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More Than Promised

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by Max Hudson

  “More Than Promised”

  An M/M Gay Romance

  Max Hudson

  © 2019

  Max Hudson

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is intended for Adults (ages 18+) only. The contents may be offensive to some readers. It may contain graphic language, explicit sexual content, and adult situations. May contain scenes of unprotected sex. Please do not read this book if you are offended by content as mentioned above or if you are under the age of 18.

  Please educate yourself on safe sex practices before making potentially life-changing decisions about sex in real life. If you’re not sure where to start, see here: (courtesy of Jerry Cole).

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner & are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Products or brand names mentioned are trademarks of their respective holders or companies. The cover uses licensed images & are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any person(s) that may be depicted on the cover are simply models.

  Edition v1.00 (2019.11.27)

  Special thanks to the following volunteer readers who helped with proofreading: Bob, RB, JayBee, Jenni, Naomi W., and those who assisted but wished to be anonymous. Thank you so much for your support.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve




  I’d just gotten home and was thankful to be out of the storm. It was raining cats and dogs outside and I’d barely made it home due it being so hard to see. I’d had to pull over at one point and waited for the rain to let up. When it did, I drove at a snail’s pace to avoid hydroplaning.

  But I was home now, safe and sound. I shook out my umbrella and placed it near the door before I kicked off my wet socks and shoes. I removed my suit jacket and hung it on the rack before I finally walked further into the house.

  It was quiet, which wasn’t surprising since no one else was home and hadn’t been for going on two weeks. I didn’t want to think about my ex, Jordyn and how he’d left me, but it was impossible when his laugh no longer filled the house.

  I tried to shake him from my mind as I went to the kitchen and opened the freezer. I pulled out one of the premade meals, my chef Luisa, had left for me and popped it in the oven. While my food was warming, I ran upstairs for a quick shower and a change of clothes. By the time I was done, the rain had stopped, and my food was ready.

  I’d barely gotten a few bites in when my phone rang. Hope surged through my chest that it was Jordyn. I tried to stop myself from feeling that way, but I couldn’t help it. I’d loved him. I’d loved him with all I had in me and he left me. No explanations. No note. Nothing. I only knew he was alive because a mutual friend had seen him around town. It had broken my heart even further but there was nothing I could do. He’d wanted to leave, and I had to let him go.

  Of course, it wasn’t Jordyn. The number was unknown, and I almost let it go to voicemail but something told me it was important for me to answer and so I did.

  “Hello, am I speaking with a Mr. William Carter?”

  “Yes, may I ask who’s asking?”

  “Mr. Carter, my name is Elizabeth Ward and I’m a nurse here at NYC General Hospital….”

  Her next words had me shaking and trying to find my breath because what she said couldn’t have been true. But the sincerity in her voice told me that I wasn’t dreaming.

  “I’m terribly sorry to do this over the phone but there has been an accident involving Richard White. He asked us to contact you before he lost consciousness.”

  My heart felt like it was being torn to shreds but I tried my hardest to remain optimistic. “And Laurie, was she with him?” I asked. The nurse sighed and I knew before she said anything that it wasn’t good news.

  “Mrs. White didn’t make it. Mr. Carter, I think it’s best if you come to the hospital and get here as quickly as you can.”

  I did just that and my heart, what was left of it was torn to bits as I held my best friend’s hand. He’d named me his proxy, in case Laurie was gone. And she was gone. She’d died on impact of the crash. She was gone and Richard had no brain activity.

  I cried as clutched his hand. I thought of his life and how short it had been. I thought of Laurie, her life even shorter and then I thought of the nine-year-old little boy who had no idea that his parents were gone. I had no idea where he was, and I knew I’d have to find out before the end of the night. He was going to need me. He was my responsibility now. It was a promise I’d made to my best friend the day Riley Christian White was born and he’d named me his godfather.

  I’d honor my best friends wishes. I’d take care of his son and make sure he wanted for nothing in the world. And with that that thought, I squeezed Richard’s hand one last time.

  “I promise he’ll always be taken care of. Rest easy, brother.”

  Then I held on as the nurses removed the tubes and turned off the machine. I didn’t let go, not even after the doctor called his time of death.

  Chapter One


  Fifteen Years Later

  “Riley Christian White,” the announcer called, and I smiled as I walked across the stage to receive my degree. It felt almost as liberating as learning I’d passed the bar exam. It had been a long six years, but I’d done it. I’d worked my ass off to get to this point and I knew my parents were smiling as they watched over me. I’d set a goal to always make them proud and I knew I’d accomplished it that day.

  I could hear my squad screaming for me and I smiled as I descended the steps. I found them easily, the signs made it almost impossible to miss them. My best friend Cat held up a sign with my face on it that had me shaking my head. Their phones were out, and flashes came from each angle. I knew the pictures would turn out great because I’d never felt happier.

  I made it back to my seat and waited for the rest of the students to be called. Soon the ceremony was over and the Columbia University graduating class of 2017 was presented to the world.

  Cheers erupted around the building and I closed my eyes and a sense of peace and accomplishment washed over me. I tried to fight back the tears, but it was one of those moments that I’d desperately wished my parents could have been there to see. They would have cheered the loudest of all. Because they’d loved me. Love me more than anything in the world. And they left this world with me never doubting that, not for one second.

  I was squeezed from behind and I chuckled because I already knew who it was. Her perfume was the first give away and the fact that my waist was as far as she could reach.

  I turned and glanced down at the woman who’d raised me after I lost my parents. My long-time nanny, Isabelle looked up at me with tear filled eyes but the pride on her face was unmistakable.

  “Don’t you start Izzy,” I said with a playful smile. “You know I d
on’t do well with the tears.” She sucked in a deep breath, trying to stave off the sob fest I knew was brewing but she failed miserably.

  I laughed as she held on to me. I looked behind her and found my best friends Cat and Sam staring at us with equal pride on their faces. Izzy finally calmed down and pulled away

  “Did he come?” I asked, even though I knew the answer. Izzy shook her head and I tried to mask my disappointment.

  “He sends his congratulations and he also left you a present back at the house.”

  I scoffed because that was nothing new. William Carter, my father’s best friend and my legal guardian, was good at sending gifts. What he sucked at was being present.

  When my parents died, my life changed forever. I’d been at a friend’s house for a sleepover when William had arrived the next morning. I’d never forget the look on his face when he’d laid his eyes on me. I’d never seen pain so clearly. He’d looked like a broken man and when I’d called his name, it looked like it had taken every bit of strength he had in him not to burst into tears.

  I’d ran to him then. I’d jumped in his arms and he’d held me close. I knew something bad had to have happened for my daddy’s big, strong friend to be so sad. I’d always thought William was some sort of superhero because he was so big. So, I knew something was wrong.

  I could still hear him whispering how sorry he was over and over again. When I’d asked him why, he’d leaned back and told me,

  “I’ll always take care of you Riley, I promise.” That was when I knew they were gone. My daddy had told me that if he and mommy ever had to go away that William would take care of me. I’d tried to be strong. I’d tried to fight the tears but then I asked him where they were, and the tears fell from his eyes. I knew they were gone, and I broke.

  I didn’t remember much after that. I’d been in a haze. I remembered the funeral though and all of the strangers who’d come to hug me and pay their respects. What I didn’t remember was William. I knew he was there, but I’d barely seen him. Izzy had been there though. She’d held my hand and walked me away from the grave site as they lowered my parents into the ground.

  After that, I was moved into a house that seemed too big for only three people. Except it hadn’t been three people because William didn’t live with us. No, he was rarely there at all.

  I didn’t see him for months after that. He’d stop in to see how I was doing but his visits were always short, and he never looked me in the eye long. I wondered what he saw when he looked at me.

  As I got older, the visits became less and less until he just stopped coming. I was thirteen the last time I laid eyes on William Carter. I didn’t ask questions; I didn’t complain because I knew I was one of the lucky ones. I had a home and people who cared about me. I wasn’t mistreated and I could have anything I wanted. I was blessed and there was no way I would have messed that up.

  So, I did what my parents had taught me. I was kind and respectful. I was polite and I helped around the house wherever I could. I behaved in school and kept my grades up. I was nice to the other kids and made a lot of friends. I was good and I remained that way because I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers.

  I’d known kids who were in foster care and it had broken my heart to hear some of their stories. I’d lucked out that my dad had been best friends with someone like William. He could have broken his promise to me and let the system have me. But he didn’t. He’d given me Izzy and she was the best thing to happen to me since I’d lost my parents. She loved me like I was her own. Her daughter Cat grew up in the house with me and she was like the little sister I’d never wanted but was grateful to have and her son, Sam was my very best friend in the entire world. He was the brother I always wanted, and I cherished our relationship.

  He’d given me a family again and I’d always be grateful for that. But he’d also been my last connection to my parents. No one else could tell me stories about my parents, only William held those memories, but they were lost to me because for whatever reason, William couldn’t stand to be around me. Little did he know that was all about to change.

  Chapter Two


  I stared down at the folder on my desk before I glanced up my friend and partner at Carter, Banks and Associates.

  “Is this serious?” I asked as I closed the folder. Aaron sighed and nodded.

  “Unfortunately, yes and she’s willing to pay big bucks if you represent her. She isn’t going to be satisfied with anyone else.”

  I groaned and buried my face in my hands. I thought when I started this firm, I could push these sorts of cases off on someone else. I didn’t have time or patience to deal with bull shit like this.

  “Aaron, she’s suing the dog food company because the food made her dog obese,” I said, and Aaron snickered. “How on earth did this make it pass a judge?”

  “Apparently there’s an ingredient in the dog food that actually can cause obesity if taken in large quantities which apparently this woman did. But she’s arguing she didn’t. I doubt she’ll win her case, but we get paid either way.”

  I shook my head and pushed the folder back toward him. “There’s not enough money in the world that would force me to waste my time on this.”

  Aaron smirked and said, “I don’t know. I mean, it would definitely put the money back in your pocket that you spent on a new Audi SUV for a certain gorgeous college grad.”

  I glared at Aaron who held his hands up while he grinned. “I’m just saying. You sent me to the graduation and expected me not to notice the kid was hot as fuck. Seriously man, you know me. I spot hot guys ten miles away.”

  “Do you want today to be the day that I buy you out?” I growled and Aaron laughed again. I wasn’t joking though. He knew better than anyone that Riley was off limits.

  “Calm down, papa bear. I’m not going anywhere near your boy. I was just pointing out that he’s a good-looking kid.”

  “He isn’t my boy,” I growled. “You make it sound so dirty when you say it.”

  Aaron cackled then and I wanted to take my shoe off and throw it at him, but I refrained. I’d hated sending him to Riley’s graduation in my place, but I’d been swamped with work. At least that’s what I was telling myself. The truth was I hadn’t been able to look the kid in the eyes since he was nine years old. Not when he had his father’s eyes. Not when his face was nearly identical to my dead best friends. The only thing Riley had inherited from his mother was her dark hair and dimples.

  When he’d turned thirteen it was like looking at a ghost from the past. He looked so much like Richard that it broke my heart to look at him. So, like the coward I was, I ran away and stayed away.

  I didn’t think it would make much of a difference. Isabelle was taking great care of him. He didn’t need me there. I left Isabelle with a credit card and enough cash to take care of Riley until he was capable of taking care of himself. I’d told Richard I’d take care of him and I felt that I’d done that.

  He’d just graduated from Columbia at the top of his class. He’d never gone to jail or gotten in trouble with the law. He was a good person from what Isabelle reported. I’d done right by him. If I’d been the one to raise him, he could have possibly turned into the complete opposite. He deserved better than me, therefore I gave him Isabelle and her children.

  I knew within five minutes of her interview that she was the right fit for Riley and my judgement hadn’t been wrong. She loved Riley as if he were her own. Which was why I gave her the house they lived in. I knew she worried about her position as his nanny once he’d turned eighteen, but I took care of my employees. Riley was hers and I would never take him from her. So, I left her the house that she raised him in, and Riley continued to stay there as he finished college. It was his home and Isabelle was his family.

  “Hey man, I really was only joking. You know I’d never go there, right?” Aaron asked, snatching me away from my thoughts.

  “Yeah,” I said past the lump in my throat. I hadn’t
laid eyes on the kid in eleven years and I wondered how disappointed Richard was in me.

  My desk phone buzzed, and I hit the button to connect me to my secretary, Tish.

  “Hi, Mr. Carter. Sorry to bother you but you have a visitor,” she said, and I frowned as I opened the planner on my laptop. I had no appointments for the next hour and a half so I wasn’t sure who could be visiting.

  “Sure, send them in,” I said, and Aaron stood to leave. The knock came and I shouted for Tish to open up, she did and when the person behind her walked into the room, I nearly fell out of my chair as the wind was knocked from my chest.

  “Well, damn,” Aaron said, not even trying to hide his interest.

  I stared at the man before me, because that’s what he was now, a man. He was no longer the scrawny little kid who was growing into his body. No. He’d grown just fine. He was tall. Taller than his father had been, and he wore a suit that looked like it was tailored just for him which it likely was. His hair was slicked back, making his hazel eyes stand out. Not that he needed it, he had the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen, even when they were in his father’s face.

  I hadn’t seen him since he was thirteen, but I’d know Riley White anywhere. He was the spitting image of Richard and God did my heart ache to see him. But it was more than just him looking like his father. There was something more to Riley that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  He stood like a man with a plan. His confidence flowed off him in waves. No, Riley certainly wasn’t a little boy in anymore. He was a grown ass man and my stupid dick took notice.

  “Riley?” I said even though I knew damn well who he was.

  “Hello, William. Long time no see,” he said and fuck me sideways if his voice didn’t punch me in the gut. It was Richard’s voice. Deep and silky but Riley’s was more. It was so much more.


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