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by Tamryn Tamer

  Forbidden Arcana


  Tamryn Tamer

  Copyright © 2019 by Tamryn Tamer. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Except in the cases permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All characters are 18 years of age or older.

  WARNING: This work contains over the top graphic sex and violence.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


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  Chapter 1

  A Timid Queen

  Ariel never wanted to be a queen but nobody ever cared much for what she wanted. Everybody had grand visions of the perfect queen she’d become and the entire time all she could think about was how she just wanted to tend to a garden. She’d always felt like she was a disappointment in that regard.

  While she was fantastic at pleasing her master and making friends, she was horrible at the day to day operations of ruling. Fortunately, she had Cynthia for that.

  “Are you paying attention?” Cynthia asked as she read through the next new edict she’d drafted. “You need to understand the policies that you’re signing.”

  “Why can’t you just do it?” Ariel asked. “You told me that if I made you the adviser, you’d take care of everything. So why can’t you just be the queen?”

  “Because I am not the queen!” Cynthia smacked the desk causing Ariel to jump. Truthfully, Cynthia terrified her. She was intelligent, intimidating, and powerful, everything Ariel wasn’t. Cynthia should’ve been born into the royal family instead of her. “I am a servant of the queen and as a servant of the queen I am, before all other things, loyal.”

  “I don’t get it,” Ariel whined. “You take care of everything already. You solve all of the problems in the village and write all of the laws and policies. All I do is read them and sign them. How would it be any different if you did that part too?”

  “Let me ask you this Ariella,” Cynthia scowled. “If I passed a law tomorrow that all blue-winged fairies won’t be permitted in the village, would you sign it?”

  “No,” Ariel said. Cynthia always asked pointless questions involving things that would never happen to prove her point. The point being she was always right, “But you wouldn’t do that. You’re a good person.”

  “Fine,” Cynthia pulled out a new document and placed it on the desk in front of Ariel. “This is a law I want you to sign. Here.”

  “What does it say?” Ariel asked suspiciously. The document was much longer and more complex than the others. There were mentions of other forms and various footnotes and references. Cynthia had told her previously that complexity is used to hide dishonesty.

  “What does it matter?” Cynthia glowered. “You trust me completely. Right?”

  “But,” Ariel looked over the document and saw her master’s name on it. “Wait, can you explain it?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Cynthia pushed the pen over to Ariel. “Sign it.”

  “No,” Ariel insisted while looking through the document trying to make heads or tails of it but having no luck. She was getting flustered as she noticed mentions of Jinx and Mirage as well. “Cynthia this isn’t funny. Tell me what this is.”

  “But you trust me, I shouldn’t have to,” Cynthia insisted. Ariel was trembling as Cynthia looked down at her. Cynthia forcefully placed the pen in Ariel’s hand and pushed it onto the paper. She was really trying to drive home her point, “Sign it. You said it yourself, I should just make the decisions so why not just sign it?”

  “But,” Ariel tried to make heads or tails of the document but following it seemed impossible. It was almost entirely made up of historical references and laws she’d never heard of. “I don’t know what it means.”

  “I thought you trusted me?” Cynthia said haughtily.

  “Please,” Ariel pleaded. All she could think about were the bad things that might happen if she signed it. “Tell me what it says.”

  “Is that an order or a request?” Cynthia scoffed. Ariel was beaten and Cynthia had proven her point. She was the queen and even if she wasn’t good at making laws or trade agreements, she was good at putting her people first.

  “Fine!’ Ariel slammed her hand on her desk. “I get it! I’m the queen! Now I command you to tell me what it says,” Ariel said.

  “In that case,” Cynthia’s demeanor instantly changed. “It’s a rather complex document relating to the rights of succession. Since you have no heir and are the last of the Pepperspring family your absence from the village would be problematic. The various footnotes in the document are references to previous situations where rights of succession were called into question and the ways they were resolved. It goes as far as referencing archaic documents regarding vassal and lord relationships as well as some etymological references regarding familiar and master. At its core, this document establishes that the role of master and familiar shall be recognized when considering the rights of succession.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ariel said even more confused than before. “What do you mean?”

  “It establishes Jinx, Mirage, and any other familiars as potential heirs to the throne in the event of your untimely passing or abdication of the throne. It also establishes that in the event of long absences from Dayrose any of your master’s familiars could potentially serve as interim rulers.”

  “Why did you do this?” Ariel asked while running her hands along the paper. She didn’t quite understand the nuances but understood the gist of it. The document made them a family. It was also completely unnecessary since there were easier methods of establishing a successor.

  “As I said, it was necessary so I researched various...”

  “No,” Ariel interrupted. “I understand you did lots of things to make sure it was legal. I understand that establishing the rights of succession is important. I’m asking you why did you do it like this when I could have adopted somebody from the village?”

  “Because it’s what you wanted,” Cynthia smiled. “They’re your family and with this document, it’ll be official. There’s no reason to make a fuss over it. In reality, it’s just a piece of paper that makes everything easier in the event of a horrible catastrophe. And given who your master is I can only assume…”

  “Thank you so much!” Arial jumped over the table and wrapped her arms around Cynthia. She grabbed the paper off the desk. “I’m going to show everyone!”

  “You still need to sign it!” Cynthia yelled but Ariel was already out the door looking for Jinx or Mirage.

  Ariel rushed through the hallways looking for the two other familiars. Truthfully, she was jealous of the time Jinx and Mirage got to spend together. It was another reason she hated being the queen. While she was stuck in an office with Cynthia being forced to study or read and sign documents the others were either cooking, fighting, or just cuddling up in front of a fire.

  “Jinx! Mirage!” Ariel yelled while flying around the first floor of the massive manor. After not finding them on the first floor she headed directly toward the master bedroom on the fourth floor. The only reason Jinx ever went to t
he basement was to take gemstones from the vault to look at so the odds of finding them both there was low. She was a shockingly simple beast.

  Jinx also intimidated Ariel. While they got along well enough, they butted heads frequently. It was mostly because Jinx had no sense of decorum. She was rude, brash, and violent. Not civilized in the least.

  “Are you guys up here?” Jinx yelled as she burst into the master bedroom. She loved the master bedroom because it was massive, luxurious, and opened to a gorgeous rooftop garden. It was easily her favorite room in the house.

  “What do you want? Gnat. Insect.” Jinx groaned from the bathtub. The enormous bathtub was another thing Ariel loved about the room. It was big enough to fit everybody with plenty of room to spare.

  “Is something wrong Ariel?” Mirage smiled at her. Ariel loved Mirage’s smile but everybody did. It was beautiful and made her feel safe and loved. You’d never guess she was a skilled assassin. Although Ariel imagined that her sweet smiled contributed to her effectiveness. “You look flustered. Do you need help with something?”

  Ariel was instantly jealous. Jinx and Mirage were both naked relaxing in a flower petal bath while she was stuck in an office with Cynthia for hours, it was irritating. She nearly forgot about her news.

  “Guess what this paper says?” Ariel excitedly held up her paper. Jinx looked annoyed but Mirage smiled at her and listened patiently. “It says we’re a family!”

  “We’re already a family. Dimwit. Bugbrain.” Jinx stretched her arms exposing her perky breasts. Ariel felt she was doing that on purpose since she knew Ariel was self-conscious about having the smallest chest among the familiars. While she was short and skinny with no chest or curves, Jinx was short with an athletic build and a good-sized chest. Then there was Mirage, she had a curvaceous body neither Jinx nor Ariel could ever hope to compete with. Regardless, Ariel was pretty sure Jinx was showing off her breasts on purpose to irritate her. It was working.

  “That’s so exciting,” Mirage said sweetly while leaning over the edge of the tub. Ariel couldn’t stop leering at Mirage’s enormous breasts. “We should have a party of some kind.”

  “Huh?” Ariel asked snapping out of her envious trance. “Right! A party! That sounds like fun!”

  “Great!” Mirage said happily. “We’ll get started as soon as we’re done with our bath. Care to join us?”

  “I don’t know,” Ariel said anxiously. She really wanted to relax in the bathtub but knew that Cynthia would be angry if she shirked her duties. The last time she spent a day avoiding work Cynthia made her work nonstop through the night to catch up, “I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Then go away. You’re annoying. Bug. Idiot.” Jinx said gruffly. She was always so pointlessly mean when Ariel was nothing but nice to her. It drove her crazy. It seemed no matter how nice she tried to be to Jinx it was met with more impoliteness.

  “You know what,” Ariel pulled off her sundress. “I will join you.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Mirage sighed as Ariel removed her lace panties. “Fairies are so lucky. You always look so youthful and beautiful.”

  “She’s nothing special. You’re a shapeshifter. You can look however you want. Cow. Hag.”

  “It’s not the same,” Mirage pouted as Ariel slipped into the bathtub. Ariel relaxed as the warm water and floral aromas washed over her. She didn’t even notice Mirage move right next to her. Mirage appeared to notice it making Ariel self-conscious. “What? Would you like me to move away?”

  “No,” Ariel muttered while staring at Mirage’s generous curves, something Ariel would never have. Mirage always complimented Ariel for looking perpetually young but it seemed ridiculous coming from such a tall sexy woman. Cynthia was one of the curviest of the fairies and she had a handful in the chest at best. “It’s fine.”

  “Fine doesn’t mean fine,” Mirage stroked Ariel’s face. Mirage’s touch was like a hot towel, Ariel loved it. “It means tolerable. Do you dislike me?”

  “No!” Ariel objected, embarrassed by her insecurity.

  “She’s jealous of your boobs,” Jinx grumbled. “Your enormous utters make everybody here uncomfortable. Bimbo. Harlot.”

  “Sweetheart,” Mirage laughed and aggressively hugged Ariel. Mirage’s body was practically a furnace when it came to heat and being pressed up against her melted away Ariel’s stress. “You have nothing to be jealous of. You are gorgeous.”

  “I’m prettier,” Jinx growled. “Panderer. Dullard.”

  “Says the stupid beast,” Ariel huffed. She immediately regretted the words as Jinx leaped toward her. She tried to break free from Mirage’s grasp and escape.

  “Stop it, both of you!” Mirage chided while holding back Jinx with one hand and Ariel with the other. Ariel felt a bit sorry for Mirage always having to get between the two when Jericho was away. Even though she was the newest familiar it seemed she had the most responsibility in terms of running things. “This is supposed to be relaxing!”

  “Hmph,” Ariel pouted while hiding behind Mirage. “She started it. She is not prettier than me!”

  “Of course I am!” Jinx stood up showing her tan acrobatic body covered in pale stripes. Ariel knew she was right but would never admit it. Jinx’s curves were perfect for her tiny frame and her subtle muscles tightened everything. “The bug is not prettier than me! Fools! Fatheads!”

  “You two are ridiculous,” Mirage laughed while pulling Jinx down. “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re each going to say five things you like about each other.”

  “I will not!” Ariel objected. She could easily come up with five things she liked about the beast but if she let her know them, she would never hear the end of it. The beast was arrogant enough without giving her more reasons.

  “I don’t have five nice things to say,” Jinx turned away angrily. “The gnat is a good for nothing pest. Dunce. Nitwit.”

  “Really?” Mirage asked playfully. “But the other day weren’t you telling me about how Ariel had an absolutely amazing tongue? You talked about it for…”

  “Quiet!” Jinx’s face turned bright red. “I said no such thing! Loudmouth. Heifer.”

  “Really?” Ariel beamed proudly. It was true that both her master and Jinx had previously expressed delight at the feel of her tongue but she thought they were just trying to make her feel good, “You think I’m amazing?”

  “I didn’t say that!” Jinx glared furiously at Mirage. “Fine! I said you had an amazing tongue! That’s all! I did not say I think you’re amazing! Worm! Pest.”

  “Now,” Mirage positioned herself completely behind Ariel and began running her hands up and down her arms spreading warmth and relaxation. Mirage’s hot breath brushed up against Ariel’s ear. “Don’t you have something nice to say to Jinx?”

  “I think you’re pretty,” Ariel mumbled inaudibly.

  “Ariel,” Mirage scolded while moving her hands to Ariel’s narrow waist. Mirage pulled her closer as her large warm breast pushed into Ariel’s back. “You have to tell her.”

  “I think you’re pretty,” Ariel felt her heart pounding. She didn’t want to tell that stupid beast that. Of all the people she didn’t want to say that to, that dumb animal was number one on her list. Now she would lord that over her for the rest of her life.

  “You’re pretty too,” Jinx responded. “For a fairy. Nuisance. Wimp.”

  “Really? I think you’re really brave,” Ariel let out a moan as Mirage’s fingers worked their way down to her pussy. “Mirage!”

  “Shh,” Mirage whispered and nodded toward Jinx. “You’re doing so well getting along with Jinx.”

  “You are kind and everybody likes you,” Jinx said somewhat huffily. It was clearly something that got to her. It’d never occurred to Ariel before that Jinx could be bothered by anything since she was so strong and confident, “And you’re elegant. Whiner. Crybaby.”

  “You’re both doing great,” Mirage moaned in Ariel’s ear. “Keep going.”

’re so confident,” Ariel moaned as Mirage’s fingers probed her pussy. Mirage deftly maneuvered her fingers to find her sensitive spot and rubbed on it while massaging her clit with her other hand. She gasped as Mirage started kissing her neck and biting on her earlobe. “And strong. Not just in fighting. You’re so sexy and confident and I wish I could be like that.”

  “You don’t have to be like that,” Jinx said swimming closer to Ariel. Her face was bright red and her eyes were fixated on the side of Ariel’s’ neck Mirage wasn’t on. “You have that amazing tongue and otherworldly pussy. You feel and taste so good. Sap. Dolt.”

  “Speaking of sap,” Mirage pulled her finger up from the water and licked it. She laughed. “God, you are delicious.”

  “Oh god,” Ariel moaned as Jinx licked her collarbone. She was sandwiched between the two beautiful familiars unable to move as both of them lapped at her neck. “What’s happening?”

  “Do you like it?” Mirage moaned in her ear. “You’ve seemed so stressed lately. You’re always with Cynthia working. I thought it might be fun to help you relax.”

  “I like it,” Ariel whined as Mirage’s fingers vigorously penetrated her. Jinx explored Ariel’s body freely touching whatever she wanted. Jinx pinched her sensitive nipples while biting into her neck, “Ouch.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” Jinx growled in her ear. “It means I like you. At least as much as someone can like a stupid fairy. Weakling. Mouse.”

  “Don’t stop,” Ariel bit Jinx’s collar bone catching her completely off guard. “I like you too. As much as someone can like a stupid beast.”

  “You’re both so sexy,” Mirage smiled and playfully bit into Ariel’s neck while reaching around to pinch Jinx’s nipple. “Ariel, stand up for me.”

  “Stand up?” Ariel asked as the two released her. She timidly rose out of the water and felt extremely vulnerable. All of her most intimate places were on display for the two women in the bath. Before she realized what was happening Mirage had begun licking her asshole. “Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!”


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