Labyrinth Academy 1: Trials: an Urban Fantasy academy romance

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Labyrinth Academy 1: Trials: an Urban Fantasy academy romance Page 15

by JA Wren

  Sure, she’d longed for his touch a minute ago, but not like this. And not while Evelyn was almost on top of them.

  She was struggling to take a deep breath, her lungs finding it hard to suck in enough oxygen with two bodies wedged too close. She’d never really thought she was claustrophobic, had never been on the verge of a panic attack while in a confined space, but maybe she was.

  Maybe she’d simply never been in a situation that brought it out of her.

  “Don’t worry,” Evelyn said softly. “They’ll adore you. I just know it.”

  Rayna tried to smile but even she could feel it was strained. If they all wanted a piece of her, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be liked. Maybe it was better if they were indifferent? She’d never been the one in the spotlight, always preferred the shadows. It was safer. Less room for disappointment.

  Or maybe she’d been conditioned to prefer being invisible.

  You can’t hurt what you don’t see.

  As long as she didn’t get noticed as a child, her mother didn’t hurl insults at her, or taunt and belittle her. Well, the woman she’d believed to be her mother. Was that the real reason she’d hated Rayna? Because she wasn’t really hers?

  Her heart rapped harder against her ribcage with every beat, pumping blood through her veins way too fast.

  Did the woman even know Rayna wasn’t really her own flesh and blood?

  It would sure make it easier if it was true. Less personal. Something outside of her control, instead of being the loathed failure her mother always said she was. A burden. That part might’ve been true enough, since she’d been stuck with a child that wasn’t really her own.

  Rayna’s pendant warmed and hummed against her sternum, then glowed as Tink poked her little flaming head from the crystal.

  “OMG, you have a WillowWisp living in your necklace?” Evelyn exclaimed.

  She watched with rapt eyes as Tink drifted up to Rayna’s face and wrapped her tiny arms around her nose. A Wisp version of a hug. As loving as a regular hug, just, you know…miniaturized.

  She was so shocked, she didn’t even know how to return the gesture. Not like she could circle her arms around Tink’s tiny body. She pressed her forefinger to the Wisp’s head and rubbed her. Kind of like stroking a teeny, fiery pet.

  “You—you can touch it?” Evelyn asked, her voice barely above a whisper and full of utter awe.

  Her nose twitched beneath Tink. “Is that weird?”

  Evelyn grunted out a weird scoff. “Uh, yeah. Those things hate everyone and they’re always causing trouble. No one’s allowed to go near them, let alone touch one. I’m not really sure why, but we’re all told to keep our distance if we know what’s good for us. Most students do without being told since, you know, WillowWisps are kind of evil.”

  She cocked her head in a sort of bird-like tilt. “I’m surprised Headmistress Hale even let you keep it.”

  “Her,” Rayna corrected. “Her name is Tink. And she’s not evil.”

  At least Rayna didn’t think she was.

  Except she had almost led them to their death back inside the labyrinth, so maybe a little evil.

  “Oh. Well, it’s nice to meet you.” Evelyn tried to reach out towards the Wisp, but Tink sent little lighting sparks at her fingers and she backed off with a yelp.

  Asher snickered. “Maybe you should try singing to her.”

  Evelyn glared at him. “Are you allowed to touch it, firebird?”

  He shook his head. “Only Rayna’s been given the honor. And her name is Tink, in case that didn’t sink in the first time. I didn’t realize Sirens were hard of hearing. Is that from having to listen to your own voices all the time?”

  Rayna could’ve sworn Evelyn’s cheekbones sharpened, a hint of the creature she’d turned into earlier when the guy at the pool had splashed her with water.

  “One tiny little tune and you’d be kneeling at my feet, shifter,” she whispered, her quiet voice dripping with scorn as she spat the last word like an insult. “Best you remember your place in this academy. You might be joined at the hip to a Spiritual, but you’re still just a Physical. There’s a distinct chain of power here, and you’re definitely not at the top of it.”

  Heat radiated off Asher, plumes of literal smoke rising from his shoulders.

  He took a step closer to Evelyn, and Rayna quickly dumped the shopping bag at her feet and wedged herself solidly between them.

  She held out her arms, pressing her free palm to Evelyn’s shoulder to hold her back. Her linked hand rested against Asher’s chest, the rapid thrum of his heart beating too fast beneath her fingers.

  He wrapped his hand around her bound wrist, squeezing gently. She didn’t know if he was about to push her aside, or if he simply needed to touch her the same way she needed to feel his skin on hers.

  Nor did she know which worried her the most.

  She swallowed against the dry rasp in her throat. “Okay, how about we all chill out, huh?”

  Asher dipped his head and stepped back while keeping a tight grip on her wrist, diffusing the combustive energy between them.

  Thank God.

  She didn’t think she’d really be able to keep the two of them from blowing up the entire building.

  Uh, make that Asher doing the fiery detonation.

  Evelyn burst into laughter. “See?” she said through her cackles. “You already defer to Rayna. Maybe you do know your place around here after all.”

  Rayna liked it better when the two ignored each other. Far less dangerous than their current situation. Apparently phoenix shifters and Sirens did not get along.

  Maybe she should think about keeping a notebook for all these new details she was learning.

  “Well,” she said, trying to break through the wall of ice between her two companions. “I, uh, need to clean up and change now that I have a non-bloody outfit. Right?” She smiled. Or tried to, anyway. “Thank you so much again for the change of clothes and other…goodies.”

  She wasn’t sure what that meant exactly. Hopefully soap or something to wash the blood off her skin and out of her hair.

  Evelyn glanced back at Rayna and her face softened instantly, the sharpness in her bone structure disappearing. “You’re welcome. I’d escort you to the dining hall in the morning, but I have a meeting with one of the professors right before then, so I might be a little late. You, on the other hand, need to make your grand entrance on time.”

  Grand entrance?

  This wasn’t a debutant ball.

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” Evelyn reached into the bag Rayna had dropped when the two almost came to blows. She pulled out a folder and handed it to Rayna. “Your class schedule, detailed syllabus with a list of requirements, campus rules and regulations, and a map. Like I said earlier, you shouldn’t get lost, but it can’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the layout.”

  Rayna stared at the symbol embossed onto the front of the folder, yet another full moon with two crescents mirrored on either side of it. “What’s up with the moons?”

  Evelyn frowned. “Hale didn’t explain that, either?” At the shake of her head, the Siren sighed. “Labyrinth Academy was founded by three goddesses, each with ties to the moon. Hence the symbol. And why, as the daughter of the Primordial goddess of night, you’ll hold such high ranking. Kind of like academy royalty.”

  Evelyn wiggled her brows, but Rayna didn’t feel any of the importance the Siren was lumping on her shoulders.

  “Unless you have any other questions, I need to head out. Someone will bring you dinner a bit later, but I suggest getting lots of rest. Tomorrow’s a big day and you need to be your brightest to meet everyone.”

  With a cute finger-wave directed at Rayna and a glare at Asher, Evelyn headed back down the hallway, disappearing through the huge wooden door with the carved woman.

  “You realize she’s trying to get into your pants, right?”

  Rayna spun on her heel and gaped at Asher. “What?”

  He laughe
d, then shut the dorm room door. “The Siren. She’s clearly making a play for your affections. Batting her eyelashes at you. Doing that hair flip thing all the damn time. And let’s not even mention that annoyingly coy smile that’s grating on my last freaking nerve.”

  “My affections?” Rayna grinned as she stared at him, his face scrunching up the more he spoke. “What era did you say you were from again?”

  He practically rolled his eyes, but his features didn’t lose the pinched expression. Kind of like a kid sulking when someone took his favorite toy.

  And then it all dawned on her, and her smile widened. “You’re jealous.”

  A deep rumble echoed from his chest. “I’m not jealous of the Siren.”

  “You are.” She set the bag Evelyn had left her down on the narrow bed. “And while I usually find the green-eyed monster incredibly juvenile, on you it’s kinda cute.”

  “So, I’m cute again, huh?”

  She nodded as she upended the bag and emptied the contents on the bed. “I think it has something to do with the way your brows get all crinkly. Like one of those wrinkly puppies with too much skin for their bodies.”

  It went eerie quiet and Rayna turned to find him staring at her. “You’re…comparing me to a wrinkly puppy?”

  “A cute one.”

  She pressed her lips together and pretended not to notice his jaw slackening, trying very hard to keep her snickers to herself. He looked even cuter when he was shocked, but best not tell him that. He might never forgive her.

  Instead, she focused on the items Evelyn had purchased for her, feeling more and more grateful. The style wasn’t her usual taste, but the short dress was black, which would come in handy if she got any more bloodstains.

  Okay, hopefully she could go one day in this place without adding blood to her clothing.

  It was sort of corseted which she guessed was practical, since she was still tethered to Asher and straps presented an issue. The fitted bodice also meant she didn’t have to bother with a bra.

  “Is this what Evelyn meant by goth-glam?”

  Rayna glanced up at Asher’s question. He held a scrap of black lace hooked onto his index finger. “What—?”

  She cut herself off as she registered the lacey undies, heat rising in her cheeks as she snatched them from him. She shoved them under the black dress, trying desperately to ignore his chuckles. And the idea of Evelyn picking out something so intimate.

  Was he right about the Siren having a thing for her?

  If she did, it was likely because she’d dubbed Rayna as academy royalty, and she got the distinct impression Evelyn valued being on top.

  She propped her hands on her hips, then stared at Asher, defiantly trying to steel herself for the next part of the evening. “I’m covered in blood.”

  His face lost all its mirth, that low rumble emitting from his chest in a sort of growl. “I think I’ve noticed that by now. What with you almost dying in my arms again, and all.”

  Yeah, that needed to stop happening, or she might not come back from the dead for a third time. She wasn’t a phoenix that could keep rising from its own ashes. She’d already had her fair share of narrowly escaping death with her wrist being slit. And then being stabbed by the Winged-woman.

  Not that she wanted to think too hard about that. Which was part of the reason she needed to get rid of the blood splattered all over her. Get rid of the constant reminder of how close she’d come to leaving this world.

  Plus, breakfast with the entire academy wasn’t going to be the highlight of her day. Not the way Evelyn made it out to be. But she still didn’t want everyone staring at her because she was a bloody mess. And the sooner she cleaned up, the sooner she could crash into bed and sleep for a week.

  Uh, make that a few hours.

  “What I’m trying to say is,” Rayna pointed out. “I need to shower. No way am I getting clean enough with a couple swipes of a facecloth. Nor will that help get the blood and whatever the hell else out of my hair.” She swallowed against the lump in her throat and made sure to keep eye contact with him. Fake it, ‘til you make it, Knox. “A shower’s the only way.”

  She held up their bound wrists, hating the glowy string connecting them. As if this day hadn’t been hard enough, now she’d have to strip in front of a practical stranger. It would really help if she at least remembered their hot tryst from the night before. Then getting naked with the guy might not feel quite so weighted. “I’m going to need your help with that.”

  He smirked, eyes turning molten amber. “More than happy to give you an extra hand in the shower.”

  Her eyes widened. “Not what I meant.”

  “Then what did you mean?”

  Well, now that he was looking at her like that she couldn’t exactly remember. Nor could she get rid of the images dancing through her head. The two of them. In the shower. Naked and soapy. She almost reconsidered, but no, this wasn’t the time. Or the place.

  “I mean,” she said with a firm voice. “I need you to cooperate so I can get squeaky clean. Preferably without an audience.”

  He nodded, his face shifting to serious again. She didn’t know how he could keep jumping from teasing and flirty to serious so fast. Like the flick of a switch. So quick, it left her head spinning.

  “As long as you return the favor,” he said. “I might not be nearly as bloody as you, but I wouldn’t mind cleaning up.” He stopped her when she opened her mouth. “Separately, I promise. We’ll figure it out.”

  That didn’t fill her with much hope, but she was grateful he was being a good guy about it.

  “At least your new girlfriend was nice enough to include a change of clothes for me, too. She might not be so bad after all.” He laughed and held up the jeans and tee. “Or maybe she didn’t want me tainting your royal reputation.”

  Yeah. That seemed far more likely.


  The shower was a decent size. Bigger than the one in Rayna’s quaint, possibly haunted apartment. Which would have been awesome, except when you had a massive guy literally attached to you.

  Rayna eyed the shower and the sliding glass door, trying to figure out the best way to do this.

  “You know, I think the whole shower concept works best when you shed your clothes and turn the water on.”

  She rolled her eyes at his teasing. He leaned against the wall next to the shower while she analyzed the situation, desperately trying to find a way to do this without him climbing inside the stall with her.

  But he had a point. Might as well get on with it.

  Boots came off first, and she placed them safely out of the way of the spray, just in case. Evelyn hadn’t added any sort of footwear to her goodie bag, so she couldn’t risk losing her only pair.

  She ripped the makeshift bandage from her wrist, marveling at the fully healed skin. Was this one of her new quirks, or thanks to the academy?

  Over-the-knee socks came next, then the crystal necklace which she tucked into the soft cradle of her socks so Tink wouldn’t get hurt. Somewhere along the lines—probably during the nose-hugs—she’d become protective of the little Wisp. And there was the issue of everyone else at the academy despising Tink’s species.

  No wonder the WillowWisps always caused trouble. No one liked being hated simply because of what they were. Rayna was a little too familiar with being loathed for no apparent reason.

  With a deep breath, she reached for the straps of her dress Asher had tied together that morning. She couldn’t believe it had only been a few hours. Felt more like she’d known him for days, or even lifetimes. Like there was an invisible tether connecting them even deeper than the stupid string around her wrist.

  She was working the strap knots when he turned around, holding his arm at an awkward angle to give her as much privacy as he could. Her heart gave a weird flutter and gratitude surged within her.

  Except she couldn’t get the damn knots loose with one hand and using both meant pulling his arm almost out of its sock
et with his back turned.

  “Um, Asher?”


  Did she imagine the rough croak in his voice? It was only one word, and yet it resonated with something low and seductive.

  “Could you give me a hand?” Her words were soft and hesitant, nervous energy dripping from her even though that seemed ridiculous after everything they’d been through together. “I can’t untie the knots you made in my dress.”

  A beat of silence followed before he slowly shifted around to face her. She smiled at his closed eyes, wondering if any guy in history had ever been so chivalrous in this kind of situation.

  She laughed, because what were the chances anyone had ever been in the same situation?

  A million to one?

  He held up his hands. “Direct me, and I’ll get your dress off.”

  God, why did her brain go straight to the gutter? It played out a totally different, far steamier version of him ripping the thing off her, then devouring her mouth in a heated kiss. Rayna licked her lips, so damn thankful he couldn’t see the scarlet blush in her cheeks.

  Tentatively, she took his hands and placed them on her shoulder, right over the little tie. She expected him to work the knot, but instead tiny flames rose from his fingers and burned the straps so they instantly sagged off her shoulder.

  She let out a yelp, but the flames didn’t burn her at all. Just like earlier in the labyrinth and again when he’d gotten them to safety after the wolves attacked.

  “Why doesn’t it burn?” she asked as she moved his fiery hands to her opposite shoulder so he could do the same to the other strap.

  “My body’s designed to withstand the fire.”

  She grunted. “I meant, why doesn’t it burn me?”

  His face tightened, mouth pinching as he said, “The fire’s a part of me. An extension of my body.”

  Why did that sound so dirty?

  Oh right, because she stood in front of him in nothing but her underwear, and he was freaking gorgeous. Never mind the way his voice deepened and turned husky. Or the fact she was burning up from his close proximity, from the warmth in his fingers as they touched her skin.


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