank who opened the door.

  He was dressed in a black silk shirt and white jeans. The first four buttons of the shirt were open, revealing a swath of his muscular chest and abs. He looked hot, like he always did, but there were smudges under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept well. He looked Reese over. “You clean up well, boy,” he said with a slow, sultry smile. He took a step back and gestured for Reese to enter.

  Reese stepped inside, no longer exactly sure what was going on.

  Hank closed the door behind him and then turned to face him. “Come here, you.”

  Before Reese could react, Hank pulled him into his arms and crushed his mouth to Reese’s, forcing it open with his tongue. As he kissed him, he grabbed Reese’s crotch with a firm, sure hand.

  Reese twisted himself from Hank’s grasp and took a step back as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “What’re you doing?” he demanded. “I thought you understood things were different now.”

  “Look, you don’t need to explain. I’m sorry I was such a dick the other night. I overreacted. Let’s just put it behind us, okay? We have a long history, you and me. There are bound to be the occasional bumps in the road.”

  “No, Hank. We—”

  “Shh,” Hank interrupted. “I said, it’s over. I forgive you. You lost the bet and now you will go upstairs and get naked and wait for me, on your knees, in the playroom. Your week of total slavery begins now.”

  Fuck. He wasn’t going to make it easy, after all. “No, Hank,” Reese said resolutely. “That’s not going to happen.”

  Hank lifted one eyebrow. “No? And why is that?” His voice was soft and dangerous, his dark eyes now glittering with barely suppressed anger.

  He really didn’t get it. But whose fault was that? Reese had been dancing around the issue of Luca with him, but he hadn’t been forthright. Clearly, he needed to set things straight. Hank needed to understand there was now someone in his life, and the rules had changed.

  “Let’s go sit down.” Without waiting to see if he followed, Reese walked into the huge living room and sat on one of the large leather sofas. He would be kind but firm. He hated to hurt Hank, but there was no easy way to do this.

  Hank came in behind him but didn’t take a seat. Standing in front of Reese, his arms crossed, he said, “What the hell is going on with you, Reese? Whatever it is, I don’t like it.”

  “I’m sorry, Hank. I didn’t plan this.” He drew in a breath and patted the cushion beside him. “Why don’t you sit down?”

  “I’d rather stand.” A muscle was jumping in Hank’s jaw. “Say what you have to say.”

  “Okay. I’ll just say it. Luca and I are…involved. We’ve made a real connection. But even if I hadn’t met him, you know, if you’re honest, that things between you and me have been on autopilot for a long time now. I’ve found someone and I want to be with him. Exclusively with him. I’m really sorry it happened like this.”

  “Wait, what?” Hank looked genuinely confused. “What the hell are you saying? Luca? You’re involved with that guy we made the bet on? That fucking little twerp at your office? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “It’s not like that,” Reese said sharply, angered by Hank’s unfair characterization. “Luca’s not a twerp. He’s a really great guy. We connected and—”

  “You connected?” Hank interrupted, his face flushing. “I thought this whole thing was about your suddenly having issues with your conscience about our amusing little bets. I left you alone for a few days to let you come to your senses. But now you’re saying it’s more than that?” He barked a hollow laugh. “Are we talking about the same guy? That nerdy geek with the tangled hair who looked like a deer caught in the headlights? You have got to be joking. Who the hell are you a
nd what have you done with my Reese?”

  Reese realized he was clenching his own jaw. He made a conscious effort to remain calm. “Stop it, Hank. You’re making this harder than it has to be.”

  “I’m making this hard?” Hank’s face was brick red now, his features twisted with fury. “After a lifetime together, you’re breaking up with me over that guy?” He stamped his foot. “No. I refuse to believe that. You’re just having some weird guilt thing going on because you popped his cherry or whatever the fuck you did to the pathetic loser. I’m okay with that. He’s expendable, just like all of them. We’ve always messed around on the side—it’s what we do. No big deal.”

  His mouth twisted suddenly, tears filling his dark, beautiful eyes. “But we always come back to each other, Reese,” he said, his voice pleading. “Home base, remember? I’m your home base and you’re mine.” He wiped angrily at his eyes, his expression hardening again. “You will stop this nonsense this second. Get upstairs and get naked and I’ll whip some sense into you.”

  Reese shook his head. He rose from the couch and put his hand on Hank’s shoulder. Hank jerked away. Reese let his hand fall back to his side. “Look, I’m really sorry, Hank. I know this must feel sudden to you, but I—I can’t explain it exactly. Maybe it’s just that I’m finally striking out on my own, you know? A new career, a new relationship. That doesn’t mean I’m discounting what you and I have shared. We’ve basically grown up together, and I hope we can still be friends. But it’s just…it’s time, Hank. If you take some time to think about it, I know you’ll agree. It’s time we both moved on.”

  Hank had stilled as Reese spoke. His entire body had gone rigid, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “Get out,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Hank, I’m—”

  “I said get out,” Hank cried. “Get out of my house, you ungrateful piece of shit. After all I’ve done for you, your whole fucking life! I saved you from yourself. I pulled you up out of the gutter. Now you stick a fucking knife in my heart, after first sticking it in my back.” His voice cracked, a tear rolling down his cheek, which he wiped with fury. “Get out. Get out, get out, get out!”


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