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Page 11

by Tamryn Tamer

  Jericho and Niraxi both burst forward with explosive power attempting to strike each other’s vitals while dodging each other’s attacks. Jericho seamlessly wove magic in with his attacks utilizing the earth beneath his feet to launch him into the sky and attack from above or explosive blasts to distract his opponent before a punch.

  Niraxi’s attacks landed on the barrier like a mountain crashing on a small house. There was no amount of resolve that could withstand the full might of the fallen prince for too long. He similarly began weaving in dark magic and launching attacks from multiple directions while forcing Jericho to move where he wanted.

  “This is so much fun,” Niraxi laughed while meeting Jericho’s fist with his and following up with a brutal headbutt to Jericho’s snout. Even through the barrier of light, he felt the force of the fallen prince’s strikes. “You’re even more fun than a Seraph!”

  “Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Jericho said using his illusion magic to create a flashbang before ramming the prince. Niraxi quickly dashed backward avoiding the full brunt of the tackle and countering with a kick to the sternum. “Fuck.”

  Prince Niraxi was breathing heavily but Jericho was unsure if he was excited or exhausted, maybe a combination. He seemed to be enjoying himself more the longer the fight went on.

  “Come on,” Niraxi said. “Is that the last of your tricks? Or is this everything?”

  “There’s always more,” Jericho grinned wickedly thinking of the brief time he had left in elemental and sensory overload. He was going to find out how far he could push it. It wasn’t about strength, his opponent was a mage, he needed to beat him with magic and the only magic that could break through his armor was light. Jericho was going to give that to him.

  “What?” Niraxi covered his eyes as the entire room became a plain of blinding white light.

  Jericho began his transformation, he wasn’t sure it would work. It wasn’t enough to look the part, he needed to truly change. He started increasing the number of veins and arteries inside of him and reinforced his heart with light. Whatever light didn’t fill he strengthened with raw elemental power. He became a Seraph.

  “Here I come,” Jericho said creating a blast of air behind him increasing his speed as his large wings caught the burst. He created illusions in front of him and made the entire room flicker rapidly like a strobe light.

  “No!” Niraxi yelled sending out another powerful shockwave of dark magic.

  Jericho adjusted his light barrier to be a sharp edge deflecting most of the massive force and sent his illusions flying into the walls as if they were real. Jericho continued forward with the wind at his back and was almost on top of the fallen prince.

  “I got him!” a voice said from behind Niraxi tricking him into turning as Jericho transformed his arm into a spear wrapped in light magic and brought it down into Niraxi’s skull. Prince Niraxi’s dark armor dissipated and a red and black corpse dropped to the floor.

  “That was unexpected,” Mai said.

  “Stab him again! Halfwit! Moron!” Jinx squeaked from the far end of the hall as the illusions all dissipated.

  Jericho took her advice and stabbed him several more times with his spear like arm before his magic finally gave way, his body reverted, and he dropped to the ground so hungry it was painful. It felt like his stomach was eating itself.

  “Mai,” Jericho gestured toward the corpse. “Keep stabbing.”

  “Why?” Mai asked confused as she walked toward him with Mirage and Jinx in her arms. “He’s already dead.”

  “Just stab him about a hundred more times,” Jericho said glancing back at the disheveled demon. “Just for my peace of mind.”

  “Alright,” Mai said pulling out her sword and stabbing him in the heart. “One. Two. Three.”

  “You really going to make her do it a hundred times darling?” Mirage laughed. She’d been drinking healing potions and it seemed most of her major wounds were already healing nicely. “Seems a bit excessive.”

  “Eight. Nine. Ten.”

  “I just need the break,” Jericho panted while eating a chocolate bar. “Everything is burning. And we need to take his head and look for treasure before we leave.”

  “Sixteen. Seventeen.”

  “Alright,” Mirage said. “I could use the break as well.”

  “Any treasure we find is mine! Thieves! Robbers!” Jinx meowed.

  “Twenty-three. Twenty-four. Twenty-five…” Mai continued to stab.

  Chapter 11

  Loot Distribution Discord

  “You did it,” Theia said in shock as Jericho dumped all of their loot as well as the head of Prince Niraxi on the table. “That’s…that’s…I can’t believe it…”

  “Believe it,” Jericho smacked the angelic beauty’s ass.

  “Master!” Theia wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his neck. “I’m so happy!”

  “So, nobody else finds it a bit disturbing that his new familiar is moved to tears by a severed head?” Terra looked around. The familiars all clearly had no issue with it. “Alright, just me I suppose.”

  “It’s not just a severed head,” Theia said. “When I deliver that the Seraphim will increase our ranks!”

  “Our?” Jericho asked looking at her. “I don’t really care about reputation or ranks. You can have it all.”

  “Really?” Theia said in disbelief. “But, that’s too much!”

  “It’s fine,” Jericho pecked her forehead affectionately. “I’m more interested in the other loot we’ve found.”

  “Mine!” Jinx had already sorted the gems and jewelry into a pile and claimed it as her own. It was clear she was still exhausted and it was taking everything she had to maintain her human form. “Anybody tries to touch it and they’ll lose a hand! Vagabonds! Bandits!”

  “Don’t worry sweetie,” Mirage said patting Jinx. Despite consuming dozens of healing potions her scars still had yet to heal from the battle. It’d likely take at least a day for her to fully recover. “You earned your share. As for me…I want this.”

  “Like hell!” Terra said fighting Mirage for the legendary bow. It was called Trivium and while it carried insane stats the real power was its active ability, Trivia. While it could only be activated once a day the ability made it so the next three shots were all infused with dark magic. “I’m the only ranger here! That bow is mine!”

  “You died,” Mirage said authoritatively while maintaining her grip on the bow. “And even while you were alive you were useless. Did you land a single shot?”

  “That’s not the way it works,” Terra growled. “Ranged gets the ranged weapons.”

  “Ridiculous,” Mirage said. “This is the only thing I want and I contributed more. How is that fair?”

  “You only want it because you know I want it!” Terra yelled unable to break Mirage’s hold on the weapon. “Jericho! Say something.”

  “Mirage,” Jericho chuckled. “Can’t you let Terra have the bow? You’re not even going to use it.”

  “Darling,” Mirage gave him a pouty look. It was particularly effective due to her numerous injuries. “After everything I did, you’d take her side?”

  “Don’t fall for it!” Terra snapped. “She’s just doing this to annoy me.”

  “Can’t you find a compromise,” Jericho looked at Mirage. “Terra really wants the bow and you’ll never use it.”

  “I suppose,” Mirage looked at Terra wickedly. “There is something she could do…”

  “What?” Terra asked suspiciously.

  “Beg,” Mirage smiled. “Get on your hands and knees and beg me for it.”

  “Like fucking hell,” Terra snapped.

  “Then you must not want it very badly,” Mirage said sweetly. “I’d happily beg for it.”

  “Goddammit,” Terra glared daggers at Jericho who was staying out of it. Terra looked back at Mirage and then to the group. “Let’s find another…”

  “No,” Mirage smiled. “I want to do it here.” />
  “You’re an evil bitch,” Terra snapped as Mirage continued to smile. She leaned in until she was an inch from Mirage’s face and smirked. “I want you to enjoy this. Savor this even. I want it to be emblazoned in your memory. Because, one day you’ll need my help and the things I’m going to make you do to get it, well, that’s just something to look forward to.”

  “That doesn’t sound like begging,” Mirage said sweetly.

  “Please,” Terra dropped to her knees. “Please let me have the bow.”

  “Not sincere enough,” Mirage shook her head. “I don’t feel your heart’s in it.”

  “Please!” Terra moaned throwing herself at Terra’s feet. “Please! Please! Please! Let me have the bow!”

  “Better,” Mirage stuck her leg out. “But I think you can do even better if you put your mind to it.”

  “Please,” Terra angrily kissed Mirage’s calves and moved up her thigh. “Please Mirage, can I have the bow? Pretty please.”

  “Are you just begging because of the bow?” Mirage asked. “Or because I’m better than you?”

  “God…” Terra cut herself off and clenched her teeth. “Because you’re so much better than me. You’re smarter and prettier and stronger than me. Please, can I have the bow?”

  “Lady Mirage’s power is truly awe-inspiring,” Mai stared fascinated.

  “Higher,” Mirage commanded as Terra moved up her thigh. Mirage reached under her skirt and slid her panties to the side. “Higher…”

  “Please,” Terra growled as she reached Mirage’s pussy and peppered it with kisses. “Please, can I have the bow.”

  “Yes,” Mirage handed Terra the bow. “I suppose if you’re going to beg me so shamelessly, I have no choice.”

  “You’re a cunt,” Terra snapped while grabbing the bow. “I hope you enjoyed yourself because…”

  “I actually found it boring,” Mirage smiled. “You can’t even beg right. It’s a wonder why Jericho keeps you around.”

  “Goddammit,” Terra stomped over to a chair and plopped down angrily. She began caressing her new legendary bow. “I can’t wait to test this.”

  “Ariel?” Jericho asked the fairy that’d been standing quietly in a corner the entire time. “Did you want something from the pile?”

  “But I didn’t do anything,” Ariel said. “I stayed home because I’m not very useful.”

  “That’s wrong!” Theia insisted while grabbing Ariel’s hand and pulling her to the table. “Jericho is our champion and it’s our job to make sure he wants for nothing so he can focus on more important things! If we went into battle, we’d just die! Then what? Instead, we make sure that potions are mixed, weapons are sharpened, armor is repaired, and food is provided. By doing this we ensure our champion succeeds! It is just as important to serve! All Seraphim know this!”

  “Jesus,” Terra laughed. “You’ve acquired a fifties housewife.”

  “You weren’t complaining yesterday,” Jericho joked. “In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so relaxed.”

  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” Terra blushed.

  “I can really pick something?” Ariel asked looking over the massive pile of treasures. “It’s okay?”

  “Take whatever you want darling,” Mirage said patting Ariel’s head. “As for me, I’ll be taking those Sylph Sandals.”

  “Is it okay if I have this?” Ariel pulled out a baseball-sized white sphere that glowed as soon as she touched it. “It’s pretty.”

  “Sure,” Jericho said staring at it. The item was listed as a legendary trinket offering extraordinarily high regeneration, universally considered a garbage stat. “It’s called Caeresis Sphaera.”

  “Thank you,” Ariel said hugging her glowing sphere. “It’s warm and makes me happy.”

  “What about you?” Jericho looked at Mai who had yet to choose anything. “Don’t you want something?”

  “No,” Mai said coldly. “I don’t see how any of them would make me stronger.”

  “Then just pick something you want,” Jinx said nuzzling up against her pile of jewelry and gemstones. “That’s what I do. Dunce. Bore.”

  “Something I want?” Mai looked at the items strewn about the table. She reached across the table ignoring the legendary and epic items and picked a novelty item, Dancing Arachne, a toy spider that danced when you tapped it. “I want this.”

  “Good choice,” Mirage said patting Mai’s head.

  “What about you?” Ariel asked as Jericho sat down.

  “Hm,” Jericho looked over the pile. There wasn’t anything he really wanted and it was going to go down to storage anyway. He picked up The Eye of Lynceus, a legendary ring offering no stats. He placed it on his finger and the clothing of everyone in the room vanished. He took the ring off and the clothing reappeared. He repeated the action several times to be sure. “I’ll take this.”

  “Wait a minute,” Terra glanced over at the ring. “Lynceus? Let me see that for a second.”

  “You already have your bow,” Jericho said. “This is mine.”

  “Listen here Gollum,” Terra said pulling out a short blade. “You can give me the ring or I’ll cut it off your finger.”

  “You got your bow I get the ring!” Jericho said while keeping the table between him and Terra. “It’s just a ring.”

  “Just a ring my ass,” Terra growled. “Lynceus. I know that name. He had x-ray vision.”

  “X-ray vision?” Ariel asked confused.

  “He can see through clothing!” Terra snapped as Jericho scanned her curvy body. “He’s doing it right now!”

  “What?” Jinx fixated on Jericho’s finger. “Give me the ring! Lecher! Adulterer!”

  “Darling if you want to see somebody naked, I can just transform into them for you,” Mirage said while moving to block his exit. “Give me the ring.”

  “It’s what I chose from the pile,” Jericho grinned lasciviously as they surrounded him. Every inch of their naked bodies exposed to him. It was no wonder the ring offered no stats, it offered something better. “Everybody else got something.”

  “Is this some sort of game?” Theia asked, her perky breasts bouncing as she joined the others surrounding Jericho.

  “I wish to play,” Mai said coldly.

  “Yes,” Terra said leading the group. “It’s a game of get the ring. Even if you need to cut it off his finger.”

  “Hold on,” Jericho held out his hands and took off the ring, “hear me out.” Jericho feigned tossing the ring in the air while creating a million illusionary duplicates. Simultaneously he duplicated the room and started making it spin throwing the others off balance and allowing him to dash out.

  “Get him!” Terra said stumbling to the ground.

  “Darling,” Mirage blinked in front of him barring him from the library and Jinx leaped at him from behind. Fortunately, he sensed her spirit and was able to dodge causing Jinx to land on Mirage as he rushed up the stairs. “You can’t run forever!”

  “Dammit! Rake! Pervert!” Jinx yelled as Jericho created an ice wall to block their chase. Jinx smashed through it with a single punch and Mirage was once again right behind him.

  “We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Mirage said. “Your choice my love!”

  “Hard way,” Jericho said changing the hallways into a shifting labyrinth causing Mirage to blink into a wall.

  “Ow!” Mirage said as she climbed back to her feet. Mai and Jinx sprinted past her, both able to easily navigate the illusions. “Get him!”

  “This is fun,” Mai said leaping at Jericho only to miss as he rapidly shrunk himself and continued upstairs. He knew if he reached the rooftop he could escape. All he needed to do was escape and find a place to hide the ring.

  He reached the master bedroom only to find his way blocked by Theia and Ariel who flew directly to the roof. Theia was using a powerful barrier of light to prevent him from escaping the manor and the others were coming up behind. He was trapped.

�Theia,” Jericho said authoritatively. “I command you to release the barrier and let me through.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t,” Theia said shaking her head. “Allowing you to keep that object would be a disservice.”

  “And the others will be angry if we let you through,” Ariel said as Jericho’s lusty gaze fixated on her pink pussy. “I really don’t mind if you have the ring, but the others will be upset.”

  “Traitors!” Jericho said contemplating blowing a hole in the wall.

  “Don’t even think about it!” Terra said as the others arrived up the stairs surrounding him. “Just give us the ring.”

  “No!” Jericho said removing the ring and putting it in his mouth and signaling to back off.

  “Do you really think we won’t cut that out of you?” Terra asked.

  “You can’t cut me in a safe zone,” Jericho corrected with the ring in his mouth. “Back off.”

  “Darling,” Mirage said moving forward. “Do you really think we have to cut it out?” Mirage transformed her arm into a long thin tentacle. “I wouldn’t recommend swallowing that ring.”

  “Goddammit!” Jericho said removing the ring from his mouth. He looked at Mirage with pleading eyes, “Mirage, after all the things…”

  “No!” Jinx rushed forward and snatched the ring from his hand. Before anybody could react, she’d placed it on the ground and began pummeling it with her Dioscuri. “Die! Die! Die! Die! Trash! Curse!”

  “Why?” Jericho dropped to his knees as sadness overwhelmed him.

  “Use this,” Mirage said handing Jinx her dagger which sliced through the ring. Within moments the ring was just fragments of its former glory. “Good.”

  “I’m sorry,” Theia said wrapping her arms around Jericho. “It was for the best master.”

  “Yeah,” Ariel said hugging the miserable mage. “I know it’s hard now but we’ll make it up to you.”

  “How?” Jericho asked angrily.


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